💬 Wirsbo/uponor thermostat

  • Hero Member

    Hi @Denke ,

    Would you mind giving more details about witch Uponor thermostat this is an what central unit is required for this setup? You do use the original central unit and just replaced the thermostats right?

    I have a Uponor C-33 and a C-35 to control my underfloor heating from Uponor T-37 thermostats. These thermostats only use 2 wires from the controller from where it gets power and somehow controls if the valve should be on or off.

    Could you share the schematics for your device?
    Do you think your design could be used in my system as well?


  • Hardware Contributor

    Hi Tomas
    I have only replaced the thermostats not anything else in the system.
    This thermostat is a replacement of my Cosy thermostat (art no 804661), but i think it should work also for the following article numbers (80466, 80465, 804651 and 80464). This thermostat only works as a on/off for the valve, I did not spend any time on the night temp function. I have connected the thermostat to a transformer unit (art no 80460) which in principle only converts 220 v to 24 V which is then connected to the thermostat. When the thermostat turns on it passes on the ~24 V signal to the valve.

    I will upload a schematic to the project

  • Hello Denke,
    Can you share Openhab integration codes for this thermostat ?
    Thank you

  • Hardware Contributor

    HI @dexterbot
    Here is the code for the openhab

    /* Thermostats /
    Hall */
    Number Hallway_Temperature "Temperature [%.1f]" <temperature> (Temperature, C_Hallway, gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_Temperature:temp" }
    Number Hallway_SetPoint "HVAC/Heater set point " <temperature> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_SetPoint:hvac-setPoint-heat" }
    String Hallway_FlowState "Mode of heater [%s]" <heating> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_FlowState:hvac-flow-state" }
    Number Hallway_KnobTempVar1 "Knob temperature [%.1f]" <temperature> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_KnobTempVar1:var1" }
    String Hallway_FlowMode "Running mode" <heating> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_FlowMode:hvac-flow-mode" }
    Number Hallway_HystLowVar3 "hyst low [%.1f]" <temperature> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_HystLowVar3:var3" }
    Number Hallway_HystHighVar4 "hyst high [%.1f]" <temperature> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_HystHighVar4:var4" }
    Number Hallway_UpdateTimeVar5 "update time (s) [%d s]" <clock> (gMS) { channel="mysensors:hvacThermostat:gateway:Hallway_UpdateTimeVar5:var5" }

    Bridge mysensors:bridge-ser:gateway [ serialPort="/dev/ttyUSB0", sendDelay=200, baudRate=115200, skipStartupCheck=true ] {
    /** define things connected to that bridge here */
    hvacThermostat Hallway_Temperature [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_SetPoint [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_FlowState [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_KnobTempVar1 [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_FlowMode [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_HystLowVar3 [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_HystHighVar4 [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    hvacThermostat Hallway_UpdateTimeVar5 [nodeId="59", childId="0"]
    Group label="Thermostats" icon="heating"{
    Frame label="Hall"{
    Text item=Hallway_Temperature
    Text item=Hallway_FlowState label="State [%s]"
    Setpoint item=Hallway_SetPoint label="Set point [%.1f]" icon="temperature" minValue="0.0" maxValue="32.0" step="0.1"
    Text item=Hallway_KnobTempVar1 label="Knob temperature" //Knob temperature
    Text item=Hallway_FlowMode //Running mode
    Setpoint item=Hallway_HystLowVar3 label="Hysteresis L [%.1f]" minValue="0.0" maxValue="5.0" step="0.1"
    Setpoint item=Hallway_HystHighVar4 label="Hysteresis H [%.1f]" minValue="0.0" maxValue="5.0" step="0.1"
    Setpoint item=Hallway_UpdateTimeVar5 label="Update time (s) [%d]" minValue="1" maxValue="4096" step="1"

  • Hi Denke
    On which hardware does your openhab run on, and how does it communicate whith the thermostates.
    I my self has openhab running on a Rapberry Pi 3, and can't figure out which additional hardware I need to add to my Raspberry, to make it communicate with the thermostates


  • Hardware Contributor

    Hi The thermostats use mysensors serial gateway to communicate with the openhab that runs on a raspberry Pi 2. I run openhab 2.0 but in the beginning i was running 1.7.x

  • I am non technical but I have 8 wirsbo stats in my house. One of them is faulty and the unit is now obsolete. Is it possible to purchase one of these pcbs and use it to replace the one in the faulty stat ?

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