Air Quality Sensor
a little update on the MICS-6814:
NO2: sensible
CO: flat
NH3 flat
sorry for the flat part, some arduino issues at this time
Welcome @betthorn, great to have you here.
I have had some questions about converting from mg/m3 to ppm gases, here are the weight values and a proposed method:
NH3 17.03 g/mol
CO2 44.01
CO 28.01
H2S 34.08
NO2 46.01
NO 30.01
O3 48.00
C6H6 78.11
C7H8 92.14you have:
NO2 50 μg/m3 gives 26,5868821 ppm
O3 27 μg/m3 = 0.027 mg/m3 -> (8,31441298,15)/(48101,325)*27=13,7617025 ppmcorrect me if I'm wrong
2016 is where IoT for gas sensors are moving to more maturity, Cooking Hacks / Libellium proposed so far Fibaro sensors, but are now proposing more pricey one that are calibrated.
In MQ135 sensor's datasheet , which line on the curve is used to find out the concentration of benzene?
@bhavika said:
In MQ135 sensor's datasheet , which line on the curve is used to find out the concentration of benzene?
MQ135 is sensitive to particle size, benzene is one of these. I rememer someone who used the chinese datasheet and found a chinese to translate it.
@epierre I am testing a stripped-down version of your code from your AirQuality-MQ135.ino. I stripped it to make it run just stand-alone.
What I don't understand is how to do the calibration. When I run it in outside environment (with 10k resistor), I get these values:valr 223 Vrl / Rs / ratio:13387 / 20875.00 / 0.00
What would be the next step for calibration?
@supersjimmie replace MQ135_DEFAULTRO by your value 20875 in the sketch
@epierre Thanks, I thought it would be something like that, but that didn't work.
I then gotvalr 242 Vrl / Rs / ratio:5464 / 8520.00 / 0.00
Nothing like around 400ppm.
yes for the code must be updated, the value is the CO2 (or something else) detected above the 399 in atmosphere
Thanks, but when calibrating something strange happens when I put the module outside:
valr 270 Vrl / Rs / ratio / ppm 61355 / 95673.00 / 0.00 / 399.00 valr 265 Vrl / Rs / ratio / ppm 62928 / 98126.00 / 0.00 / 399.00 valr 260 Vrl / Rs / ratio / ppm 64561 / 100673.00 / 0.00 / 399.00 valr 256 Vrl / Rs / ratio / ppm 378 / 589.00 / 0.00 / 399.00 valr 252 Vrl / Rs / ratio / ppm 1773 / 2764.00 / 0.00 / 399.00
As you can see, the valr decreases slowly, but suddenly Vlr and Rs jump over.
Vlr is the value of 'val', which is: uint16_t val = ((float)22000*(1023-valr)/valr);
uint16_t is 16bit, so max 65535. It looks like my environment needs more than that?
(in fact, your code defines the defaultro as 68550, which is also too much for a uint16?)
@supersjimmie said:
Vlr is the value of 'val', which is: uint16_t val = ((float)22000*(1023-valr)/valr);
yes and this is why I did rewrite it to but did not updated this one...
@epierre I striped-down that AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino to use only MQ135.
When used inside, the analogRead is 473, so a reasonble value.
But the MQCalibration function returns 0. Which means the MQResistanceCalculation also returns 0.MQResistenceCalculation only does one calc:
return (long)((long)(1024 * 1000 * (long)rl_value)/raw_adc-(long)rl_value);
rl_value = float RL4 = 0.990
raw_adc = 473 (measured as said above)
(1024 * 1000 * 0.990) / 473 - 0.990 = 2142.266
I checked that raw_adc is filled with the correct value (to be sure it is not lost somewhere).What looks to fix this, I changed everything to float . So:
return (float)((float)(1024 .* 1000. * (float)rl_value)/raw_adc-(float)rl_value);
Which can be simplyfied as:
return ((1024 * 1000*rl_value)/raw_adc-rl_value);
I went to float, because the function is created as float MQResistenceCalculation.This now gives some ppm values that are within a reasonable range (about 2000 here).
Now I have to figure out how to do calibration on this method again...
looks like I have to rework something... but not in the todo list right now... Imperihome is now back on top, and Particle on lipo/solar also...
I don't know how to calculate 3 numbers of LPGCurve[]. Can you explain clearly for me? Thank you so much !!!
@tantt2810 as explained above, if the datasheet has a logarithmic scale, you can use the power regression to approximate the curve. One tool for example to do this calculus:
for a sensor discussed above I read this on the datasheet:
1.3 50
0.8 100
0.28 400
0.16 1000
0.05 4000The xuru website gives me this:
y = 73.59123879 x-1.355617483
Residual Sum of Squares: rss = 87393.44418and thus I have::
H2Curve[3] = {73.5912, -1.355617};
@epierre Thank you so much !!!
Have a nice day =)) !!!
i am new here.
sorry i am a little confused by with these new formulate.
is it the key for module?
I'm don't understand the recipe below. Why RL_Value(Load Resistance)(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc)? Can you explain for me?
Thank you so much !!!
/***************** MQResistanceCalculation ****************************************
Input: raw_adc - raw value read from adc, which represents the voltage
Output: the calculated sensor resistance
Remarks: The sensor and the load resistor forms a voltage divider. Given the voltage
across the load resistor and its resistance, the resistance of the sensor
could be derived.
float MQ2::MQResistanceCalculation(int raw_adc)
return ( ((float)RL_VALUE(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc));
@jenbaker said:
sorry i am a little confused by with these new formulate.
is it the key for module?
if you have a module the datasheet gives you the values, yes. Remember this is their """""generic"""" calibration, in fact they all copy the other so don't expect your MQ** would follow this by the letter...
@tantt2810 said:
I'm don't understand the recipe below. Why RL_Value(Load Resistance)(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc)? Can you explain for me?
Thank you so much !!!
Input: raw_adc - raw value read from adc, which represents the voltage
Output: the calculated sensor resistance
Remarks: The sensor and the load resistor forms a voltage divider. Given the voltage
across the load resistor and its resistance, the resistance of the sensor
could be derived.
float MQ2::MQResistanceCalculation(int raw_adc)
RL_VALUE(1023-raw_adc)/raw_adc));in fact it is above described, you have a voltage, you want a resistance. needs a value which is the Rs/Ro (called here RL) where
Ro: sensor resistance at 100ppm of NH3 in the clean air.
Rs:sensor resistance at various concentrations of gaseshere the formula is a simplification of this:
float Vrl = val * ( 5.00 / 1024.0 ); // V
float Rs = 20000 * ( 5.00 - Vrl) / Vrl ; // Ohm
int ratio = Rs/Ro;
ppm = 37143 * pow (ratio, -3.178);
@epierre Hi you,
I think the Rs/Ro is not RL. In the datasheet RL=5kOhm. As I know it is a resistance on board Arduino, and we set it 5kOhm. Is it right? I also don't know why we set it equal 5kOhm. =))
And why 20000 is in "float Rs = 20000 * ( 5.00 - Vrl) / Vrl ; // Ohm" ?
Please help me clearly. Thank you so much !!!
I have read the sensitivity characteristics curve in datasheet of MQ135 and I don't know AL R, 3/4, 1/4* and +- mean? Can you help me, please !!!
NH4 represent for NH3, doesn't it ?
Thank you so much !!!
Hi everyone,
I have an CO2 MG811 sensor. I don't know where tcm pin connect with ?
Please help me. Thank you so much !!!!
Hello, I'm working with an MQ-136 sensor, and am interested in measuring H2S and/or SO2 concentrations. I've got a simple sketch written which gives me a fairly consistent value on the serial monitor, but I've tried to run the multiple gas sensor sketch both complete and I also tried picking apart the sketch just to include MQ-136 related variables and algorithms, but I can't get it to work. It's showing too many errors to list here. Does anyone have simple conversions from the serial outputs to usable values for various gases that this sensor can measure?
hello, how i read co2 ppm with my mq135?
helpme please
@tantt2810 said:
Hi everyone,
I have an CO2 MG811 sensor. I don't know where tcm pin connect with ?
Please help me. Thank you so much !!!!this is an analogic sensor, so VCC/Gnd to power it, and readings on analogic Aout
@tantt2810 sorry for not being more responsive, I left MQ/TGS behind me but I've not kept all my notes on mesuring this and that, that would require me to search for it again. But I appreciate if you can spot me some float/type error conversion in sketches !
I was a bit disappointed when a project I contributed to on Kickstarter showed the inside of their boxes, I wonder how they will manage to satisfy customers with calibration... or their home made index as netatmo did
Used the air quality script for MQ7 but throwed out all the conversions and calibrations. Just reading the plain input from the analogue pin.
I targeted this as a smoke detector but it seems this sensor highly depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. Are there any existing formulas to correct for the humidity of the surounding air?And on one sensor i have some irratical data as shown below (blue). I wonder if it's a power supply (black and green is DHT) or a broken sensor?
@moskovskiy82 well looks like a strange sensor... try averaging several samples/// always remember to have it running several days before measuring for there are chemical left from china factories...
Hey all,
I've got a question regarding the calibration function in :
$ grep MQCalibr * AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro0 = MQCalibration(MQ2_SENSOR,10,RL0,SmokeCurve); AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro1 = MQCalibration(MQ6_SENSOR,10,RL1,LPGCurve); AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro2 = MQCalibration(MQ131_SENSOR,10,RL2,O3Curve); AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro3 = MQCalibration(TGS2600_SENSOR,10,RL3,C2H5OH_terCurve); AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro4 = MQCalibration(MQ135_SENSOR,10,RL4,CO_secCurve); AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino: Ro6 = MQCalibration(TGS2602_SENSOR,1,RL6,C7H8Curve); .... AirQuality-Multiple_Gas_Sensor1_4.ino:float MQCalibration(int mq_pin, double ppm, double rl_value,float *pcurve )
Th function MQCalibration should calibrate the sensor in clean air, the calibration function uses the PPM concentration of the gas in a clean air environment.
You already use the appropriate value for i.e. CO2 (around 399 PPM) in the MQ135 sketch - but why are you using those obscure values in the calibration (1, 10) here?Thanks in advance!
@wreiner said:
Th function MQCalibration should calibrate the sensor in clean air, the calibration function uses the PPM concentration of the gas in a clean air environment.
You already use the appropriate value for i.e. CO2 (around 399 PPM) in the MQ135 sketch - but why are you using those obscure values in the calibration (1, 10) here?Well, I didn't know the concentration in clean air so I had to put in a value even random... I took the hypothesis there are very few in the air so low value.
Thank you. Your mean is Vcc->5V, GND->GND, Dout->Digital pin, Aout->Analog pin. Is it right?
But I don't know the tcm pin connect with ? I have read datasheet but I don't find any info about tcm pin. Please help me. Thank you so much !!!
Readings of my MQ135 are going up and down like a yo-yo. Not sure how to read them really?
What do you think?
I am confused with MiCS 4514 sensor. What I had done is :
using MiCS quick start evaluation board, measured ADC value
calculated Vout and from that calculated R0.
Rs/R0 concentration gives me high value, which is not possible, My data is as follows
clean air file is used for the purpose of R0 value
and Polluted file is used to calculate the actual pollution am confused. Please help me
@tantt2810 said:
Thank you. Your mean is Vcc->5V, GND->GND, Dout->Digital pin, Aout->Analog pin. Is it right?
But I don't know the tcm pin connect with ? I have read datasheet but I don't find any info about tcm pin. Please help me. Thank you so much !!!do not use the digital pin !!! it only reacts with the potentiometer in on/off mode, so useless... you need to power the device with Vcc/Gnd, and read the output with Aout (A stands for analog). The last one forget it.
@alexsh1 is that raw ADC output or with a calculation ? normaly this should go up or down but not in sucha drastic way
This is a value gw.send(msg.set(MQ135_DEFAULTPPM+(int)ceil(valAIQ))) reported to Domoticz.
It does not make any sense to me at all.
Thanks you so much !!! Good job, Good boy =)).
@alexsh1 said:
This is a value gw.send(msg.set(MQ135_DEFAULTPPM+(int)ceil(valAIQ))) reported to Domoticz.
It does not make any sense to me at all.same for mle, sometime it is good to have two piece to compare their behavior... I have 3 o them ...
@epierre do you think it is a faulty sensor though?
Can I use pinMode(digitalpin, OUTPUT) to turn off sensor? Or Is there any way to wirte a function that turn off sensor?
I want to remote it on web to turn on or off it.
Thank you so much !!!
For those who are trying to use an MQ135 module from e-bay or other sellers, on a small pcb with a chip, LED and potmeter:
It took me a while until I figured out that the little chip has a very big influence on the value that you read on the A-out pin.
Only after removing the connection between the A-out pin and the little chip, I got normal measurements.I also replaced the small resistor marked "102" with a 10k resistor, to make measurements more compatible with code that uses a 10k pull down resistor. But that was already a known issue, found on many other places.
@tantt2810 said:
Can I use pinMode(digitalpin, OUTPUT) to turn off sensor? Or Is there any way to wirte a function that turn off sensor?
I want to remote it on web to turn on or off it.
Thank you so much !!!
well no, powering is through Vcc/GND, so you whould use a switch on this. Digital pins do not gives enough power for such sensors.
@alexsh1 said:
@epierre do you think it is a faulty sensor though?
coud be, hard to know without possibility to compare to another one.
This is what I discovered. When nobody is around the sensor 'settles' on a particular value. However, when there is anyone around in the room, the sensor reading goes up and down - see the snapshot attached. Any idea what the problem may be?
@alexsh1 hard to say, could be something moving inside if someone makes vibration around and thus this strange reaction... the down curve at the end is correct, the in between not
Can you check the reception level?
I had same behaviour with an old temperature/humidity module; need to move it to another place in the room, and works perfectly now
@Elfnoir said:
; need to move it to another place in the room, and works perfectly now
temp/hum are "less" sensitive on environment, here the sensors heats up to 40-60° (or more) so temp/hum is not the most impacting (I can be wrong anyway
@epierre I wonder if you looked at this sensor Figaro TGS8100:
Looks like it is perfect for a low-powered platform.
@alexsh1 said:
@epierre I wonder if you looked at this sensor Figaro TGS8100:
Looks like it is perfect for a low-powered platform.
as a replacement for MQ in low power yes could be... the bad part is how to get one ?
@epierre said:
the bad part is how to get one ?How about ?
Hi, It all make sense, I am just confused that in your code once your multiply and once you divide...
case CO:
if(ratio1 < 0.01) ratio1 = 0.01;
if(ratio1 > 3) ratio1 = 3;
//c = pow(10, 0.6) / pow(ratio1, 1.2);
** c = pow(ratio1, -1.179)4.385; //mod by jack*
case NO2:
if(ratio2 < 0.07) ratio2 = 0.07;
if(ratio2 > 40) ratio2 = 40;
//c = ratio2 / pow(10, 0.8);
** c = pow(ratio2, 1.007)/6.855; //mod by jack**
SO, what is the actual formula?Vir
@epierre said:
I'm now testing the MICS-6814 (3 sensors in one) given for :
Carbon monoxide CO 1 -1000ppm
**Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 –10ppm **
Ethanol C2H5OH 10 –500ppm
Hydrogen H2 1 –1000ppm
Ammonia NH3 1 –500ppm
Methane CH4 >1000ppm
Propane C3H8 >1000ppm
Iso-butane C4H10 >1000ppmDatasheet maionly speaks on CO, NO2 and NH3: is are scripts:
Some readings:
The concentration of NH3 is 0.99 ppm The concentration of CO is 1.20 ppm The concentration of NO2 is 0.15 ppm The concentration of C3H8 is 1000.04 ppm The concentration of C4H10 is 999.98 ppm The concentration of CH4 is 2991.14 ppm The concentration of H2 is 1.09 ppm The concentration of C2H5OH is 1.40 ppm
I guess I'll make a script soon...
What does 37143 represents, Rs? and -3.178 is a second value from your regression method, but what about the first value?
Can you elaborate on ppm line, please
Virhere the formula is a simplification of this:
float Vrl = val * ( 5.00 / 1024.0 ); // V
float Rs = 20000 * ( 5.00 - Vrl) / Vrl ; // Ohm
int ratio = Rs/Ro;
ppm = 37143 * pow (ratio, -3.178);
@bhavika said:
I am confused with MiCS 4514 sensor. What I had done is :
using MiCS quick start evaluation board, measured ADC value
calculated Vout and from that calculated R0.
Rs/R0 concentration gives me high value, which is not possible, My data is as follows
clean air file is used for the purpose of R0 value
and Polluted file is used to calculate the actual pollution am confused. Please help me
I am confused by the formula you are using, could you please explain?
Pollution NO2 = (POWER((RS/R0)*(1/POWER(10,0.8068)),(1/1.01)))Pollution CO = POWER((RS/R0)*(1/POWER(10 , 0.5476)),(1/-0.8497)))
is the actual formula like this?:
pollution = POWER((ratio *(1/POWER(10, curve[0])),(1/[curve[1])))
This is different than any other formulas discussed in this thread...
so does 37164 represents the scaling factor and -3.178 the exponent?
@Vir said:What does 37143 represents, Rs? and -3.178 is a second value from your regression method, but what about the first value?
Can you elaborate on ppm line, please
Virhere the formula is a simplification of this:
float Vrl = val * ( 5.00 / 1024.0 ); // V
float Rs = 20000 * ( 5.00 - Vrl) / Vrl ; // Ohm
int ratio = Rs/Ro;
ppm = 37143 * pow (ratio, -3.178);
@epierre I have the problem with the dust sketch (shinyei ppd42ns). The following code does not work in MySensors 1.5
... gw.send(msgPM10.set("ppm")); ... gw.send(msgPM25.set("ppm")); ...
2016-04-24 14:44:19.438 Error: MySensors: Unknown/Invalid sensor type (43) 2016-04-24 14:44:19.438 Error: MySensors: Unknown/Invalid sensor type (43)
So far both PM10 and PM25 are showing zero. However, if I upload the following code, it works fine (one channel though):
// Watch video here: /* Connection: JST Pin 1 (Black Wire) => Arduino GND JST Pin 3 (Red wire) => Arduino 5VDC JST Pin 4 (Yellow wire) => Arduino Digital Pin 8 Green Led connected to Arduino D7 Yellow Led connected to Arduino D6 Red Led connected to Arduino D5 Dust Sensor possible application: - Applications of customer - Air quality sensor - Dustlessness workshop - Cigarette detector */ /* Sensor is to create Digital (Lo Pulse) output to Particulate Matters (PM). Lo Pulse Occupancy time (LPO time) is in proportion to PM concentration. The output is for PM whose size is around 1 micro meter or larger. We can use the sensor to detect the dust in clean room. Minimum detect particle: 1um Grove - Dust Sensor Demo v1.0 Interface to Shinyei Model PPD42NS Particle Sensor Program by Christopher Nafis Written April 2012 */ int pin = 8; unsigned long duration; unsigned long starttime; unsigned long sampletime_ms = 1000;//sampe 1s ; unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy = 0; float ratio = 0; float concentration = 0; int gLed = 7; int yLed = 6; int rLed = 5; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(8,INPUT); pinMode(gLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(yLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(rLed,OUTPUT); starttime = millis();//get the current time; } void loop() { duration = pulseIn(pin, LOW); lowpulseoccupancy = lowpulseoccupancy+duration; if ((millis()-starttime) > sampletime_ms)//if the sampel time == 30s { ratio = lowpulseoccupancy/(sampletime_ms*10.0); // Integer percentage 0=>100 concentration = 1.1*pow(ratio,3)-3.8*pow(ratio,2)+520*ratio+0.62; // using spec sheet curve Serial.print("concentration = "); Serial.print(concentration); Serial.print(" pcs/0.01cf - "); if (concentration < 1.0) { Serial.println("It's a smokeless and dustless environment"); digitalWrite(gLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(yLed, LOW); digitalWrite(rLed, LOW); } if (concentration > 1.0 && concentration < 20000) { Serial.println("It's probably only you blowing air to the sensor :)"); digitalWrite(gLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(yLed, LOW); digitalWrite(rLed, LOW); } if (concentration > 20000 && concentration < 315000) { Serial.println("Smokes from matches detected!"); digitalWrite(gLed, LOW); digitalWrite(yLed, HIGH); digitalWrite(rLed, LOW); } if (concentration > 315000) { Serial.println("Smokes from cigarettes detected! Or It might be a huge fire! Beware!"); digitalWrite(gLed, LOW); digitalWrite(yLed, LOW); digitalWrite(rLed, HIGH); } lowpulseoccupancy = 0; starttime = millis(); } }
@epierre hi, could remove some doubts regarding the mq131 sensor?
@alexsh1 said:
(shinyei ppd42ns)
I corrected the following sketch which had bad yg/m3 to ppm conversion thanks to LouiS22 from Domoticz forum remark (type conversion errors leading to 0 values).
I guess I'll have to do the same here (but I lack time...):
@epierre Thanks - I'll have another go at Shinyei PPD42NS sketch once I have time. Ideally, I'd like to combine it with MH-Z14A sketch.
@alexsh1 which is a good idea, also a temp/him is quite usefull though I didn't added the impact in the formulas so far.
@epierre I have combined the two sketches - works just fine, but need to find a spare temp sensor.The hardware setup looks messy so adding an extra i2c sensor will complicate it even more. I'll come back with the combined three-in-one sketch shortly.
BTW, this
still throws the following error. What version MySensors are you using?
MySensors: Unknown/Invalid sensor type (43)
@epierre I started looking at the formula you have used in ppmv calculation. Why do you need ppmv? All values in EPA or Europe are in μg/m3.
The ppmv equation is:
ppmv = mg/m^3 * (0.08205*T)/M
T = atmospheric temperature in kelvins = 273.15 + °C
M = molecular weight of the air pollutant = 28.97
( - this is a good link)
0.08205 = Universal Gas Law constant in atm·l/(mol·K)Your code for this equation is:
ppmv=(float)(((concentrationPM25*0.0283168)/100) * ((0.08205*temp)/0.01))/1000;
Now, I think it should be as follows:
- temp = °C + 273.15
int temp=273.15 + 22;
22C - is a typical temp inside though the intention is to use a sensor
- The amended ppmv equation is going to be:
ppmv=(((concentrationPM25*0.0283168)/100) * ((0.08205*temp)/28.97))/1000;
I have not changed 0.0283168 /100 - not sure that this is. And the whole thing is divided by 1000? why?
I have just received the following result:
PM10: 7373 send: 11-11-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:1.744
If I use the following web-site and the result is
mg/m3 = 7373 * 0.283168/100 = 2.08 mg/m3
The molecular weight is 28.97 for dry air2.08 mg/m3 is equivalent to 1.74ppm for a gas with molecular weight=28.97 Pressure=1013.25, Temperature=22C
Now I have found a spare BMP280 (temp and pressure sensor) which I can use here.
Additionally, I need to use 24-h and 1 year averages - tuned!
@alexsh1 said:
@epierre I started looking at the formula you have used in ppmv calculation. Why do you need ppmv? All values in EPA or Europe are in μg/m3.
because domoticz only knows ppm... and many AIQ like use only that except for particles.
- temp = °C + 273.15
int temp=273.15 + 22;
22C - is a typical temp inside though the intention is to use a sensor
not for me
- The amended ppmv equation is going to be:
ppmv=(((concentrationPM250.0283168)/100) * ((0.08205temp)/28.97))/1000;
I have not changed 0.0283168 /100 - not sure that this is. And the whole thing is divided by 1000? why?
was a volume conversion
The molecular weight is 28.97 for dry air
2.08 mg/m3 is equivalent to 1.74ppm for a gas with molecular weight=28.97 Pressure=1013.25, Temperature=22C
success for the mysensors value ?
MySensors: Unknown/Invalid sensor type (43)
Domoticz doesn't recognize this command... I use 1.5.x but I have my own gateway to domoticz
- temp = °C + 273.15
@epierre Yes, all works fine now. I modified the combined sketch and here is the final result.
Which one to use for detection of fire smoke? Currently have got several MQ-7 but they don't seem so good at it
@moskovskiy82 said:
Which one to use for detection of fire smoke? Currently have got several MQ-7 but they don't seem so good at it
as discussed just above, a particle sensor could be good for smoke is a particle concentration, coupled with heat this would be a good indicator
if (concentration > 315000) { Serial.println("Smokes from cigarettes detected! Or It might be a huge fire! Beware!");
What about mq2 or mq135? Any experience? As a gas sensor will be more suitable detecting early fire
@moskovskiy82 said:
What about mq2 or mq135? Any experience? As a gas sensor will be more suitable detecting early fire
please see what it does, this is not a gas sensor this only detect particle size whatever the gas...
It still detects concentration. Both state CO detection. So in case of fire won't they detect the increase in concentration much faster that the particle sensor like Sharp’s GP2Y1010AU0F or alternative?
@moskovskiy82 For a fire smoke, you can use pretty much any gas or particle sensor - there are a quite few gases formed during the burning process. MQ2 is highly sensitivity and has a fast response time. I can recommend it for a fire detection usage. However, I have been disappointed in MQ* sensors in general - there are not accurate, require 24h heat-up time, consume a lot of power etc. The only advantage is the price.
To detect fire to can use a flame sensor -
Can someone tell me how to read this line?
float mq135_ro = 10000.0; // this has to be tuned 10K Ohm
Do I have to messure the sensor and adjust the variable or do I have to tune the resistance? If I have to do the first thing, when do I have to messure it? In warm state and clean air with a multimeter?
@epierre Did you check out the airbeam, which is based on a more expensive sensor Shinyei PPD60PV? made a step-by-step manual about building the same on Shinyei PPD42NS. I took their code and stripped a few parts and this is what I am left with:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <FlexiTimer2.h> int pin = 3; volatile double rawParticalCount; volatile double totalParticles = 0; volatile double particleCountToDisplay = 0; volatile double ratio = 0; volatile uint16_t timeCounter = 0; #define numberOfPeaksRecording 5 volatile uint32_t previousPeaks[numberOfPeaksRecording]; volatile uint32_t sumOfPreviousPeaks = 0; volatile uint32_t instantGoal = 0; volatile int32_t delta = 0; volatile uint32_t slowMovingAverage = 0; volatile boolean readyToSendData = false; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(pin,INPUT); FlexiTimer2::set(1,1.0/10000,readPin); FlexiTimer2::start(); } void loop() { if(readyToSendData){ Serial.print(rawParticalCount, DEC); Serial.print(" Raw Particle Count (0-10000) "); Serial.print(ratio, DEC); Serial.print(" Ratio (0-100%) "); Serial.print(particleCountToDisplay, DEC); Serial.print(" Particle Count"); Serial.println(""); readyToSendData = false; } } void readPin(){ if(digitalRead(pin) == LOW){ rawParticalCount++; } timeCounter++; if (timeCounter == 10000) { timeCounter=0; //Changes are made here based on Chris Nafis's code: ratio = rawParticalCount/100.0; //Convert to percentage, the shinyei reads 10milliseconds to 90milliseconds duration for particles. Basing on 10milliseconds, smallest particle assumingly from specification sheet. //FlexiTimer2, reads 10,000 readings per second, which would be 1 reading per 100 microseconds. 100 readings would be 10 milliseconds. Since Shinyei runs at minimal 10 millisecond range. I divided 10,000 readings by 100 to get 100. //Good example would be rawPArticalCount is 5000 half of the 10,000 readings were active. 5000/100 would be 50 which translate to 50% low pulse occupancy. totalParticles = (1.1*pow(ratio,3)-3.8*pow(ratio,2)+520*ratio+0.62); rawParticalCount = 0; // shift counters over, code adapted from template provided by Mike Taylor and Joshua Schapiro from Carnegie Mellon University's CREATE Lab for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (numberOfPeaksRecording-1); i++) { previousPeaks[i] = previousPeaks[i+1]; } previousPeaks[numberOfPeaksRecording - 1] = totalParticles; sumOfPreviousPeaks = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numberOfPeaksRecording; i++) { sumOfPreviousPeaks += previousPeaks[i]; } instantGoal = 2*sumOfPreviousPeaks; delta = instantGoal - slowMovingAverage; if (delta < -5000){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 250; } else if (delta < -2500){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 120; } else if(delta < -1200){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 60; } else if(delta < -500){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 25; } else if(delta < -5){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 5; } else if(delta < -1){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage - 1; } else if(delta > 5000) { slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 500; } else if(delta > 2500){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 250; } else if(delta > 1200){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 120; } else if(delta > 500){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 50; } else if(delta > 5){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 5; } else if(delta > 1){ slowMovingAverage = slowMovingAverage + 1; } particleCountToDisplay = slowMovingAverage; readyToSendData = true; } }
I have not adopted it for MySensors yet.
I like moving average they use, but the values do not make sense to me:0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 53470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 27.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 53970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 54470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 21.6200008392 Ratio (0-100%) 54970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 55470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 24.2800006866 Ratio (0-100%) 55970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 56470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 24.1200008392 Ratio (0-100%) 56970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 57470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 22.3199996948 Ratio (0-100%) 57970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 58470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 20.3600006103 Ratio (0-100%) 58970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 59470.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 17.6299991607 Ratio (0-100%) 59970.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 60220.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 19.0499992370 Ratio (0-100%) 60720.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 0.0000000000 Ratio (0-100%) 60715.0000000000 Particle Count 0.0000000000 Raw Particle Count (0-10000) 20.6599998474 Ratio (0-100%) 61215.0000000000 Particle Count
@alexsh1 said:
I took their code and stripped a few parts and this is what I am left with:
@alexsh1 the PPDN42 is for 1 micron and 2.5 micron , this one is for 0.5 micron
airbeam has standard code:
or I've not seen ?
@epierre this is not the air beam code. They introduced "do it yourself" consept similar to the airbeam but with a different sensor (shinyei ppd42ns)
Hey guys, I am struggeling to get the MQ135 to work. Is there a step by step howto? Or can someone answer my question from 3 days ago?
I would appreciate it very much.
@rollercontainer I followed David Gironi method to calibrate - it is described as follows:
Before you can use the sensor, it has to be calibrated. For this, connect the sensor to your circuit and leave it powered on for 12-24 h to burn it in. Then put it into outside air, preferably at 20°C/35% rel. hum. (humidity is not so crucial). Read out the calibration value as such
float rzero = gasSensor.getRZero();
Wait until the value has somewhat settled (30min-1h). Remember, this is an ADC measurement so you might not want to wait some time between reading the sensor and also do some averaging. Once you have determined your RZero, put it into the MQ135.h. Note: Different sensors will likely have different RZero!#define RZERO 76.63
Congrats, you have calibrated the sensor and can now read the CO2 ppm value in your sketch
float ppm = gasSensor.getPPM();
@alexsh1 Thx
Is "RZERO" the same as "mq135_ro" or is it a seperate variable? (ro = R0 = RZERO?)
So, obvious these are two variables. Wherefore is the mq135_ro? Is it the load resistor from signal to ground?
@rollercontainer let's start from the basic - which MQ-135 do you have? A bare unit or with a logic controller and a variable resistor?
@alexsh1 I bought a breakout board and desoldered everything but the sensor and the 33Ohm resistor for the heating. Then I soldered a 10kOhm pulldown from analog signal out to ground.
Apologies for the confusion. @epierre did not use this library, but I have used MQ135.h library, but have not adopted it for MySensors and I did not like the sensor's reading jumping up and down.
In MQ135.h:
// Calibration resistance at atmospheric CO2 level #define RZERO 394.5 //RZERO 76.63
I think the principle of RZERO is the same as mq135_ro
@rollercontainer I have do not done any changes to my breakout board. Just tuning the variable resistor and that's it.
One thing I noticed is that the sensor performs much better in enclosed premises (no windows and no doors). Alternatively, it has to be in the box or something. Any small light draft dramatically changing the readings.
@alexsh1 I dont think so, in epierres sketch both values appear:, what the heck is mq135_ro? And what to tune to?
@epierre OK, I found a mistake in my Shinyei ppd42ns code. Basically, it produces pcs/0.01cf values (normally, anything from 2000 to 10000 per a 30 secs reading).
This sensor use counting method to test dust concentration but not weight method, and the unit it pcs/L or pcs/0.01cf.
This has to be converted into ug/m3 (the EPA standard)and then we can convert it into ppmv. I do not think dividing it by a volume factor is enough. Please see below updated code, which combines both ppd42ns and MH-Z14A sensors.
/** * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice. * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes. * * Created by Henrik Ekblad <> * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB * Full contributor list: * * Documentation: * Support Forum: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * ******************************* * DESCRIPTION * * Dust Sensor for Shinyei ppd42ns * * 1 : COMMON(GND) * 2 : OUTPUT(P2) * 3 : INPUT(5VDC 90mA) * 4 : OUTPUT(P1) * 5 : INPUT(T1)・・・FOR THRESHOLD FOR [P2] - not used * * * * connect the sensor as follows : * Pin 4 of dust sensor PM1 -> Digital 6 * Pin 3 of dust sensor -> +5V * Pin 2 of dust sensor PM25 -> Digital 3 * Pin 1 of dust sensor -> Ground * Contributor: epierre and alexsh1 **/ #include <MySensor.h> #include <SPI.h> // Define a static node address, remove if you want auto address assignment #define NODE_ADDRESS_DUST 11 #define NODE_ADDRESS_CO2 13 #define CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10 0 #define CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25 1 #define CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10_MG_M3 2 #define CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25_MG_M3 3 #define DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM10 6 #define DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM25 3 #define CHILD_ID 0 #define CO2_SENSOR_PWM_PIN 2 unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 30*1000; // Sleep time between reads (in milliseconds) //VARIABLES int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor float valDUSTPM25 =0.0; float lastDUSTPM25 =0.0; float valDUSTPM10 =0.0; float lastDUSTPM10 =0.0; unsigned long duration; unsigned long starttime; unsigned long endtime; unsigned long sampletime_ms = 30000; unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy = 0; float ratio = 0; long concentrationPM25 = 0; long concentrationPM10 = 0; float concentration = 0; float concentrationPM25_ugm3; float concentrationPM10_ugm3; int temp=273.5+22; //external temperature, if you can replace this with a DHT11 or better float ppmvPM25; float ppmvPM10; float valAIQ =0.0; float lastAIQ =0.0; unsigned long duration_co2; long co2ppm; MySensor gw; MyMessage dustMsgPM10(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10, V_LEVEL); MyMessage msgPM10(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10_MG_M3, V_LEVEL); MyMessage dustMsgPM25(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25, V_LEVEL); MyMessage msgPM25(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25_MG_M3, V_LEVEL); MySensor gw1; MyMessage msg(CHILD_ID, V_LEVEL); void setup() { gw.begin(NULL,NODE_ADDRESS_DUST,false); // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller gw.sendSketchInfo("Dust Sensor PPD42NS", "1.5"); // Register all sensors to gateway (they will be created as child devices) gw.present(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10, S_DUST); //gw.send(msgPM10.set("ppm")); gw.present(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25, S_DUST); //gw.send(msgPM25.set("ppm")); gw.present(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM10_MG_M3, S_DUST); gw.present(CHILD_ID_DUST_PM25_MG_M3, S_DUST); pinMode(DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM10,INPUT); pinMode(DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM25,INPUT); gw1.begin(NULL,NODE_ADDRESS_CO2,false); gw1.sendSketchInfo("AIQ Sensor CO2 MH-Z14A", "1.0"); // Register all sensors to gateway (they will be created as child devices) gw1.present(CHILD_ID, S_AIR_QUALITY); pinMode(CO2_SENSOR_PWM_PIN, INPUT); } void loop() { //get PM 2.5 density of particles over 2.5 μm. concentrationPM25=(long)getPM(DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM25); Serial.print("PM25: "); Serial.print(concentrationPM25); Serial.println(" pcs/0.01cf"); concentrationPM25_ugm3 = conversion25(concentrationPM25); Serial.print("PM25: "); Serial.print(concentrationPM25_ugm3); Serial.println(" ug/m3"); Serial.print("\n"); //ppmv=mg/m3 * (0.08205*Tmp)/Molecular_mass //0.08205 = Universal gas constant in atm·m3/(kmol·K) ppmvPM25=((concentrationPM25_ugm3) * ((0.08205*temp)/28.97)); if ((concentrationPM25 != lastDUSTPM25)&&(concentrationPM25>0)) { gw.send(dustMsgPM25.set(ppmvPM25,2)); gw.send(msgPM25.set(concentrationPM25_ugm3,2)); lastDUSTPM25 = ceil(concentrationPM25); } //get PM 1.0 - density of particles over 1 μm. concentrationPM10=getPM(DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN_PM10); Serial.print("PM10: "); Serial.print(concentrationPM10); Serial.println(" pcs/0.01cf"); concentrationPM10_ugm3 = conversion10(concentrationPM10); Serial.print("PM10: "); Serial.print(concentrationPM10_ugm3); Serial.println(" ug/m3"); Serial.print("\n"); //ppmv=mg/m3 * (0.08205*Tmp)/Molecular_mass //0.08205 = Universal gas constant in atm·m3/(kmol·K) ppmvPM10=((concentrationPM10_ugm3) * ((0.08205*temp)/28.97)); if ((ceil(concentrationPM10) != lastDUSTPM10)&&((long)concentrationPM10>0)) { gw.send(dustMsgPM10.set(ppmvPM10,2)); gw.send(msgPM10.set(concentrationPM10_ugm3,2)); lastDUSTPM10 = ceil(concentrationPM10); } while(digitalRead(CO2_SENSOR_PWM_PIN) == HIGH) {;} //wait for the pin to go HIGH and measure HIGH time duration_co2 = pulseIn(CO2_SENSOR_PWM_PIN, HIGH, 2000000); co2ppm = 5000 * ((duration_co2/1000) - 2)/1000; Serial.print("CO2: "); Serial.print(co2ppm); Serial.print(" ppm"); Serial.print("\n"); if ((co2ppm != lastAIQ)&&(abs(co2ppm-lastAIQ)>=10)) { gw1.send(msg.set((long)ceil(co2ppm))); lastAIQ = ceil(co2ppm); } //sleep to save on radio gw.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); gw1.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } float conversion25(long concentrationPM25) { double pi = 3.14159; double density = 1.65 * pow (10, 12); double r25 = 0.44 * pow (10, -6); double vol25 = (4/3) * pi * pow (r25, 3); double mass25 = density * vol25; double K = 3531.5; return (concentrationPM25) * K * mass25; } float conversion10(long concentrationPM10) { double pi = 3.14159; double density = 1.65 * pow (10, 12); double r10 = 0.44 * pow (10, -6); double vol10 = (4/3) * pi * pow (r10, 3); double mass10 = density * vol10; double K = 3531.5; return (concentrationPM10) * K * mass10; } long getPM(int DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN) { starttime = millis(); while (1) { duration = pulseIn(DUST_SENSOR_DIGITAL_PIN, LOW); lowpulseoccupancy += duration; endtime = millis(); if ((endtime-starttime) > sampletime_ms) { ratio = (lowpulseoccupancy-endtime+starttime)/(sampletime_ms*10.0); // Integer percentage 0=>100 concentration = 1.1*pow(ratio,3)-3.8*pow(ratio,2)+520*ratio+0.62; // using spec sheet curve Serial.print("lowpulseoccupancy:"); Serial.print(lowpulseoccupancy); Serial.print("\n"); Serial.print("ratio:"); Serial.print(ratio); Serial.print("\n"); //Serial.print("PPDNS42:"); //Serial.println(concentration); //Serial.print("\n"); lowpulseoccupancy = 0; return(concentration); } } }
Please see the terminal printout below. The lowpulseoccupancy and ratio are correct. um/m3 to ppmv conversion is correct as well. I had to dive into physics and a bit of googling to find out how to convert pcs/0.01cf into ug/m3 - this is a tricky one!
send: 11-11-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:5.39 send: 11-11-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:6.45 lowpulseoccupancy:3339978 ratio:11.03 PM10: 6751 pcs/0.01cf PM10: 10.53 ug/m3 send: 11-11-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:8.80 send: 11-11-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:10.53 CO2: 960 ppm send: 13-13-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=4,l=4,sg=0,st=ok:960 lowpulseoccupancy:1983280 ratio:6.51 PM25: 3527 pcs/0.01cf PM25: 5.50 ug/m3 send: 11-11-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:4.60 send: 11-11-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:5.50 lowpulseoccupancy:3430970 ratio:11.34 PM10: 7008 pcs/0.01cf PM10: 10.93 ug/m3 send: 11-11-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:9.13 send: 11-11-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:10.93 CO2: 960 ppm lowpulseoccupancy:1789340 ratio:5.86 PM25: 3141 pcs/0.01cf PM25: 4.90 ug/m3 send: 11-11-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:4.09 send: 11-11-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:4.90 lowpulseoccupancy:3271804 ratio:10.80 PM10: 6563 pcs/0.01cf PM10: 10.23 ug/m3 send: 11-11-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:8.55 send: 11-11-0-0 s=2,c=1,t=37,pt=7,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:10.23 CO2: 970 ppm send: 13-13-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=37,pt=4,l=4,sg=0,st=ok:970
I still have not connected the BMP280 to get the pressure and temp readings into the equation.
What do you think?
@rollercontainer said:
@alexsh1 I dont think so, in epierres sketch both values appear:, what the heck is mq135_ro? And what to tune to?
I think
is identical to multiplied by a factor is 1000
Maybe @epierre can clarify it?
Hm, in the loop, mq135_ro will be read and used. As written in line 78, the MQ135_DEFAULTRO can be overwritten by the messured mq135_ro. Ok, but where is the 10kOhm voltage divider in this calculation? Included in the measurement of mq135_ro?
@rollercontainer you are correct - mq135_ro is overwritten in the loop and I do not see a point in float mq135_ro = 10000.0; unless the mq135_ro function is deactivated during calibration. However, #define MQ135_DEFAULTRO 68550 this is the parameter you should change during the calibration process. Try to calibrate with the function mq135_ro and deactivating it though I am sure the result will be the same.
Hi all,
I have my library for reading sensor. It is open source and its name is OpenSensor. I think that it's useful for every body.
Besides, I have my a monitoring system in real time using Arduino, MQ2, MQ135, MG811, GP2Y10 sensors and shield wifi ESP8266. It use OpenSensor library to read value from sensor and push it to database of WebServer by ESP826.
This is link:
Hoping it helpful for all,
Good job,
@tantt2810 Thanks
#define RSRO_CLEAN_AIR_FACTOR 3.7 //The value of Rs/Ro in clean air. According chart in datasheet. #define RL_VALUE 20 //The value of the load resistance on the board, in kilo ohms. #define GET_RO_SAMPLE_TIMES 10 //The times of calibrating #define GET_RS_SAMPLE_TIMES 10
Can you please elaborate on how to calibrate the sensor?
Also how do you connect it if it comes on the board like this?$_1.JPG
@alexsh1 said:
Also how do you connect it if it comes on the board like this?$_1.JPGeasy here, the AOUT is the one you will put on an analog one.
the DOUT (Digital OUT) is just an alarm linked to a level you could change on the board)
@epierre said:
the DOUT (Digital OUT) is just an alarm linked to a level you could change on the board)
So DOUT is not used. Just AOUT?
@alexsh1 said:
@epierre said:
the DOUT (Digital OUT) is just an alarm linked to a level you could change on the board)
So DOUT is not used. Just AOUT?
yes !
@epierre For the air quality purpose which sensor would you recommend TSG-2600 or TS2602? They are slightly different, but both detect aiir contaminants (based on ppm of H2 and EtOH).
So far, I got MH-Z14A and the Dust sensor working with OLED screen and Domoticz and I just want to add 1-2 sensors to finish the project.
@alexsh1 well any I would think for they are similar technology
@epierre What about MICS-4514 or MICS-5524?
I am thinking ordering this board:
How do i get the Airquality sensor to show in domoticz? I use the AirQuality example from the library and MQ2.
I can see that it works in the serial, and it shows as a node under the mysensors hardware, but nothing in log or the device list when i expose it for gas.
@Tore-André-Rosander said:
ut nothing in log or the device list when i expose it for gas.
huh you're on which version of mysensors ? have you tried the console (in arduino programmer) to see if there are some readings or a good wiring ?
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