Going through examples and forum topics I've noticed that I'm using the wrong S-type and V-type.
I'm writing a new version of the code with S_LIGHT and V_LIGHT so there is now dimmer functionality (which I don't need).
Let's see if this helps.
thx for reply
yes dragino HE works like yun I think.
for linkit as the product seems new, there is a little bit less docs. but I will see, price was so interesting that it was too much tempting lol.
I will tell you what I can get...
for fun, I have not presented yet, but I have a board in progress for raildin : 8x relays + 8inputs for yun and I added ethernet connector+hub usb chip
You should not typ "\n"!
It means that you should press enter on your keyboard.
On Linux I saw that I have to send "\r\n" instead of "\n".
"\r\n" (Carriage return, Line feed) is the Windows return, "\n" only the Linux return.
I'm not familiar with the project that inspired this one, but you should pay attention to hot spots, heat should be equally spread across the whole plate.
plus you should have good sensors and provide controllable configuration of heat points for soldering different components according to the manufacturer's datasheet.