@hek Thanks! Is there any documentation available about the controller integration?
Posts made by samppa
RE: Requirements for controller integration/support for MySensors?
RE: Is HTTPS request from LUUP code possible?
Thanks @hek
I got it working with CURL:
local pw = 'xxx' local un = 'xxx' --login request local url_1 = 'https://mypages.verisure.com/j_spring_security_check?locale=fi_FI' local command_1 = "curl -c '/tmp/log/cmh/cookie.txt' -d 'j_username="..un.."&j_password="..pw.." "..url_1 local f_1 = assert(io.popen(command_1, 'r')) local response_1 = assert(f_1:read('*a')) f_1:close(f_1) luup.log("Verisure login response: "..response_1) --armed status request local url_2 = 'https://mypages.verisure.com/remotecontrol?_=14616968783849' local command_2 = "curl -k -b '/tmp/log/cmh/cookie.txt' "..url_2 local f_2 = assert(io.popen(command_2, 'r')) local response_2 = assert(f_2:read('*a')) f_2:close(f_2) luup.log("Verisure status response: "..response_2)
This returns the alarm status of Verisure system:
[{"date":"Today 8:47 PM","notAllowedReason":"","name":"Samppa Turunen","changeAllowed":true,"id":1,"label":"Armed stay","type":"ARM_STATE","status":"armedhome"}]
Now I need to parse the response string into a variable.
Then I could make a device for it to be used as home / away switch.
What would be the easiest example to start packaging the code into a device file for Vera? This would be my very first handmade device.. -
RE: Is HTTPS request from LUUP code possible?
@hek Do you know who could know if saving the cookies is possible with https POST request in luup code?
Requirements for controller integration/support for MySensors?
@hek What are the requirements to get a controller fully supported by MySensors?
I mean technically and API wise. My friend is producing the Cozify controller and planning to open APIs for custom sensor development like MySensors. -
RE: Is Vera still the best controller (to replace my failing Vera3)?
Perhaps we could link to https://socialcompare.com/en/comparison/home-automation-controllers-under-400dollar-37r4y81h and add rows for MySensors compatibility..
RE: Is Vera still the best controller (to replace my failing Vera3)?
Yes I saw the list and struggling to go through it one by one..
It would be great to see the main differences and estimation of target audience as a summary table. Level of expertise needed, z-wave, zigbee support etc.. -
Is Vera still the best controller (to replace my failing Vera3)?
I have had Vera3 for a few years and after upgrade to UI7 from UI5 the problems started and the flash memory is degrading with bad blocks so that the unit is no longer stable or reliable.
What is the best controller for MySensors or are VeraEdge or Vera Plus the best alternatives?
I have somewhat complex rules and luup scripts with PLG to control things and I like the ability to tinker and code stuff to work together intelligently. And the active community support and developed apps/plugins are important factors.
So who could suggest the best controller box for my needs?By the way, the MySensors site should have controller comparison table as welll as and pors/cons and suggestions.
RE: My Vera 3 (UI7) keeps on rebooting
I had the same problem after updating to UI7 from UI5. Finally I was able to reset the box with this help with SSH (using putty on windows) : http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php?topic=9949.0
After reset I upgraded the firmware to latest one and then take the settings from saved backup.
It kind of works now, but I am still struggling to get MySensors Plugin updated.
Verisure home alarm status as home/away switch
I am trying to get the status of my Verisure alarm system, but the API requires HTTPS login.
The only two workaround methods I have figured out so far are:- Monitor the "SmartPlug" that can be configured to turn on or off according to the alarm status
- Request the alarm status information for the web site with two HTTPS requests
The option 2 would be nice, but I am stuck with the HTTPS requests from Vera3 scene LUUP code.
Not sure if that is even possible. The status page requires first a login HTTPS request and the session tokens to be stored and another HTTPS request to retrieve the actual alarm status.Any ideas how to implement the HTTPS requests? Do I need to create a "device" and does that provide better access to SSL libraries like LuaSec? Would that help?
Is HTTPS request from LUUP code possible?
Does anyone know if I can make HTTPS request from luup code with cookie support?
I would login to my pages on Verisure website and get the alarm status to be used in automation as home/away switch. I can do this successfully with two wget HTTPS calls: 1) login and 2) access status page with cookies that store the session authentication. But no luck so far with luup.So can that even be done with lua from a scene with luup code?
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
@korttoma The only difference I see is that you put the entire url with parameters in the first argument of the http.request call and "run=run" as the second (don't know why you have that?). I use the base url as the first argument and the field list as the second
r, s = http.request(baseUrl, "field1=XX&field2=XX")
Hope that fixes the issue.
Also You have to setup the "Channel" and "Plugin" in the website accordingly and name the fields there. -
RE: REQUEST: Anyone have a sketch for temp/humidity logging?
I am logging temperatures from sensors in Vera scene once a minute with luup code that gets the sensor variables and makes http request to ThingSpeak website for generating graphs.
What controller are you using? If you use Vera I might be able to help.Plot.ly is also another similar graphing service, but the free tier got new limitations for allowed data frequency.
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
I converted my code to use ThingSpeak.
It is even simpler to call since the formatting is done on the website. Here is how I use it:local url = "https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key=_YOUR_KEY_HERE_" result, status = http.request(url,'field1='..HotWaterTemp..'&field2='..HotWaterPump..'&field3='..HotWaterLimit..'&field4='..PumpTime)
On the https://thingspeak.com website you just define the "channel" that receives all the data and copy the example "plugin" and modify it to render your graph.
Quite easy. And free at least so far.. -
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
It seems that plot.ly has new limitations to the free API in their price plan:
- Only one free private graph
- API rate limits: 50 per day or 30 per hour
Then you have to pay 20 USD/month to get unlimited access.
Damn. There goes the cheap solution. -
RE: req node id node not found
Just to reply that I found the bug: ground wire broken, but not consistently so sometimes it got contact (when I measured it) and then not.
This brings me to think is there any way on the Arduino to detect if something is not connected as it supposed to be? How could I make such extra self checking of the wires? Double wiring?
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka said:
To update hit the update button or download here.
Chrome blocks the download since it is "malicious".
req node id node not found
It all started when I was debugging reason for a Dallas sensor (in Nano node) not getting values (other attached sensors like DHT work ok). I checked the wires several times thoroughly and then I tried with another Dallas, but that did not help then I tried with another PIN and still no success. So I replaced the entire Nano and still the Dallas does not work and in addition now the serial monitor just keeps repeating:
req node id send: 255-255-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=3,pt=0,l=0,st=ok:
I removed the node ans sensors from Vera config but still the Vera plugin does not find the sensors presented during inclusion.
The node has capacitor for RF, I also cleared the EEPROM, and finally I now upgraded ide to 1.6 (used to be 1.05)
Lib version 1.4.1. No Luck.Please help..
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
Now plot.ly is back up again.
Apparently they upgraded the infrastructure and broke something. Hopefully that does not happen too often.. -
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
My graphs stopped as well. I have asked what is going on.. Let's see when it gets back up again..
RE: How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
Actually it started to work after update to 5.37 version of PLEG where Richard made some bugfix for numeric conditions.
Now the exported condition is shown correctly as a variable in the advanced tab.
So case resolved. -
RE: How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
A recent feature was to add the ability to Export a condition. (See the conditions tab).
This creates a variable that can be imported into another PLEG as a device property OR access via luup.variable_get
The servceid is: "urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:User"Unfortunately (of course) that did not work and the variable_get returns nil for that urn even if the Condition is marked to be exported.
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
@korttoma said:
Anyone figured out a way to add another variable to an old graph without deleting the file from plot.ly? Seems like it does not include the new variable unless you delete and create a new file.
I have noticed the same thing; If you want to add a trace you need to delete the file..
So perhaps it is wise to be prepared and add a few extra traces for some future use. -
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
@Nuubi said:
Uh...oh...still.. do you need to initialize the graph or what? Still not getting this to work, sorry for being such a dummie :-E
You just send the data and the graph named with "filename":"xxxx" gets created if not yet existing.
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
@korttoma said:
I'm having trouble with one variable to. I would like to have the status of a qubino switch in the same graph.
I tried this:
local VentOn = 100 luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:BinaryLight1", "Status", 356)It gives me the value 100 in the graph. Please let me know what this 100 in front of the luup.variable_get does. If I remove it the Luup code fails.
Actually there should be asterisk character between 100 and the luup.variable_get and the (forum editor does not show that) since the returned value 1 or 0 is scaled to 100 so try:
local VentOn = 100 * luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:BinaryLight1", "Status", 356)
Then you get 100 if binary light is on. Remove the 100 if you like it to be 1 or 0.
RE: How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
@BulldogLowell said:
I would post a question right to the PLEG author, Richard Schaefer on the Vera Forum.
I did that and got an answer:
A recent feature was to add the ability to Export a condition. (See the conditions tab).
This creates a variable that can be imported into another PLEG as a device property OR access via luup.variable_getThe servceid is: "urn:rts-services-com:serviceId:User"
RE: How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
I mean is there urn for requesting PLEG Condition value in LUUP like:
local val = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:PLEG-Condition", "Status", 106) -
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
Yes, the username and API key are shown on the plot.ly api settings page.Here is my code that works for 5 lines in one graph and appends data every 5 minutes:
-- Get variables local BRHum = luup.variable_get("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HumiditySensor1", "CurrentLevel", 83) local BRTemp = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1", "CurrentTemperature", 84) local ACBoost = 100 * luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "Status", 106) local ACMech = 100 * luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "Status", 107) local ACEff = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1", "LoadLevelStatus", 88 ) local ts = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X") -- Send to plot local http = require("socket.http") http.TIMEOUT = 5 result, status = http.request("https://plot.ly/clientresp",'un=<username>&key= <APIKey>&origin=plot&platform=lisp&args=[{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y":['..BRHum..'],"name":"Humidity"},{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y": ['..ACBoost..'],"name":"AC Boost"},{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y":['..BRTemp..'],"name":"Temperature"},{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y":['..ACMech..'],"name":"Mech Sensor"},{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y":['..ACEff..'],"name":"AC Efficiency"}]&kwargs={"filename":"BathroomHumidity","fileopt":"extend","style":{"type":"scatter"},"traces":[0,1,2,3,4],"layout":{"title":"Bathroom Humidity"},"world_readable":false}')
I know the JSON syntax is cryptic in one line without pretty formatting..
How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
How to get PLEG condition value from LUUP code? With luup.variable_get()?
I have several conditions in PLEG and I would like to track and plot the values in order to see, verify and optimize the behavior of the PLEG logic. For plotting I have done a scene with LUUP code that sends other sensor data to plot.ly for graphing. Now I need also the PLEG condition states, but how?
RE: Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
Next I would like to plot a value from PLEG condition. But can those be accessed from scene luup code?
Plotting graphs with plot.ly service with luup scene using REST API
I have been searching for the easiest graphing solution to see how sensor data behaves and I think I have found it - at least it looks promising.
After creating plot.ly account create API key in https://plot.ly/settings/api
Then create scene with following luup that makes the REST API request to upload new the value into the plot.
So the example here is that I record time series one data point at a time and trigger the scene with 5 minute interval schedule,Replace <username>, <APIKey>, <nameForGraph> and <graphTitle> below with your (hard coded) values and the datavelue is of course the sensor data that you want to plot (I plot humidity).
local datavalue = luup.variable_get("urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HumiditySensor1", "CurrentLevel", 83) local http = require("socket.http") http.TIMEOUT = 5 local ts = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %X") result, status = http.request("https://plot.ly/clientresp",'un=<username>&key=<APIKey>&origin=plot&platform=lisp&args=[{"x":["'..ts..'"],"y":['..datavalue..']}]&kwargs={"filename":"<nameForGraph>","fileopt":"extend","style":{"type":"scatter"},"traces":[0],"layout":{"title":"<graphTitle>"},"world_readable":false}')
RE: MySensors plugin : Cannot send command - communications error
Yes I think you need 1.4.1 or latest. The messages you see (0;0;3;9...) are traffic in the wireless sensor network.My problem appeared again. The EthernetGateway responds to Ping but Vera plugin says:
"Cannot send command - communications error"So perhaps increasing power could help, but how? Is adding capacitors enough?? Like for the radio there already is one..
RE: Sensor connectivity and reliability
The first step I am planning is to track in the sensor node if measurement of a sensor value (e.g. DHT or Dallas) fails for some reason (loose wire) and then report this fact as another reliability sensor value. On the controller side it would be then easy to raise an alarm.
The question is what sensor type should I use to report an array of success/fail values. It would clutter the UI if each is a separate "light".
RE: MySensors plugin : Cannot send command - communications error
@hek said:
Follow this:
http://www.mysensors.org/build/ethernet_gatewayA0 = 14
A1 = 15
...Ok the wirings were otherwise correct since it started working once I fed +5V instead of 3.3V to the W5100.
So I am back online with the home automation.. Phew.. -
RE: MySensors plugin : Cannot send command - communications error
@hek said:
I checked in a small update yesterday which changes order of initialization between radio/ethernet. This has helped a few on the forum lately. I have no idea if this is related to your problem though.
Thanks, but I did that too and it helped to resurrect it since before it did not respond to ping.
Now it does so I think it works, but could it still be something in the node?In the EthernetGateway wiring instructions it says to connect:
13 SCK
10 SS/CSBut in the RF24_config.h it reads:
const uint8_t SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN = 16;
const uint8_t SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN = 15;
const uint8_t SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN = 14;So how should it be? Should I change the RF24_config.h or the wiring?
And by the way the W5100 has label for +5V and not 3.3V as the wiring instructions..
RE: MySensors plugin : Cannot send command - communications error
Just to add that I am using 1.4.1 library and SOFTSPI was defined when compiling the EthernetGateway. And since the EthernetGateway responds to ping and receives sensor values I assumes it is working properly.
Is there another way to confirm the proper operation e.g. with telnet to the port 5003 or how to issue similar simulated request that Vera does when calling getVersion?
I'm out of home automation before this is solved!
RE: MySensors plugin : Cannot send command - communications error
I have same error when I am trying to get EthernetGateway (Nano+NRF24L01+w5100) to work with Vera3.
The gateway answers to ping in my LAN ip
And seems to be working well and receives sensor messages as seen in USB serial:
0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete.
0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=4,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2:0
0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=2,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5:42.3
0;0;3;0;9;read: 1-1-0 s=3,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2:1
...But the vera plugin fails to getVersion:
50 01/11/15 21:30:05.658 luup_log:80: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2bf45680>
50 01/11/15 21:30:05.687 luup_log:80: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded LEAK this:163840 start:741376 to 0x10e9000 <0x2bf45680>
50 01/11/15 21:30:05.687 luup_log:80: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.4, 80 <0x2bf45680>
50 01/11/15 21:30:05.688 luup_log:80: Arduino: Using network connection: IP address is <0x2bf45680>
50 01/11/15 21:30:35.040 luup_log:80: Arduino: Sending: 0;0;3;0;2;Get Version <0x2bf45680>
02 01/11/15 21:31:05.084 luup_log:80: Arduino: Cannot send command - communications error <0x2bf45680>Restarting luup, reloading UI6 or rebooting vera3 does not help.
Any ideas? I'm stuck so please help.
RE: UNO W5100 Shield not pinging.
This saved my day too! Thanks!
I wonder why this is not already changed in the example EthernetGateway.ino.. -
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
@ServiceXp said:
@samppa I'm probably miss-understanding you, but wouldn't the electric heater be 100% efficient? In other words, for every watt you consume you would be outputting in thermal energy? I realized in many area's** it's not the cheapest form of heat**, but I think it's 100% efficient?
Yes, but in this case the definition of efficiency that is interesting to know is the heat exchange efficiency i.e. how much of the heat dissipated is preserved and transferred to the fresh air influx. The idea is to save energy and avoid heating with electricity. So the heat in hot air exhausted from the room is re-used to warm the cold outside air.
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
One thing to bare in mind with this way o calculating the efficiency is the electrical heater inside the unit that heats the air during very cold days when the exhausted air is not enough to warm up the air,
So when the electrical heater is on, the efficiency is bodus and showing very high results and may go even over 100%.
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
@Heinz said:
I have the same goal, but the Swgon Casa (aka ILTO in Finland) 440 Premium that I have does not have RS485 connector..
But it has some other pins for reading and controlling (DDC Control) as 0-10 VDC signals that map to e.g. temperatures 10-30 celcius. But I have not yet learned how to read that with Arduino. -
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
Ok, so you can do the logic in controller. I use Vera as the controller and PLEG for the logic, but it seems there is not enough math functions available for the dew point or absolute humidity calculations.. -
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
In my case the fresh air comes always from outside and through the ventilation unit where it is warmed up. @doctor64 got the point that in rare cases like hot summer rain the outside humidity makes ventilation pointless, or actually it makes the ventilation run full speed overnight since it does not dry the air.
By the way, thanks for everyone for great comments!
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
@doctor64 said:
@samppa There is a article (in Russian, unfortunately) where solved almost exactly this problem. (Ventilation of garage)
If you wish i can try to translate, but basic idea of algorithm is to calculate absolute humidity for inside and outside, compare and turn ventilation if inside absolutely humidity bigger than outside with threshold 0.01 gram/m3. Also, if outside relative humidity is large than 90% ventilation does not performed, because it happen in very unusual case, like heavy rain outside, and ventilation in this case is pointless.Thanks! Google translated sufficiently
The absolute humidity idea seems simple and the formula is straightforward.The only issue left is how to request data from other sensor so that calculation could be done in one node. @BulldogLowell suggested pushing the data, but that looks a bit complicated..
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
Nice workaround, but I already have hot tap sensor, but that is used to keep the pipe always hot by controlling an auxiliary pump used to circulate hot water when not showering so that when opening the shower I do not have to wait long time before getting hot water since the pipes are quite long from the boiler.
RE: RC from send() and How to identify an Ack message
@hek said:
You can do a simple msg.isAck() in the message callback to check if it is a ack message.
How the received acks can be matched with the sent messages?
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
@BulldogLowell said:
Try pushing from vera by creating a scene that runs regularly (e.g. every 5 minutes) and insert this luup code:
local temp = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1","CurrentTemperature", 60) -- 60 is the device id of the WeatherUnderground 'sensor' luup.call_action("urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1", "SendCommand", {radioId="11;3", variableId="VAR_1", value=temp}, 85) -- 85 is the device id of the node to which you are transmitting
you have to modify the parameters, of course, but you get the picture....
Thanks I will try that. What should be the radioId="11;3", variableId="VAR_1" values?
Is there a direct pull/request method? (But in that case I would have to hard code the child id to the code, or store it to variable container if that could be requested too..)
RE: Only first transmission comes through.
Thanks for the tip. I will check the wiring (once again).
Still it would be interesting to know if arduino can restart itself since for increased reliability (if any?) that could be done every night. -
RE: Only first transmission comes through.
@hek So 2 questions; how can I get the comm failure status in the code (send returns void instead of state) and is there a function to reboot the Arduino nano?
Actually I now noticed that send should return bool, but is that working only if ack is requested?
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
You mean that I could request data from other sensors? How, and is that reliable? -
RE: Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
Good idea, but the outside temp and humidity comes from weatherundeground "sensor", so I have to do the dew point math in Vera3 with PLEG and there are no math functions like pow or log available. The Arduino sensor node that reports the bathroom humidity and temp does not know the outside temp or humidity values..Another workaround would be to install another DHT22 humidity sensor for the warmed up air to avoid the calculation altogether.. But I like the idea that some sensor data can also be calculated and estimated instead of measuring everything yourself
RE: Only first transmission comes through.
I have a similar problem but the connection is lost after a few days. With Dallas temp and DHT22 in Arduino nano node connecting wirelessly to Serial USB Gateway in Vera3. Both sensor and gateway have capacitors. The "solution" for my situation seems to be reboot after it works well.. for awhile. I was wondering if the restart could be automated by the node if it would see the transmission failures and reboot itself.
@hek So 2 questions; how can I get the comm failure status in the code (send returns void instead of state) and is there a function to reboot the Arduino nano?
Humidity controlled bathroom dryer during and after showering or sauna
I have arduino sensor measuring humidity of my bathroom with DHT22, alongside with an existing old mechanical humidity limit sensor (that is now used for backup in the logic). I have hooked the node also to booster mode switch of the air ventilation unit of the house and using weather sensor for reference outside humidity. The idea is to replace the mechanical "sensor" with a bit more intelligent logic that takes into account the weather outside and if it is too humid outside (hot summer) ventilating the bathroom does not reduce the internal humidity.
All works good, except that I need to implement calculation of the mathematical formula for converting the outside relative humidity when the air is warmed up by the ventilation unit since the temperature changes the relative humidity value - non linearly.
The "real" formula is too complex for PLEG math so I probably need to make linear approximation to simplify the math for the logic. -
RE: Header pin solderless splitter / duplicator
Go ahead design those, sell to all arduino dealers and mass produce them.
(Notice the order; first sell then produce) -
RE: Header pin solderless splitter / duplicator
Thanks for the idea, but don't you think it is a bit funny to get a nano and add shield that triples the size?
I would like the sensors to be as small as possible. I bought some screwshields but even that doubles the size.. -
RE: Header pin solderless splitter / duplicator
I was hoping to avoid DIY and find some ready made piece for splitting the header pin.. -
Header pin solderless splitter / duplicator
Is there an easy way to split the Arduino header pin to two or more? Many times there is not enough pins for GND and power or place for the pull-up resistor. It would be great to have a simple pin rail that would be internally interconnected with female or male pins for the dupont cables, pull-up resistors etc..
I tried to google in vain, so I wonder if there is such a thing existing?
RE: Idea's ...Microview
Oh so those SPIs can be connected in parallel.
The challenge is that the vias for MISO and MOSI are hidden under the screen so wiring is tight to say the least.I have two extra microviews without bootloader and flashing that requires using those internal vias
But even doing that might be out of my league.I could give one micoview free to someone in return for flashing them with bootloader and solving the issue of soldering the wires for the radio (SPI) so that the display still works.
RE: Idea's ...Microview
I just realized by googling that the display uses the SPI interface, so connecting the radio might be impossible.. Damn.
Perhaps I need to use another arduino for the radio and microview just as a display, but in that case I perhaps would be better off with 5100 lcd display. -
RE: Idea's ...Microview
I got my microview, but have some difficulties connecting the radio.
Any ideas how that could be done considering the microview pinout above?I am planning to use it to show graphically the messages flying around the house "heard" by a repeater or gateway node; Network topology with dotted lines depicting the frequency of messages.
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Yes, the capacitors helped a lot. The power source culprit is weird since I use many different USB sources (PC USB being one) and with 1.3 I had absolutely no trouble at all. So to my mind the 1.4 is inferior design since it requires additional soldering of capacitors and the increases complexity. It was so easy plug n play before.I wonder if anyone has got the 1.4 working without the capacitors..
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Ok now all seems to work, but the UI does not get updated well. For relays the lamp does not always get lit and the button on/off is not highlighted properly. Pushing the button works, but with delay and the lamp graphic sometimes does not follow properly.. Odd behavior that was not there in 1.3, I think, and the feeling of reliability suffers a lot.
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
I think the 1.4 version I downloaded and updated was a bit older. So perhaps I need to update again.. grr.
What would be the easiest update mechanism? Is the OTA update working already?
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
btw: thanks for the great help and outstanding forum!
@hek said:
Did you see this update?
It had no reference to isMetric is it broken or am I misusing it somehow?
In the migration guide it said:
metric = gw.isMetricSystem();
change to
metric = gw.getConfig().isMetric;
But I get false even though the seting is metric (and not Imperial) in Vera Plugin 1.4. Weird.. -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
The mixup with temp and humidity was my typo in code. It would be great if the gateway or sensor would warn if a wrong type of value is sent compared to the presented sensor type.
@samppa said:
Here is how it looks on Sensor:
sensor started, id 1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=ok:0
read: 0-0-1 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=2:M
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=0,st=ok:
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=7,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=2,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:77.9That temeprature is in Farenheit. Somehow the GW responds false when calling:
metric = gw.getConfig().isMetric;
Now everything else except the metric works with this node..
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Here is how it looks on Sensor:
sensor started, id 1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=ok:0
read: 0-0-1 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=2:M
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=0,st=ok:
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=7,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=2,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:77.9
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:43.1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:78.1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:43.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:42.7So the transmission seems to be ok..
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Ok that made the radio to work.
But still the reported values are not shown in UI5.
Somehow the Humidity sensor has CurrentTemperature variable, so it seems something is mixed up..
I have one DHT22 and one Dallas temperature sensor in one node. The devices are found during inclusion and added, but no data is shown. The only thing shown is the last update time that seems to be correct.. -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Just to confirm; the capacitor should be put to sensor node or serial gateway? Or both and all nodes?
And in parallel with the radio on the power lines? -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Yes I could do that. What size? Anything goes, right? Thee discussion in the post you liked was rather long without definitive conclusion.. -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
@samppa said:
#define RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOWDid not help.. ;-(
Perhaps I have to wait for the capacitors..
Somehow the first message (with version) seems to go through more often than the rest.. -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
You mean
#define RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOW
? -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Why it is needed for 1.4 as earlier everything worked well in 1.3 without it?
I do not have any readily available and I was hoping to get back up again without waiting for the delivery. -
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Tough questions for newbie..The radio is from the buying guide, no capacitors and 10cm dupont cables.
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
Replacing the gateway with another arduino seems to have fixed the inclusion. At least now it reacts although not able to find any devices.
Also I noticed that even though most of the sensor sendings fail still some go through ok but very rarely:
sensor started, id 1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=fail:0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=0,st=fail:
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:1.5
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=7,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:1.4
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:25.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:50.8
send: 1-1-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:25.3
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:24.9
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:25.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:24.9
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:25.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:24.9
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:25.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:50.7Still those ok sends do not update the UI5.
Has the radio power been lowered between 1.3 and 1.4?
I even now have a repeated node between the sensor and gateway, but that does not seem to make any difference..
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
I tried and indeed the serial gateway said only that "0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete"
RE: Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
The debugging section does not have relevant help.. It used to work fine so I do not get what got broken.And the gateway works when flashed on PC, so I suspect somehow the plugin is hung, but not sure how to debug that..
During the migration I removed the entire plugin device and recreated it with the create device. So I had to start from scratch to include and rename all the sensors, but after the first inclusion I got stuck as the inclusion button is not reactive.. -
Vera3 UI5 MySensors Plugin not working after migration to 1.4
I painstakingly updated everyhting to 1.4 and now the plugin fails.
I managed to include only one node, but even that is not able to report measurements. Sensor says that transmission fails. On UI5 the MySensors plugin does not react to inclusion button anymore.
I have unistalled all extra apps from vera without success and power cycled the vera3 that has severe difficulties to mount the serial USB and every tie forgets the serial port config (super annoying).Is there some debug log for the plugin that I could check. The LuaUpnp.log is cryptic for me since I do not know what is normal and what not.
Please help..
RE: Arduino Nano Gateway for Vera - PCB link
I would also take a few for Ethernet Gateway. (The USB is so unreliable an annoying during reboots when the serial port forgets the rate on vera3..)
RE: Frustration ??
Actually I went to the nearest library and there you can print 3D objects for free!
So I immediately created a holder scaffold for arduino nano (plate and poles on corners with studs on top for the small holes in the corners of the nano) for easier mounting inside any box. The first prototype tested the precision of the printer and strength of the plastic.Here is the SketchUp model if someone is interested: ArduinoNano Holder 4.skb
Next I will try to make a snap-on plate that is only cut with scissors to snuggly fit into any case width to hold the nano in place.
With these I hope to resolve my frustration and still use existing boxes.
RE: Get a MySensors T-Shirt!
I immediately bought one and perhaps the first one in line.
Thanks! -
RE: Frustration ??
Lucky bastardThose that happen to live in Helsinki might check this out (in Finnish):
http://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Kirjastot_ja_palvelut/Kaupunkiverstas/Juttuja_kirjastosta/Tervetuloa_kokeilemaan_3Dtulostusta_Kaup(17945)So the pubic library lets you print your stuff for 0.40€ per piece. I winder what schema or blueprint file that machine imports..
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
If I find some cheap motorized valves for the 160mm pipes I would like to shut down ventilation from the sauna area when it is heating up. But retrofitting those to existing pipes under the insulation in the attic is perhaps too difficult so this is just a dream for now..
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
I also got some DHT11 and DHT22 sensors for the bathroom and the idea is to control the ventilation booster automaticallu after shower to dry the bathroom. The logic has to take into account the outside humidity too since it is useless to ventilate if outside is raining and 99% humidity..
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
I got my node finally up and running. It measures the temperatures, calculates the efficiency and reports that as dimmer value to vera. The dimmer value as efficiency looks a bit odd in the UI5 but that was the closest metric there was available. I hope percentage metric is added in the future. I wish I knew how to do that myself (and had enough free time).. -
RE: Idea's ...Microview
I got a few of those little things too! Just arrived, not tried anything yet.I plan to flip through sensor data, but for that I would need to request the values from Vera and I wonder if that is possible or easy..
RE: Sensor connectivity and reliability
Is that the last sensor reading time shown somewhere in Vera UI5?
Sorry for the stupid question, but is the luup code the correct way to implement logic on the controller side? -
RE: Data logging Options
@hek Yes SNMP is usually used in server context, but as Vera is IP device there is no reason why it would not serve the data also over SNMP as it is so simple. And the monitoring tools are ready-made and robust.
Of course this may be that "when you have a hammer in hand everything looks like a nail" - as they say.. -
RE: Data logging Options
How about providing the sensor data with SNMP to local LAN so that e.g. Cacti server could be used for the graphing (and Nagios for monitoring and alerting)? -
Sensor connectivity and reliability
Is there a way to know when the sensor was last reporting a measurement?
I am planning to make a kind of supervision system with multiple sensors that monitor each other so that a faulty reading or failing sensor would not cause any dramatic consequences in the logic. So the reliability of each sensor could be calculated and e.g. fire alarm would be given only if the conclusion can be drawn from multiple verified sensor readings. So the sensors in house would have primary function ans several secondary functions to verify other sensors (whenever possible). E.g. a camera could be used to double check if a light was actually lit or not although the primary function would be surveillance (or just recording the last month).
RE: Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
Here in Finland the outside air is cold most of the year and the heating is a major cost for living in a house.
So the heat from air exhausted from the house is used to heat the intake fresh air by the ventilation unit.Also we have the Sauna at least once a week (that is a room that is heated with electricity to 80 degrees centigrade and there is a lot of humidity due water thrown on the sauna stove - and also showers.
My interest is to see how the efficiency of the ventilation unit reacts during sauna. Also I may add some valves to the air pipes so that during heating of the sauna the ventilation is closed automatically. Then I want to compare the results and calculate the impact to the heating costs. -
Forum registration confirmation URL points to localhost
The URL in the MySensors registration confirmation email was:
http://localhost:4567/confirm/a9fa10...I still managed to register by replacing localhost with forum.mysensors.org
RE: Boxes and Enclosures
Has anyone tried to "box" a sensor into a tube or pipe? I mean one after another: arduino nano, radio module, AA batteries, temp sensor etc.
This kind of tube could be injected into the wall by just drilling a hole to the door frame and the nose could sense the door proximity (open/closed).
Also a rectangular long box would be easier to hide than normal box cube.-samppa
Measuring efficiency of home air ventilation/heat exchanger unit
My project is to measure the efficiency of the home air ventilation unit heat exchanger that heat intake fresh air with used air exhaust. With Arduino sensor I measure all 4 input and output temperatures of the unit. The formula for efficiency is calculated and reported as extra metric. Efficiency = (T_FRESH - T_OUTSIDE) / (T_INSIDE - T_OUTSIDE), where
T_OUTSIDE is the outside temperature input to the device
T_FRESH is the temperature of Fresh air produced to rooms
T_INSIDE is the inside temperature of house
T_EXIT is the exhaust dirty air that exits the house (after warming the fresh air)There is no perfect match for reporting efficiency 0-100%. Of course there are other metrics that can be used to convey the message, but a generic "efficiency" would be a nice addition.
The project is still in its infancy although the sensor works well and is waiting to be installed (sensors to be drilled to the pipes)..