Why You Should Encase Your Nodes
Always shield your electronics from the elements. Hurricane Hermine took out its vengeance on my radio.
I had just built this node and was excited to watch the data come in during the hurricane - I did not put into case. Note to self: always put it in a case.
EDIT: Just noticed that my google photos link does not appear to show for me. Not sure if it shows for others. Let me know. Trying plain URL:
@wergeld For some node's some protection against lightning might also be a good idea. Especially for outside weather sensors.
Yea, I was just in a rush to get data! Storm is up in Georgia but is still trying to kick down our area.
@wergeld Hopefully there's no serious damage to your house.
@TheoL No damage. Water went up about 7 feet on our lake but had another 11 feet to go to threaten our property. Biggest flooding was to the south of us. We did have a fun time hiding out in our laundry room during tornado flying up to the east of us. Also, I do not think the radio is dead - hooked it by accident to my Uno testing board and it was transmitting just fine. Love these things - very tough.
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