Keypad shields with enclosures
So looking on ebay I see all kinds of china suppliers selling these keypad shields that have a 1602 backlit display with 6 buttons. Why is it that it is so hard to find enclosures for these? You would think that for as common as they are on ebay that someone would have some kind of enclosure. The shields I am seeing seem to have a common footprint as far as button placement and everything. Am I just missing it? I did some googling and found some files to make 3D printed cases, but no where to just buy a case.
There was a thread a while ago about a company that had lots of options for holes for common componens. I'm unable to find that thread now though
I was just thinking of these because they are so common. I would be up for any kind of nice looking in-wall keypad setup that I could make work for MySensors.
Maybe you could hack something like this:
I was kind of looking for something I didn't have to hack. Besides, I wouldn't necessarily need a full number keypad.
Either take the design files or from shop...
btw, some of the RFID keypads that @hek mentioned supports the wiegand protocol and there is a arduino library available for that.