I finally received the boards from the manufacturer(big thanks to @Seeed-Fusion). I manage to assemble one board by soldering the components and such and...it WORKS(including OTA)! I will post the instructions on openhardware.io project page.
I'm wondering what the minimum input voltage is. The description only says max. 6.5V input voltage from the battery, but does not say what the minimum is. Both the nrf24l01+ as well as the atmega328P work with 3.3V, so if I use three AA batteries, that should be fine, right? I suppose using two AA batteries is not enough?
Hi @chey, no, with the pro minis and MySensors lib I couldn't get less.
Didn't measure with yet another multimeter though...
My battery sensors are working now for about a year and the battery levels are between 65% and 70%.
The sensor furthest from the gateway is at 65% and the 3 others at 70%.
Not bad I think.
@YuryPol as far as I know, all licenses require some form of documentation. In all cases I know of, this is documented with the license or on the licenses official site.