💬 3.3v Boost Converter with Pass-Through
Last night I posted Version 3, which updates the silkscreen to 1. show PCB component values to make for faster/easier assembly, and 2. use a larger font for the pin labels to improve legibility.
I just now posted Version 4, which redesigns the board after I realilzed there's reason to disallow header access to the SW pin on the chip.
I just now posted Version 5, which increased the capacitor value from 10uF to 22uF in order to reduce voltage ripple. See datasheet.
Just now posted Version 6.
Changes from Version 5:
- Changed to using same inductor and capacitors that I'm using in my other project: https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/5280/3-3v-buck-boost-dc-dc-converter
- Changed top silk screen to more clearly identify Pin 1 on the LTC3525D-3.3 chip and also provide extra clearance to prevent the silk screen from potentially causing the pads to bridge during soldering.
This project now finished: I've assembleed the pcb and it works.
Hi, I just came across this project and I like the idea of pass trough very much
I have a question, why did You use the LTC3525D part instead of MCP1640C which You already used in other boost converter projects ? MCP1640C is 5 times cheaper than LTC3525D and they are quite similar.
Yes. Good catch.
@rozpruwacz said in
3.3v Boost Converter with Pass-Through:
Hi, I just came across this project and I like the idea of pass trough very much
I have a question, why did You use the LTC3525D part instead of MCP1640C which You already used in other boost converter projects ? MCP1640C is 5 times cheaper than LTC3525D and they are quite similar.
I just now revised the board to expose the Enable pin, so now you can do a pass-through if you wish. I also made it more compact and gave it a ground-plane on the back.
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