In deep Sleep the cunsumption is below 19µA, but i have to send with PA_MAX. On some Windows the open/close frequency is verry high, so the battery is to fast emty.
The CR2032 is good, but i want more "lifetime"
@xefil said:
Thanks @hek and @kalle
Sorry, but I'm not good to understand the debug of the scanners.
In the RF24/examples/scanner/ the range is between 0000->->->7777
Those are the high order nibble of the channel byte. The low order nibble is just below it.
The 125 channel numbers are printed "sideways" in hex.
I would expect a list of channels between 1 and 13.
You're thinking of wi-fi. This isn't wi-fi.
In the second scanner (wiFi scanner found on arduino forum) It's more accurate. It seems noisy between channel 3 and 9.
So, the questions are:
What does default channel 76 mean? 2476Mhz?
Would mean above channel 13, on channel 14. In this case these channels are free, based on the results. I've seen I can use:
#define RF24_CHANNEL 76 //RF channel for the sensor net, 0-127
How to interpret the scanners result? Most of all the "RF24/examples/scanner/" which has an output I cannot identify in a channel.
The bigger the number below the channel, the more active it is.
I would like to understand the result and so choose the right channel, not only trying without knowing what I'm doing
Thanks a lot for the support!
Hi guys,
I've made MySensors node based on that sketch, but I can't figure out, how to send V_VAR message from Home Assistant to set rollTime. Any ideas? I'm interested in UI number_input or something simmilar.