ENC28J60 and EtherCard
Hallo. I would like to use EtherCard lib with ENC28J60: is it possible? The only example I see on Build section is created by using UIPEthernet lib. Is there any code example to create a gateway with EtherCard library? Is anyone using ENC28J60 based gateway together with EtherCard?
I some haveing some problem with UIPEthernet since I receive ETH:FAIL and I cannot ping my gateway. The ENC28J60 module is working because if I compile an example with EtherCard I can ping it; similarly, I've created a web server and it's working.
As I recall the ENC28J60 is haveing the IP protocol on memory of the Arduino, most likely you will run out of memory and getting weirds errors/reboots
When using the Ethercard/W5100 shield, this one have the IP protocol embedded and then there is room for Mysensors code adn other stuff in the memory
Finally I've solved. I'm still using UIPEthernet sincee my problem was the use of DHT library (last rev) with UIPEhernet lib.
I was having a restart of teh ETH port each time I was reading Temp/hum. I've changed into SimpleDHT lib and now it's working fine. I'm using a mix of W5100 and ENC28J60.
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