@yoshida hi!
Im not sure where you get that #9 should be A5? Looks right to me. The pin is connected to pin 9, and that is D3.
For a rotary encoder, it depends on your input - but don't you want an analog signal in? In that case you use the analog pins.
Edit: offcourse, if you use a module converting it to digital like described in the the build section you use a digital pin.
I have already published all the documentation, on my website, GitHub and openhardware.io
For now I leave the node as finished.
SmartHome: Wireless LED RGBW Controller – 00:55— giltesa
@Tommas Hi, now I've posted a device for sale on Tindie, if it's still relevant for you https://www.tindie.com/products/avikmen/usb-rf-gateway-with-stm32-and-nrf24-in-case/
@Samuel235 said:
Just one of many ideas, the possibilties are endless. I'de always go for RGB leds over just white, allows for more customisation while able to still give you the same white as the white leds.
... unless, as in my use case, colors are not needed.
I'm too stingy to pay for the unused dry powder!
@tbowmo more out of curiosity, and from someone that just got started on electronics, so please sorry if this sounds like very noob, but, would it not be safer to plug the V_TARGET LED to the +3.3v pin? How do you ensure that the resistor on the V_TARGET will have constant voltage and that will not blow from over voltage if the VCCio pin is depended on the the Motherboard power?
Thank You and nice work