Hi krisztian,
the singleLED board - as its name suggests - features only one LED output. If you want to have a setup with multiple LED strips you need to design a board with multiple outputs. I have already designed a board with 4 outputs, but I haven't built it.
In terms of software you need to register multiple sensors in your program like this:
#define numCh 4 //the number of outputs
const byte ledPins[] = {9,6,5,3};
byte ledLevel[numCh];
boolean ledDimWay[numCh];
//in the setup function request the dim levels from the gateway
for(byte i=0; i<numCh; i++) request(i, V_DIMMER);
//in the presentation function register multiple lights
for(byte i=0; i<numCh; i++) present(i, S_DIMMER);
//if you receive a signal, you need to check for the sensor id
setLED(message.sensor, requestedLevel);
//to set the LED level (function: setLED) you need to use the sensor id to determine brightness and pin
//Fade LED to set level
int delta = (level - ledLevel[child]) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
//Write to LED
analogWrite(ledPins[child], map(ledLevel[child],0,100,0,255));
I will probably publish the whole code once I have built and tested the 4LED controller (i call it "MySensors rainbowLED")
Hope I could help you
Should have dove deeper when you fist said radio, looks like everything was taken care off except the radio power. Jumped a wire over there and bang worked.
Thanks again for the help.
for everyone who reads all of this, forget about the last few posts.
I don't know why it works even when the Interrups are masked out on the radio, but it works now.
The error I had occured because of the config of the OrangePi-Gateway.
I removed:
--extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_250KBPS\) -DMY_RF24_BASE_RADIO_ID=\(0x00,0xFC,0xE1,0xA8,0xA8\) -DMY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24"
and wrote:
--extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_250KBPS\) -DMY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24"
Now I think I have an working OrangePi-Gateway without signing but with interrupt enabled.
If there are new problems I will come back here.
The next step for me is to activate signing again and bring the node into homeassistant.
@yury said in Wall Socket Insertable Node:
Looks cool! Do you have experience with capacities switches? I did not play much with them. afraid to use close to AC interference though...
You need to use a capacitive IC with active shielding, basically you have an extra electrode around your touch electrode and the touch IC will compare capacitive change of the touch electrode with capacitive change from the shield electrode. If the change is due to electrical interference then both electrodes will be changed in a similar way and the IC will not trigger.
@gohan said in Arduino Pro Mini Shield for RFM69(H)W:
If I remeber right that pin is used as input so the RFM69 is not receiving any 5v signal. In addition there are people claming they have the RFM69 module working on 5v on data pins and 3.3v on vcc, but I hardly suggest to do it.
thank you just what i thought .
about direct 5v on data...well... i seen a big red sign saying n :DONT do it! lol
Level converters are so cheap...that i ordered 5 or 10 thoguether with rfm69 board.
sorry about hijack this topic, i though i was on general discussion
@epierre said:
have you contacted Itead support on this ?
I bought one too but had no time to test it yet (In fact I was waiting for you
No worries, @epierre . I put a test webserver on the iBoard to make sure it was working OK. I was able to browse an SD card over ethernet so I didn't want to bother their support people. I never heard from @nneeoo and just decided to go the hardware route. It seems to be working just fine. I recommend it. It's more stable than the serial gateway I was running.