@TRS-80 I looked at Grafana and InfluxDB a few years ago and found them supremely limited. It may be that I am a MS SQL Server user but the act if trying to do an update/delete of a value in InfluxDB is painful. Running everything through a JSON call to modify data annoys me.
So, all that aside I prefer sending data for long term storage to an instance of SQL Server 2012 - even with 4 sensor nodes + weather queries and some other data that send info every 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes for a few years. I am not even above 100 MB of storage used. The data types are Date, INT, CHAR(xxxx), and in one crazy case VARCHAR(1000). I use Domoticz's built in sqlLite and hassio's DB to handle the data view from my controllers (yes, I have 2). The split of data occurs in Node-Red where it gets the data from my MQTT broker and sends to controllers (different subscription topics due to C/F fubaring in hassio) and send to SQL Server for long term storage. Efficient storage types is the key so a timestamp as an INT/BIGINT would be nice. As long as all your values are INT as well that is even better. Timeseries DBs do have their use, I have just not found one I like.
If there is a timeseries DB that can be accessed via ANSI SQL that would be awesome.
Other thought - you could use Elasticsearch to send in values as "documents" and then run analysis on them. For dataviz, I use the built in ones in my two controllers and I have written my own to handle long term data analysis. I prefer Highcharts for doing the viz as that is what I use at work. It is clean, efficient, and fully customizable.