ENC28J60 and EtherCard

  • Hallo. I would like to use EtherCard lib with ENC28J60: is it possible? The only example I see on Build section is created by using UIPEthernet lib. Is there any code example to create a gateway with EtherCard library? Is anyone using ENC28J60 based gateway together with EtherCard?
    I some haveing some problem with UIPEthernet since I receive ETH:FAIL and I cannot ping my gateway. The ENC28J60 module is working because if I compile an example with EtherCard I can ping it; similarly, I've created a web server and it's working.

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  • As I recall the ENC28J60 is haveing the IP protocol on memory of the Arduino, most likely you will run out of memory and getting weirds errors/reboots
    When using the Ethercard/W5100 shield, this one have the IP protocol embedded and then there is room for Mysensors code adn other stuff in the memory

  • Finally I've solved. I'm still using UIPEthernet sincee my problem was the use of DHT library (last rev) with UIPEhernet lib.
    I was having a restart of teh ETH port each time I was reading Temp/hum. I've changed into SimpleDHT lib and now it's working fine. I'm using a mix of W5100 and ENC28J60.

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