@nca78 about my gateways:
an old gateway running on MySensors 1.5 for years now. There are several nodes and sensors connected through it like temperature sensors, relays, switches. It controls my heating system with heat pump, buffering, 18 circles of floor heating, garden irrigation, alarm system, and some lights just for fun.
the new gateway is a gateway to a Bluetooth network. Since MySensors has a great serial API and I have some experience with it I preferred to use it without a radio. I also think that it will be an interesting way of development and it could help to make MySensors even more popular. I had an idea to fork the library but unfortunately I don't have the experience and time to make it in good quality. But I'm sure letting developers to build connectors to different protocols is a very good idea. Catching Bluetooth messages from the air and decode them (with some reverse engineering) to send it through the MySensors gateway is relatively simple compared to the bidirectional communications. Processing some simple sensor data is a good first step.
Orange Pi is a controller and not a gateway. If you are suggesting you want to use the 5v adapter to power both controller and gateway I can not answer you. It might work but in the same time it might be to weak or to much interference. Try! If you get alof of random freezes and/or bad network communication you might want to seperate them
It might work - but using the nrf24l01+ amplified requiers some more juice than then pro mini/uno/nano can handle so I suggest using a power in with a good voltage regulator (that can provide high current) and then split of to each unit.
Thanks a lot for the quick response.
I now have my Nano running as a serial gateway and it is connected via a USB cable directly to my controller (Raspberry Pi 4 running Home Assistant / Hass.io).
I added a local motion sensor to the Nano gateway HW and pasted the mysensors MotionSensor example code to the setup(), presentation() and loop() functions as well as to the definitions in the top of the GatewaySerial example code.
I disabled the radio definitions as I currently have no radio capability in my gateway (not sure if this was necessary).
In Home Assistant / Hass.io I updated the configuration.yaml with the following text (as described on the Home Assistant integration help):
- device: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
And it works
In Home Assistant Developer Tools under States I can now see my motion sensor go on and off by the flick of my hand.
I had expected a bit more bumps on the road just to get this far, but wow - I am obviously walking in the foot prints of people who have worked hard to make it easy for the rest of us.
I am sure I will hit bumps on the way when the radios have to send results to the gateway (thick concrete walls with lots of steel), but for now I will enjoy this big success.
Thanks again Boots33
Should have dove deeper when you fist said radio, looks like everything was taken care off except the radio power. Jumped a wire over there and bang worked.
Thanks again for the help.