Scrolling Text sensor node with new V_TEXT

  • Hero Member

    Another experiment for the V_TEXT variable/ sensor. Including brightness & speed setting and special Alarm function.
    A scrolling display to let the family now that the dog needs walking... nothing more than 1 nano, 8 (or whatever number) of displays with max7219 controller upload-f2290f64-a15d-48c9-8420-ab65e481a492 a radio and a few cables
    Total cost: €18 (with 8 displays)

    in Domoticz:
    Built around the very versatile "Parola" driver library

    (I will upload a video when I know how to .. ;-))
    MySensors - Scrolling text display – 00:05
    — Ad Imhoff

     PROJECT: MySensors / Scrolling Text display
     DATE: september 12, 2015/ last update: september 12, 2015
     FILE: AWI_scroll_MAX.ino
     LICENSE: Public domain
     Hardware: tbd ..Ceech - ATmega328p board w/ NRF24l01
    	and MySensors 1.5 ()
    	Need to use MySensors development edition 
    	3 S_xx devices for scrolling text
    	- Displays a scrolling text from a "V_TEXT" variable
     	- additional dimmer sensor for controlling display brightness
    	- 'Alarm' switch. If "On", overrides the text display to display ALARM message
    	- You can also input messages from the Serial monitor (testing)
    	Uses excellent MD_MAX72XX library 
    	Fixed node-id
    // Use the MD_MAX72XX library to scroll text on the display with the use of the callback function 
    // to control what is scrolled on the display text.
    // You need to set the used display in the library MD_MAX72XX.h
    // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a
    // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in.
    #include <MD_MAX72xx.h>						// multipurpose library for MAX72xx diaplay driver
    #include <MySensor.h>          				// Mysensor network
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Time.h>   						//
    #define	USE_POT_CONTROL	0					// enable Scroll speed  potentiometer
    #define	PRINT_CALLBACK	0
    // Macro to simplify serial print
    #define	PRINT(s, v)	{ Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
    // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
    // need to be adapted to your setup
    const int MAX_DEVICES = 8 ;					// number of 8x8 displays
    const int CLK_PIN = 7 ; 					// SPI like clock
    const int DATA_PIN = 8 ;					// SPI like data
    const int CS_PIN = 6 ; 						// SPI like select
    // Parola is able to use SPI hardware interface, not testted in combination with MySensors
    // now use Arbitrary pins
    MD_MAX72XX mx = MD_MAX72XX(DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES);	// instantiate one display chain
    // Scrolling parameters, you can attach normal potentiometer to A5, Vcc, Gnd
    const int SPEED_IN = A5 ;
    const int SCROLL_DELAY = 20 ;				// in milliseconds
    #endif // USE_POT_CONTROL
    const int CHAR_SPACING = 1 ;				// pixels between characters
    // MySensors constants & variables
    const byte nodeId = 51 ;					// MySensors fixed node id
    const byte messageCHILD = 8 ;				// Text from ControllerLCD
    const byte brightnessChild = 9 ;			// Brightness of display
    const byte alarmChild = 10 ;				// Display Alarm text (overrides normal text)
    boolean timeReceived = false ;				// Flag to indicate time received
    // Display constants & variables
    byte textBrightness = 1 ;					// brightness of display (between 0 - MAX_INTENSITY (0xF)
    byte textOnOff = true ;						// textOnOff = ! shutdown
    boolean textAlarm = false ;					// Alarm (switch S_BINARY)
    // Global message buffers shared by MySensors and Scrolling functions
    const int BUF_SIZE = 25 ;					// max payload for MySensors(NRF24l01)
    char curMessage[BUF_SIZE];					// current displayed message
    char newMessage[BUF_SIZE];					// next message to be displayed if available
    bool newMessageAvailable = false ;			// new message available flag
    uint16_t	scrollDelay;					// in milliseconds
    // *** Definition and initialisation
    // define the MySensor network (1.5)
    MyTransportNRF24 transport(9,10); 			// Sensoduino (8,7) Ceech board, 3.3v (7,8)  (pin default 9,10)
    MySensor gw(transport);  
    // Initialize messages for sensor network
    MyMessage textMsg(messageCHILD, V_TEXT);	// message for Sending Text to Controller
    /* MD_MAX72XX functions: can be found in the documentation for the library,
     * no need to customtize callback & scroll routines (unless you want to...)
    uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
    // Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
      static char		*p = curMessage;
      static uint8_t	state = 0;
      static uint8_t	curLen, showLen;
      static uint8_t	cBuf[8];
      uint8_t colData;
      // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
        case 0:	// Load the next character from the font table
          showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf)/sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
          curLen = 0;
          // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
          if (*p == '\0')
            p = curMessage;			// reset the pointer to start of message
            if (newMessageAvailable)	// there is a new message waiting
              strcpy(curMessage, newMessage);	// copy it in
              newMessageAvailable = false;
          // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
        case 1:	// display the next part of the character
          colData = cBuf[curLen++];
          if (curLen == showLen)				// end of character insert interchar space
            showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
            curLen = 0;
            state = 2;
        case 2:	// display inter-character spacing (blank column)
          colData = 0;
          if (curLen == showLen)
            state = 0;
          state = 0;
    // Callback (not used here)
    void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col){
    // Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
    	Serial.print("\n cb ");
    	Serial.print(' ');
    	Serial.print(' ');
    // non-blocking text display to be used in loop (call frequently)
    void scrollText(void){
    	static uint32_t	prevTime = 0;
    	if (millis()-prevTime >= scrollDelay){					// Is it time to scroll the text?
    		mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);						// scroll along - the callback will load all the data
    		prevTime = millis();								// starting point for next time
    // sets the scroll delay (read from potentiometer if enabled)
    uint16_t getScrollDelay(void){
    	uint16_t t = analogRead(SPEED_IN);
    	t = map(t, 0, 1023, 25, 250);
    void setup(){
    	// set up the display first
    	mx.begin();												// initialize display chain					
    	mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);			// define function to get the scrolldata (returned as int8)
    	//mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink); 			// not used
    	mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, 0x01);
    #if USE_POT_CONTROL											// initialize speed potentiometer if enabled
    	pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT);
    	scrollDelay = SCROLL_DELAY;
    	strcpy(curMessage, "I \x03 MySensors ");				// first message on display
    	newMessage[0] = '\0';									// new message initialized to empty
    	// Setup MySensors 
       //Serial in Sensor network = 115200
        gw.begin(incomingMessage, nodeId); 						// this node is 51 fixed 
        //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway
        gw.sendSketchInfo("AWI Scroll MAX 51", "1.1");
     	gw.present(messageCHILD, S_INFO, "Text line Scroll");	// new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
     	gw.present(alarmChild, S_BINARY, "Alarm display");		// to display alarm text
    	gw.present(brightnessChild, S_DIMMER, "Text brightness"); // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
        //gw.send(textMsg.set("-"));							// initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz)
    	gw.request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0); 					// request value from controller
    	// Initializations
        gw.requestTime(receiveTime);							// get the time from controller (handled by receiveTime)
    // loop only uses non-blocking functions
    void loop() {
    	static unsigned long lastUpdate ;						// Static hold the last update time
    	unsigned long now = millis();
    	scrollDelay = getScrollDelay();							// update scroll delay from potentiometer
        // Check for new conditions & ask for new information from controller every 10 seconds
        if (now-lastUpdate > 10000){
    		if (textAlarm){										// if alarmstatus: override all text and set max intensity
    			strcpy(curMessage, "   ALARM   ");
    			mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, MAX_INTENSITY);	// set current brightness
    			mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, false) ;
    		} else {											// standard (non Alarm actions)
    			mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);	// set current brightness
    			mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, textOnOff) ;
    			gw.request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0); 				// request new value from controller
    		lastUpdate = now;
    // This is called when a new time value was received
    void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) {
        Serial.print("Time value received: ");
        setTime(controllerTime); 								// time from controller
        timeReceived = true;
    // This is called when a message is received 
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
    	Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString());
    	if (message.sensor == messageCHILD){
    		if (message.type==V_TEXT) {						// Text content
    		strcpy(newMessage, message.getString());		// copy it in
     			newMessageAvailable = true ;
    	} else if (message.sensor == alarmChild) {
    		if (message.type==V_STATUS) {					// True/ false content
     			textAlarm = message.getBool()?true:false ;	// set alarmflag
    			Serial.print("TextAlarm: ");
    	} else if (message.sensor == brightnessChild){
    		if (message.type==V_PERCENTAGE) {				// Level 0..100  content
     			textBrightness = map(message.getInt(),0, 100, 0, MAX_INTENSITY ) ;	// map to brightnesslevel 
    			Serial.print("TextBrightness: ");
    		} else if (message.type==V_STATUS) {			// Display on/off
     			textOnOff = message.getBool()?false:true ;		// set shutdown/ !on/off
    			Serial.print("Text on/off: ");
    // Testing purposes: input routine character buffer. Reads serial characters in buffer newMessage.
    // sets flag newMessageAvailable to true if completed
    void readSerial(void)
      static uint8_t	putIndex = 0;
      while (Serial.available())
        newMessage[putIndex] = (char);
        if ((newMessage[putIndex] == '\n') || (putIndex >= BUF_SIZE-3))	// end of message character or full buffer
          // put in a message separator and end the string
          newMessage[putIndex++] = ' ';
          newMessage[putIndex] = '\0';
          // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting
          putIndex = 0;
          newMessageAvailable = true;
          // Just save the next char in next location

  • Admin

    Wow, cool @AWI

  • Wow, thats great !

    Could you please post an AliExpress link to the displays you used ?


  • Wow, I so want to build this!

  • Hero Member

    @billy123 That would be the right one. You can use most of the max7219 driven display. Sometimes these are 90 deg rotated but that can be adjusted in the library. Have fun!

  • Will this work in Vera??

  • Hero Member

    @Hoffan I don't know the abilities of VERA but since this (V_TEXT) is new functionality I expect it works only in Domoticz. I hope the functionality will be extended to the other controllers soon..

  • Thanx for the answer, I hope that too

  • Plugin Developer

    found this library for scrolling effect

  • Hero Member

    @Dheeraj I have tried this library also but it did not suit my purpose. Only one type of display orientation is supported but it is easier to comprehend.

  • Umm, this is awesome! Looks like I have a tinker project coming up!

  • Looks great. Is it posible (Or do you think it will be) to sen dynamic values to the display from Domoticz? Like the temperature or soil moist procentage.

  • Hero Member

    @popunonkok it is very possible. In fact this is what I'm doing. You need to work on the controller side. For domoticz you can use a lua time script which sends new text every x time. For long messages you will need to script a fifo with multiple text messages.

  • Hardware Contributor

    Is it possible to send text to the node without a request call from the node itself?

    The example is not clear on this point and the json example only sets the text value within Domoticz, right?

  • Hero Member

    @GertSanders Domoticz does not "push" the Text value when changed. The published sketch "asks" periodically for the Text value. What I do now is create a Switch (S_BINARY/ light) with function "New text available". This switch triggers the polling sequence.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @GizMoCuz : It would be nice to be able to define the text of the S_INFO sensor in de UI of Domoticz, instead of only via json. I'm not capable of programming that myself, but it would make the use of text easier. I already log all incoming SMS messages into my SMS connected sensor in V_TEXT and have it this way a nice view on what nodes are sending to my SMS passthrough node or what SMS messages are received into my MySensors network. I know Domoticz has it's own SMS interface, but my node is capable of switching on stuff based on directly received SMS commands, and with V_TEXT I can now follow what is happening without needing a serial connection to the node. I should be clear that I'm a big fan of Domoticz 🙂

  • Hero Member

    @Jager If your controller supports it you can. In Domoticz the text value is not pushed so you need to make a request for it.

  • What am i missing, Because i get this when i try to compile it

    Arduino:1.6.5 (Mac OS X), Kort:"Arduino Nano, ATmega328"

    ScrollingText:55: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
    ScrollingText.ino: In function 'void setup()':
    ScrollingText:166: error: 'S_INFO' was not declared in this scope
    ScrollingText:170: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
    ScrollingText.ino: In function 'void loop()':
    ScrollingText:191: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
    ScrollingText.ino: In function 'void incomingMessage(const MyMessage&)':
    ScrollingText:210: error: 'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope
    'V_TEXT' was not declared in this scope

  • Hero Member

    @Hoffan V_TEXT is still in the development branch...

  • Okey, That can explain, Byt when i use the Dev Branch
    I get this Errors

    ScrollingText:52: error: 'MyTransportNRF24' does not name a type
    ScrollingText:53: error: 'MySensor' does not name a type
    ScrollingText.ino: In function 'void setup()':
    ScrollingText:163: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    ScrollingText.ino: In function 'void loop()':
    ScrollingText:177: error: 'gw' was not declared in this scope
    'MyTransportNRF24' does not name a type

  • Hero Member

    @Hoffan you best read the instructions for the development branch. The syntax changed a little. I'm typing on a phone right now. Best to search yourself

  • Admin

    How to convert a sketch to 1.6 is described here (until it has been posted somewhere more sticky..) :

    Basically a few search/replace... The above sketch would look something like this (untested)

     PROJECT: MySensors / Scrolling Text display
     DATE: september 12, 2015/ last update: september 12, 2015
     FILE: AWI_scroll_MAX.ino
     LICENSE: Public domain
     Hardware: tbd ..Ceech - ATmega328p board w/ NRF24l01
        and MySensors 1.5 ()
        Need to use MySensors development edition 
        3 S_xx devices for scrolling text
        - Displays a scrolling text from a "V_TEXT" variable
        - additional dimmer sensor for controlling display brightness
        - 'Alarm' switch. If "On", overrides the text display to display ALARM message
        - You can also input messages from the Serial monitor (testing)
        Uses excellent MD_MAX72XX library 
        Fixed node-id
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    // Use the MD_MAX72XX library to scroll text on the display with the use of the callback function 
    // to control what is scrolled on the display text.
    // You need to set the used display in the library MD_MAX72XX.h
    // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a
    // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in.
    #include <MD_MAX72xx.h>                     // multipurpose library for MAX72xx diaplay driver
    #include <MySensor.h>                       // Mysensor network
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Time.h>                           //
    #define USE_POT_CONTROL 0                   // enable Scroll speed  potentiometer
    #define PRINT_CALLBACK  0
    // Macro to simplify serial print
    #define PRINT(s, v) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
    // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
    // need to be adapted to your setup
    const int MAX_DEVICES = 8 ;                 // number of 8x8 displays
    const int CLK_PIN = 7 ;                     // SPI like clock
    const int DATA_PIN = 8 ;                    // SPI like data
    const int CS_PIN = 6 ;                      // SPI like select
    // Parola is able to use SPI hardware interface, not testted in combination with MySensors
    // now use Arbitrary pins
    MD_MAX72XX mx = MD_MAX72XX(DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // instantiate one display chain
    // Scrolling parameters, you can attach normal potentiometer to A5, Vcc, Gnd
    const int SPEED_IN = A5 ;
    const int SCROLL_DELAY = 20 ;               // in milliseconds
    #endif // USE_POT_CONTROL
    const int CHAR_SPACING = 1 ;                // pixels between characters
    // MySensors constants & variables
    const byte nodeId = 51 ;                    // MySensors fixed node id
    const byte messageCHILD = 8 ;               // Text from ControllerLCD
    const byte brightnessChild = 9 ;            // Brightness of display
    const byte alarmChild = 10 ;                // Display Alarm text (overrides normal text)
    boolean timeReceived = false ;              // Flag to indicate time received
    // Display constants & variables
    byte textBrightness = 1 ;                   // brightness of display (between 0 - MAX_INTENSITY (0xF)
    byte textOnOff = true ;                     // textOnOff = ! shutdown
    boolean textAlarm = false ;                 // Alarm (switch S_BINARY)
    // Global message buffers shared by MySensors and Scrolling functions
    const int BUF_SIZE = 25 ;                   // max payload for MySensors(NRF24l01)
    char curMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // current displayed message
    char newMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // next message to be displayed if available
    bool newMessageAvailable = false ;          // new message available flag
    uint16_t    scrollDelay;                    // in milliseconds
    // *** Definition and initialisation
    // define the MySensor network (1.5)
    // Initialize messages for sensor network
    MyMessage textMsg(messageCHILD, V_TEXT);    // message for Sending Text to Controller
    /* MD_MAX72XX functions: can be found in the documentation for the library,
     * no need to customtize callback & scroll routines (unless you want to...)
    uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
    // Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
      static char       *p = curMessage;
      static uint8_t    state = 0;
      static uint8_t    curLen, showLen;
      static uint8_t    cBuf[8];
      uint8_t colData;
      // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
        case 0: // Load the next character from the font table
          showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf)/sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
          curLen = 0;
          // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
          if (*p == '\0')
            p = curMessage;         // reset the pointer to start of message
            if (newMessageAvailable)    // there is a new message waiting
              strcpy(curMessage, newMessage);   // copy it in
              newMessageAvailable = false;
          // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
        case 1: // display the next part of the character
          colData = cBuf[curLen++];
          if (curLen == showLen)                // end of character insert interchar space
            showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
            curLen = 0;
            state = 2;
        case 2: // display inter-character spacing (blank column)
          colData = 0;
          if (curLen == showLen)
            state = 0;
          state = 0;
    // Callback (not used here)
    void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col){
    // Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
        Serial.print("\n cb ");
        Serial.print(' ');
        Serial.print(' ');
    // non-blocking text display to be used in loop (call frequently)
    void scrollText(void){
        static uint32_t prevTime = 0;
        if (millis()-prevTime >= scrollDelay){                  // Is it time to scroll the text?
            mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);                      // scroll along - the callback will load all the data
            prevTime = millis();                                // starting point for next time
    // sets the scroll delay (read from potentiometer if enabled)
    uint16_t getScrollDelay(void){
        uint16_t t = analogRead(SPEED_IN);
        t = map(t, 0, 1023, 25, 250);
    void setup(){
        // set up the display first
        mx.begin();                                             // initialize display chain                 
        mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);            // define function to get the scrolldata (returned as int8)
        //mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink);           // not used
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, 0x01);
    #if USE_POT_CONTROL                                         // initialize speed potentiometer if enabled
        pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT);
        scrollDelay = SCROLL_DELAY;
        strcpy(curMessage, "I \x03 MySensors ");                // first message on display
        newMessage[0] = '\0';                                   // new message initialized to empty
        // Setup MySensors 
       //Serial in Sensor network = 115200
        //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway
    void presentation() {
        sendSketchInfo("AWI Scroll MAX 51", "1.1");
        present(messageCHILD, S_INFO, "Text line Scroll");   // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
        present(alarmChild, S_BINARY, "Alarm display");      // to display alarm text
        present(brightnessChild, S_DIMMER, "Text brightness"); // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
        //send(textMsg.set("-"));                            // initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz)
        request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                    // request value from controller
        // Initializations
        requestTime();                            // get the time from controller (handled by receiveTime)
    // loop only uses non-blocking functions
    void loop() {
        static unsigned long lastUpdate ;                       // Static hold the last update time
        unsigned long now = millis();
        scrollDelay = getScrollDelay();                         // update scroll delay from potentiometer
        // Check for new conditions & ask for new information from controller every 10 seconds
        if (now-lastUpdate > 10000){
            if (textAlarm){                                     // if alarmstatus: override all text and set max intensity
                strcpy(curMessage, "   ALARM   ");
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, MAX_INTENSITY);   // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, false) ;
            } else {                                            // standard (non Alarm actions)
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);  // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, textOnOff) ;
                request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                // request new value from controller
            lastUpdate = now;
    // This is called when a new time value was received
    void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) {
        Serial.print("Time value received: ");
        setTime(controllerTime);                                // time from controller
        timeReceived = true;
    // This is called when a message is received 
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
        Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString());
        if (message.sensor == messageCHILD){
            if (message.type==V_TEXT) {                     // Text content
            strcpy(newMessage, message.getString());        // copy it in
                newMessageAvailable = true ;
        } else if (message.sensor == alarmChild) {
            if (message.type==V_STATUS) {                   // True/ false content
                textAlarm = message.getBool()?true:false ;  // set alarmflag
                Serial.print("TextAlarm: ");
        } else if (message.sensor == brightnessChild){
            if (message.type==V_PERCENTAGE) {               // Level 0..100  content
                textBrightness = map(message.getInt(),0, 100, 0, MAX_INTENSITY ) ;  // map to brightnesslevel 
                Serial.print("TextBrightness: ");
            } else if (message.type==V_STATUS) {            // Display on/off
                textOnOff = message.getBool()?false:true ;      // set shutdown/ !on/off
                Serial.print("Text on/off: ");
    // Testing purposes: input routine character buffer. Reads serial characters in buffer newMessage.
    // sets flag newMessageAvailable to true if completed
    void readSerial(void)
      static uint8_t    putIndex = 0;
      while (Serial.available())
        newMessage[putIndex] = (char);
        if ((newMessage[putIndex] == '\n') || (putIndex >= BUF_SIZE-3)) // end of message character or full buffer
          // put in a message separator and end the string
          newMessage[putIndex++] = ' ';
          newMessage[putIndex] = '\0';
          // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting
          putIndex = 0;
          newMessageAvailable = true;
          // Just save the next char in next location

  • ive spent a couple of hours on this, and i cant get it to work. any help?

  • @AWI are you able to help me convrt this to1.6? i cant get it

  • Admin

    Fixed a couple of thing in the sketch. Now it compiles on 1.6 but you have to install the MD_MAX72xx library which it uses.

  • Where did you put the new sketch??

  • Admin


    I updated my post above.

  • Okey... Strange because i test to compile that i Dev Branch and i get this error
    Arduino:1.6.5 (Mac OS X), Kort:"Arduino Nano, ATmega328"

    Build options changed, rebuilding all
    Scrolltext.ino: In function 'void presentation()':
    Scrolltext:205: error: too many arguments to function 'void requestTime()'
    In file included from /Users/Hoffan/Documents/Arduino-development/libraries/MySensors/MySensor.h:205:0,
    from Scrolltext.ino:34:
    /Users/Hoffan/Documents/Arduino-development/libraries/MySensors/core/MySensorCore.cpp:234:6: note: declared here
    void requestTime() {
    too many arguments to function 'void requestTime()'

  • Admin

    Ok, how about now then..

  • Now the compile is working...

    Now i will test it in real 🙂

  • @Hoffan - how did you get on? Interested to know before I order some components 🙂

  • @Lawrence-Helm

    It didn't work all the way for me... And i didn't have the time to check whats wrong

    It thing its some thing withe the display settings

  • Hero Member

    Hi @AWI do you stil have this setup in use? I tried to convert this to 2.0 and hock it up but there is something wrong with the order of the LED elements. They are somehow scrolling in the wrong direction. With part of the code handles this? Might be that I have the wrong library for the MD_MAX72XX where did you get the lib?

  • Hero Member

    Hi @korttoma I have it somewhere in the (large) pile of 'old and/or unfinished' projects 😊

    What I remember is that there are difference between the MAX displays in orientation. Below a picture off mine..


    You can change the display type in the MD_MAX72xx.h file of the library.

    From line #212 you can choose various display types (only select one). Have fun and let us know your progress..

  • Hero Member

    Thanks @AWI , the back of my displays are identical to yours and removing the LED element reviles the MAX7219EWG driver underneath.


    I will look in to the file you mentioned, maybe I can work something out.

  • Hero Member

    Chose the FC-16 from the .h file and now it is working! Thanks again @AWI

  • @korttoma said:

    Chose the FC-16 from the .h file and now it is working! Thanks again @AWI

    Thomas, could/would you please share the 2.0 version of the sketch as i also want to use the max7219 modules with mysensors. I already tried them with the md_parola library examples and there are pretty nice animations and effects in there.

    Any chances to use those effects other than the scrolling examples with a node red/mqtt gateway combination?

  • Hero Member

    @Orkspalter said:

    please share the 2.0 version of the sketch

    Sure I can do that, I will share it when I get home to the computer where it is located.

  • @korttoma said:

    Sure I can do that, I will share it when I get home to the computer where it is located.

    Thanks Tomas

  • Hi,

    I'm using this fantastic code as well. This is working on 2.0

    Next step for me would be to be able to create an array with more messages, so that the display could cycle thru them.

     PROJECT: MySensors / Scrolling Text display
     DATE: september 12, 2015/ last update: september 12, 2015
     FILE: AWI_scroll_MAX.ino
     LICENSE: Public domain
     Hardware: tbd ..Ceech - ATmega328p board w/ NRF24l01
        and MySensors 1.5 ()
        Need to use MySensors development edition 
        3 S_xx devices for scrolling text
        - Displays a scrolling text from a "V_TEXT" variable
        - additional dimmer sensor for controlling display brightness
        - 'Alarm' switch. If "On", overrides the text display to display ALARM message
        - You can also input messages from the Serial monitor (testing)
        Uses excellent MD_MAX72XX library 
        Fixed node-id
    #include <MD_Parola.h>
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    // Enable repeater functionality for this node
    // Use the MD_MAX72XX library to scroll text on the display with the use of the callback function 
    // to control what is scrolled on the display text.
    // You need to set the used display in the library MD_MAX72XX.h
    // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a
    // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in.
    #include <MD_MAX72xx.h>                     // multipurpose library for MAX72xx diaplay driver
    #include <MySensors.h>                       // Mysensor network
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Time.h>                           //
    #include <TimeLib.h>
    #define USE_POT_CONTROL 0                   // enable Scroll speed  potentiometer
    #define PRINT_CALLBACK  1
    // Macro to simplify serial print
    #define PRINT(s, v) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
    // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
    // need to be adapted to your setup
    const int MAX_DEVICES = 2 ;                 // number of 8x8 displays
    const int CLK_PIN = 7 ;                     // SPI like clock
    const int DATA_PIN = 8 ;                    // SPI like data
    const int CS_PIN = 6 ;                      // SPI like select
    // Parola is able to use SPI hardware interface, not testted in combination with MySensors
    // now use Arbitrary pins
    MD_MAX72XX mx = MD_MAX72XX(DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // instantiate one display chain
    // Scrolling parameters, you can attach normal potentiometer to A5, Vcc, Gnd
    const int SPEED_IN = A5 ;
    const int SCROLL_DELAY = 20 ;               // in milliseconds
    #endif // USE_POT_CONTROL
    const int CHAR_SPACING = 1 ;                // pixels between characters
    // MySensors constants & variables
    //const byte nodeId = 51 ;                    // MySensors fixed node id
    const byte messageCHILD = 8 ;               // Text from ControllerLCD
    const byte brightnessChild = 9 ;            // Brightness of display
    const byte alarmChild = 10 ;                // Display Alarm text (overrides normal text)
    boolean timeReceived = false ;              // Flag to indicate time received
    // Display constants & variables
    byte textBrightness = 1 ;                   // brightness of display (between 0 - MAX_INTENSITY (0xF)
    byte textOnOff = false ;                     // textOnOff = ! shutdown
    boolean textAlarm = false ;                 // Alarm (switch S_BINARY)
    // Global message buffers shared by MySensors and Scrolling functions
    const int BUF_SIZE = 25 ;                   // max payload for MySensors(NRF24l01)
    char curMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // current displayed message
    char newMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // next message to be displayed if available
    bool newMessageAvailable = false ;          // new message available flag
    uint16_t    scrollDelay;                    // in milliseconds
    // *** Definition and initialisation
    // define the MySensor network (1.5)
    // Initialize messages for sensor network
    MyMessage textMsg(messageCHILD, V_TEXT);    // message for Sending Text to Controller
    /* MD_MAX72XX functions: can be found in the documentation for the library,
     * no need to customtize callback & scroll routines (unless you want to...)
    uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
    // Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
      static char       *p = curMessage;
      static uint8_t    state = 0;
      static uint8_t    curLen, showLen;
      static uint8_t    cBuf[8];
      uint8_t colData;
      // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
        case 0: // Load the next character from the font table
          showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf)/sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
          curLen = 0;
          // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
          if (*p == '\0')
            p = curMessage;         // reset the pointer to start of message
            if (newMessageAvailable)    // there is a new message waiting
              strcpy(curMessage, newMessage);   // copy it in
              newMessageAvailable = false;
          // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
        case 1: // display the next part of the character
          colData = cBuf[curLen++];
          if (curLen == showLen)                // end of character insert interchar space
            showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
            curLen = 0;
            state = 2;
        case 2: // display inter-character spacing (blank column)
          colData = 0;
          if (curLen == showLen)
            state = 0;
          state = 0;
    // Callback (not used here)
    void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col){
    // Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
        Serial.print("\n cb ");
        Serial.print(' ');
        Serial.print(' ');
    // non-blocking text display to be used in loop (call frequently)
    void scrollText(void){
        static uint32_t prevTime = 0;
        if (millis()-prevTime >= scrollDelay){                  // Is it time to scroll the text?
            mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);                      // scroll along - the callback will load all the data
            prevTime = millis();                                // starting point for next time
    // sets the scroll delay (read from potentiometer if enabled)
    uint16_t getScrollDelay(void){
        uint16_t t = analogRead(SPEED_IN);
        t = map(t, 0, 1023, 25, 250);
    void setup(){
        // set up the display first
        mx.begin();                                             // initialize display chain                 
        mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);            // define function to get the scrolldata (returned as int8)
        //mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink);           // not used
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, 0x01);
    #if USE_POT_CONTROL                                         // initialize speed potentiometer if enabled
        pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT);
        scrollDelay = SCROLL_DELAY;
        strcpy(curMessage, "I \x03 MySensors ");                // first message on display
        //newMessage[0] = '\0';                                   // new message initialized to empty RE This is not working....
        // Setup MySensors 
       //Serial in Sensor network = 115200
        //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway
    void presentation() {
        sendSketchInfo("Scrollo small 52", "1.0");
        present(messageCHILD, S_INFO, "Text line Scroll");   // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
        present(alarmChild, S_BINARY, "Alarm display");      // to display alarm text
        present(brightnessChild, S_DIMMER, "Text brightness"); // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
        //send(textMsg.set("-"));                            // initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz)
        request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                    // request value from controller
        // Initializations
        requestTime();                            // get the time from controller (handled by receiveTime)
    // loop only uses non-blocking functions
    void loop() {
        static unsigned long lastUpdate ;                       // Static hold the last update time
        unsigned long now = millis();
        scrollDelay = getScrollDelay();                         // update scroll delay from potentiometer
        // Check for new conditions & ask for new information from controller every 10 seconds
        if (now-lastUpdate > 10000){
            if (textAlarm){                                     // if alarmstatus: override all text and set max intensity
                strcpy(curMessage, "   ALARM   ");
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, MAX_INTENSITY);   // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, false) ;
            } else {                                            // standard (non Alarm actions)
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);  // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, textOnOff) ;
                request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                // request new value from controller
            lastUpdate = now;
    // This is called when a new time value was received
    void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) {
        Serial.print("Time value received: ");
        setTime(controllerTime);                                // time from controller
        timeReceived = true;
    // This is called when a message is received 
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
        Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString());
        if (message.sensor == messageCHILD){
            if (message.type==V_TEXT) {                     // Text content
            strcpy(newMessage, message.getString());        // copy it in
                newMessageAvailable = true ;
        } else if (message.sensor == alarmChild) {
            if (message.type==V_STATUS) {                   // True/ false content
                textAlarm = message.getBool()?true:false ;  // set alarmflag
                Serial.print("TextAlarm: ");
        } else if (message.sensor == brightnessChild){
            if (message.type==V_PERCENTAGE) {               // Level 0..100  content
                textBrightness = map(message.getInt(),0, 100, 0, MAX_INTENSITY ) ;  // map to brightnesslevel 
                Serial.print("TextBrightness: ");
            } else if (message.type==V_STATUS) {            // Display on/off
                textOnOff = message.getBool()?false:true ;      // set shutdown/ !on/off
                Serial.print("Text on/off: ");
    // Testing purposes: input routine character buffer. Reads serial characters in buffer newMessage.
    // sets flag newMessageAvailable to true if completed
    void readSerial(void)
      static uint8_t    putIndex = 0;
      while (Serial.available())
        newMessage[putIndex] = (char);
        if ((newMessage[putIndex] == '\n') || (putIndex >= BUF_SIZE-3)) // end of message character or full buffer
          // put in a message separator and end the string
          newMessage[putIndex++] = ' ';
          newMessage[putIndex] = '\0';
          // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting
          putIndex = 0;
          newMessageAvailable = true;
          // Just save the next char in next location

  • Hero Member

    @gus you beat me to it, nice job!

    Sorry @Orkspalter I forgot yesterday but I'm sure the one @gus posted is quite similar.

    Is there anyone out there using this setup that have a sketch that can handle scandinavian letters (å, ä, ö). I just get gibberish instead of the letters.

  • Hero Member

    @korttoma here is the sketch I'm using, probably quite similar to the one @gus shared

     PROJECT: MySensors / Scrolling Text display
     DATE: september 12, 2015/ last update: september 12, 2015
     FILE: AWI_scroll_MAX.ino
     LICENSE: Public domain
     Hardware: tbd ..Ceech - ATmega328p board w/ NRF24l01
        and MySensors 1.5 ()
        Need to use MySensors development edition 
        3 S_xx devices for scrolling text
        - Displays a scrolling text from a "V_TEXT" variable
        - additional dimmer sensor for controlling display brightness
        - 'Alarm' switch. If "On", overrides the text display to display ALARM message
        - You can also input messages from the Serial monitor (testing)
        Uses excellent MD_MAX72XX library 
        Fixed node-id
    // Use the MD_MAX72XX library to scroll text on the display with the use of the callback function 
    // to control what is scrolled on the display text.
    // You need to set the used display in the library MD_MAX72XX.h
    // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a
    // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in.
    #define MY_DEBUG 
    #define MY_BAUD_RATE  9600
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_NODE_ID  20
    #define SN "Scrolling Text"
    #define SV "2.1"
    #include <MyConfig.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <MD_MAX72xx.h>                     // multipurpose library for MAX72xx diaplay driver
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Time.h>                           //
    #define USE_POT_CONTROL 0                   // enable Scroll speed  potentiometer
    #define PRINT_CALLBACK  1
    // Macro to simplify serial print
    #define PRINT(s, v) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
    // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
    // need to be adapted to your setup
    const int MAX_DEVICES = 8 ;                 // number of 8x8 displays
    const int CLK_PIN = 7 ;                     // SPI like clock
    const int DATA_PIN = 8 ;                    // SPI like data
    const int CS_PIN = 6 ;                      // SPI like select
    // Parola is able to use SPI hardware interface, not testted in combination with MySensors
    // now use Arbitrary pins
    MD_MAX72XX mx = MD_MAX72XX(DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // instantiate one display chain
    // Scrolling parameters, you can attach normal potentiometer to A5, Vcc, Gnd
    const int SPEED_IN = A5 ;
    const int SCROLL_DELAY = 60 ;               // in milliseconds
    #endif // USE_POT_CONTROL
    const int CHAR_SPACING = 1 ;                // pixels between characters
    // MySensors constants & variables
    const byte messageCHILD = 8 ;               // Text from ControllerLCD
    const byte brightnessChild = 9 ;            // Brightness of display
    const byte alarmChild = 10 ;                // Display Alarm text (overrides normal text)
    boolean timeReceived = false ;              // Flag to indicate time received
    // Display constants & variables
    byte textBrightness = 1 ;                   // brightness of display (between 0 - MAX_INTENSITY (0xF)
    byte textOnOff = false ;                     // textOnOff = ! shutdown
    boolean textAlarm = false ;                 // Alarm (switch S_BINARY)
    // Global message buffers shared by MySensors and Scrolling functions
    const int BUF_SIZE = 25 ;                   // max payload for MySensors(NRF24l01)
    char curMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // current displayed message
    char newMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // next message to be displayed if available
    bool newMessageAvailable = false ;          // new message available flag
    uint16_t    scrollDelay;                    // in milliseconds
    // *** Definition and initialisation
    // define the MySensor network (1.5)
    // Initialize messages for sensor network
    MyMessage textMsg(messageCHILD, V_TEXT);    // message for Sending Text to Controller
    void presentation()  
     // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
      // Register all sensors to gateway (they will be created as child devices)
       present(messageCHILD, S_INFO, "Text line Scroll");   // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
       present(alarmChild, S_BINARY, "Alarm display");      // to display alarm text
       present(brightnessChild, S_DIMMER, "Text brightness"); // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
       //gw.send(textMsg.set("-"));                            // initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz)
       request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                    // request value from controller
        // Initializations
       requestTime(receiveTime);                            // get the time from controller (handled by receiveTime)
    /* MD_MAX72XX functions: can be found in the documentation for the library,
     * no need to customtize callback & scroll routines (unless you want to...)
    uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
    // Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
      static char       *p = curMessage;
      static uint8_t    state = 0;
      static uint8_t    curLen, showLen;
      static uint8_t    cBuf[8];
      uint8_t colData;
      // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
        case 0: // Load the next character from the font table
          showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf)/sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
          curLen = 0;
          // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
          if (*p == '\0')
            p = curMessage;         // reset the pointer to start of message
            if (newMessageAvailable)    // there is a new message waiting
              strcpy(curMessage, newMessage);   // copy it in
              newMessageAvailable = false;
          // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
        case 1: // display the next part of the character
          colData = cBuf[curLen++];
          if (curLen == showLen)                // end of character insert interchar space
            showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
            curLen = 0;
            state = 2;
        case 2: // display inter-character spacing (blank column)
          colData = 0;
          if (curLen == showLen)
            state = 0;
          state = 0;
    // Callback (not used here)
    void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col){
    // Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
        Serial.print("\n cb ");
        Serial.print(' ');
        Serial.print(' ');
    // non-blocking text display to be used in loop (call frequently)
    void scrollText(void){
        static uint32_t prevTime = 0;
        if (millis()-prevTime >= scrollDelay){                  // Is it time to scroll the text?
            mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);                      // scroll along - the callback will load all the data
            prevTime = millis();                                // starting point for next time
    // sets the scroll delay (read from potentiometer if enabled)
    uint16_t getScrollDelay(void){
        uint16_t t = analogRead(SPEED_IN);
        t = map(t, 0, 1023, 25, 250);
    void setup(){
        // set up the display first
        mx.begin();                                             // initialize display chain                 
        mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);            // define function to get the scrolldata (returned as int8)
        //mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink);           // not used
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, 0x01);
    #if USE_POT_CONTROL                                         // initialize speed potentiometer if enabled
        pinMode(SPEED_IN, INPUT);
        scrollDelay = SCROLL_DELAY;
        strcpy(curMessage, "HEJ ARON      ");                // first message on display
        newMessage[0] = '\0';                                   // new message initialized to empty
        // Setup MySensors 
       //Serial in Sensor network = 115200
    // loop only uses non-blocking functions
    void loop() {
        static unsigned long lastUpdate ;                       // Static hold the last update time
        unsigned long now = millis();
        scrollDelay = getScrollDelay();                         // update scroll delay from potentiometer
        // Check for new conditions & ask for new information from controller every 10 seconds
        if (now-lastUpdate > 10000){
            if (textAlarm){                                     // if alarmstatus: override all text and set max intensity
                strcpy(curMessage, "   ALARM   ");
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, MAX_INTENSITY);   // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, false) ;
            } else {                                            // standard (non Alarm actions)
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);  // set current brightness
                mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, textOnOff) ;
                request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                // request new value from controller
            lastUpdate = now;
    // This is called when a new time value was received
    void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) {
        Serial.print("Time value received: ");
        setTime(controllerTime);                                // time from controller
        timeReceived = true;
    // This is called when a message is received 
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
        Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString());
        if (message.sensor == messageCHILD){
            if (message.type==V_TEXT) {                     // Text content
            strcpy(newMessage, message.getString());        // copy it in
                newMessageAvailable = true ;
        } else if (message.sensor == alarmChild) {
            if (message.type==V_STATUS) {                   // True/ false content
                textAlarm = message.getBool()?true:false ;  // set alarmflag
                Serial.print("TextAlarm: ");
        } else if (message.sensor == brightnessChild){
            if (message.type==V_PERCENTAGE) {               // Level 0..100  content
                int IncomingBrightness = message.getInt();
                if (IncomingBrightness == 0) {
                  textOnOff = true;
                }else {
                  textOnOff = false;
                  textBrightness = map(message.getInt(),0, 100, 0, MAX_INTENSITY ) ;  // map to brightnesslevel 
                Serial.print("TextBrightness: ");
            } else if (message.type==V_STATUS) {            // Display on/off
                textOnOff = message.getBool()?false:true ;      // set shutdown/ !on/off
                Serial.print("Text on/off: ");
    // Testing purposes: input routine character buffer. Reads serial characters in buffer newMessage.
    // sets flag newMessageAvailable to true if completed
    void readSerial(void)
      static uint8_t    putIndex = 0;
      while (Serial.available())
        newMessage[putIndex] = (char);
        if ((newMessage[putIndex] == '\n') || (putIndex >= BUF_SIZE-3)) // end of message character or full buffer
          // put in a message separator and end the string
          newMessage[putIndex++] = ' ';
          newMessage[putIndex] = '\0';
          // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting
          putIndex = 0;
          newMessageAvailable = true;
          // Just save the next char in next location

  • Hero Member

    Anybody have an example where this setup shows the time while there is no message to scroll?

  • @korttoma

    Here are found the blank, you need to check how it works

      PROJECT: MySensors / Scrolling Text display
      DATE: september 12, 2015/ last update: september 12, 2015
      FILE: AWI_scroll_MAX.ino
      LICENSE: Public domain
      Hardware: tbd ..Ceech - ATmega328p board w/ NRF24l01
        and MySensors 1.5 ()
        Need to use MySensors development edition
        3 S_xx devices for scrolling text
        - Displays a scrolling text from a "V_TEXT" variable
        - additional dimmer sensor for controlling display brightness
        - 'Alarm' switch. If "On", overrides the text display to display ALARM message
        - You can also input messages from the Serial monitor (testing)
        Uses excellent MD_MAX72XX library
        Fixed node-id
    // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
    #define MY_DEBUG
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69
    #define  DEBUG 0   // Enable or disable (default) debugging output
    // Use the MD_MAX72XX library to scroll text on the display with the use of the callback function
    // to control what is scrolled on the display text.
    // You need to set the used display in the library MD_MAX72XX.h
    // User can enter text on the serial monitor and this will display as a
    // Speed for the display is controlled by a pot on SPEED_IN analog in.
    #include <MD_MAX72xx.h>                     // multipurpose library for MAX72xx diaplay driver
    #include <MySensor.h>                       // Mysensor network
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <Time.h>                           //
    #define PRINT_CALLBACK  0
    // Macro to simplify serial print
    #define PRINT(s, v) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
    #define  PRINTS(x) Serial.print(F(x))
    #define PRINTD(x) Serial.println(x, DEC)
    // Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
    // need to be adapted to your setup
    const int MAX_DEVICES = 8 ;                 // number of 8x8 displays
    const int CLK_PIN = 7 ;                     // SPI like clock
    const int DATA_PIN = 8 ;                    // SPI like data
    const int CS_PIN = 6 ;                      // SPI like select
    // Parola is able to use SPI hardware interface, not testted in combination with MySensors
    // now use Arbitrary pins
    MD_MAX72XX mx = MD_MAX72XX(DATA_PIN, CLK_PIN, CS_PIN, MAX_DEVICES); // instantiate one display chain
    const int SCROLL_DELAY = 20 ;               // in milliseconds
    const int CHAR_SPACING = 1 ;                // pixels between characters
    int statetus_tame = 1;
    char sdate[11];
    char stime[9];
    // MySensors constants & variables
    //const byte nodeId = 51 ;                    // MySensors fixed node id
    const byte messageCHILD = 8 ;               // Text from ControllerLCD
    const byte brightnessChild = 9 ;            // Brightness of display
    const byte alarmChild = 10 ;                // Display Alarm text (overrides normal text)
    boolean timeReceived = false ;              // Flag to indicate time received
    // Display constants & variables
    byte textBrightness = 1 ;                   // brightness of display (between 0 - MAX_INTENSITY (0xF)
    byte textOnOff = true ;                     // textOnOff = ! shutdown
    boolean textAlarm = false ;                 // Alarm (switch S_BINARY)
    // Global message buffers shared by MySensors and Scrolling functions
    const int BUF_SIZE = 25 ;                   // max payload for MySensors(NRF24l01)
    char curMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // current displayed message
    char newMessage[BUF_SIZE];                  // next message to be displayed if available
    bool newMessageAvailable = false ;          // new message available flag
    uint16_t    scrollDelay;                    // in milliseconds
    // *** Definition and initialisation
    // define the MySensor network (1.5)
    // Initialize messages for sensor network
    MyMessage textMsg(messageCHILD, V_TEXT);    // message for Sending Text to Controller
    /* MD_MAX72XX functions: can be found in the documentation for the library,
       no need to customtize callback & scroll routines (unless you want to...)
    uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
    // Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
      static char       *p = curMessage;
      static uint8_t    state = 0;
      static uint8_t    curLen, showLen;
      static uint8_t    cBuf[8];
      uint8_t colData;
      // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
      switch (state)
        case 0: // Load the next character from the font table
          showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf) / sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
          curLen = 0;
          // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
          if (*p == '\0')
            p = curMessage;         // reset the pointer to start of message
            if (newMessageAvailable)    // there is a new message waiting
              strcpy(curMessage, newMessage);   // copy it in
              newMessageAvailable = false;
        // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
        case 1: // display the next part of the character
          colData = cBuf[curLen++];
          if (curLen == showLen)                // end of character insert interchar space
            showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
            curLen = 0;
            state = 2;
        case 2: // display inter-character spacing (blank column)
          colData = 0;
          if (curLen == showLen)
            state = 0;
          state = 0;
      return (colData);
    void printText(uint8_t modStart, uint8_t modEnd, char *pMsg)
    // Print the text string to the LED matrix modules specified.
    // Message area is padded with blank columns after printing.
      uint8_t   state = 0;
      uint8_t    curLen;
      uint16_t  showLen;
      uint8_t   cBuf[8];
      int16_t   col = ((modEnd + 1) * COL_SIZE) - 1;
      mx.control(modStart, modEnd, MD_MAX72XX::UPDATE, MD_MAX72XX::OFF);
      do     // finite state machine to print the characters in the space available
        switch (state)
          case 0: // Load the next character from the font table
            // if we reached end of message, reset the message pointer
            if (*pMsg == '\0')
              showLen = col - (modEnd * COL_SIZE);  // padding characters
              state = 2;
            // retrieve the next character form the font file
            showLen = mx.getChar(*pMsg++, sizeof(cBuf) / sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
            curLen = 0;
          // !! deliberately fall through to next state to start displaying
          case 1: // display the next part of the character
            mx.setColumn(col--, cBuf[curLen++]);
            // done with font character, now display the space between chars
            if (curLen == showLen)
              showLen = CHAR_SPACING;
              state = 2;
          case 2: // initialize state for displaying empty columns
            curLen = 0;
          // fall through
          case 3: // display inter-character spacing or end of message padding (blank columns)
            mx.setColumn(col--, 0);
            if (curLen == showLen)
              state = 0;
            col = -1;   // this definitely ends the do loop
      } while (col >= (modStart * COL_SIZE));
      mx.control(modStart, modEnd, MD_MAX72XX::UPDATE, MD_MAX72XX::ON);
    void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col) {
      // Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
      Serial.print("\n cb ");
      Serial.print(' ');
      Serial.print(' ');
    // non-blocking text display to be used in loop (call frequently)
    void scrollText(void) {
      static uint32_t prevTime = 0;
      if (millis() - prevTime >= scrollDelay) {               // Is it time to scroll the text?
        mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);                      // scroll along - the callback will load all the data
        prevTime = millis();                                // starting point for next time
    // sets the scroll delay (read from potentiometer if enabled)
    uint16_t getScrollDelay(void) {
      return (SCROLL_DELAY);
    void setup() {
      // set up the display first
      mx.begin();                                             // initialize display chain
      mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);            // define function to get the scrolldata (returned as int8)
      //mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink);           // not used
      mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, 0x01);
      scrollDelay = SCROLL_DELAY;
      strcpy(curMessage, "I \x03 MySensors ");                // first message on display
      newMessage[0] = '\0';                                   // new message initialized to empty
      // Setup MySensors
      //Serial in Sensor network = 115200
      //Send the sensor node sketch version information to the gateway
    void presentation() {
      sendSketchInfo("AWI Scroll MAX 51", "1.1");
      present(messageCHILD, S_INFO, "Text line Scroll");   // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
      present(alarmChild, S_BINARY, "Alarm display");      // to display alarm text
      present(brightnessChild, S_DIMMER, "Text brightness"); // new S_type 20150905 (not know by domoticz)
      //send(textMsg.set("-"));                            // initialize the V_TEXT at controller for sensor to none (trick for Domoticz)
      request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                    // request value from controller
      // Initializations
      requestTime();                            // get the time from controller (handled by receiveTime)
    // loop only uses non-blocking functions
    void loop() {
      static unsigned long lastUpdate ;                       // Static hold the last update time
      static unsigned long lastUpdate2 ;                       // Static hold the last update time
      unsigned long now = millis();
      scrollDelay = getScrollDelay();                         // update scroll delay from potentiometer
      // Check for new conditions & ask for new information from controller every 10 seconds
      if (now - lastUpdate > 30000 && statetus_tame == 0) {
        statetus_tame = 0;
        sprintf(sdate, "%02d-%02d-%d", day(), month(), year());
        printText(0, MAX_DEVICES - 1, sdate);
        lastUpdate = now;
      if (textAlarm) {                                    // if alarmstatus: override all text and set max intensity
        //strcpy(curMessage, "   ALARM   ");
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, MAX_INTENSITY);   // set current brightness
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, false) ;
      } else {                                            // standard (non Alarm actions)
          mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);  // set current brightness
          mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::SHUTDOWN, textOnOff) ;
          request(messageCHILD, V_TEXT, 0);                // request new value from controller
      if (textAlarm) {
      } else {
        //sprintf(stime, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(), minute(), second());
        if (statetus_tame == 1) {
          sprintf(stime, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(), minute(), second());
          printText(0, MAX_DEVICES - 3, stime);
        mx.control(MD_MAX72XX::INTENSITY, textBrightness);   // set current brightness
      if (now - lastUpdate2 > 32000) {
        statetus_tame = 1;
        lastUpdate2 = now;
    if (now - lastUpdate >33000 ){
      lastUpdate = now;
    // This is called when a new time value was received
    void receiveTime(unsigned long controllerTime) {
      Serial.print("Time value received: ");
      setTime(controllerTime);                                // time from controller
      timeReceived = true;
    // This is called when a message is received
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
      Serial.print("Message: "); Serial.print(message.sensor); Serial.print(", Message: "); Serial.println(message.getString());
      if (message.sensor == messageCHILD) {
        if (message.type == V_TEXT) {                   // Text content
          strcpy(newMessage, message.getString());        // copy it in
          newMessageAvailable = true ;
      } else if (message.sensor == alarmChild) {
        if (message.type == V_STATUS) {                 // True/ false content
          textAlarm = message.getBool() ? true : false ; // set alarmflag
          Serial.print("TextAlarm: ");
      } else if (message.sensor == brightnessChild) {
        if (message.type == V_PERCENTAGE) {             // Level 0..100  content
          textBrightness = map(message.getInt(), 0, 100, 0, MAX_INTENSITY ) ; // map to brightnesslevel
          Serial.print("TextBrightness: ");
        } else if (message.type == V_STATUS) {          // Display on/off
          textOnOff = message.getBool() ? false : true ;  // set shutdown/ !on/off
          Serial.print("Text on/off: ");
    // Testing purposes: input routine character buffer. Reads serial characters in buffer newMessage.
    // sets flag newMessageAvailable to true if completed
    void readSerial(void)
      static uint8_t    putIndex = 0;
      while (Serial.available())
        newMessage[putIndex] = (char);
        if ((newMessage[putIndex] == '\n') || (putIndex >= BUF_SIZE - 3)) // end of message character or full buffer
          // put in a message separator and end the string
          newMessage[putIndex++] = ' ';
          newMessage[putIndex] = '\0';
          // restart the index for next filling spree and flag we have a message waiting
          putIndex = 0;
          newMessageAvailable = true;
          // Just save the next char in next location

  • Hero Member

    @artur thanks for your example. I managed to make it show the time. Now I just need to figure out how to make it show the text also.

  • Sorry for hijack. I am trying to get domoticz to show text from a node but am not able to.

    present(2, S_INFO, "Gate Open Reason");
    MyMessage msg2(2,V_TEXT);
    String reason = "blah";

    But domoticz only shows a 1. Probably missing something obvious?

  • Hero Member

    @shabba Try without using "String" type use "char[x]" instead. In general you should try to avoid using this type in real time environments. send(msg2.set("Blah")); should do the trick in first instance.

  • @AWI Derp! Looking at the headers that looks right! Will try a little later and report. Thanks!

  • I just did send(msg2.set(reason.c_str())); and it worked. Thanks @AWI

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