@gohan Ah really? I've loosely been following last i saw there was a proof of concept mentioned.
Posts made by Qu3Uk
RE: N00b + MQTT gw + openHAB2
RE: N00b + MQTT gw + openHAB2
I use MQTT and Openhab2 - I find it more flexible then the Ethernet GW but yes you need to have a good understanding on all systems I suppose.
Somethings to note
- MySensors binding doesn't support MQTT gateway as far as I know, you need to use the MQTT binding and configure your OH items accordingly.
- MySensors binding is in the IOT market place and not openhab-addons
- You'll need to assign node ID to your nodes manually.
Not entirely sure what your problem is here but don't think you've got all the right pieces for the puzzle yet.
RE: MySensors 2.0: can't get openhab item definition
You need to change the MQTT topics in the OpenHab MQTT config.
MYS 2.0 is publishing data to this topic.
However openhab is subscribing to this topic.
Hope this helps.
RE: How do i sent "virtual switches" from node to Controller?
@SuperKris said:
The keypad will not be used to enter numbers. I will place a sticker over it converting the text on the switches to functions as "turn party lights on", "switch heater on", and "turn on garden lights for 5 min". These buttons will be coupled to certain actions by the controller. I'm using Domoticz on a Rpi.
Nice idea. When you do it could you provide a photo? Like to know how clean it looks.
RE: send alert from sensor
I was wondering about this but currently don't have any nodes that need to report errors. I thought though I would wrap the error in a string including a prefix as well as importance of the error and send it back to the controller via S_VAR
I use MQTT gateway and I would have NodeRed listen out for any string with the prefix and send me an alert or log the event depending on the importance.
Just an idea at the moment but might help you.
RE: 💬 Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors
In power input I would suggest moving GND to the middle of VCC/RAW so you could using a 2 pin block for GND/RAW like what is shown in post 205. Might cause tracing issues though for you.
RE: Azure IoT ?
@TheoL said:
Why? Because it was fun and it can be done
Ha, I agree with this! Just curious about the fun after connecting it up.
There was a Node Red update the other week BTW, version 0.15
RE: Azure IoT ?
I'd be interested to know what you have planned with Azure IoT once you've got the data in to it? Not had time to investigate myself.
I'd go with NodeRed in between a local MQTT server and Azure IoT as going direct to Azure puts a dependency on the internet connection.
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
@Meshx86 the openhab binding doesnt support MQTT as far as I know.
If you are using the MQTT binding then you need another controller/method to provide the internal functions for my sensors. I use NodeRed workflow to listen for ID requests and it provides them.
Or static assign them in the node stretch.
RE: LCD Clock and Text sensor node with new V_TEXT
Here is it.
// Enable debug prints to serial monitor //#define MY_DEBUG //#define MY_NODE_ID 200 #define MY_SENSOR_ID 1 // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 // Enable repeater functionality for this node #define MY_REPEATER_FEATURE // LCD includes #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // MYS includes #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> #define LCD_ON 1 // GPIO value to write to turn on attached relay #define LCD_OFF 0 // GPIO value to write to turn off attached relay LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3f, 20, 4); //0x3f is the LCD address. String LINE_BLANK = " "; void before() { } void setup() { // Set off LCD module lcd.begin (); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // lcd.print("Ready!"); // We expect the controller to remove this from display. } void presentation() { // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller sendSketchInfo("LCD Display", "1.0"); present(MY_SENSOR_ID, S_INFO); } void loop() { // extra processing if required. } void receive(const MyMessage &message) { // We only expect one type of message from controller. But we better check anyway. if (message.type == V_STATUS) { // Use V_STATUS to turn on/off the LCD display // if supported by LCD. } // temp string, probably don't need this. if (message.type == V_VAR1) { writeScreen(0, message.data); } if (message.type == V_VAR2) { writeScreen(1, message.data); } if (message.type == V_VAR3) { writeScreen(2, message.data); } if (message.type == V_VAR4) { writeScreen(3, message.data); } } void writeScreen(int line, String text) { // Trim whitespace from incoming text. text.trim(); // Remove anything over 20 char in text. if(text.length() > 19) { text.remove(20); } // Clear the line lcd.setCursor(0, line); lcd.print(LINE_BLANK); // Set Line lcd.setCursor(0, line); lcd.print(text); }
RE: LCD Clock and Text sensor node with new V_TEXT
@NiklasO I have something similar running on MYS 2.0 and can paste the code. I'm using a 4x1 display and using V_VAR-1-4 to send each line over.
If that's useful to you I can post it. -
RE: Questions about the FTDI Platinum v2.1
In that case what makes you think its not recognized?
RE: Questions about the FTDI Platinum v2.1
Have you installed the Arduino software?
I had one of these until I lost it. I'm sure it was just plug and play and I'm sure the driver is included in the Arduino software installer. -
RE: roller shutter
@Reza Oh I understand that but with stop command you could quite quickly have the shutter fully open but the motors still running. Right?
RE: roller shutter
Nice, I was wondering about something like this but couldn't think how you'd handle limits? Unless the motor handles them..
RE: Domotiocz + Rain gauge
Thats impressive, out of interest are you doing anything with this data in domotiocz?
RE: no debug logs on sensebender micro, why?
This is because the sensor is still initialising and unable to complete as it is unable to find the gateway. It'll loop until it does find a gateway/parent, once it has it'll then go on to process your code.
Have you set up a gateway already?
I had this problem recently. Turned out to be a bad radio.
RE: Openhab2 + MySensors MQTTClientGateway + discovery
Ive started out with openHAB2. I was using a Ethernet gateway and tested the mysensors binding but found the combo was too limited. I much prefer having the MQTT gateway and the data be accessible to anything that subscribes, although I also now use openHAB to republish its item changes to MQTT as well which is probably a better approach.
I don't think the main new features in version 2 are very mature at the moment as well, discovered things for example get put in to a non human readable database and the web ui's are not fully functional.
With that being said I'm using node red to provide node ID's and configuring items manually and since beta3 it's been solid as a rock.
RE: 💬 MYSController
Don't know if it has a project website but it can be found here https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/838/windows-gui-controller-for-mysensors
RE: 💬 Building a wired RS485 sensor network
On the Demonstration video what is each device? There are three devices but only two code examples.
Am I right in saying the left device is the motion sensor, the middle device is getting the sensor data over RS-485 from the left device and sending it over the air to the right device which is an Ethernet gateway by the looks of it? Or has the video got nothing to do with the code examples?
RE: mqtt/ethernet gateway - node id?
For 2.0 I think if you want to assign a static nodeID you only need to define it like you are.
You do not need to call getNodeID as that I believe will request an ID from the controller.
Hopefully someone can confirm that, I've only been using 2.0 for a single node after upgrading my gateway.
RE: Raspberry local widgets
@Goldwolf Depends what you want, don't really understand your requirements. Do you want the data embedded on your desktop? You said the pi will be portable but you've mentioned the magic mirror which by design is normally bolted to a wall.
RE: mqtt/ethernet gateway - node id?
No, I don't believe the mysensors binding supports MQTT so won't provide node ID.
I am using the MQTT binding for openhab2 and using a mixture of auto and static node ID with the MYS 2.0 MQTT client gateway.
I use Node Red to assign node ID's I think someone already posted a workflow for it.
I have Node Red ping me a message saying that it's assigned a new ID but you can use mosquitto to subscribe to both the in and out topics so you can see each message going back and forth.
You could even use mosquitto to reply to the node on the MQTT topic and set it manually.
RE: Raspberry local widgets
I'm using Grafana to do this, early days and I've not finished my setup but you get the idea, i also use it for displaying battery status.
Workflow here is;
MYS Mqtt Gateway > MQTT Broker > Openhab2 > InfluxDB > Granfana. -
RE: MySensors Fancy porchlight
This is a neat idea, I'd be interested to know how you plan on having openhab control this.
RE: Sensebender Micro
@TheoL I had this problem last night, its unable to find the parent/gateway. I ended up swapping out the radio with one I'd extended the antenna on and it worked. I then attached a piece of wire to the original radio and that was worked too. I put it down to knock off components.
I think there is a video detailing the correct length etc.
RE: Happy Bubbles Bluetooth Presence Detector
@nemik said:
Like a Fitbit that someone would carry around on their person anyway could be used for the presence detection.
Has this been tested with fitbit? Am interested now.
RE: 💬 Easy/Newbie PCB for MySensors
I ordered some via DirtyPCB - Ordering via OpenHardware it seems to suggest you are buying Rev4. Says Rev4 under the order button at least.
RE: Problem building MQTT Gateway ver 2.0
@siod said:
Contact FensterKzR "Fenster Rechts" (FF_Kz) {mqtt="<[mysensors-1:mygateway1-out/3/2/V_TRIPPED:state:OPEN:1],<[mysensors-1:mygateway1-out/3/2/V_TRIPPED:state:CLOSED:0]"}
Can't tell if you fixed this yet but your Contact Item is incorrect. You've stated the topic in the MQTT part as "mygateway1-out/3/2/V_TRIPPED" when it should actually be "mygateway1-out/3/2/1/0/16"
RE: Add item in openhab from MQTT gateway
Are you using OpenHab1 or using a beta of OpenHab2?
It would be useful if you posted the error you were originally getting.I upgraded my gateway to 2.0 with MQTT so soon will be configuring Openhab but I'll be using Openhab2. Shouldn't make to much of a difference though.
RE: Raspberry Pi is frustrating and I wanted to vent
@micah said:
I didn't really write this post for help, although that's always welcome, it was more just as a place to vent. When I try and explain this kind of stuff to my friends their eyes just glaze over and they have no idea what I'm talking about.... I think I need to find some new friends who are technologically competent
We're here for you!
But yeah change that SD card. I had a similar thing with an ESXI install.. bad USB stick although it seemed to be working fine with anything else I did with it... 2 weekends spent on that... -
RE: House renovation, how to a good electrical system oriented to MySensors?
I'd always thought Id wire my house with Ethernet to everything. An old boss did with his house when he moved in. Everything had an Ethernet connection. doorbell, sinks, bath.. everything..
You could then perhaps power sensors over PoE. I think standard Power Over Ethernet voltage is maybe like 44v but you could just inject it yourself for your own sensor network and adapt the sensors accordingly at the other end. Ideally all the ports would go back to a central location and be patchable so you could swap ports quickly.
RE: 💬 jModule
@AWI Wow they are cheap - Perhaps we should get them added to the MYS Store - I need to use up the ones I've got before shipping more stuff half way around the world
RE: Cloud storage for home automation?
Seems that's the wrong link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/animus-home-give-your-smart-home-a-heart--2#/
@viableoption reminds me of NinjaSphere and the broken dreams with that. I get put off by smart home hubs that are too focused on a phone app.. You're just turning off lights with your phone. Nothing smart about that IMO.
RE: 💬 jModule
Am I right in thinking you can use any voltage regulator with this as long as the three pins are correct. Looking at the pinout on the AMS1117 I don't think that tab is an output and not got anything to open the design files with to confirm if its connected to anything. I've got plenty of LE33ACZ which I'm hoping to use.
OSH Park link HERE
Noticed there search box doesn't come up on certain browsers as well. -
RE: Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway?
So I had a go at using SOCAT and although it's working it doesn't seem to like multiple connections on the TCP port. Although it will accept the connection it seems to output data from Serial>Ethernet is a round robin kind of way.
Reason I had two connections to it was to ensure the pipe was always read as the other post it was mentioned if the pipe isn't cleared there would be memory problems and I noticed not all the data was getting to all the TCP connections..
Anyway here is the code if you want to check it out.
sudo socat PTY,link=/dev/ttyS81,mode=666,group=dialout,raw TCP-LISTEN:40501,fork,reuseaddr & sudo socat PTY,link=/dev/ttyS82,mode=666,group=dialout,raw TCP-LISTEN:40502,fork,reuseaddr &
[{"id":"e9998a90.266cc8","type":"serial-port","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","serialport":"/dev/ttyS82","serialbaud":"9600","databits":"8","parity":"none","stopbits":"1","newline":"\\n","bin":"false","out":"char","addchar":true},{"id":"ee7d4fbe.58c5f","type":"serial-port","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","serialport":"/dev/ttyS81","serialbaud":"9600","databits":"8","parity":"none","stopbits":"1","newline":"\\n","bin":"false","out":"char","addchar":true},{"id":"50839f8a.fbcaa","type":"debug","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"Full-Debug","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":595,"y":575,"wires":[]},{"id":"d5b18044.18e1f","type":"tcp in","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"MYS-GW-OUT","server":"client","host":"","port":"5003","datamode":"stream","datatype":"utf8","newline":"\\n","topic":"MYS-GW-Output","base64":false,"x":103,"y":963,"wires":[["db05059b.37e4e8","4f3b7e79.739e6"]]},{"id":"c462686d.bb5a78","type":"catch","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"","scope":null,"x":387,"y":574,"wires":[["50839f8a.fbcaa"]]},{"id":"9fdda3da.86eb7","type":"debug","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"PayloadDebug","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"payload","x":584,"y":666,"wires":[]},{"id":"db05059b.37e4e8","type":"serial out","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"ControllerOne-Out","serial":"ee7d4fbe.58c5f","x":619,"y":875,"wires":[]},{"id":"75f6db75.bba3c4","type":"serial in","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"ControllerOne-IN","serial":"ee7d4fbe.58c5f","x":103,"y":894,"wires":[["6bbbe087.e897"]]},{"id":"6bbbe087.e897","type":"tcp out","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","host":"","port":"5003","beserver":"client","base64":false,"end":false,"name":"MYS-GW-IN","x":605,"y":949,"wires":[]},{"id":"4f3b7e79.739e6","type":"serial out","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"ControllerTwo-Out","serial":"e9998a90.266cc8","x":625,"y":1044,"wires":[]},{"id":"73b94814.883c88","type":"serial in","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"ControllerTwo-IN","serial":"e9998a90.266cc8","x":104,"y":1045,"wires":[["6bbbe087.e897"]]},{"id":"8121ed9b.ba597","type":"tcp in","z":"a89027d9.b1ef08","name":"ControllerOne-TCP-Out","server":"client","host":"","port":"40501","datamode":"stream","datatype":"utf8","newline":"\\n","topic":"","base64":false,"x":151,"y":731,"wires":[["9fdda3da.86eb7"]]}]
RE: Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway?
@tbowmo Have to admit I didn't actually look in to socat (read: Google it).
Seems very possible. I'll have a play tonight.
RE: Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway?
No i didn't but I don't think I can. I run all my "things" nodered/controllers etc on separate Virtual Machines and communication is all over IP rather than serial/usb.
Sitting on this for a bit see if I come up with anything.
RE: Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway?
So I'm pretty sure you can't do what you're trying to do with TCP as NodeRed can't listen on a port multiple times. It seems to see it as two connections as opposed to one connection and accessing that connections input/output.
I guess this might be a security thing because you could use NodeRed as a man in the middle and do all sorts.. which is what we're trying do it. Sit between the gateway and the controllers and do awesome stuff.
I'm sure "To Vera" in your code @petewill needs to listen on the same port "From Vera" is however if you do this you'll only be able to connect to one of the nodes. Once connected the other node will throw a port in use error.
Also I'm pretty sure it's using two connections to the MYS gateway which should be fine as mine seems to handle two connections but if your using nodeRed and have something else directly connected to the GW you may have problems.
I was looking to have NR pretend to be an ethernet gateway and convert MQTT messages back and forth down a TCP connection. Seems it's not the tool for the job.
RE: Best dimmable countertop lights?
If you down the LED strip route I got a white led strip and found they are a bit tooo white. Got the natural white ones look much better but not installed yet. Not entirely sure if they are called natural white though.
They actually seem pretty reasonable from Amazon as well which if you don't want to wait 5 weeks.
RE: Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway?
Wondering if you got anywhere with this? I was planning on moving to the MQTT Gateway and was wondering if Node-Red would provide TCP connectivity for various controllers as MQTT isn't widely supported etc.
but this sounds like it could work as well?
RE: MyNodes.NET 2.0
Any plans to support the MQTT gateway.. I'm finding I want to use multiple controllers but I find the Ethernet gateway supports only so many connections so I want to move towards using MQTT.
RE: MyNodes.NET 2.0
@derwish Ah that makes sense if your using it to check connection, should have twigged that.
So whats your plans for MyNodes.NET?
RE: MyNodes.NET 2.0
Looking good, I setup my ethernet gateway quite quickly. I'm running on windows and I did have to "unblock" the zip before extracting or it threw an error on start up regarding CAS policy.
I've noticed though as I'm running Openhab and MyNodes.NET side by side on the ethernet gateway I see the openhab log flooded with the return for a gateway version request from a controller. I see nothing in the logs to suggest MyNodes.NET is sending this but closing it stops the messages etc so I suspect it is. Seems every second it's requesting the version..
See example from OpenHab log.
22:43:22.740 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 1;0;1;0;0;36.0 22:43:25.739 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5 22:43:35.746 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5 22:43:45.762 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5 22:43:55.031 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 1;0;1;0;0;36.0 22:43:55.764 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;2;1.5 22:44:05.462 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 9;0;1;0;1;28.6
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
I seem to be having some issues with the dimmer function and I'm not entirely sure if its OpenHab, the binding or MySensors... but I seem to be able to crash the gateway once OpenHab boots up... The node is basically running DimmerLED stretch
20:31:13.030 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 7;1;1;0;0;33.8 ... 20:31:13.596 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent ] - Item 'Light_APT_Lounge_TV' received command ON 20:31:13.598 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsWriter] - Sending to MySensors: 8;0;1;0;2;1 20:31:13.602 [INFO ] [marthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Light_APT_Lounge_TV changed from NULL to 100 20:31:14.599 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 0;0;3;0;14;Gateway startup complete. 20:31:27.963 [WARN ] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - Connection to Gateway lost! 20:31:27.964 [DEBUG] [g.mysensors.protocol.MySensorsReader] - Stopping Reader thread 20:31:27.965 [INFO ] [me.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'mysensors:bridge-eth:gateway' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE
I notice the ItemState is null and that sort of makes sense why if OpenHab has been restarted but surely if it is null it shouldn't cause the gateway to go offline? Also it doesn't reconnect which is probably more of an issue.
Bridge mysensors:bridge-eth:gateway [ ipAddress="", tcpPort=5003, sendDelay=200 ] { dimmer light08 [ nodeId="8", childId="0" ] }
Dimmer Light_APT_Lounge_TV "TV Lights" <light> (Lights, APT_Lounge) { channel="mysensors:dimmer:gateway:light08:dimmer" }
RE: MyNodes.NET 2.0
Looks awesome - videos are cool - I'll be checking this out this weekend!
RE: MySensors Micro - Other Suppliers
@Ironbar yeah I'm in that process now.
RE: MySensors Micro - Other Suppliers
Urgh, still no luck.. Must have tried 30 combinations and on my phone as well.
I'll try again later. I'm sure they're worth the frustration!
MySensors Micro - Other Suppliers
Is there anywhere else I can order the MySensors Micro from? I seem to be having issues with ordering on the iTead site.
"Unable to process payment. Please contact the merchant as the shipping address provided by the merchant is invalid, and the merchant has requested that your order must be shipped to that address."
I contacted iTead but they don't seem to understand I get this error before even logging in to Paypal, just straight after the redirect and I'm entering my address in fine as far as I can tell... I've asked them but they don't appear to accept other payment methods.
Anyone else having this problem with them - its driving me nuts.
So any other suppliers?
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
I wondered that but I'm quite new to OpenHab so did some looking in to how various things work..
PaperUi uses something called MapDB which is basically a non-human readable configuration file. If you add "things" via PaperUi as far as I can tell you've still got to link the thing to an item for OpenHab to work with as far as I can tell..
I opted to do everything manually like in the wiki, seems much simpler
I get the impression PaperUi is still very new and not for production yet... its not compatible with sitemaps as they are waiting to implement a version of sitemaps in PaperUI or something.. I think it all boils down to the fact they want to keep V2 100% compatible with V1 configs and bindings etc so all the new stuff in V2 isn't quite ready yet...
Anyway might have totally got the wrong impression but that's what I see as a new OpenHab user going straight to v2.
On another note the work your doing TimO is awesome!
RE: Find parent
I had this problem the other day.
I noticed when I put my thumb on the radio the communication reached the gateway.
I ended up extending the radio antenna with a piece of wire. It's documented I believe in the latest video. MySenors Troublshooting. I'd link but on mobile/a plane.
Not entirely sure why this wasn't working but this fixed it for me. I assumed as it was sending a signal the radio wires/power was okay, I suspect it wasn't recieveing okay.
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
@TimO Slightly off topic but am I right in thinking even with discovered things you still have to manually create an item for the thing in the item.conf for stuff like rules to work?
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
@ZoTyA said:
after OH2 restart I got "UNINITIALIZED - HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR" for all already existing sensors. If I add a new sensors it works until OH2 restart
This should be fixed but I don't think @Tim0 has released the fix yet? Might be wrong.
RE: My first 3D printed PIR enclosure
I should get a 3D printer.
My PIR is just a board at the moment as I've not been able to find a good enough box.
RE: How do I send a REST command?
An example of using the Domoticz api over http would be¶m=switchlight&idx=99&switchcmd=On
Not sure where you got your info from but the API is detailed here.
Domoticz API -
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
@TimO Good to know its not just me, may still be O2 it is alpha after all.
Now to figure out these rules..
RE: openHAB 2.0 binding
Firstly great work on the binding... it makes openhab2 a bit more attractive.
Not entirely sure how to debug this further as I'm very new to openhab but after setting all my sensors up (even via discovery which is cool) after I restart the openhab2 service the MYS things never get initialized and stay in the UNINITIALIZED state.
Running on RP2 and start_debug.sh I see the incoming MYS messages but OH2 is not updating the thing, for example
2015-08-15 04:04:57 [DEBUG] [b.m.p.ip.MySensorsIpConnection:68 ] - 4;0;1;0;0;29.0
2015-08-15 04:05:08 [DEBUG] [b.m.p.ip.MySensorsIpConnection:68 ] - 1;0;1;0;0;30.0However if I go in to the thing via the paperui, edit/save it. The thing is then initialized and I can see in the console OH2 updating the thing when a message is received.
2015-08-15 04:08:53 [DEBUG] [b.m.p.ip.MySensorsIpConnection:68 ] - 1;0;1;0;0;30.0
2015-08-15 04:08:53 [INFO ] [runtime.busevents :27 ] - mysensors_temperature_08797005_Temperature_1_0_temp state updated to 30.0I deleted the userdata directory before updating to the latest version 3 days ago.
No idea if this is a OH2 issue or a binding issue though.
RE: Release 1.5 and Ethernet Gateway
Seems to have fixed my ethernet gw issues.
RE: Relay with ACS712
Quick question but where did you get that enclosure from and the multi type plug sockets. They look modular?
RE: MySensors 1.5 Released
When you say backwards compatible does this include a 1.5 sensor talking to a 1.4 gateway? I'm assuming not.
Can't wait to update though. I'm working on an RGB light so this is cool.
RE: Safe In-Wall AC to DC Transformers??
@rvendrame Waiting on some boxes but I'm also wanting to protect the connections inside the box, figure it'll also be a little neater maybe.
RE: Safe In-Wall AC to DC Transformers??
@Jan-Gatzke Ah yeah that's probably a neater option as well I think. Sure I can find something suitable like that.
I have heatshrink but I just figured it wouldn't 100% cover the solder joints on the PCB. -
RE: Seamless Smart Home Interface
@Moshe-Livne Yeah it was going to be awesome, I've unplugged mine but not yet put it in the cupboard.
It was both local and cloud which was another good feature.
I'm using Domoticz but it just doesn't feel right. OpenHAB I'm staying away from, I installed and I know I should learn it but yeah.. I like HomeGenie but it doesn't support MYS 100% thinking I may help that once I've got a network up.
RE: Safe In-Wall AC to DC Transformers??
I got some hi-link modules a while back on a "I might need these in the future" type deal.
I was wondering though how to protect the connections. I got some fuses+pcb holders to add extra protection however there is going to be at least 4 points which will be exposed.
Can I just cover the joints with hot glue to stop them from making contact with anything? Call me paranoid but I like to be extra safe.
RE: Seamless Smart Home Interface
Yeah, probably a marketing person..
I was thinking more along the sense that really selling a hub to support a system just won't work. Smarthings have done it but I bet only because they got purchased by Samsung, I wouldn't be surprised if they are running at a loss. At least with Smartthings they are selling overpriced sensors for income.
Ninja looking back was always going to fail as the hardware sales couldn't support the software/maintenance. I think they said something like the servers were costing them like $4000 a month. May not sound a lot but I wonder what the cost per user was and if the user isn't paying you monthly... well its doesn't take a much to work out you'd run out of $$$...
Fingers crossed they'll rise up. There is still some life in Ninja I think.
Anywho, without Ninja I'd have never found MYS or at least not yet anyway.. Just need to decide on a controller though..
RE: Seamless Smart Home Interface
B.one looks like its in line to be the next ninjasphere.
RE: Problem with Ethernet GW - W5100
I'm having the same problem but not really done enough troubleshooting myself. I built a serial gateway after starting over with the Ethernet gateway a couple of times with the same issue.
Serial gateway works fine and I happened to notice the Ethernet gateway wiring page doesn't mention IRQ pin but the serial does.. Not sure how much that has anything to do with it but just something I noticed. I'm assuming the radio bit was at fault due to the pins differing between the serial and Ethernet gateways..
RE: Battery Step Up Converter
Ah that's some good info.
Seems i was thrown off then the buying guide suggests you NEED a step up module as opposed to optional I guess?
Back to the waiting game none the less.
Battery Step Up Converter
So it seems I ordered some 3v Pro minis and not the 5v Pro minis as I expected.. No worries though as I figure yeah why not power the 3v minis of batteries..
So I was looking to order some battery cases and thought Id need a step up converter, the store confirms this however there only appears to be step down converters in the store .
Can anyone point in the the direction of the correct converter I need?
RE: 5 Channel (RGBWW) LED Dimmer With Rotary Encoder
Nice project, I'm looking to do something similar, just need to source a powersupply.