@NeverDie Yes, you are correct - it is based on ATMega1284P. So not relevant
My point is that I'd rather stick to the datasheet rather than overclock, but that's just me. And yes I realise that Moteino is overclocking, but the size, voltage and flash are really appealing to me.
@4994james or just use internal vcc measurement as described on the same page. That saves you the voltage divider.
I wrote a convenient library to measure vcc internally : https://github.com/Yveaux/Arduino_Vcc
I really like this design, however I think it has a problem:
According to the datasheet the TPS610986DSET has no feature to disconnect the load at low battery voltages. I think the result will be that e.g. a ESP32 or other power hungry chips will not power up properly. The TPS63031 might therefore be a better fit.
btw.: Do you still sell assembled versions of this design? Would you be willing to create a new version with the TPS63031 and probably also with 10 or 20F capacitors or an board to solder your own capacitors.
Best regards
@bisschopsr I now have the schematics posted for all of my boards. I also posted another board for my in-wall scene controller line. Is there any other pics or information that you think might be useful to others for any of these boards?