I have not touched my Domotica stuff for a (too) long time but a couple of weeks ago I decided to move from Indigo to openHAB.
Platform (for now) is the Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian.
I am pretty happy with how things proceed (one step at a time).
I started with my z-wave sensors and I now want to restart my MySensors project.
I added one of my NRF24+ components to the raspi and followed the instructions to call the gateway application.
The application is running without errors (see below for the config file I used).
Next step was adding the gateway to openHAB (a Thing) using the port '/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway'.
The port is there, checked it, and I have none of the leds blinking.
I downloaded the latest binding from GitHub and use the latest nightly build of openHAB (updated this morning).
In the below log entries you see that the Thing keeps retrying and throws an error while rebooting the system.
This is proof that the port really shows (although in another colour but I assume that this has to do with the fact that it is a symbolic link).
Any idea what is going on?
Alternatively I could use another Raspberry to serve as an ethernet gateway next to serving as a backup server but the current setup is more appealing to me...
/dev/tty /dev/tty20 /dev/tty33 /dev/tty46 /dev/tty59
/dev/tty0 /dev/tty21 /dev/tty34 /dev/tty47 /dev/tty6
/dev/tty1 /dev/tty22 /dev/tty35 /dev/tty48 /dev/tty60
/dev/tty10 /dev/tty23 /dev/tty36 /dev/tty49 /dev/tty61
/dev/tty11 /dev/tty24 /dev/tty37 /dev/tty5 /dev/tty62
/dev/tty12 /dev/tty25 /dev/tty38 /dev/tty50 /dev/tty63
/dev/tty13 /dev/tty26 /dev/tty39 /dev/tty51 /dev/tty7
/dev/tty14 /dev/tty27 /dev/tty4 /dev/tty52 /dev/tty8
/dev/tty15 /dev/tty28 /dev/tty40 /dev/tty53 /dev/tty9
/dev/tty16 /dev/tty29 /dev/tty41 /dev/tty54 /dev/ttyAMA0
/dev/tty17 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty42 /dev/tty55 /dev/ttyMySensorsGateway
/dev/tty18 /dev/tty30 /dev/tty43 /dev/tty56 /dev/ttyS0
/dev/tty19 /dev/tty31 /dev/tty44 /dev/tty57 /dev/ttyUSB0
/dev/tty2 /dev/tty32 /dev/tty45 /dev/tty58 /dev/ttyprintk
2017-01-09 11:27:40.201 [ERROR] [col.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Can't connect to serial port. Wrong port?
2017-01-09 11:27:40.203 [ERROR] [col.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Failed connecting to bridge...next retry in 10 seconds (Retry No.:4233)
2017-01-09 11:27:41.079 [ERROR] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Exception occured while disposing handler of thing 'mysensors:bridge-ser:44a5fcb2': java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.openhab.binding.mysensors.internal.handler.MySensorsBridgeHandler.saveCacheFile(MySensorsBridgeHandler.java:253)[198:org.openhab.binding.mysensors:]
at org.openhab.binding.mysensors.internal.handler.MySensorsBridgeHandler.dispose(MySensorsBridgeHandler.java:102)[198:org.openhab.binding.mysensors:]
2017-01-09 11:31:41.290 [ERROR] [col.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Can't connect to serial port. Wrong port?
2017-01-09 11:31:41.305 [ERROR] [col.serial.MySensorsSerialConnection] - Failed connecting to bridge...next retry in 10 seconds (Retry No.:0)
sudo ./configure \
--my-gateway=serial \
--my-controller-ip-address= \
--my-port=5003 \
--my-serial-is-pty \
--my-serial-pty=/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway \
--my-transport=nrf24 \
--my-rf24-irq-pin=15 \
--my-leds-err-pin=12 \
--my-leds-rx-pin=16 \