@TRS-80 There's an argument for putting two different value capacitors near the nRF24L01 (or whichever radio you're using). A 0.1uF bypass cap to help filter out noise, and a higher value cap as insurance against possible battery ESR and/or inductance from possible long battery leads/traces. For example: https://www.openhardware.io/view/480/Compact-nRF24L01-Pro-Mini-Bottom-Shield#tabs-design
@Ron said in Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor:
@Puneit-Thukral Thanks. I am not quite sure, so correct me please if I am wrong, but I think I am already using the MiniCore bootloader with platformIO. Or do I need to configure to explicitly use the MiniCore bootloaders? Also I have set BOD to disabled as I read somewhere that no BOD can also save battery.
I'm not sure, but I believe I'm already using the MiniCore bootloader with platformIO. Please tell me if I'm incorrect. Is it necessary to set the MiniCore bootloaders explicitly?
I also have project for mini.
The project have pads for battery, battery protection IC, LIPO charger USB for charging... battery voltage measurements....
But the project is not released yet, because high temperature during charging.
Thank you @mfalkvidd!
I have been busy and had many issues to figure out for myself, but I still can't understand how binding with openHAB works.
How does the information from nRF24 get to openHAB? I have MySensors Binding add-on installed in openHAB.
I would be very grateful if someone could help with this last step. After this my first little sensor will be ready to go live.
Hi @acb and others, regarding "Do you know if there is a version of this board that is pad-compatible with the C-versions of these HopeRF RFM69s before I go searching? (Since I believe the C-versions are also pad-compatible with the RFM95sā¦)" - did you find any alternative?
I'm in the same boat looking for an adapter from NRF24 to the footprint of RFM69*C = RFM95/96.
Thanks, Joost