Finally I've solved. I'm still using UIPEthernet sincee my problem was the use of DHT library (last rev) with UIPEhernet lib.
I was having a restart of teh ETH port each time I was reading Temp/hum. I've changed into SimpleDHT lib and now it's working fine. I'm using a mix of W5100 and ENC28J60.
thx for reply
yes dragino HE works like yun I think.
for linkit as the product seems new, there is a little bit less docs. but I will see, price was so interesting that it was too much tempting lol.
I will tell you what I can get...
for fun, I have not presented yet, but I have a board in progress for raildin : 8x relays + 8inputs for yun and I added ethernet connector+hub usb chip
@legeantvert said:
On the same way, i dont understand how and where are stored the values inside the gateway if not used on each reception, are they stored somewhere to be able to answer them when serial request arrive?
You could bypass this on some kind of events obviously !
Actually my perl gateway is acting as the server Vera is for the arduino gateway. So from there I can trigger external URL, store data in a sqlite3 database... and so on !
@TheoL Thanks for responding and sorry for my late reply.
I finally got an Arduino Nano working as a gateway with RFM69.
It required new/different logic converters as the ones I had apparently were not working correctly.
I can give the RFM69 3.3V power from the Nano, but as the Nano has 5V logic and the RFM69 cannot handle 5V logic as input (NSS, SCK, MOSI) , the logic converters are needed to protect the RFM69 module as also stated in the MySensors radio guide.
I must say that using NRF24 was much easier than using RFM69, but I will stick with RFM69 (433 MHz) for range reasons.