@NeverDie Yes, you are correct - it is based on ATMega1284P. So not relevant
My point is that I'd rather stick to the datasheet rather than overclock, but that's just me. And yes I realise that Moteino is overclocking, but the size, voltage and flash are really appealing to me.
Hi @tbowmo, do you mind to explain a bit about the design? I'm interested with your design.
I will use these steps for removing voltage regulator, http://goo.gl/CsZaNg
So the design will be battery > external step up regulator (http://goo.gl/PFt99R - to stabilize 3.3v) > vcc pin ?
with these then I can use my first post design?
I have added a device editor to the server. It uses the sensor types as a group and the sensor variable as the control.
Group (sensor):
Control (sensor variable):
This will be my last post here because my controller has got it's own controller page