MyController 0.0.3.Alpha2 released!! :)

  • Plugin Developer

    Build download location

    New features:

    • Supports MySensors 2.0.0
    • Added new dashboard widgets
      • Custom buttons
      • Custom widget
      • Heatmap charts
      • Groups
      • Display image file
    • Rooms detail (sensors based on rooms)
    • Topology graph
      • Displays real time connection about things as topology graph
      • Displays how things connected in MyController database
      • Gives quick view about resource status and details with color indication
    • New network support
      • Sparkfun - Will do poll and storing as local sensors. Now you can perform actions based on this sensors data.
    • Send raw message support
    • Alarms renamed as Rules with new feature support.
      • Script based condition test
      • Multiple conditions support
    • Timer supports multiple Operations
    • Scripts support
      • Comes with Java Script, Groovy support
      • We can add Python and Ruby support by adding a jar file
    • Added About page to know about MyController
    • Added list available Script Engines page
    • Added support to add custom style sheet, js file and angular js custom controller for Custom widget
    • Template supports for Email and Custom widget
    • Variables repository to use it in Scripts and in templates
    • UID Tags can refer Sensor variable with unique name. used in scripts
    • Send data to External servers, supports for, Influxdb, Sparkfun[]
    • Node registration support
    • Email supports for STARTTLS
    • MQTT broker control moved to GUI. Now with out stopping MyController you can enable/disable MQTT broker
    • MQTT broker supports for authentication and topics level control for per user
    • Added encryption to store user's password in database
    • Sensor variable's unit, metrics type are editable. Also can configure graph settings for each Sensor variable
    • Offset support #209
    • Sensor widgets in order #220
    • Rules, Timer, Operations clone option in GUI #201
    • Test Email settings #192
    • More dashboard layouts #164
    • Optional main menu #163
    • Automation geolocation #143
    • locale support. new languages added ([see here]
    • and many more


    • Units removed from user control. Still user can select Units for each resource.

    List requests resolved

    Commit changes from last release

    How to upgrade from 0.0.3-alpha1 to 0.0.3.Alpha2

    Note: Upgrade supports from 0.0.3-alpha1. Older than this release will not support for upgrade.

    Before moving to 0.0.3.Alpha2 version,

    • Take a backup (1)
    • Stop 0.0.3-alpha1 server
    • Extract 0.0.3.Alpha2
    • Restore backup from (1)
    Steps to take backup:
    • Navigate to Settings -> Backup.

    • Click on Settings. add location where you want to keep backup files. save

    • Click on Run backup

    Steps to restore:
    • after backup completed successfully. Stop MyController from command line
    • Now extract MyController 0.0.3.Alpha2 version on different location.
    • Start new version of MyController
    • Configure backed up file location on our new installation
    • Now old backup file will be listing in our new installation
    • Click on the file and run restore in action
    • after successful restore change mycontroller/conf/ manually compare to latest version
    • start the server manually from command line.
    • After successful migration compare and change your mycontroller/conf/ file with latest file.

    Enjoy 🎈

    Do not forget to file issues on

    Thank you for your support

  • Mod

    very impressive work @jkandasa !

  • Hardware Contributor

    Nice work!

  • Good work 👍

  • I'm trying the demo and I think it will be my next controller !

  • After quick read the doc. I have few question. I use serial gateway and is it possible to publish sensors data to an external MQTT server ? And Is it possible to import MQTT topic and use it in scripts.
    Actually I have for example milight bulbs or Kodi connected to my MQTT broker.
    Another question : OTA will work with sleeping node ? When node wake up (and correctly configured) is it possible to send new firmware ?
    Finally, an update would be fine to select node in list and sensors too to send raw data.

  • Just a quick test. "GatewayESP8266MQTTClient" on mosquitto mqtt-server works fine. I currently have only one test-node but it is successfully detected and all sensors on this node are listed fine!

    One thing I noticed is somewhat unclear to me. If some rules tripp an action. e.g. "Send a mail" .. is there a way to specify how often this should happen? I see an option to completely disable the rule after one time trigger but it would be nice to have a way to reset this.


    1. rule is triggered
    2. mail is send
    3. rule is disable
    4. after configurable time elapsed (1 hour?) the rule is automatically reenabled

    This would prevent spam in case of broken sensor or unintended triggers.

    To clarify: I have noticed the dampening feature .. but this might still not be enough. My case is when a sensor goes rogue for whatever reason .. and I send a notification to my work email address. Under NO NO circumstances the email should be send multiple time and I don't want to reenable the rule after triggering.

    PS: Very well done. I like the webpage and the overall user experience.

    Addition: The Values from my sensors are not auto refreshed in the dashboard and Resources->Sensors. Would be really nice to be able to refresh these values constantly (configurable) to get an even better "live" user experience.

    Noticed the widget refresh interval is configurable. Nice!

  • Plugin Developer

    @cimba007 This is good feature request! I can implement this one.
    For now we have workaround for this option.
    Create a rule for your sensor with auto disable option.
    Create a simple timer with one hour interval (3600 seconds) and repeat count as 1

    • Create the following operations,
    1. Send email for your work email
    2. Enable your rule
    3. Enable your timer

    Now map operations like mentioned here,

    • In the Rule select Operation's, 1 and 3
    • In the timer select Operation 2

  • Plugin Developer

    @Fabien said:

    After quick read the doc. I have few question. I use serial gateway and is it possible to publish sensors data to an external MQTT server ? And Is it possible to import MQTT topic and use it in scripts.

    For now it supports only for InfluxDB, and sparkfun. Please create a feature request to support MQTT. Please note this one way communication, it means pushes data to external server. Not listening from external servers.

    EDIT: MQTT external server support added at

    Actually I have for example milight bulbs or Kodi connected to my MQTT broker.

    For these kind of things we have to add gateway support. If we have support in gateway for these devices we can control these device as like normal MySensors device. Please create a feature request with these device documentations with API details, I will add it when I get time.

    Another question : OTA will work with sleeping node ? When node wake up (and correctly configured) is it possible to send new firmware ?

    For now MyController doesn't support for sleeping nodes.

    Finally, an update would be fine to select node in list and sensors too to send raw data.

    I'm sorry I could not get this one?

  • @jkandasa said:

    Enable your rule

    Looking at operations I see only operations to send notifications and no operation to enable/disable a rule? Might the functionality I am looking for hidden in the "scripting" part? If so I could not find any documentation of the scripting stuff.

    PS: Found the documentation, slightly hidden on the download page.
    PPS: Found it, "send payload" might not be too intuitive to find operations to manipulate rules ;_)

    Do I even need a timer? Looks like this simple rule might fulfill my needs:


  • Plugin Developer


    Found it, "send payload" might not be too intuitive to find operations to manipulate rules ;_)

    Name it we may change it on next release, If the current name confuses.

    Do I even need a timer? Looks like this simple rule might fulfill my needs:

    Yes, I forgot this delay field, This simple rule is enough for you. You can map this operation also along with your Rule definition. This delay is in seconds.

  • how can i reset the login and password.
    no matter what i do i get "invalid username and password"
    I've tried admin/admin a million times

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    how can i reset the login and password.

    I'm sorry, for now we do not have direct way to reset password.
    We have a workaround to reset password by accessing database directly. I know this is not a good solution 😞 I will try to give new option to reset password in friendly manner.

    To reset admin password,

    Note: First you have to STOP(mycontroller/bin/ MyController server

    Download and extract in to your raspberry PI.
    java -cp h2/bin/h2*.jar

    URL       jdbc:h2:/opt/mycontroller/conf/mycontroller
    Driver    org.h2.Driver
    User      mycontroller
    Password  mycontroller

    Set your path exactly with the above command.
    Update user admin password UPDATE USER SET PASSWORD='Wm1vE8jvQXE=' WHERE USERNAME='admin';
    Note: In database passwords are encrypted. for admin encrypted string is Wm1vE8jvQXE.

    You can also check admin with default password by running SELECT * FROM USER;

    EDIT: created new ticket:

  • @jkandasa
    Just a suggestion: 0_1470305410775_upload-6bf4a0ed-44a8-42cb-9161-864003de09b5

    Send notification would include all further kinds of notifications you might include but grouping this is not that important. The current way it is is already very easy to understand so a change might not be necessary.

    Send payload might be better split into three different points as it would be very clear from the beginning what you are dealing with.

    • Dealing with Resources (manipulating stuff that is only known to the controller )
    • Manipulating Devices (reboot etc. .. this is more like a "command")
    • Update Sensor variables is an 1:1 mapping of the request/set concept of mysensors

  • @jkandasa

    Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what was wrong. when i looked at my password, it was the encrypted one you posted above.
    i ended up just removing everything and copying up the files from scratch. and it's working now.

  • Plugin Developer

    @cimba007 Thank you! I have created a ticket to track this one,

  • @jkandasa
    Thank you for the update. I will use this controller in production in few days. Eactly what I want. For non-msensors devices I Will use node-red as glue !

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