I'm thinking about upgrading this board to include pinout for LIS3DH breakout board, like this one :
and ditch the ADXL shield as it's not a good solution, it has either the ADXL345 which uses too much power, or the ADXL362 which is ultra low power but lacks advanced functionality like tap/double tap detection.
I would like to have feedback of users on this (do it sound useful ?), and also know if anyone uses the SMD footprints on the board, for leds and for reserve capacitors, as it could be a cleaner board without those footprints.
I would make the following changes :
put footprint for LIS3DH accelerometer along the "NModule connector" as it has too many pins to put elsewhere
keep only one I2C footprint on the side, for "GY-49" MAX44009 light sensor breakout board: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/GY-49-MAX44009-Ambient-Light-Sensor-Module-for-Arduino-with-4P-Pin-Header-Module/32828654450.html
temperature/humidity would be via the existing "SMD" footprint, it's not through hole but very easy to solder as it's 2.54mm pad spacing
remove SMD footprints for LED, add footprint for through hole reserve capacitor, keep SMD footprints for reserve capacitors only if I have space for them
shield would be a bit extended to go over the 2 M2 holes in the "power" part of the NModule, so it could be fitted with spacers and nylon screws and have stable/reliable mechanical connection between NModule and Shield. Basically this would be the footprint of the shield :
So in the end it would make one shield to have Temperature/Humidity/Light/Acceleration or Temperature/Humidity/Light/Door.
@scurb This looks very interesting and my factor now to save me from having to create my own :-). I have been planning to do the same thing (although maybe on a smaller software scale) by writing a simple Python server that would pull serial packets off of a gateway arduino (either running mysensors or something I write myself) and pipe this through MQTT to openHAB. I have two questions:
How do you interface with a sensor network? Do you go through a serial connection to read the serial packet format (a,b,c,d)? I see several implementations that put the mqtt client directly on the Arduino, but it seems much cheaper for me to just plug it into a USB port to get a virtual serial port instead of investing in a separate ethernet shield
How does an item configurations look like for a switch in openHAB? I'm looking to build a toggle switch which toggles light on or off every time it is activated, and I cannot really understand how to configure the switch to allow this behaviour for an mqtt input.
Feel free to take the second question with me directly since this might not be very interesting to the others in the forum
@bisschopsr I now have the schematics posted for all of my boards. I also posted another board for my in-wall scene controller line. Is there any other pics or information that you think might be useful to others for any of these boards?
@toyman said in NModule DC Fan / PWM shield:
Can the FET withstand continious 2A load? I have one meter long 5050 strip
FDD8447L is rated for 15A continuous load. You don't want to try that because it's possible only with a big pad and 2oz copper PCB, but 2A will not be a problem on this board, there's plenty of margin
In deep Sleep the cunsumption is below 19µA, but i have to send with PA_MAX. On some Windows the open/close frequency is verry high, so the battery is to fast emty.
The CR2032 is good, but i want more "lifetime"
i use the simplest boxes that you find,that suface mount with 4 screws and ruber on door.
But be carefull with wall mount screws. if you drill the back of the box ,water come in beind this box. so this ones,the scrfew holes are outside the encosure an box is sealed...
another tip is drill on bottom for pass cables but put some neutral silicone. hot glue let water come in with time because expansion coeficient is diferent that the plastic box and open gaps