Hello, i'm making some progress; received the components this week.
Unfortunately it doesn't work... yet
For now i have SanityCheck failure in to logs.
I'm afraid my soldering of all these little components is not good. I tested with a multimeter the 4 pins and i have continuity on one of them but maybe not the others so i guess i will have to try remelting all these small regulators ???
@zmatokan said in NModule:
@Nca78 Are you still working on this pcbs? i think it would be great to add a version that supports HiLink 220ac->5dc module on powerboard.
No I'm not working on NModules anymore, I have a few old nodes using atmega/nrf24 but I switched to NRF5 for "basic" nodes now, and to ESP32 for more "advanced" stuff.
NModule was designed for beginner and simple/riskless use, so I don't think adding high voltage option is a great idea, it's better to use an external power supply and connect the output to the powerboard.
I'm very interested by your setup. It has been a shame to have some low voltage power in order to measure power consumption
I hope you can display something soon.
@antonholmstedt a pro mini fits if you cut the corners, check out https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/6612/door-sensor-remix-of-some-mys-community-efforts
@yveaux said in Ikea Molgan Hack:
@magpern the instructions on openhardware.io state that the Molgan must be battery powered while programming:
Well, then I can confirm that you don't have to power the Molgan from batteries just for programming. Burning the bootloader works fine with just power from the ISP port and programming it through FTDI works fine if power comes from the FTDI.
What I found wierd is that the atmega328 had power, the radio had power, it wrote debug messages to the FTDI - when powered through the FTDI, it send radio messages etc, but it just did not receive messages.
Messages where not received until I supplied power to the + / - pads (battery pads).
I did read the instructions on openhardware.io, but I didn't follow then to the t.