@zmatokan said in NModule:
@Nca78 Are you still working on this pcbs? i think it would be great to add a version that supports HiLink 220ac->5dc module on powerboard.
No I'm not working on NModules anymore, I have a few old nodes using atmega/nrf24 but I switched to NRF5 for "basic" nodes now, and to ESP32 for more "advanced" stuff.
NModule was designed for beginner and simple/riskless use, so I don't think adding high voltage option is a great idea, it's better to use an external power supply and connect the output to the powerboard.
Hello @reinhold,
yes the PCB works, I have assembled one and tested it for basic function (not all buttons and leds) but I have stability problem that comes from the software, I put it aside to do other things and didn't have time to go back to it, if there is some interest for it I will find some time and finish at least a basic script.
@SiLeX So it may be due to an incorrect connection? Pins of module are untagged and I connected them according to the positions of schemes that I found online. All modules have same pinout?