Added sketch, which also supports an additional mini PIR sensor. It's what I needed, you can comment to #define out.
Also changed the regulator to a smaller one, which supplies up to 100 milli Amp, which is plenty enough. That way I can keep the circuit smaller on the PCB. Which allows me to create a smaller housing.
I successfully worked around the issue by updating the /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2022.1/Plugins/MySensors.indigoPlugin/Contents/Server Plugin
/ script to recognize the internal 21 code.
Here's the diff:
< "GATEWAY_READY" : [14, "Gateway ready", ""]
"GATEWAY_READY" : [14, "Gateway ready", ""],
"DISCOVER_RESPONSE" : [21, "Discover response", ""]
elif itemType == self.getInternalNumber("DISCOVER_RESPONSE"):
# 21 Ignore
P.S. Indigo 2022.1 is complaining about this plugin that it won't be supported in future releases. Is there anyone out there planning to update this plugin?
I replied in the nrf51822 thread. Yes I managed to make it work like the original with BLE stack. And using the wonderful Cypress Proc BLE solution including capsense and lots of goodies . Cypress really rocks! I love them.
The current consumption was lowered to 200uA without being connected and 700uA connected. Those numbers include LEDs current consumption and other blocks like touch sensing.
I'll get back with more updates when it's finished.
You would use PID if you have a temperature feedback from the rooms, but in your case you are not interested so it doesn't matter much. Sure turning off pump when not needed is a good thing. I have colleague that also bought a few netatmo devices to control floor heating of some zones of his house and he is very happy.
When you read the data sheet correctly you can see, that the distance between the pins is different for a AA and AAA battery holder. That`s why I was asking if somebody can recommend a holder that fits.