@yoshi824 Most of us have been where you are now!
I suggest that you try to see the patterns in the code that you have working and try to make the SHT30 work from what you learn.
If it does not work as you want then post here the full code you have and what it is/isn't doing and you should get some help.
Welcome to the club!
Regarding radio's: The RFM69's with a C in the type have a smaller form factor (which is pin compatible with the predecessor RFM12B). The the 'W' and "HW' versions are larger in size and have more programmable pins (which MySensors does not use) but have exactly the same functionality within MyS.
All the footprints on the boards available in OpenHardware.io are for the 'W' and 'HW' versions so I'd go with one of these.
The 'W' uses way less power than the 'HW' which would be good the for the battery life of your nodes. Sensors powered by the grid can be 'HW', but usually, in the house a 'W' delivers enough TX power to get the message across. It might be a good idea to make your gateway with a 'HW'.
Hope this gets you a bit further. Good luck and show us your results!
In general, yes, the MySensors framework (library?) should support FOTA a couple different ways (read more at link). Were you aware of this, or is there some problem with your particular hardware?
@NielBierman said in FOTA possibilities for remote sensor network:
Raspberry pi
I don't know yet whether you even need to change your gateway from microcontroller (uC) to Single Board Computer (SBC) or not. However if you do (or are looking for a controller, or whatever), by all means, please do yourself (and all of us) a favor and do a little more research as there are lots of better options out there for SBC nowadays, than RPi!
For me, uC have been fine for gateway although I do use some SBC for controllers, MQTT broker, and various other GNU/Linux based servers/services and they are wonderful for that. But perhaps your needs are different from mine.
I faced similar issue and @TMRh20Projects replied in arduino forum. My issue was beacuse of cheap NRF modules chinese clones. After I replaced with good genuine ones, everything worked like a charm. Please check the NRF modules you are using. I wasted three days to figure out if there was some code issue, when at the end it was the NRF which created all the mess