@Dreded thanks for the link. i wish it had a spot for an external antenna but i suppose it would be good enough to get it out of the way.
Posts made by mvader
RE: NRF serial to usb for gateway?
RE: NRF serial to usb for gateway?
@mfalkvidd @Nca78 I already have the Rpi 3 as a gateway, I also have a serial gateway (arduino) not in use.
my goal is/was to combine tasks. i have several intel nuc type PC's that have free resources. so i wanted to eliminate the uni-tasker and move it onto an existing pc.
at $9 cost is not a factor.
is the gateway code ARM only? or would it compile on x86?
if it's going to be a huge under taking, i won't mess with it. i have to many other projects at the moment.
i just didn't know if it would be an easy conversion. -
NRF serial to usb for gateway?
currently i'm using an RPI3 for mysensor gateway, i would like to move the gateway off the pi and to a small linux pc that i have. but it has no gpio ports for the NRF module.
does anyone know if i could use something like this instead?
https://www.amazon.com/NOYITO-CH340T-Adapter-NRF24L01-Wireless/dp/B07DQBRBCM -
RE: sendBatteryLevel not showing up in HA dasboard
@peerv in my situation, if i click on any of my child devices, like temp, lux, humidity, etc. i can see the battery level. so i have to create a new sensor, in this case i'm creating computer_room_15_0, and i pull the value from child 1, i could pull it from 2,3 or 4, but i chose 1. and the value that i'm pulling is an attribute of child 1 called battery_level
now that i have created that sensor. i can place it where ever i want.
so the newly created sensor computer_room_15_0 is my entity_id that can go in a card or whatever.
before you do that, i would trouble shoot in the following way.- pick a child device and open it, ensure you can see the battery level.
- create a new sensor based on the template above (restart after)
- go into the the states dev tool page and ensure it's there and has the correct value.
- if yes, then open the standard states based screen see if it shows up at the top in the circle.
- if yes, put that entity in your lovelace ui as you see fit, if no, go back and figure out where it's not working.
you can also tail the log file and you restart and look for any error messages that may offer a clue to why.
here is my states screen for the battery sensor.
RE: sendBatteryLevel not showing up in HA dasboard
then under groups
name: Computer Room
- sensor.computer_room_15_0
- sensor.computer_room_15_1
- sensor.computer_room_15_2
- binary_sensor.computer_room_15_3
- sensor.computer_room_15_4 -
RE: sendBatteryLevel not showing up in HA dasboard
@peerv said in sendBatteryLevel not showing up in HA dasboard:
Thanks, yes your solution could work. Also a voltage divider with a seperate child-id could work.But my point is that the Arduino battery_level value is already available in the mysensors.json in Home Assistant.
"type": 17, "sketch_name": "N60Breed", "sketch_version": "1.0", "battery_level": 91, "protocol_version": "2.3.1", "heartbeat": 0
I just don't know how to get the battery_level value presented in the HA UI.
you have to use a template.
under the sensors section- platform: template
unit_of_measurement: "%"
entity_id: sensor.computer_room_15_1
icon_template: mdi:battery
value_template: >-
{%- if states.sensor.computer_room_15_1 != None -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
- platform: template
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
FYI looks like on the 2.3.1 beta the transport has been changed to rf24 instead of nrf24
RE: queuing and sending messages
@mvader said in queuing and sending messages:
I want to be able to issue commands (reboot, firmware update, etc) and when they wake up to transmit via motion or ti
can anyone point me in the right direction?
queuing and sending messages
I have several battery powered nodes. I want to be able to issue commands (reboot, firmware update, etc) and when they wake up to transmit via motion or timed sending of data. they receive and execute whatever command i have sent. so far i can't get this to work. if i send a reboot command from the controller during the OTA wait period. the node receives the request and reboots.. if the OTA period is over, then the node never follows the command. even after waking up. it still never executes said command.
so it seems the gateway is not queuing up the command or it's not sending when the node wakes up.what is the correct approach to implement this and how can i troubleshoot if the GW is receiving, queuing and sending commands for a sleeping node?
running lib 2.2.0
and the gw is 2.2.0 on a RPI3Thanks!
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
@tbowmo said in
Sensebender Micro:
Is it the default dualoptiboot bootloader? Then the bootloader itself does not support OTA FW. You need to put a sketch on it, that supports OTA. (Default sensebender micro sketches doesn't)
yes it's the default bootloader. yes i have OTA added to the sketch. it works if i reset the device via manual reset. but what i'd like to do is send the reboot command from myscontroller. but it seems to do nothing ever. does the bootloader support reboot? or is that something i also have to add to the sketch?
situation: i have about 15 sensors all over the house. if i update, i'd like to be able to assign the firmware, and then issue the reboot command. so upon reboot, they take the assigned firmware. what i don't want to do is have to go to each one and manually press the reset button to get it to take the firmware. i'm sure it's healthier to run up and down 3 flights of stairs. but i'm lazy
RE: 💬 Sensebender Micro
Am I able to remote reboot the sensebender micro? I can send an OTA firmware if i manually press the reset button.
but can i use the reboot command in MYScontroller? it doesn't seem to do anything when issued. -
RE: 💬 NodeManager
@user2684 said in
@mvader thanks for the feedback, I've added this issue on Github so to fix this in the next dev release https://github.com/mysensors/NodeManager/issues/344
Thanks!! here is the setup and loop part from the sketch
setup pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // “power pin” for Light Sensor digitalWrite(7, LOW); // switch power off loop digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // switch power on to LDR sendLight(forceTransmit); digitalWrite(7, LOW); // switch power off to LDR and the function /* * Sends Ambient Light Sensor information * * Parameters * - force : Forces transmission of a value */ void sendLight(bool force) // Get light level { if (force) lastLightLevel = -1; int rlightLevel = analogRead(LIGHT_PIN); int lightLevel = (analogRead(LIGHT_PIN) / 10.23) ; if (lightLevel != lastLightLevel) { gw.send(msgLight.set(lightLevel)); lastLightLevel = lightLevel; }
RE: 💬 NodeManager
@user2684 in the sensebender sketch we turn on digital pin 7 to provide power to the LDR to read it.
i have many sensors in my house and would rather not re-wire all of them.
how can i add this cleanly in nodemgr to make it work as before?
pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // “power pin” for Light Sensor
digitalWrite(7, LOW); // switch power offThanks!
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
@gohan said in
Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway:
@masmat have you tried with ethernet gateway? If I have time I'll try the mqtt this weekend
@mvader I never noticed that.... is it the mqtt GW?
I'm not using mqtt.
for debug purposes i use MYSController
every 10 seconds on the dot. it shows me the version of the gateway.201 3/15/2018 20:47:15 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0 202 3/15/2018 20:47:25 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0 203 3/15/2018 20:47:35 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0 204 3/15/2018 20:47:45 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0 205 3/15/2018 20:47:55 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0 206 3/15/2018 20:48:05 RX 0 - Gateway INTERNAL C_INTERNAL NO I_VERSION 2.2.0
@marceloaqno any ideas about that?
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
1st patch is still working good for me. have had no issues since applying it.
question. is it normal/correct for the gateway to ping or spam? every 10 seconds i see the gateway announce it's version.
its not doing the full restart or anything.. just giving the 2.2.0 every 10 seconds. -
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
@marceloaqno said in
Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway:
@otto001 I'm trying to reproduce this problem, but so far I've got nothing beyond the normal behavior of mysgw.
I tried with a RPi1 and RPi3 using the fhem controller with the latest raspbian.My uptime is at 4 days now. so far still working with your patch. CPU is at 2% and sensor network still working correctly. will report if that changes.
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
@marceloaqno I am also recompiling and testing.
thanks for the (hopeful) fix
I will report back with my status in a few days -
RE: 💬 NodeManager
@user2684 said in
@mvader for question #1, I've added it to the existing issue https://github.com/mysensors/NodeManager/issues/221. For question #2, for sensors using i2c the pin is not required despite within the code nodemanager will set a random pin (have a look at SensorSHT21 for example)
great.. thank you!
RE: 💬 NodeManager
@user2684 can you add support for the Si7021 sensor as found in sensebender micro?
https://www.mysensors.org/hardware/microalso, 2nd question.
how do i register a sensor that is onboard?
you ask for a child id and pin that it's on. but if it's an onboard sensor. how do you make that work? just omit the pin? -
RE: Vera Arduino Plugin
@ramoncarranza said:
Hi, I am new to arduino but not to Vera, have been using Veralite for a few years, I to wuould like to know how to add the gate to Vera, I find it very confusing, it would be ideal if a video was created r step by step instructions, I will be more than happy to donate via paypal, Thanks so muchhave you looked at this page?
https://www.mysensors.org/controller/vera -
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
I noticed the "improve rf24" section was added. and it mentioned high cpu.
i set mine up a few weeks ago and am not using an interrupt on my radio.
my cpu is only 2-3%
I'm curious if the high cpu problem is seen by many?also a 2nd question.
if i were to add an interrupt. how can i "re-configure" my setup to include that new -switch
or do i have to remove everything and re-clone from git hub and start over? -
RE: Sensebender Micro
@jovo what is your usage? I'm getting 8+ months easily
I have a sensor in my deep freeze, been there for 8+ months and still working fine. -
RE: Feature Request: readable names in dashboard
I figured this out, I had to go into each individual sensor and give it a name.
even though the node had a name.
for me, i don't see why you need
node name and name
but i was able to get this to show up how i wanted to.
thanks -
Feature Request: readable names in dashboard
can you add the sensor/node names to the dashboard widgets, i can't tell what any of them are without mousing over, or in the case of the graphs it shows the sensor number
sensor 8-1 or 10-1 doesn't help me much. i don't remember all my nodes ID numbers
screen shot attached
RE: constant PIR false alerts
@TheoL glad to hear it's not just me having problems
(better in numbers i guess)
how are you powering this? are you using the 3v method or the default 5?
I was afraid since i'm using the 3v that was the problem. but i have 8 (9 now) that work perfectly with 3v method
i have them on sensbender boards with temp, humidity, PIR and LDR
my "test" node has been powered for months without issue on AA
it seems to be luck the draw with these.
i had several of them, work fine if the time out pot was turned to 0, but then you have constant trip and resets. not what i want.
the odd thing was, if you adjust even slightly higher for a longer timeout, the PIR would not respond at all.and then as i mentioned the other type, where it trip's with in a few seconds after being un-tripped.
watching myscontroller, i have 2 others doing this, and 8 new PIR's left.. i'm just going to hope i have 2 good working ones out of the 8 i have left..
the good news is they are not expensive.. so if i have to buy another 10 to get 2 good i will. they seem to be great once you get them going. -
RE: constant PIR false alerts
And the winner appears to be flaky sensor.
I replaced for a 3rd time and it seems to be working correctly now.for me these PIR's fall in to 1 of 3 categories.
- works correctly
- only works when time out is turned all the way down to 0 (so it constantly sets and resets, any amount higher and it doesn't trip at all)
- hardware timeout works, but sensor trips right after it's un-set
I guess i'm glad i bought these in bulk.. i will replace the other 3 or 4 that are not working as they should.
RE: constant PIR false alerts
I put new batteries in and that didn't help.
I do have at least 8 others working fine on AA some that have been in service for 6-8 months on the same set and are fine.
so i'm not sure it's a voltage thing, unless this specific PIR was overly sensitive.
looks like it happens 5 seconds after it's reset, it trips again.
I already replace this PIR once, i'm going to try a 2nd time and see if it's just a flaky PIR
28 8/25/2016 11:55:29 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 4 - S_LIGHT_LEVEL C_SET NO V_LIGHT_LEVEL 36
29 8/25/2016 11:55:41 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 3 - S_MOTION C_SET NO V_TRIPPED 1
30 8/25/2016 11:55:41 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 1 - S_TEMP C_SET NO V_TEMP 74.5
31 8/25/2016 11:55:41 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 2 - S_HUM C_SET NO V_HUM 52
32 8/25/2016 11:55:41 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 4 - S_LIGHT_LEVEL C_SET NO V_LIGHT_LEVEL 72
48 8/25/2016 11:57:21 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 3 - S_MOTION C_SET NO V_TRIPPED 0
49 8/25/2016 11:57:21 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 4 - S_LIGHT_LEVEL C_SET NO V_LIGHT_LEVEL 37
50 8/25/2016 11:57:27 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 3 - S_MOTION C_SET NO V_TRIPPED 1
51 8/25/2016 11:57:27 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 1 - S_TEMP C_SET NO V_TEMP 74.6
52 8/25/2016 11:57:27 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 2 - S_HUM C_SET NO V_HUM 51
62 8/25/2016 11:59:08 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 3 - S_MOTION C_SET NO V_TRIPPED 0
63 8/25/2016 11:59:14 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 3 - S_MOTION C_SET NO V_TRIPPED 1
64 8/25/2016 11:59:14 RX 14 - Basement Washroom 4 - S_LIGHT_LEVEL C_SET NO V_LIGHT_LEVEL 37 -
RE: constant PIR false alerts
@Yveaux said:
@mvader how do you create the 3v supply?
These sensors are very sensitive to noise on the power supply.2 AA batteries
I'm using them with the sensebender boards. -
constant PIR false alerts
I'm using over a dozen HC-SR501 motion sensors in my house
I am using the 3v alternative hook up method.
several of my sensors constantly TRIP even when no motion. even if i put them in a dark room and close the door.
they trip and after the hardware timeout, they reset and then trip again.
i have probably 8 or 9 that work fine. and then 4 or 5 that do this constant tripping.
is this just a result of cheap ebay hardware. or is there something else i'm missing?
anyone have this experience? suggestions on how to resolve? -
RE: Sketch presentation / Vera inclusion
@korttoma said:
Try running the "ClearEepromConfig" example sketch from MySensors examples and then try your sketch again. Might be that there is an old "NODE_ID" being used that is conflicting with another node. If you want to use static NODE_ID you should put the following before the MySensors.h include in your sketch:
#define MY_NODE_ID 14
You are also stil missing the
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
Before the MySensors include that @hek pointed out.
^^ this - I've had this happen before (just last night actually) but i recalled from when it happened in the past, found out it was using a dupe ID, ran eeprom sketch.. good to go now.
RE: MyController 0.0.3.Alpha2 released!! :)
Thanks for the info. I'm not sure what was wrong. when i looked at my password, it was the encrypted one you posted above.
i ended up just removing everything and copying up the files from scratch. and it's working now.
thanks!! -
RE: MyController 0.0.3.Alpha2 released!! :)
how can i reset the login and password.
no matter what i do i get "invalid username and password"
I've tried admin/admin a million times -
RE: New tiny (cheap) GSM module
@mfalkvidd said:
Interesting find!
AT&T (and probably others) are in process of shutting down their 2G networks though - so anyone planning to use this module should check if they will still have 2G coverage in a year (or whatever time is applicable to your project).Has anyone seen if it is possible to use the ESP8266 as a NAT device? ESP8266 + this module would be a super-compact mobile internet router.
I think they all are.. 2G will be no more in the next 12 months. (may not be an issue in countries outside the USA)
RE: Combined MySensor Gateway with 433Mhz transmitter (HomeEasy/Klik-Aan-Klik-uit)
@afeno said:
@mvader said:
I have the etekcity ZAP 433 remote & outlets. I just bought a 433 mhz transceiver off ebay and hooked it up to my raspberry pi2 and sniffed the codes.
Did you manage to turn on/off the etekcity outlets from the gateway?
I would like to do the same on my side... But I don't know too much about radio protocols.
Yes, i have my gateway in the basement. and then i built a mysensors 433mhz repeater (arduino + NRF radio + 433 transmitter / mysensors) this one is USB powered, stays on full time, it is on the 1st floor.. I control about 7 of the etek city outlets with it. I have to say though, most of my outlets are on the 2nd floor (which is why i put the transmitter on the 1st floor and not in the basement) even with an 433 external antenna, they fail to respond 10-15% of the time, with my z wave devices, they never fail to turn on/off no matter where they are, and with my sensors devices, i can always see/talk no matter where they are..
based on that, if i had to do it again, i would either zwave those or mysensor those devices (which i will probably move to down the road).
during the holidays, i controlled another 5-7 etek outlets on the 1st floor, to control holiday lights, tree lights.. etc. all of those were on the 1st floor and generally worked fine. -
RE: Sensebender Micro
@tbowmo said:
What baudrate are you using? It seems like it's to much off, for the ftdi to decode it correctly. Have you tried to lower it to, let's say 9600 baud? And does it still do this?
I have not tried 9600, but i've done 5 today all the same code.. no problems.
i have 4 others deployed from when i first bought these (when they came out) same code for them as well..
could be a bum board..idk. when i fired it up, i could see it in the controller software though. so it does seem to work. it just gives me that in the serial monitor.. strange for sureI'll let you know how 9600 works out.
RE: Sensebender Micro
I am having an odd issue with one of my sensebender boards.
I have flashed 5 in a row, same sketch, same everything.
all look fine (and in english) in the serial monitor. but this one board displays different.
it does seem to work. but i can't figure out why it's showing up different in the monitor.
any ideas?Óåîóåâåîäåò Íéãòï Æ× 1.5óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=255,ã=0,ô=17,ðô=0,ì=3,óç=0,óô=ïë:1.5 óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=255,ã=3,ô=6,ðô=1,ì=1,óç=0,óô=ïë:0 óåîóïò óôáòôåä, éä=2, ðáòåîô=0, äéóôáîãå=1 - Ïîìéîå! óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=255,ã=3,ô=11,ðô=0,ì=17,óç=0,óô=ïë:Óåîóåâåîäåò Íéãòï óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=255,ã=3,ô=12,ðô=0,ì=3,óç=0,óô=ïë:1.5 óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=1,ã=0,ô=6,ðô=0,ì=0,óç=0,óô=ïë: óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=2,ã=0,ô=7,ðô=0,ì=0,óç=0,óô=ïë: óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=3,ã=0,ô=1,ðô=0,ì=0,óç=0,óô=ïë: óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=4,ã=0,ô=16,ðô=0,ì=0,óç=0,óô=ïë: éóÍåôòéã: 0 ÔåíðÄéææ :174.85 ÈõíÄéææ :154.00 Ô: 74.85 È: 54 óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=1,ã=1,ô=0,ðô=7,ì=5,óç=0,óô=ïë:74.8 óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=2,ã=1,ô=1,ðô=2,ì=2,óç=0,óô=ïë:54 óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=255,ã=3,ô=0,ðô=1,ì=1,óç=0,óô=ïë:97 ÏÔÁ Æ× õðäáôå åîáâìåä óåîä: 2-2-0-0 ó=4,ã=1,ô=23,ðô=2,ì=2,óç=0,óô=ïë:99 Ìéçèô: 99 ÔåíðÄéææ :0.01 ˆõíÄéææ :0.00 Ìéçèô: 99
RE: DD-WRT & Ethernetgateway
look into installing yamon3 on your dd-wrt
I have 2 of the r7000 - great routers. -
RE: MyController - 0.0.3-Alpha2 pre-release - volunteers required to test
happy to test.. alpha1 still running on my VM
RE: Sensebender vs. Pro Mini vs. ... for battery powered sensor
@RJ_Make said:
The battery life on the SB is VERY good.
I can confirm this, as I've had one in my deep freeze for months on end.. still 70%
RE: Sensebender Micro
@nivoc said:
@bjacobse Yes and no
Yes 100% is outside of the spec.
And no. 33% with Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate is inside the spec and I get 40% instead of 33-34%.
Max off should be 3% above or? Means 37% - but fair enough. Should be ok for household use.
I hope the Temp measurements are not off by that much.
i don't need .00001 accuracy or anything. but i feel a big difference between 70 and 72 in my house. -
RE: Controlling 433Mhz products like nexa and others?
@Cliff-Karlsson yes, if you search through the forums or google. there are many projects using arduino's or RPI's
I'm controlling about 15 433mhz units now with Vera and Mysensors -
RE: MYSBootloader 1.4 testing
@tekka so it took a few tries, but it did work.
so looking good.
and at least now i know what is wrong with my other node that goes crazy when i reboot it.
ha ha.
here are my logs for the OTA session
MySensors_20151125-192137.log -
RE: MYSBootloader 1.4 testing
ahh i did still have OTA enabled in myconfig.
I'll get that changed and tested. -
RE: MYSBootloader 1.4 testing
so i checked and it appears it's correct.. have a look at my SS
does a nano come default with dual opti? the IDE says it is burning, i see the lights blinking.
and then says done, lights stop blinking.
seems like it's working -
RE: MYSBootloader 1.4 testing
@tekka I was able to get a nano setup with radio and sketch.
make sure it works (saw it on the controller)
i then burned the new bootloader and re-uploaded the sketch.
that worked.
i was able to then also see it back in the controller.
however i was not able to upload an OTA
every time i reboot the device it goes into an infinite loop.
only way to stop it is to pull the power.
but if you don't reboot, just let it power up, it works fine.
only upon a reboot, or a re-id does it go into this loop.
however, it did this before. so i don't think it's related to the new bootloader
but until i can resolve that, i don't know that i can send OTA's (but i'm close)
it did work in the past. it seems it worked in 1.4 libs, but when i moved everything over, it started.
but still strange, i know i've done OTA with 1.5 lib.
hard to say.
have a look at the logs see what you think.
MySensors_20151125-171023.log -
RE: MYSBootloader 1.4 testing
happy to test as well.
using all default settings v1.5 mysensors libs. -
RE: Sensebender Micro
if you look at this image
on the left side where it says "H" by the 3 pins with the jumper.
i take off the jumper and connect 3v to the H pin
works great.
http://www.bdspeedytek.com/wp-content/uploads/1.1.jpg -
RE: OTA updates on Arduino Nano
@tekka said:
@mvader said:
mine does this as well.
It seems like (to me anyways)
that when i had everything on 1.4 it worked well.
but once i moved all my stuff over to the 1.5 lib, this stuff didn't play nice anymore.
hoping that once @tekka releases the new app, it will solve some of those issues.Didn't you mention in one of your posts that some nodes were having different lib versions?
I have everything on 1.5 stable now.
but i do notice that i have to constantly disconnect / connect in MYSController
I know that the controller and nodes still work, because lights (in my house) turn on and off. but no data is displayed in the controller screen.. i have to D/C
same with firmware update. they go so far and then stop.. i have to D/C
i have a nano with MYSBootloader acting as a 433 bridge and repeater, it does that (above screen shot) all the time. I'm using the 1.1 v of the bootloader.
it felt like things worked much better on 1.4 lib with the MYSController. -
RE: New website
@John looks pretty good.
does pidome support the aeon usb zwave stick by chance? -
RE: OTA updates on Arduino Nano
mine does this as well.
It seems like (to me anyways)
that when i had everything on 1.4 it worked well.
but once i moved all my stuff over to the 1.5 lib, this stuff didn't play nice anymore.
hoping that once @tekka releases the new app, it will solve some of those issues. -
RE: trouble with radio on a yellow clone
well how very bizzare..
thanks @Sparkman for putting me in the right place.
i measured on the radio itself and it was all over the place but low.
plugged in a new radio and it worked.
i think i've been grabbing the same bad radio each time i messed with this.
well at least now i know they work.
thanks! -
RE: Sensebender Micro
@NotYetRated said:
Got 3 up just using the built in temp/humidity, making sure all looks ok. Will slowly add motion.
Any suggested motion sensor for these guys?
I'm using that HC501 PIR
you can connect to the side pin and use 3v instead of the 5v -
RE: Sensebender Micro
@timropp said:
I've got 3 coming, can't wait to figure out what I'm going to use them for
I'm deploying mine all over the house.
in my attics, garage, shed. bedrooms. etc
I've attached motion and lux sensors to several of them already.
I tested / proof of concept adding IR transmitters. but these will likely need to be 5v nano's or something as battery power probably won't work with the IR and staying away waiting for messages from the controller. -
RE: trouble with radio on a yellow clone
i will measure tonight, but just to rule out voltage, i wired in one of those solder free radio modules. so that should have taken care of the regulation. but i will double check all that tonight.
it feels like pin out's are not right. but that's just a guess. -
trouble with radio on a yellow clone
having trouble with the radio on this clone
So i've purchased a few of these and i always get "failed to init radio"
when i hook up a blue one
(one of these)
the same exact way, it works.i just purchased 2 more yellow ones and both of them failed to init radio.
hook up a blue and it works.
anyone know what gives with the yellow?I did note this in the yellow description. but not sure if that was what my issue is.
BUONO NANO used C8051F321 as the USB to RS-232 bridge, the FW and driver is same as the USB2SERIAL LIGHT, so after you connect the NANO to USB , you will see “Arduino USB2SERIAL LIGHT” show on the PC.
The LITE version canceled USB2SERIAL part, to reduce price, some time (like wireless data collection) do not need USB2SERIAL bridge, it’s designed for those application.
Also BUONO UNO LITE and NANO LITE are good to working with INHAOS RF UART module LC-1000R(321283689088) and LC-1000RU(321283700876). -
RE: Sensebender Micro
@tbowmo just curious do you guys know how many of these you've sold?
I've bought about 15+ -
RE: Experimenting with cheap 433mhz gadgets
@Dwalt Just curious if you added an antenna to your original transmitter.
they helped my range a great deal.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-433MHz-antenna-Helical-antenna-Remote-Control-for-Arduino-Raspberry-pi-/371200245857?hash=item566d424061:g:kf0AAOxyBPZTgvGeshould help even on your new ones
RE: Sensebender Micro
@Dwalt said:
@mvader No, it is not 30 minutes, the FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL counts the number of 'wakeup and take a reading' events, which in the original sketch is every 60 seconds. After 30 wakeup-and-read without a transmit, force a transmit. If you change your FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL to 2, it will transmit every 30 minutes if the readings do not change more than 0.5.
thanks for the clarification!
RE: Sensebender Micro
@Dwalt said:
@mvader If your interval between readings is 15 minutes and the force transmit interval is 30, your actual interval is 15minutes * 30 = 7.5hours. Also, see this thread for sleep time accuracy. 15 minutes of sleep can last 16-17 minutes...
really.. hmm
so if you look at the default comment
when MEASURE_INTERVAL is 60000 and FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL is 30, we force a transmission every 30 minutes.
That says measure for temp/hum every 1 minute - send if greater than .5 (defined later in the sketch)
regardless of what goes on send stats every 30 minutescan you help me understand why those 2 number would be multiplied together? one shouldn't have anything to do with the other.
i read that as they are definitions for 2 different process.
but i may be totally misunderstanding.I do buy the sleep accuracy part of it though
RE: Sensebender Micro
I'm having trouble with the transmission times.
// How many milli seconds between each measurement 900000 is 15 minutes #define MEASURE_INTERVAL 900000 // How many milli seconds should we wait for OTA? 3000 is 3 seconds #define OTA_WAIT_PERIOD 3000 // FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL, this number of times of wakeup, the sensor is forced to report all values to the controller #define FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL 30 // When MEASURE_INTERVAL is 60000 and FORCE_TRANSMIT_INTERVAL is 30, we force a transmission every 30 minutes. // Between the forced transmissions a tranmission will only occur if the measured value differs from the previous measurement
I would expect a wake up and measure every 15 minutes. transmit if greater than .5 and go back to sleep
also i would expect a forced transmission every 30 minutes.
but that doesn't seem to be happening.
here are my last few transmit times
9:10pmI don't see a static 30 minute transmit.
(from 4pm to 6pm?) i'm sure the temp and/or hum changed in 2 hoursany suggestions on what may be wrong?
default sketch (1.3 from git) but changed the measure intervals
sensor lib 1.5
thanks -
RE: Releases
@joaopaulo said:
Is there any implementation to control equipments via IR (infrared) ? I've done some tests with light actuators and that works fine.
I've tested with IR and it appears to work. so you shouldn't have any problems.
RE: Releases
@jkandasa said:
Right now it's taking system timezone as timezone. I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion.
it seems to default to
Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
(i'm EDT timezone)
thanksYou have to set timezone with the help of
https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-2-first-time-configuration/changing-timezoneI believe your rpi still with UTC. If you run
command from your raspberry PI what is the output?i must have had a browser cache issue or something, the next day i came back and it said EDT. so it appears my system clock was indeed set to UTC.
One comment on something you said above.
" I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion."
I think that given the audience here, there isn't much that would confuse people.
If you were dealing with people who didn't know anything about electronics, or computers, maybe, but to be honest i can't see how it would confuse anyone, much less anyone here..
just my thoughts..now to circle around to the firmware issue.
the nodes that use dual-optiboot, are mostly the sensebender micro boards.
these are typically battery powered devices that sleep most of the time.
with the library 1.5, you have an OTA enabled setting and when the device boots, it listens for a defined amount of time for an OTA upgrade signal.
I've tested this with MYScontroller and it works.
when i reboot the device, the firmware upgrade takes off.I rebooted the device manually and nothing was sent, so it seems like something may still not be working correctly.
with your implementation. -
RE: Releases
@jkandasa said:
I enabled debug in the logs , rebooted the rpi2
this is what i have after telling the firmware to upload
trying to reboot a sensor
and then manually rebooting the device.
it doesn't appear it's sendingOct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Internal Sent [I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: I]
Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Internal Received [I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 0]
Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Presentation Received [S_ARDUINO_NODE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 1.5]
Oct 22, 2015 10:43:01 PM Sensor Internal Sent [I_REBOOT], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: ]
Oct 22, 2015 10:42:41 PM Sensor Internal Received [I_VERSION], [NodeId:0, SensorId:0, PayLoad: 1.5]
Oct 22, 2015 10:42:13 PM Sensor Stream Sent [ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]also on a separate issue
time zone
can this be a configurable option?
it seems to default to
Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
(i'm EDT timezone)
thanks -
RE: Releases
@jkandasa said:
okay i will check this tonight and let you know.
some kind of realtime packet/payload screen would be a nice feature
thanks -
RE: Releases
for the firmware upload
i see this in the logs
[ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]
but nothing further..
i'm not sure how to tell if it's working or not.
other than to wait?
should i continue to refresh logs and look for payload/packet updates? -
RE: Releases
@jkandasa nice release. this is working well.
for others who run into this.
i couldn't get mine to start. i looked at the logs and read that i should stop - rm db file - start
and that worked. -
RE: Sensebender Micro not work
things to check / do
- verify radio is good
- verify radio is connected correctly
- if header soldered in, verify nothing is touching / solder work is clean/good
- upgrade to arduino 1.6.5
- verify mysensors is library v1.5
- if you set up a gateway recently, verify you turned softspi back off and didn't leave it on.
your issue likely lies in one of those areas.
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
sorry if this has been asked before.
but I have a nano with mySbootloader installed and when i look at it in the serial monitor its just all gibberish.
i tried different speeds, but still the same.
is it not possible if you have that bootloader installed? or do i need to do something else.?
thx -
RE: Extra info page or wiki.
worst case we could always add a new category to the forum called "wiki" or "how to's" or something like that
RE: Extra info page or wiki.
@j-jk I agree. i think we could use a wiki.
for example. when i first started, all the examples used a pro mini.
what if i wanted to use an uno, or nano, or some clone, sensebender?
these all have different hookups. stuff like that would be great for a wiki.
if you are using an uno, here is how you hook it up
nano v2/v3 etc etc.things like the sensebender, they list the pinouts, but not for the ISP.
if you know what you are looking for, you can figure out pin 1, but i had to go and then look online for the pinouts of an ISP header to find a reset pin.
this could easily be put into a wiki and would be very helpful.the 501 motion sensor, i was informed through the forums, i could use an alternative pin for 3v and make it work that way.
that could go in a wiki.
how to do OTA
how to burn a bootloader
how to transform a nano into a ASP bootloader burner. etc etc
i'm sure allot of into could be placed in a wiki that would be very helpful to many.@hek what do you think?
RE: Is anyone using senserbender with HC-SR501 PIR ?
yeah i'm running a bunch.
connect to the bottom pin on the top left side (basically not the vcc pin on the bottom)
it take 3v and works great. -
RE: Speech recognition
@kalle thanks for the link
I'm not sure i want to physically wire up my whole house for mic's in that manor
i was hoping something like a usb mic into a raspberry pi or something.
and then that feed would go back to VC.
anything like that possible? -
RE: Speech recognition
@kalle any suggestions on setting up a whole house mic system?
RE: Speech recognition
@Chester said:
I'd love to implement some voice recognition in my setup at the new house, but ideally I would prefer a mic or pickup in each room feeding back to my server which runs 24/7 already. So for me, I would be interested in finding what kinds of mic setups would pick up voice at around 5-6 metre range. I'm worried that might also come with a large price tag too...
I'm in the same boat.
I've been looking at voxcommando and that seems to be the ticket.
but i have not yet looked into how i can mic up the whole house. -
LDR measurement help
I'm using an LDR and when i put my finger over it (complete darkness)
i get this odd "wave like" reading over and over.
you can see that happen and then when i take my finger off, the value starts to climb steadily but with no "wave like"
readings going on.so my question is what is going on and how do i resolve it?
0 0 0 0 0 7 16 28 7 34 64 84 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 83 66 44 20 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12 25 39 54 69 84 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 86 68 48 26 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 27 47 69 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 66 51 32 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 23 40 53 73 88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 83 71 57 43 28 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 16 35 56 72 86 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 76 65 50 36 19 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 22 35 52 68 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 92 79 66 52 33 17 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 10 14 22 27 27 24 12 5 7 13 12 16 19 18 17 15 21 26 49 73 81 86 87 89 85 74 70 64 47 46 71 60 56 56 54 59 67
RE: Forum Banner on Screen
@Marik said:
forum. I have also noticed that size of window affects if its shown or not, smaller window does not show it for me.
yes what he shows is what i'm seeing.
happens every time, on every machine no matter if you click the x or click here to activate them. keeps coming back no matter what -
RE: Forum Banner on Screen
i get see the banner with latest version of chrome.
at work laptop
at home laptop 1
at home basement laptop 2so i see this banner on 3 different systems.
even if you click "click here to activate" it never goes away -
RE: Microduino
yeah those seem pretty pricey.. pro mini is pretty small.. so are the sensebender boards.. for much cheaper
RE: Looooong range wireless...
@Dwalt said:
Here is an antenna mod which get 1km+ range from the nrf24.
thanks for the Info @Dwalt i will check that out
appreciate all the feedback guys!
RE: Looooong range wireless...
@Oitzu said:
Does the property may have good mobile network cover?
sadly it's limited. if you go up on top the ridge, you can get 4g lte
but down in the valley's and what not, 3g or sometimes 1x and even no signal at all. -
RE: Looooong range wireless...
@Yveaux cameras are powered via 2 x 12v 8ha batteries wired in parallel (hot to hot, grnd to ground) and that is fed into a solar panel regulator.
and powered by a 10 watt panel.
had many challenges over the years.
but the combo between the batteries, reg. and panel has worked out great. -
Looooong range wireless...
I know this is a bit off topic, but i also know there are some very smart folks who frequent here.
I have 150 acres of land that is very hilly and fairly thick woods.
I have several cameras located throughout the property. we swap out the SD card's weekly to check the pictures taken.
i was thinking if i could come up with a way to have those sent back to the house wirelessly.
we can use 1 watt cobra/uniden handheld radio's to communicate all over the property. but i know my wi-fi signal dies a few hundred feet from the house.
so if something like this works to get voice around the property.
what can i use to get data working around the property?
http://www.amazon.com/Midland-GXT1050VP4-36-Mile-50-Channel-Two-Way/dp/B001WM73P0/ref=pd_sim_422_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=0DSNBJTN73K4000ZN0PJ&dpID=51cbnx%2BYigL&dpSrc=sims&preST=AC_UL160_SR160%2C160 -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
looking for some help with OTA and a sensebender board.
if i manually reset the board, then it will take the OTA and that works fine.
however, that's the only way i can get it to work.
it doesn't respond to a reboot command (I assume this is because it's sleeping)
and even if i select the battery/sleeping option, when a transmission does come in, it doesn't reset or start an OTA.
the only way so far is to physically PF the device and then the OTA works.
what am i missing?
thanks!EDIT: so this does seems to work.. i spent all morning trying to come up with hack-y ways to get this to work.
using the default sensebender sketch the OTA wait time is set to 300 milli seconds. which is like .3 seconds.
i changed that 3000 (3 seconds) set the FW and waited for the next transmission..boom off it went (the OTA).
so for anyone running into this issue. try this solution.
I cant imagine 3 seconds vs .3 seconds is going to make a huge difference in battery life. -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka said:
@mvader please upload the entire log file to check a few things. Also, if the node is next to (or too close) you will get RF interferences (this has been observed for the large antenna and max tx power).
EDIT: before I forget, also upload the log from the node - this will help to elicit the problem...
I have to do more testing over the weekend, but i updated my gateway to 1.5, as my nodes where 1.5 but gate was 1.4, the 1st one i tried, worked without issue.
dont know if it was a fluke/lucky or updating to 1.5 on the gateway solved my issue.. i'll post more as i test more nodes -
RE: MyController.org
@jkandasa you currently support updating OTA firmware with MYSbootloader.
what about the sensebender boards the the DualOptiboot-bootloader? -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@mvader said:
i'm not sure how to grab the log from the node, please advise.
here is the MYSController debug log in full.
MySensors_20150930-203313.log -
RE: Forum Banner on Screen
i think that's the forum software.. not anything to do with your "mysensors" physical nodes.
i do get that as well and would like it to go away -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka I tried from the basement.
moved up to the fireplace mantel and then finally put it about 1 foot away from the gateway. still the same thing.
tonight after work i will pull the complete logs and post for your review.
thanks! -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@mvader said:
quite a few post. so apologies if this has been asked before.
I'm trying to upload a sketch(hex) to one of my nano's
it's going but froze at 70%
i had to reboot the gateway.
this time it got to 87% and seems froze again.
any thoughts/suggestions on why the gateway is freezing up?edit: i can't seem to get a sketch to upload. it gets to some random % and then the gateway freezes.
a push of the gateway reset button seems to start it over. but then freezes at random.edit 2: must have been a distance thing.. i put the bridge right next to the gateway and the code uploaded quickly without freezing.
however, i still am curious as to why the gateway fails to respond/freezes if the firmware is not able to be uploaded.I thought this may have been a fluke or something. but tonight i tried to OTA a mysensors sensebender board and ran into the same issue basically.
i get to some random point 60 or 70 % and then it just stops.
i moved my sensor right next to the gateway and reset it.
took off again.. but then stopped at a certain point.
and i see "firmware 130" a few times but nothing else about firmware.
the board and gateway continue to function, the sensor sends back temp and humidity etc. but nothing else about firmware. on the left in the gui, it says FW updating. but that never changes.
i won't post the entire debug log, but just the last part of it so you can see what i'm talking about9/29/2015 21:34:44 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100DA04 9/29/2015 21:34:44 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D90421503109410951095695479537952795 9/29/2015 21:34:44 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D904 9/29/2015 21:34:44 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D80460E874E88EE190E0A70196010E945F2C 9/29/2015 21:34:44 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D804 9/29/2015 21:34:44 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D704EF92FF92CF93DF93EC016A017B01B22E 9/29/2015 21:34:44 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D704 9/29/2015 21:34:44 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D6040F91FF90DF90CF900895BF92CF92DF92 9/29/2015 21:34:44 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D604 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D5048064808381E090E00F90DF91CF911F91 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D504 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D404FC91579760835096ED91FC9151978081 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D404 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D304FC915397808180620CC0D6015696ED91 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D304 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D204FF4F6083D6015B960C935B975296ED91 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D204 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D1040E940D266981EBCF838DE80FF11DE35A 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D104 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100D004ED91FC915197808185FFF1CFC6016983 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100D004 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CF04848DF81211C00FB607FCF9CFD6015096 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CF04 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CE04038D10E00F5F1F4F0F731127F02EF601 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CE04 9/29/2015 21:34:45 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CD045096ED91FC915197808185FD2EC0F601 9/29/2015 21:34:45 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CD04 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CC045B969C915B975C968C915C97981307C0 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CC04 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CB04CDB7DEB76C0181E0D60158968C935897 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CB04 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100CA04CF92DF92FF920F931F93CF93DF931F92 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100CA04 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;3;0;0;59 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C904EDCFCE010E940D26E7CFDF91CF910895 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C904 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C804F5CF808185FFF2CFA889B9898C9185FF 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C804 9/29/2015 21:34:46 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C70405C0A889B9898C9186FD0FC00FB607FC 9/29/2015 21:34:46 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C704 9/29/2015 21:34:47 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C604EC01888D8823C9F0EA89FB89808185FD 9/29/2015 21:34:47 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C604 9/29/2015 21:34:47 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C504F389E02D80818F7D80830895CF93DF93 9/29/2015 21:34:47 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C504 9/29/2015 21:34:47 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C4048C9180648C93938D848D981306C00288 9/29/2015 21:34:47 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C404 9/29/2015 21:34:47 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:47 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:47 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C3048F739927848FA689B7892C93A089B189 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C304 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C204A80FB11DA35ABF4F2C91848D90E00196 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C204 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C104692781110C9400000895FC01848DDF01 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C104 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100C00497E2892B49F080E090E0892B29F00E94 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100C004 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100BF049F73928F90E008958FEF9FEF089589E6 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100BF04 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100BE04828DDF01A80FB11D5D968C91928D9F5F 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100BE04 9/29/2015 21:34:48 TX 3;255;4;0;3;82000100BD048FEF9FEF0895FC01918D828D981761F0 9/29/2015 21:34:48 RX 3;255;4;0;2;82000100BD04 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;255;3;0;0;60 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;255;4;0;2;130 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.6 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;255;4;0;2;130 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:49 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:50 RX 3;255;4;0;2;130 9/29/2015 21:34:50 RX 3;255;4;0;2;130 9/29/2015 21:34:50 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.6 9/29/2015 21:34:50 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:51 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:51 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:51 RX 3;255;4;0;2;130 9/29/2015 21:34:51 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.5 9/29/2015 21:34:51 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:34:58 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.8 9/29/2015 21:34:58 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:35:55 RX 3;1;1;0;0;75.3 9/29/2015 21:35:55 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:36:02 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.8 9/29/2015 21:36:02 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:37:06 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.9 9/29/2015 21:37:06 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:38:03 RX 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21:44:26 RX 3;2;1;0;1;56 9/29/2015 21:44:33 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.9 9/29/2015 21:44:33 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:45:23 RX 2;1;1;0;0;72.1 9/29/2015 21:45:23 RX 2;2;1;0;1;54 9/29/2015 21:45:30 RX 3;1;1;0;0;74.2 9/29/2015 21:45:30 RX 3;2;1;0;1;54 9/29/2015 21:45:37 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.9 9/29/2015 21:45:37 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:46:27 RX 2;1;1;0;0;72.2 9/29/2015 21:46:28 RX 2;2;1;0;1;54 9/29/2015 21:46:41 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.9 9/29/2015 21:46:41 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58 9/29/2015 21:47:38 RX 3;1;1;0;0;73.9 9/29/2015 21:47:38 RX 3;2;1;0;1;53 9/29/2015 21:47:45 RX 1;1;1;0;0;72.9 9/29/2015 21:47:45 RX 1;2;1;0;1;58
RE: Sensebender Micro
@korttoma i did see that. but your saying that is what is causing it to transmit every 1 minute?