Damm I am trying to get this working with a Arduino pro mini ,,but no luck wanted to use it in the car ..
How do you wire the NRF24L01+ ???
N-Channel Mosfet s ??? model number please any help much appreciated
I have tried mosfets >>>irf510n
Do some debug on the node and on gateway and check if data is actually sent from the node and received by gateway. Also use wait instead of sleep if you are using it as a repeater and relay actuator.
Hi and welcome to the MySensors community @augusthalverson !
In general, you just set the color in your controller. It works the same way regardless of which type of gateway you are using, so there is nothing specific about mqtt.
You might be able to get some inspiration from https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/4934/wall-mounted-mood-light-v2
A couple of things, you put the device to sleep so while it's asleep, it won't respond to the commands to change the relays. Since you are combining relays and sensors, you need to keep the unit awake and find a different way to send the sensor data occasionally. For the relay status, read the comments in the sketch. You are saving the relay state and then reading that on startup. You can eliminate all of that code and just set the relay to off in the setup section.
@yveaux said in Ikea Molgan Hack:
@magpern the instructions on openhardware.io state that the Molgan must be battery powered while programming:
Well, then I can confirm that you don't have to power the Molgan from batteries just for programming. Burning the bootloader works fine with just power from the ISP port and programming it through FTDI works fine if power comes from the FTDI.
What I found wierd is that the atmega328 had power, the radio had power, it wrote debug messages to the FTDI - when powered through the FTDI, it send radio messages etc, but it just did not receive messages.
Messages where not received until I supplied power to the + / - pads (battery pads).
I did read the instructions on openhardware.io, but I didn't follow then to the t.