@Tommas Hi, now I've posted a device for sale on Tindie, if it's still relevant for you https://www.tindie.com/products/avikmen/usb-rf-gateway-with-stm32-and-nrf24-in-case/
Hi @acb and others, regarding "Do you know if there is a version of this board that is pad-compatible with the C-versions of these HopeRF RFM69s before I go searching? (Since I believe the C-versions are also pad-compatible with the RFM95sā¦)" - did you find any alternative?
I'm in the same boat looking for an adapter from NRF24 to the footprint of RFM69*C = RFM95/96.
Thanks, Joost
@kimot No, it is an obvious mistake, I am very sorry. Maybe it is becouse the code in master branch is very old, the newest is not yet on github, but the developement branch is quite new. I am going to fix this soon.