RFM69 on one print board or on separate Rx and Tx prints?
I have a serial gateway working.My next step is creating nodes using RFM69/433MHz.
On the mysensors site there is an (obsolete) AliExpress link to an RFM69 chip that has sender and receiver on the same print board.
What I currently have in my drawer are 433 MHz chips where the sender and receiver are on separate print boards (e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001148855756.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.12023abf3WwfqH&algo_pvid=8b48b8c5-f4a7-4148-9c76-522f77bb5bbb&algo_expid=8b48b8c5-f4a7-4148-9c76-522f77bb5bbb-10&btsid=0ab50f4415948924536708139e7ccc&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)Will these also work out of the box with the mysensors libraries (without me having rewrite most)?
Or must I have the RFM69 where the sender and receiver are on the same print board?
I would hate having to wait several months for new components to arrive from China, but as I am not able to rewrite the mysensors libraries myself, I realize I might end up having to do that.
the radio modules you linked are not rfm69, nor compatible.
Yes, you need to buy rfm69 modules. You can easily find them on aliexpress.Thx for reporting obsolete link.
Thanks @scalz for confirming what I suspected. It saves me (and maybe others) time by not going in the wrong direction with 433 MHz chips that are not RFM69.
As a newbie, I thought RFM69 was synonymous with 433MHz communication in general. but I guess it is not.
indeed it is not synonymous. you can also find rfm69 868mhz or 915mhz depending on which region you live. (868 for EU, and 915 for USA for example). I personnaly use 868mhz because range is good enough for me, requires a smaller antenna and ground plane than 433 (lower freq bigger gnd plane, antenna performance and radiation dependant of gnd plane size which is a part of the antenna, if monopole/coil is used).
But 433 has better penetration than 868 which in turn is better than 2.4ghz.
@scalz Thanks.