Damm I am trying to get this working with a Arduino pro mini ,,but no luck wanted to use it in the car ..
How do you wire the NRF24L01+ ???
N-Channel Mosfet s ??? model number please any help much appreciated
I have tried mosfets >>>irf510n
I buy them on Aliexpress:
If you apply hot air it is easy to take off the white "double sided tape" and the plastic.
Awesome project, I wish I made something like this.
(I actually wanted to make something like this when I was in school)
Very clean and nice presentation and realization, with a lot of attention to details. All is very realistic, I can imagine that it took quite some time making it.
Thanks for sharing the details!
I liked domoticz (was very easy to set up and use). Together with dzVents scripting wasn't that difficult either. But I also had some problem with it lately, so I was actually thinking about switching to openhab (2).
Hi and welcome to the MySensors community @augusthalverson !
In general, you just set the color in your controller. It works the same way regardless of which type of gateway you are using, so there is nothing specific about mqtt.
You might be able to get some inspiration from https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4934/wall-mounted-mood-light-v2