I'm not familiar with the project that inspired this one, but you should pay attention to hot spots, heat should be equally spread across the whole plate.
plus you should have good sensors and provide controllable configuration of heat points for soldering different components according to the manufacturer's datasheet.
No problem, I am running the nrf24 mqtt gateway on the rpi and it is working with no problem with domoticz. I choose the mqtt client gateway because I wanted to tinker around MQTT, but you could go for the ethernet gateway that is easier to manage.
Okay, finally got the original nrf24l01 SMD modules with the square chip visible... As exptected, things work just fine now, so the culprit of my issues was really the incompatible/fake "nrf24l01" SMD modules with the epoxy blob. If you want to use normal nrf24l01+ modules together with this smd gateway, DO
NOT USE the smd module with the epoxy blob, as they won't work.
Using only the fake SMD modules might work, too, but mixing the fake modules with real ones does not work.