Well I changed the connection type for the sensors due to the above issue.
Tested and again after 2.5 days, it locked out on a sensor com error. So after some thought, I realized, (not sure why I didn't before) the system is not going to be 100% bullet proof, so instead of moving to a hard fault, I recoded the error handling section of the sketch to attempt to handle the occasional hiccups in reading the sensors. Pushed new sketch to Github and am testing now.
It will interesting to see just how many times the readings fail.
I shall see.....
My next issue is the humidity seems to be off. It has read as high as 115% humidity. Is this normal or should I be considering a correction? If so, how would I enter a correction. Its a little odd considering it states that the accuracy is much tighter than that.
@ryanbrown204 temperature: https://www.mysensors.org/build/temp
Motion: https://www.mysensors.org/build/motion
See the first post in this thread for the modifications Konrad did.
Could you post your full working sketch please?
I'm revisiting some of my 51822 nodes that have sat collecting dust for a long time and thought i might try to get them working again.