💬 MySensors ESP8266 MQTT gateway
Hihi, nice to see my sketch of the wife on a pcb
Hi Japio, I would like to build this gateway. Where can I have the PCB printed? I tried dirtypcbs.com but it reports some files missing and I would have to order 10 pieces. Can you make me a recommendation? I live in the Netherlands. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Roland.
I am very interested in your project. Please tell me in which version of arduino ide this project was compiled and the version of the Mysensors library that was used. I tried version 1.8.5 and 1.8.12 it gives a bunch of errors. Since the gateway is configured via the web interface, the already compiled file would do. Regards, Oleg.
@Roland-Wijnen JLCPCB.com seems pretty happy with the files. Its rendering of the completed pcb looks correct, and they'll ship me 5 copies of the board for less than $10 US, including the shipping price. Seems like a plenty cheap price.
I haven't made this board with them, but I've used them plenty of times in the past, and when they render a board correctly on the portal, it always comes out correct when I get it in my hands. (Well, other than design mistakes - they make it just how I design it, but that's a different story.)
Hey @ejlane! Many thanks. I didn't see your message from a while ago (don't seem to get these in my email). I just ordered the PCB at JLCPCB.com. Worked great! Thanks again. Looking forward to building this gateway.
@Roland-Wijnen Hi! Were you able to compile the available files? I tried, but there has been a lot of error!
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