Mailbox/Postbox Alert
Just finished my new project.
I have added two magnetic switches to the front and the back of my postbox. Now i get a Mail if the postman was here
You need:
1x Arduino Mini Pro 3,3
1x Battery Holder (2xaaa)
1x NRF
2x Reed switches (�er)
2x magnets ( this or a similar sketch:
It works great
@n3ro No pictures, it didn't happen..
But at the moment its fixed only freestyle
@n3ro said:
2x Reedschalter (�er)
Hast du gut gemacht mit dem Reedschalter.
I mean nice denglish
@Didi und wie heißt das verdammte teil auf englisch?
@Didi fixed
@n3ro I wish mine had a flap... still trying to figure out a way to do that
hmm after some days testing it works very fine, but:
the battery drains very fast and in dont know why. The Arduino sleeps the whole time and wakes up when the postman is coming (maybe 2 times a week).
The battery drains 11% in 7 Days
Any Ideas?
The power LED and regulator is cutted and the fuses are modified.
@n3ro Are you using an interrupt to wake everything up?
I'm guessing that your repeat() function is wearing out the battery.
By the way you can take advantage of the return of sleep( ) here:
like this (untested):
#include <MySensor.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <readVcc.h> #define NODE_ID 21 // ID of node #define CHILD_ID 1 // Id of the sensor child #define MAILBOX_FRONT_PIN 2 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch #define MAILBOX_BACK_PIN 3 // Arduino Digital I/O pin for button/reed switch #define MIN_V 1900 // empty voltage (0%) #define MAX_V 3200 // full voltage (100%) MySensor gw; MyMessage msg(CHILD_ID, V_TRIPPED); boolean post = false; boolean lastpost = false; int oldBatteryPcnt; int repeat = 20; int trigger = -1; unsigned long goToSleepTime; void setup() { gw.begin(NULL, NODE_ID, false); pinMode(MAILBOX_FRONT_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(MAILBOX_BACK_PIN, INPUT); digitalWrite(MAILBOX_FRONT_PIN, HIGH); digitalWrite(MAILBOX_BACK_PIN, HIGH); gw.sendSketchInfo("Mailbox Alert", "1.0"); gw.present(CHILD_ID, S_MOTION); Serial.println("---------- set Mailbox empty"); msg.set(0); } void loop() { if (millis() - goToSleepTime > 10UL) //debounce { switch (trigger) { case 0: post = true; Serial.println("---------- New Mail"); break; case 1: post = false; Serial.println("---------- Mailbox emptied"); break; default: Serial.println("---------- I just woke up"); } } trigger = -1; if (post != lastpost) { Serial.print("---------- Send Mailboxstate "); Serial.println(post ? "full" : "empty"); msg.set(post); lastpost = post; sendBattery(); } // Sleep until something happens with the sensor goToSleepTime = millis(); trigger = gw.sleep(MAILBOX_FRONT_PIN - 2, CHANGE, MAILBOX_BACK_PIN - 2, CHANGE, 0); } void sendBattery() // Measure battery { int batteryPcnt = min(map(readVcc(), MIN_V, MAX_V, 0, 100), 100); if (batteryPcnt != oldBatteryPcnt) { gw.sendBatteryLevel(batteryPcnt); // Send battery percentage oldBatteryPcnt = batteryPcnt; } Serial.print("---------- Battery: "); Serial.println(batteryPcnt); }
Thx for the tips. I will try it.
I have just measured the current:
32uA in sleep and both opened
when one reen switch is closed: 171uA
when both closed: 309uAi use a internal pullup and dont know why the current is so high when switch is closed
it is fixed
changed internal pullup to an external with 680k. now its 32uA with both opened and 47uA with both closed
@n3ro how do you do that?
I+m trying to do a similar mailbox sensor, but I get different power consumptions hen I ground (pulling down) input pin 2 and 3.I´m using a pro mini, 3.3v standard boot loader with removed LED and 470k resistors as external pull-ups.
In sleep mode with it draws about 65uA
Roughly the same with input pin 3 -grounded (state 0)
But when I ground pin 2 it draws 7mAAny ideas whats wrong?
@Moshe-Livne just deactivate the this lines:
//digitalWrite(MAILBOX_FRONT_PIN, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(MAILBOX_BACK_PIN, HIGH);and solder two resistor from 3.3v to pin 2 and 3.
Ok, so I found that it is the radio that draws about 7mA when I ground input pin 2, it is connected to IRQ-pin on the radio.
@n3ro Have you connected the radio as described on the build-page? [](link url)
@f1dev yes. But you don't need irq on a node
@BulldogLowell could you please explain your changes? I don't understand everything of this
@n3ro Ok, thanks! Then I learned something new today.. IRQ is only needed for receiving nodes then, like repeaters and gateways, right?
Strange though that my circuit draws so much more current than yours. I have tested different setups, different arduinos and different radios from different suppliers with same result.
Well, at least my mailbox are mysensored now!
I think you need the irq only for the gw. I have a receive node without irq.
Do you have changed fuses on your arduino?
And remember. All this stuff is cheap China electronic.The devices can vary consume a lot of electricity.
Nope, havent done that yet. It´s a "stock" 3v3 pro mini. Still reading up on how to do that and how to change to MYS-bootloader, curious on how OTA-update works.
Big thanks for your respons!
@f1dev sweebe wrote a very good howto:
@n3ro - Thanks, that was really helpfull!
@n3ro Brilliant! He recommends to take out the voltage regulator. it is easier (and works better) just to snip off one leg as described here I'll try his other mods.... hopefully now my nodes will last forever!!!!
quality project, been having a tinker with mixed results. used sketch from original post, but would it be possible to get a circuit diagram showing pull up locations??? bit of a beginner, but have had a few success with rolling out some power operated sensors , this is my first battery operated sensor...
No problem. I make one
give me a day
thanks for the diagram, much appreciated...
Does this code still work?
Thank you
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