This should work with Domoticz, it's what I intend to use with it. I've received the boards from China and I'm currently working on a version 2 of this board. There are some errors in the design of version 1 that I need to get out. New version will be up shortly.
I liked domoticz (was very easy to set up and use). Together with dzVents scripting wasn't that difficult either. But I also had some problem with it lately, so I was actually thinking about switching to openhab (2).
There are also other solutions that have I2C bus pins on the shield and if you are going to make a battery powered node, I'd suggest to use an I2C sensor as it will be much more battery friendly
@vlad I am having the same issue. Where did you change keepalive timeout to a long time?
Essentially, what file did you edit, what parameter and to how long?
Thank you @mfalkvidd!
I have been busy and had many issues to figure out for myself, but I still can't understand how binding with openHAB works.
How does the information from nRF24 get to openHAB? I have MySensors Binding add-on installed in openHAB.
I would be very grateful if someone could help with this last step. After this my first little sensor will be ready to go live.