thanks @pjblink , I get lots of errors just wondering before I do anything, was this sketch wrote for 1.5or 2.0?
this is probably my issue as I still run 1.4.1
but thought I would run it past you first.
thx doug
thanks @pjblink , I get lots of errors just wondering before I do anything, was this sketch wrote for 1.5or 2.0?
this is probably my issue as I still run 1.4.1
but thought I would run it past you first.
thx doug
@pjblink what a great project perfect for my needs.
Can you post the sketch please
Thanks Doug
Looks like a feasible idea, as my stn does consume all the battery on bad days, and yes I needed the diode between the solar and controller to get to the right voltage
cheers doug
HI had my bicycle stolen and was interested if anyone has created a GPS sketch/ hardware to track the stolen item?
@Dwalt I believe your reply caught my problem, in IP address bar I was missing the semi colons on the DEADBEEFFEED mac, It would appear that the issue has been resolved for now .
Thanks a lot!
@Dwalt I think this where the issue is I cant seem to get the My Sensors plug in to show on the vera3 dashboard.
@gregl or anyone with info
this is the second iboard gateway to be set up for me. The first went off without a hitch. It was and is still up and running flawlessly, how ever there is aproblem I have to day.
I believe I have used the same program as is indicated in this thread and have done so by the h/w method.
When using the arduino 1.6.5 IDE and set to Duemilove board 328 processer and proper USB port, when using the serial moniter the message "0,0,3,0,14 gateway started " is what is shown.
However when Iboard is plugged into Ethernet port on modem, there is no interaction on the vera 3 dashboard (ui5) and for the life of me I can not figure out the issue.
The power LED as well as LINK ,SPD, FDX are on steady with occasional blinks of the Rx led
suggesting there is some communication between iboard and modem. As there is no check wires, all in the board seems well.
Any ideas on the problemI? I have tried different rf24 and power supplies or have I forgot to do something with the vera. I had usb gateway but it has been deleted from vera3.
Thanks doug.
Edit When I go to the router and inspect for connected things the Iboard does show up under the proper reserved ip ( with port 5003.
This unit is in remote home and first unit is at residence, both with own vera but both use the same mac dead beef feed.
I have got this to work on my Cdn system 120/240 vac using A0 and A1 pins. The code needed to be changed to address our voltage and another clamp added., but I do have a few questions;
Is there a way I can record or view amps consumed in the vera dashboard?
I used the sketch above displayed by @chatainsim and in it there are two lines of code with values 29.0 and second 1480 both in green and in brackets. For the life of me I can not find an explanation of these or how the values were arrived at. Can anyone help with explanation?
gw.present(CHILD_ID, S_POWER);
emon1.current(A0, 29.0); // Current: input pin, calibration.
void loop()
unsigned long now = millis();
double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480);
Is there a method to show current in phase. I tried presenting CHILD_ID, S_MULTIMETER and MyMessage IrmsMsg(CHILD_ID,V_CURRENT); but got nowhere.
There is/was much running up and down stairs from electrical panel to computer and back is OTA IDE what I think it might be-- firmware or sketches can be updated over the air from my computer>vera>gw>node while not needing to access the node? If so there is much learning for me to do.
Using arduino 1.6.5, Lib 1.4.1, vera 3/veralite, ui5, Ethernet g/w , win 8.1, pro mini clone
@LastSamurai good idea! Will give it a go!
@mfalkvidd at least I now know why. Guess it is back to saving on IDE
What I want and can't seen to find is the method if it exists, to be able to see what the sketch inside of a node is.
At this time I can,'t figure this out and am stuck with one of two methods both not good.
1 re install new sketch from IDE 1.6.5 over existing first changing perameters and see what happens
2 choose under "recent shetch" a recent sketch from arduino IDE, modify and re install.
Both of these ways work, but at times the changes I think to try may well be the one that is in the promini now.
So I would like a way to see what is under the hood prior to playing with the sketch.
@fabian how is the box working out were there any mods and are the stl files ready yet?
@tbowmo Good sales but did not see the Sensebender too bad .
Could you just change channels from the default to use in the test system (both g/w and nodes), then revert back after all the bugs are gone?
Does or have other users seen this before or am I just thick again.
On the Forum pages a banner has appeared just above the thread areas.
It is orange/brownish and has the request to activate desktop notifications.
In my case the request has come from node BB.
I do not have a node BB.
I do have Ethernet g/w
ide 1.6.5
win 8.1
lib 1.4.1
ver 1.4
veralite ui5
All seems to be running ok and I can delete the banner using the x on the right of banner but it does reinstall again upon returning to the forum
@GuyP many posts ago you guided @Moshe-Livne to arduino cc/ file for downloading the bootloader files but I see only the files for 168 DIP and not 328P
Do I use the 168p file?
Well once again I am stumped, I can't find this library I need, do I need to upgrade my system to 1.5 to find this file., or am I just not seeing what I need to see?
While I can't
Help you this
Cool project!
Is it running well and how do you get the pictures from the cam to the ? My sensors/ computer?
@Heinz thanks I am still on 1.4.1 and will look it up
I too am having reading issues with the new 180 pressure sensor.
a couple of questions,
Is altitude stated in meters I think?
The code revisions;
Are they to added to sketch in place of the existing parts, while the algorithm is to be totally replaced with the revised code you have supplied?
As I do not know the name of the maneuver I will try to explain my self.
I routinely see in these threads blue highlighted parts of a sentence when describing the topic of the day. These blue parts might say something such as " try this" .
When clicking the blue area we are redirected to the secondary site.
How do we do this and what is it called?
I use win 8.1, Has anybody converted to win 10 and if so , was or are there any compatibility issues with My sensors?
Ok got the scroll to work, it is in from the edge of black area, I need to touch and bee still for a second ... Then drag.
Thanks for your help.
@gbfromhb I did not use the resistor and no Vcc connection through it to D4.
My output is straight to pro mini.
Vcc and gnd make up the other two connections.
@m26872 perhaps even a pic (or a screen shot) would help .
I feel even older!
I see the tiny band on the right but it just moves the whole page.
If I just touch and drag on the black part no different.
Maybe another way to say it.
Can you scroll in the black code boxes on your ipads?
@HighSierraJoe Two thumbs up!! I am going to find my flood light and see how much room there is.
@TheoL This is my two cents I have vera3and veralite with serial and Ethernet gw I have used a datamine on veralite .
Almost all issues are from the user inputs being wrong.
There was a nasty crash once with veralite , through remote assistance Micsaverdre was able to repair to good again.
Also there are the My Sensors serial port issues with lost power and no remote resets.
Here is a question about reading sketches on my iPhone/ipad .
Inside any My Sensors thread, and using my laptop, I can scroll up and down and sideways so as to see all of the sketch codes and debug info. All is well.
However in my phone and ipad , I can only scroll sideways and view only the first lines present in the black box area, no scroll downwards.
What key stokes or finger jesters are required to scroll and see the whole code when not at home?
I can scroll down and up in the threads when outside the black code boxes.
@NeverDie great article about low power easy to read and doable . I will be using this info and trying the coin battery method for my remote application coming up!
My iboard gw is up and running so far so good!
Using the basic sketch with no LEDs
Question I see only A0 to A5 I/o s where or how can I use t he sketches pins d6 -d9 pins?
I printed the my sensors 3d stl file for the gw and it fits great, but there are the holes for the 3 LEDs and re include button .
Any help would be good maybe just a senior moment eh?
@tekka No everything is ok now but there will be problems in the future to sort out if history repeats itself.
So it is just a learning question for troubleshooting later.
To "see" Ethernet gw in your gui use FDTI>usb>laptop (with gw still connected to the router) or use the serial gw I had from before connected remotely to laptop via usb..
As of now I use only Ethernet gw plugged into router and the serial gw is no longer plugged into my vera.
@tekka silly ?
But still last night changed from serial to Ethernet gw using iboard wiz5100 and the h/w changes.
No issues but for later problems do I ---use myscontroller by way of FTDI connector>usb or
-- continue to plug the original serial gw into laptop leaving Ethernet still in use ( plugged in).
Well by installing new batteries I was able to re-include the Sensebender board again but with the mother(?) node showing only The last update time and no name, lib, or Ver.
After that Vera had an internal issue which I required Micsaverdre to reboot(?) my Vera. I will see when Vera is settled but at this point the old batteries were both at 1.45 volts
@tbowmo this gw is looking good, hope the prototypes get to you soon!
Hi @tekka
I am having trouble understanding the error codes on this gui.
It is the solar mini weather stn on proto board and it is not working properly.
At this minute I see that the g/w code is telling me 4-4-5-0 ,there was a node 5 in my My Sensors package and it was configured as a repeater but it is not here as it connected laptop> usb port/cord> ftdi 3.3v> 3.3 v promini.
As the code cannot get to and from node 5 it is a down as a st=fail
Is there a why to change this in your program to allow continuing debugging my sketch?
Am I again missing something?
@hek Maybe there was corruption, I restored to my last backup from computer,
I have got the most parts running again, but am having problems with Sensebender I cant get it to include again by powering on and off while trying through the plugin.
Will this require a eprom clear maybe to clear node id.
If so would I use the code supplied in one of the first posts in the Sensebender thread.
Just asking as this is a little different from the promins and nanos. At last check the batteries were at 70 % thinking this is enough to allow an include.
Thanks doug
Perhaps a picture is better than my explanation,
Everything seemed to be here last night but now this is what I have,
The z wave portion is ok but my sensors area is a mess.
One thing is Phoney TV uses lib 1.4.1and the mysensors plugin is 1.4
not sure what Sensebender is using for it's library
I have tried to upgrade the plugin on Chrome but it is still ver 1.4 lib 1.4
@GuyP Can you post the 3d files for the box in original post if possible?
In order to get a sketch to compile and download this week, I needed to upgrade my My Sensors library to 1.4.1.
Everything else is running 1.4.0 and seems ok. As well my sensors plugin is still on 1.4 but interfaces ok with the vera and the sensor (Phoney TV) and my little network of sensors.
But am I ok with this or do I really need to update all the sensors and laptops, etc?
@BulldogLowell I downloaded lib 1.4.1 and just like that your code worked 100% THANKS.
It is something I could not have done.
Just a question, when in your code 3.1.1 you have a few scattered lines through out the declaration code with only // on these lines does it mean anything in particular ?
I couldn't find anything wrote up like the notations of /* and */ for writing comments and paragraphs .
here is screen shot of error codeArduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328"
Using library MySensors in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors (legacy)
Using library SPI in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI
Using library Bounce2 in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Bounce2 (legacy)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_NANO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\variants\eightanaloginputs -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Bounce2 C:\Users\CAROLY~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build5063782765207672318.tmp\phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.cpp -o C:\Users\CAROLY~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build5063782765207672318.tmp\phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.cpp.o
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino: In function 'void setup()':
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino:111:6: error: 'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino:113:6: error: 'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino:116:8: error: 'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino:118:6: error: 'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino: In function 'void loop()':
phoney_tv_july_20_3.1.1.ino:133:10: error: 'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
'class MySensor' has no member named 'wait'
@BulldogLowell Thanks
I will try. 3.1.1 when I get home
@BulldogLowell Just noticed your post is v3.1 lib 1.4.1 and I have lib 1.4
That might be why I can't control from Vera ....then there is that d2 interrupt connection.
@BulldogLowell I see in v3.1 pin d2 is called ' button pin' and is an' input' and 'pullup'
(understand it is for the pushbutton use but even then it is only for a few sec. in my setup.)
Also there is d13 defined as for the relay and used with the radio could that be an issue?
How is the controller/GW telling the Phoney TV to change states? Do I need to run a wire from d2 (?) to gnd/vcc to create an interupt?
I don't really need the button, but I will leave it there
Should also tell you I use ui5 in my veras case it makes a difference and I can toggle the switch off and on in my Device page but no Phoney TV changes.
@BulldogLowell yes I have v3.1 So I was wrong -at least consistent!
I have Vera controller and at the moment My Sensors serial GW is connected ,
The vera dashboard shows node for light on and off and that is really what I want. To start the lights remotely , I think using the reset locally (d2 to gnd?) may work but only if we are there
@BulldogLowell , In a perfect world I would like to control Phoney TV over vera/my sensors.
right now I can use RST to drop the lights for a few secs only, but that is a physical action .
I did look at phoney tv 2.0 and see the pin was changed to pinbutton and declared as an output?
There was a relay in this sketch, or is the vera switch node to be therelay ? I see when you push button it changes the state of the lights but I think not the power to the nano.
I guessing my guesses are wrong.
Enough guessing from an old guy!
@BulldogLowell In the final stage of boxing this unit I like it and sure will use it in the coming months.
Question is when it was included to vera she made the node and then created the light node for it complete with on and off buttons, are they supposed to work or ignore these and use the local interrupt on d2 but would be cool to control this remotely with vera or in a scene.
Great project!
@rvendrame code is now inside the promini and the quest goes on!
Thx doug
After consultation in the troubleshooting category, I downloaded afresh copy of Adafruit-BMP085-library into my arduino library overwriting what was there and now code compiles.
So on to uploading the code to promini and see what the next issue might/will be.
@rvendrame you gave me an idea
I went to github and found the Adafruit-BMP085-library and downloaded the zip file >put the zipped file into my sketch file overwriting the existing .
There may have been a revision or there was corruption but it does now seem to compile.
I do THANK YOU for your help in this problem and ultimate resolution!
My troubleshooting skills got a small bit better but I will try the fix on the original to see if that solves it also.
@rvendrame Looking again I see second part of the code would be put into the loop segment .?
@rvendrame I am glad you found something and I know you are suggesting something but this old goat is lost, am I to put this second box of code into the sketch somewhere, and it looks as though it would go in setup before the loop?
still v slow with code...... int32_t is given a float in meters by me, finds float pressure then does a calculation to send somewhere else?
Not to worried about how code works just would like the error to go away but all this will help with the knowledge base.
@rvendrame I have something in the lines where the #include statements are found
Adafruit_BMP085 bmp = Adafruit_BMP085();
what ever that does
by adding the first line nothing and the same result taking altitude out of the second line
This is the copy of the error code from trying to compile
Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328"
Build options changed, rebuilding all
Using library SPI in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI
Using library MySensors in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors (legacy)
Using library DHT in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT (legacy)
Using library BH1750 in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\BH1750 (legacy)
Using library Wire in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Wire
Using library Adafruit_BMP085 in folder: C:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_BMP085 (legacy)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_NANO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\variants\eightanaloginputs -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\DHT -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\BH1750 -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Wire -IC:\Users\Carolyn & Doug\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_BMP085 C:\Users\CAROLY~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build4008044324059414343.tmp\mini_weather_sat__3.cpp -o C:\Users\CAROLY~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build4008044324059414343.tmp\mini_weather_sat__3.cpp.o
mini_weather_sat__3.ino: In function 'void loop()':
mini_weather_sat__3.ino:102:28: error: 'class Adafruit_BMP085' has no member named 'readSealevelPressure'
'class Adafruit_BMP085' has no member named 'readSealevelPressure'
Following is the screenshot of the error code I get using the supplied code for the mini weather station project.
Try as I might I donot understand what the error is telling me.
I am using 1.6.5 IDE on win 8.1 and have tried chrome also.
It is part of the barometric pressure board BMP085
I have h/w the components, but need the code on the promini
I also cant find the reference to SealevelPressure in the code.
The files are all in the sketchbooks file I find under Preferences tab
#include <Adafruit_085.h>
You can see the error code in screenshot
How do I deceifer this?
here is a screen shot of the latest err or code(s)
@rvendrame I seem to beat a loss as to what to do next
I tried putting the file thru the >file import method and still I get error messages saying cant compile as above.
When I include the unified file there are additional errors all above my paygrade.
I have messed with the line readSealevelPressure<altitude> and the include lines but get nowhere.
I think there is reference to this in original .cpp file but # including this is also errors.
I have remane the files after saving and rebooted ide a few times luck.
Any ideas or is the file from @Salmoides not compatable anymore?
@MarcusG Drop in current is the loss of electricial current running through the wires in your house/project. Think of it as current that is there but not available due to it being used .It is a result of the resistance the wire size creates by the size of the copper lines the current is running thru. The smaller the lines the higher the loss. Formula is resistance divided by voltage = current, if you use wire resistance then result is wire current losss.
Usually combated by increasing the diameter (size) of the wire and or using higher voltage. ie, 24 volts instead of 5 or 120 volts instead of 24. Of course there are all the different costs to balance changing voltage to manage electricial current , but you have to take the distance in to consideration.
@Moshe-Livne see the wire wrap would it stay this way or solder. next?
The tool is $20 seems a lot but is it worth it in those?
Plus the wait time.
However cool project.
@hek interesting my 2aa alkaline batteries are down 15% in a month with sketch supplied on board.
I will keep track. But to grAph I need the Ethernet gw am building it next.
@Pieter-Jan-Stiers , I have tried various combinations of the " include " line in the setup for BMP085 sensor part and it will not compile.
I tried adding the file Adafruit_BMP085_Unified-master.h but the sketch said no such file existed.
However I did download and extract from github and put it in the file ....users/documents/arduino/libraries, I see it in the IDE but that is all
see screen shot at the moment I have it commented out and sketch still does not find read SealevelPressure
Any ideas? As I said I am using the sketch from the first post in this thread from @Salmoides
Do I need to create in setup the line
@BulldogLowell , have not heard of this will look up "google drive " on laptop when I get home ...... The learning continues.
Side bar..... Phoney TV ready for its box works great Bulldog, thanks
Of coarse I need this unit on Veralite and not on vera3 so now I need to build Ethernet gw first.
Just a thought when the Veralite loses connection by power loss the serial gw requires reprogramming to be seen by Vera. So if usb drive is in slot when this occurres does it need reboot and/or does it have memory loss?
Not too bad now but for winter it becomes the remote location.
Another ? Can Ethernet gw be located anywhere on my home lab and not just in Veralite?
@rvendrame ,@nutcracker , thanks for your response I have added the plug in to my Vera and am starting to get ready to try and graph.
This looks as though it will fill my needs and more.
Thanks Doug
I used the supplied code from @Salmoides first reply in this thread.
just not sure where the readSealevelPressure(altitude) parameter is found
I donot see it in the sketch and cannot find it in github
@Salmoides I have tried compiling this code you supplied in the thread prior to uploading to the promini, but it has an issue with the bmp180 code , it cannot read the sea level pressure. I see you set your altitude at 221 meters but I am not able to comprehend the error code on line 101.
enclosed is the screen shot of the issue.
I use ver 1.4 and lib 1.4
I am starting to get intErested in graphing a sensors output.
For now I would probably use o/s temp as a sensor.
Up for discussion is this .... What program do you use ?
I have seen plotly, xlively and a couple of others .
My HA system is Vera based, and uses win 8.1 on laptop
Qatar the moment I use serial gw but have received the parts to try Ethernet gw for stability.
At the moment I still run on ver 1.4 lib 1.4 as I have not upgraded yet.
What are you guys using that is easy to setup and interpret?
I tried xlively for an arduino based solar differential controller created by ?? Nateful I think, but did not extract to my satisfaction.
Has anybody built a box for the standard Sensebender Micro with 2 AA batteries yet.
I would like to get the .stl files if so
Thanks Doug
@tbowmo My hat is off to you, for the major effort put forth along with @blacey ,@Anticimex , @axillent and @hek to name but a few.
While following this thread at times lost (mostly?) with explanations and concepts I have been learning which is half the battle.
It seems it never too late for a old dog to learn a little.
However it seems there is a need for a better gw from some of the threads I have read.
I for one will purchase a unit in what ever form it morphs into.
Great work with all these boards.
@Dwalt Thanks for info but the slant I get from you is this is the old way and now it is just plain soldering.
I also see wire size is an issue.
@Salmoides great thread and project
Was trying to follow the wiring on the back side of the board to wire my project and was wondering how you wrap the wires around the posts sticking through the board for soldering.
Also is there a wiring diagram?
I have mine up and running @tbowmo this is great thank you also.
Now to learn how to graph my results.
@samppa just wondering what the numbers at the end of the luup code refers to is 83. 347 etc?
I am reading and what to try to graph my temp/hum.
Lucky yous, I am still waiting for delivery in Canada.
Looks as though it will be next week as Friday mail has past.
@epierre how is the gold plating holding out on the sensor?
Is there pitting and would you'd recommend this over the style in the store?
How is the battery life with this setup?
@Tango2 Check this link, it is something I built for my Big Green Egg BBQ.
It looks like it could be my sensors material.
Maybe this may help.
In My Sensors go under folder or title bar called " controllers". Then choose "Vera" and midway through this block there is a subject for additional and needed files you use in distance sensors they need to be installed for all to work.
A message was sent to me also --- they are on the way!!
Don't forget to add the extra files needed for this .
They are found under build and vera controller. You need these for it to work.
@BulldogLowell this has been quite a project to watch unfold and develop into just the greatest project. I am learning more just following you programing wizards, than I learn surfing . Thanks for the project and the inside tracks on programming etc.
I have got my tripping gage back from my local 3d hub shop and the job looks good I hope to have it running hardware and soft before I return to and take it to Florida this fall.
I think you have the same as I did
From where you are you. Need to go under apps-dev apps-config port
There, change the baud rate to 115200 and select the ' my sensors plugin ' under the 'used by' pull down list .
Important now to save this in Vera and then Hit Save , and then hit reload. That should be it.
@GuyP Great looking project! How is your battery level usage so far?
What does st=fail mean and what or where is this located?
The node ,the g/w, eprom.
It looks as though node 5 sends to 0 (g/w) but the message is not there, is it stuck and do I look in node 5 or g/w?
Also,I may have not stated that this node doesn't update even with a reset or two.
No @andriej , I have no sniffer but any ideawhat the st =fail is in regards to?
@GuyP , I use serial g/w at the moment, what is serial diag data and there is cap on radio 4.7 microfarads.
Funny all the other nodes seem to be ok, I did at one time have this running through a repeater node to g/w, but it always reverted back to g/w as mother node.
What am I missing with this node, it is plugged into laptop and running ide serial readout.
I have all running on ver 1.4
with6.1 ide
mini pro 5v
using usb2serial interface
temp report 30 sec
hum report on change
I understand most of what is presented however, the part after the length of payload is "st=fail:68.0
It must be telling me something but I can't find out what and the serial g/wand vera3 does not see an update or change in temp/hum.
Is there a thread on this or can you offer info?