I have published all the documentation in a Github repository. If someone wants to make PCBs, I recommend that you wait a little longer until you receive my PCBs and try them.
@xefil said:
Thanks @hek and @kalle
Sorry, but I'm not good to understand the debug of the scanners.
In the RF24/examples/scanner/ the range is between 0000->->->7777
Those are the high order nibble of the channel byte. The low order nibble is just below it.
The 125 channel numbers are printed "sideways" in hex.
I would expect a list of channels between 1 and 13.
You're thinking of wi-fi. This isn't wi-fi.
In the second scanner (wiFi scanner found on arduino forum) It's more accurate. It seems noisy between channel 3 and 9.
So, the questions are:
What does default channel 76 mean? 2476Mhz?
Would mean above channel 13, on channel 14. In this case these channels are free, based on the results. I've seen I can use:
#define RF24_CHANNEL 76 //RF channel for the sensor net, 0-127
How to interpret the scanners result? Most of all the "RF24/examples/scanner/" which has an output I cannot identify in a channel.
The bigger the number below the channel, the more active it is.
I would like to understand the result and so choose the right channel, not only trying without knowing what I'm doing
Thanks a lot for the support!
The choice of MOSFET can be tricky. Seems that irlz44n was discontinued so you may need to find one adapted to the voltage and current you want to handle.
In all the cases you need to get a logic MOSFET too, meaning that they are fully open usually around 1 to 3V.
Also I'm sort of confused as it seems to me that L7812CV is a Voltage regulator, not a MOSFET. So if you are actually using that in the MOSFET spot it will definitively not work.
Especially if you are handling high current or voltage I would recommend using one from a reputable source for your MOSFET, I recently switched from mouser / digikey / aliexpress to mostly use http://www.arrow.com as you get free regular shipping, event if you order a couple of components (no affiliation to them whatsoever).