Bluetooth Gateway
Serial gateway work without wires through Bluetooth SPP module HC-05 on 115200 bps. Please include this information on gateway kind configuration. (arduino mega2560 + Bluetooth HC-05 + rf24L01+ )
Please be more specific.
What will need:
- Any arduino board with flashed serial gateway sketch (in my situation is arduino mega 2560)
- Radio module NRF24L01+
- Radio module Bluetooth SPP HC-05
- Some wire
- Some free time
- Good mood)
What will do:
- Configure Bluetooth SPP HC-05 in AT mode on 115200 bps (AT+UART=115200,0,0). If you want set unique passrord (AT+PSWD=1234), and Name (AT+NAME=BluetoothGateway)
- Connect bluetooth and nrf24L01+ like on picture (or analogic on your arduino board)
- Search on PC new bluetooth device (pc make new virtual COM port)
- Connect from your program to this COM port and enjoy serial gateway wihout wires)
That's all)
This method may be solution for situation of bad usb-serial driver, or uncompatible usb-serial hardware, or problem driver in Linux systems, android systems, ios, macOs and other situation. Now i work on fix serial gateway sketch to may reflash arduino without connect to USB (trout this module HC-05). When i finished - post here.
That was a clever solution @Planer!