💬 MDMSGate
@kalina When are you going to sell your devices? I'm going to buy one or two...
@damsh I can sell MDMSGates already. I have sent to you PM.
@kalina Received gateway and tested it. The gateway is good made and work fine. Thank you!
I'm using it as serial gateway for no, but late going to use it as MQTT ethernet gateway with Openhab.
Thank you once more!
What is the type of enclosure? some order number?
@kalina the box is really beautiful. Perfect for getting a high spouse acceptance factor. Do you print the film yourself? What kind of printer is required?
@mfalkvidd said:
Do you print the film yourself?
No, I don't. This sticker is printed by an advertising company.
Hello Kalina, I'm new to the whole gateway and sensors world. Can I connect this gateway to a raspberry pi and then use the wifi and 868MHz at the same time? So I can use different types of sensors. Thanks in advance.
Hi Kalina,
I've been searching RF gateway with enclosure for Raspberry Pi and your one seems to fit my needs but I'd like to know what kind of library is used for RFM69.
Thanks in advance.
Hi @pointbre, welcome to the MySensors community!
The library used, well, is MySensors
https://www.mysensors.org/about/iot is a good place to start
Hi @mfalkvidd , thanks for your reply. Does that mean that I can plug this MDMSGate into USB port of Raspberry Pi? I would like to use MDMSGate as a RF gateway(based on RFLink firmware, see http://www.nemcon.nl/blog2/), which can commuciate with Node-Red on Raspberry PI via USB serial connection(see https://nodered.org/docs/hardware/arduino).
@pointbre no. It does not use the rflink protocol. It uses the MySensors protocol.
Hi @pointbre, @mfalkvidd is right, MDMSGate uses firmware based on MySensors library by default, but if you look at MDMSGate as a hardware device - you can develop you own firmware. Оf course, you can connect MDMSGate to Raspberry via USB (linux already has drivers for CP2102 chip) or Ethernet.
@RonnieMace said in
Hello Kalina, I'm new to the whole gateway and sensors world. Can I connect this gateway to a raspberry pi and then use the wifi and 868MHz at the same time? So I can use different types of sensors. Thanks in advance.
Hi @RonnieMace, sorry, but i will answer for your question some later, I want to draw a picture that explains the modes of operation and connection MDMSGate and i need some time. Right now I want to present my new device - MDMSNode "Power"....
Ok thanks. It's just that I wonder if it 's possible to have one sensor via wifi and and an other via 868MHz. I'Il wait for your drawing. TThe gateway looks very nice btw.
USB, Wi-Fi and Ethernet are using only for connection to controller and you can't use it with different types of sensors. Instead this, you can build gateway which you need, just change jumpers position (and if you want to change radio network you have to change radios). I am drawing two examples of using gateway below.
Hi Kalina,
Do you stocks now? I'd like to give a try with your RF gateway.
@pointbre Yes, you can buy MDMSGate by this link. But keep in mind, that NRF24 radio soldered in MDMSGate. If you need RFM69 you have to inform about this and pay additional 2.5$ (because RFM69 more expensive).
Thanks for the drawing. I understand that the gateway uses or wifi or 868MHz. If I want both I need 2 gateways and connect them to the raspberry controller. Is my assumption correct?
@RonnieMace said in
I understand that the gateway uses or wifi or 868MHz.
You can use Wi-Fi and 868MHz at the same time, but Wi-Fi is intended for connection to controller only!!! 868MHz is intended for connection to different types of sensors or actuators. You can't establish a connection to any types of sensors via Wi-Fi.
@RonnieMace said in
If I want both I need 2 gateways and connect them to the raspberry controller. Is my assumption correct?
HI Kalina, Would you please let me know how I could pay the extra $2.5 for RFM69 module? I'd like to make a purchase today.
@pointbre Hi, i am sending to you a PM. Check it pls in a few minutes...
Hi @kalina:
Is it possible to buy board only without plastic enclosure?
Hi @fisher, yes it is possible.
Hi, Finally the parcel from Kalina has arrived. It took two weeks to deliver from Ukraine to Poland (it stuck for 9 days in post office somewhere in Poland)
The gateway works ok, the box enclosure is tiny and looks really good.I highly reccomend Kalina's goods!
Kalina, thx for your support and for the bonus
@fisher, Thanks for feedback! :simple_smile:
@kalina please provide the required documentation for the CERN license. See here if anything is unclear.
@Anticimex , I have already uploaded the necessary license files.
Unfortunately, for a while the MDMSGate will not be available for the sale (all 15 gateways have been sold). Now I am going to start the next 30 pcs into production. If someone wants to pre-order, please, send a PM to me.
@kalina now I see them. Good
New batch of devices is in stock and available now ...
@kalina I'm new to "MySensors" and I think this device will suits me very well. My plan is to use MQTT and Wi-Fi mode.
Is this possible? To use Wi-Fi / Ethernet, as I understand, IP addresses for Gateway, router and controller must be defined but I have read that you in all modes is using the serial gateway sketch which not have IP adresses defined.
I wonder if there is any other gateway sketch that shall be used or how to solve this?
My plan is to use MQTT and Wi-Fi mode. Is this possible?
Unfortunately, no. This gateway uses a microcontroller PIC18F67J60. Firmware of this uC doesnt support MQTT protocol (in future I probably add this feature). You can only use it as a ethernet gateway. In Wi-Fi mode, the ESP-12 module acts as well as the PIC18F67J60 microcontroller - converts the packets of TCP/IP to UART and vice versa.
Connection to controller through Ethernet :
- Connect MDMSGate to the router (network). After this router will define IP address for gateway through DHCP (for example You also can see this adress in router web interface.
- Open web interface of the controller and fill "IP address" and "Port" for the Ethernet gateway.
- Click "Connect" button and work!
Connecting through Wi-Fi a bit more complicated. If you want I can explain.
I have uploaded a small instruction "MDMSGate. Connection to Domoticz". This instruction explains how connect MDMSGate to Domoticz via LAN.
Now available in pcb (lot with 10 pcs) ...
Could you please describe the "WLAN way"? Tank you.
@marvin78 Hi, as i understand you got MDMSGate without Wi-Fi (ESP-12), because you didn't specify it in the order. I have written a small manual that describes how to start work in Wi-Fi mode in this case. Please, go to "Design files" menu and download "MDMSGate. Manual for installing Wi-Fi.pdf" file.
@kalina You're right. But it is no problem for me to solder in the ESP-12. So thank you.
One question: will I be able to use Wifi, Serial OR (not and) LAN if I follow the steps from your instruction? As in just change jumper positions and use the other one? Does the sketch support that?
One question: will I be able to use Wifi, Serial OR (not and) LAN if I follow the steps from your instruction? As in just change jumper positions and use the other one? Does the sketch support that?
Yes, you're absolutely right. It was the main goal. The mode changing just with change jumpers position. And as for sketch - in all 3 modes it is standard serial gateway sketch. I have written about it befor ....
Hello Kalina,
On April 7, I presented my domotics nodes at the Arduino Day in Zaragoza, Spain. Your gateway worked all day like a champion!
https://giltesa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/ArduinoDayZgz2018_stand.jpgI have a question, would it be possible to get the Arduino sketch that has recorded the Atmega328P?
Is this code? Do you only need that to work for NRF24L01+Ethernet?
https://github.com/DmytroKalinkin/MDMS/blob/master/Gateway_2.4GHz/Gateway_2.4GHz.inoKind regards.
Your gateway worked all day like a champion!
Nice to hear! MDMSGate is my first and the best device))
Is this code? https://github.com/DmytroKalinkin/MDMS/blob/master/Gateway_2.4GHz/Gateway_2.4GHz.ino
Yes, MDMSGate is programmed by standard serial gateway sketch.
Do you only need that to work for NRF24L01+Ethernet?
No, I also use (in some case) serial and Wi-Fi connection. For the serial connection just change jumpers position. As for Wi-Fi connection you can read this
https://www.openhardware.io/dl/5782866b09fcb093053825e4/design/MDMSGate. Manual for installing Wi-Fi.pdfThe sketch the same in all modes.
I find it surprising that without writing any line of programming code, apart from the constants, the MySensors library takes care of everything, it's great!
My intention was to change the channel of the NRF24L01, the transfer speed, and configure the ATSHA204A.
I think I read that the MDMSGate does not support MQTT because of hardware stuff, do you plan to release a second version?
The truth is that I am not sure that it is essential either, but I ask you out of curiosity.Edit:
More questions...Why is the sketch configured with MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL = RF24_PA_LOW? Would not it be better to use the value RF24_PA_HIGH or RF24_PA_MAX?
My intention was to change the channel of the NRF24L01, the transfer speed, and configure the ATSHA204A.
You can make any changes that the MySensors library allows.
do you plan to release a second version?
I am completely satisfied with this version. But despite this,
i think about a new version all the time: RS485, Bluetooth, MQTT ... what else???, So, i still don't see "the main feature" of the second version. As soon as i will find it, second version will be released immediately.Why is the sketch configured with MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL = RF24_PA_LOW?
Because RF24_PA_LOW configuration completely covers an area on which all my nodes are located. And I see no reason to increase the power.
@giltesa many power their devices through USB on their computers for bringing up nodes.
Often the radio is powered by the same source, and driving it at max makes the nrf24 unstable if the power supply is not rock solid.
Besides, having the default being at the lowest power, you have reasonable power optimization by default for battery powered nodes.
If it does not work you can always gradually crank it up. And not the other way around.
The new batch of the MDMSGate (without an enclosure and cheaper) is already available....
@kalina I'm new to MySensors and exploring if there are gateways that suite my needs. Yours looks particularly interesting. However in this topic I read MQTT is not supported. I assume that this means you cannot run a MQTT broker on the MDMSGate but that it can be an MQTT client correct? Also I do need both RFM69 and NRF2401 radios can both be active at the same time on the device or is it mutually exclusive and does one need a gateway for each radio? Please explain. Many thanx in advance.
Hi @animal64, we are glad to welcome you in the MySensors community.
I don't use MQTT, but one of users, who took the gateway, did some work in this direction, you can find on this link - https://gitlab.com/denissp/mdmsgate_mqtt/
Yes, for each type of radio module you need your own gateway, its own subnet. This means that two gateways are needed.
If you have any questions, please contact us, we will always be happy to help
I am going to production a new batch of gateways, but before that I want to upgrade it. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving current version MDMSGate?
I am going to production a new batch of gateways, but before that I want to upgrade it. Does anyone have any suggestions for improving current version MDMSGate?
Hi, put away the black radio and put the EBYTE green radio :). The remaining problems do not concern HW.
ps/ Where have you gone?
Hi @berkseo. Thanks for the suggestion, but could you describe in more detail? As for my TODO list, there is already a task to add 485 interface to the gateway. My latest device "xRoom" have this interface.
ps/ Where have you gone?
I have been working on "xRoom" shield. A small announce:
Do you remember the discussion about multinode? So, it will be available soon))