fody weather station, wind sensor

  • Anyone heard of this before?
    For 400 SEK(~€40) you get temp, hum, wind and rain on the outdoor unit and temp, hum and pressure on the indoor unit.
    Worth its price.
    I will open up the outdoor unit and try to connect to it with an Arduino.
    Other name for this is Alecto WS-48000

  • I have now opened the outdoor unit.
    Anyone that have a code for collection data from 8 IR receivers?
    I need to find out what voltage the IR emitter is using, so I don't burn it.
    EDIT: google says 1,4-1,6 volt
    For wind it is simple to use interrupt
    Temperature and Humidity I don't know what kind of sensor it is, that one I can easily change to e.g. si7021/SHT21

    For wind direction it is using IR.
    wheel to control where IR is pointing

    For wind speed it is reed switch

    Control board

    Temperature and Humidity, about 2 cm high

  • Hero Member

    @flopp the Ir 'emitter' is probably a led so you need a current of a few milli amps. Start low (1 kOhm in series) and find out when it starts to function.

  • @AWI
    EDIT: give it 3,3 or 5 volt, use 512 ohm works.

  • EDIT: I use digital input with pullup to see what sensor that receives the light
    So far I have a code for reading the direction and sending it to Controller.
    I will continue to add code for WindSpeed, Temp, Hum and Rain

  • It was a HT-01D sensor for measuring temp/hum. It is I2C and address is 0x28.
    I found code for HYT 221 that worked fine.

  • Mod

    I was looking at another product but your seems more easily hackable 🙂

  • For anyone interested, I am in the process of designing a fully 3D printable weather station. The plan for the 3D printable parts will be:

    • rain gauge
    • combined wind speed and wind direction sensors
    • radiation shield that will house sensors for temp, humidity, barometric pressure and possibly a lux sensor.
    • central brain box for holding the MySensors electronics to control everything.

    I am just finishing the wind speed and direction sensor parts today. I will post pics later. I have a post in this category for the rain gauge that will be part of the station. I am designing all the parts myself. I still need to figure out a few more parts plus the MySensors electronics and code. I'll post everything as I get the different parts done.

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  • Mod

    @flopp are you still using old library version? Are you going to make it a battery powered node or else? I noticed you didn't use any sleep in the code

  • @gohan said in fody weather station, wind sensor:

    @flopp are you still using old library version?

    Yes, this is for 1.5

    Are you going to make it a battery powered node or else?I noticed you didn't use any sleep in the code

    This is powered from a PC, not battery. I want data very often that's why it is not battery powered. I can also change the code if something is wrong.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Hardware Contributor

    @flopp - any more images? 🙂

  • @sundberg84
    Can upload some later today.
    I found that I have some problem with the NRf, so I need to open it up.
    Will upload new code later today, as well.

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  • some pictures
    0_1493054883191_20170424_160412832_iOS.jpg 0_1493054891231_20170424_160402858_iOS.jpg 0_1493054901570_20170424_160025939_iOS.jpg 0_1493054908764_20170424_160020368_iOS.jpg

  • I have not verify all the code yet.
    Wind direction is correct.
    Temp is little bit higher then another temp that I have on shadow so maybe the radiation shield is not working 100%
    Hum: my other sensor that I have outdoor broke a few weeks ago, so nothing to compare with
    Wind Speed: I want to verify with an RPM tool. I get some extra indication from reeed switch.
    Every second indication is below 1000 micros which is 1 millisecond, which is 1000m/s
    Rain: lucky or unlucky I have not had any rain when the mast was up and running

  • Mod

    Maybe you need a better heat shield, did you try some aluminum foil?

  • @gohan said in fody weather station, wind sensor:

    Maybe you need a better heat shield, did you try some aluminum foil?

    Good idea 🙂
    Should I have the foil inside the shield or outside?
    Any pics if you done it yourself?
    I think I need some air through the shield so it can cool down.

  • Mod

    I haven't done anything yet, I'm just trying to apply some cheap physics 😀
    I'd start from the outside and see what happens

  • @gohan
    Ok, thanks.

    I will try it tomorrow

  • New code again 😦
    Wind speed: it compare between two interrupts if it is too quick, if more than 100000 micros it will not use it

    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensor.h>  
    #include <Wire.h>
    #define WIND_CHILD 0
    #define TEMP_CHILD 1
    #define HUM_CHILD 2
    #define RAIN_CHILD 3
    MySensor gw;
    MyMessage WSMsg(WIND_CHILD, V_WIND);
    MyMessage WGMsg(WIND_CHILD, V_GUST);
    MyMessage TempMsg(TEMP_CHILD, V_TEMP);
    MyMessage HumMsg(HUM_CHILD, V_HUM);
    MyMessage RainMsg(RAIN_CHILD, V_RAIN);
    MyMessage RainCounterMsg(RAIN_CHILD,V_VAR1);
    //Wind Speed
    volatile unsigned long lastPulse = 0;
    volatile unsigned long intervalSum;
    unsigned long lastInterval = 0;
    unsigned long looptime;
    float WS = 0;
    float WG = 0;
    int WScount = 0;
    //Wind Direction
    int WDarray[8] = {0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315};
    int WD;
    volatile float hwRainVolume = 0;   // Current rainvolume calculated in hardware.
    float bucketSize = 0.4;   // mm per tip
    boolean pcReceived = false; 
    volatile unsigned long lastSend = 0;
    // Temperature/Humidity
    double hum = 0;
    double temp = 0;
    void setup() {
      Wire.begin();   //start i2c
      gw.begin(incomingMessage, AUTO, false);
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      gw.sendSketchInfo("WeatherMast", "170427");
      gw.present(WIND_CHILD, S_WIND);
      gw.present(TEMP_CHILD, S_TEMP);
      gw.present(HUM_CHILD, S_HUM);
      gw.present(RAIN_CHILD, S_RAIN);
      gw.request(RAIN_CHILD, V_VAR1);
      //pin 2 is rain, pin 3 is wind speed
      //pin 4-8, 14-16 is wind direction
      //configure pin 2-8 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor
      for (int i=2 ; i < 9 ; i++) {
        pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
      //configure pin 14-16(A0-A2) as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor
      for (int i=14 ; i < 17 ; i++) {
        pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
      attachInterrupt(0, Rain, FALLING);    //rain
      attachInterrupt(1, WindSpeed, FALLING);   //wind speed
    void loop()
      looptime = micros();
      readTempHum();    //read temperature and humidity
      readWindDirection();    //read wind direction
      resend((WSMsg.set(WS, 1)),3);
      WS = 0;  //reset wind speed, useful if there is no wind otherwise old value will be sent to Controller
      resend((WGMsg.set(WG, 1)),3);
      WG = 0;   //reset gust
      resend((WDMsg.set(WD, 1)),3);
      resend((TempMsg.set(temp, 1)),3);
      resend((HumMsg.set(hum, 1)),3);
      lastPulse += micros() - looptime;
      attachInterrupt(1, WindSpeed, FALLING);   //wind speed
    void readWindDirection()
      //check in what direction the wind is. First sensor that have light will be the direction
      int i = 4;
      for (i; i < 9 ; i++){
        if (!digitalRead(i)){
          WD = WDarray[i-4];
      i = 14;
      for (i; i < 17 ; i++){
        if (!digitalRead(i)){
          WD = WDarray[i-9];
    void Rain()
      unsigned long currentTime = millis();
      if (!pcReceived) {      
        gw.request(RAIN_CHILD, V_VAR1);
        Serial.println("Request rainCount");
      if (currentTime - lastSend > 5000) {      
      hwRainVolume = hwRainVolume + bucketSize;
    void WindSpeed()
      volatile unsigned long newPulse = micros();  
      unsigned long interval = newPulse-lastPulse;
      if (interval<16000L) { // Sometimes we get wrong interrupt. 16000L = ~30 m/s
        attachInterrupt(1, WindSpeed, FALLING);
        lastPulse = newPulse;
      long a = interval-lastInterval;
      a = abs(a);
      lastInterval = interval;
      if (a > 100000) {  
        lastPulse = newPulse;
        attachInterrupt(1, WindSpeed, FALLING);
      else {
        lastPulse = newPulse;
        WS = (0.4775/(interval/1000000.0));   
        if (WS > WG) {
          WG = WS;
      attachInterrupt(1, WindSpeed, FALLING);
    void readTempHum()
      Wire.beginTransmission(0x28);   // Begin transmission with given device on I2C bus
      Wire.requestFrom(0x28, 4);      // Request 4 bytes 
      if(Wire.available() == 4) {                   
        int b1 =;
        int b2 =;
        int b3 =;
        int b4 =;
        Wire.endTransmission();           // End transmission and release I2C bus
        // combine humidity bytes and calculate humidity
        int rawHumidity = b1 << 8 | b2;
        // compound bitwise to get 14 bit measurement first two bits
        // are status/stall bit (see intro text)
        rawHumidity =  (rawHumidity &= 0x3FFF);
        hum = 100.0 / pow(2,14) * rawHumidity;
        // combine temperature bytes and calculate temperature
        b4 = (b4 >> 2); // Mask away 2 least significant bits see HYT 221 doc
        int rawTemperature = b3 << 6 | b4;
        temp = 165.0 / pow(2,14) * rawTemperature - 40;
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message)
      if (message.type==V_VAR1) {
        hwRainVolume = message.getFloat();
        pcReceived = true;
        Serial.print("Received last pulse count from gw: ");
    void resend(MyMessage &msg, int repeats)
      int repeat = 1;
      int repeatdelay = 0;
      boolean sendOK = false;
      while ((sendOK == false) and (repeat < repeats)) {
        if (gw.send(msg)) {
          sendOK = true;
        else {
          sendOK = false;
          Serial.print("Error ");
          repeatdelay += 500;
        repeat++; delay(repeatdelay);

    EDIT: added

    WS = 0;

    in loop

  • Mod

    So, how is the hacking going? 🙂

  • @gohan
    Thanks for asking 🙂
    It is working good, but I don't trust the wind speed. I have lots of "ghost" indications from the reed
    switch, I tried to remove it with code in two different ways but anyway I get some high values. I will order a wind speed meter and check against that one. I also record a slow-mo video when it spins in front of a fan(2.5m/s) and it is correct but it is difficult to test it with 10 m/s,

    If anyone are inreseted what's inside the receiver that was included from Fody. It look like this

  • suddenly it stopped sending data, after power-off-power-on it started to work again

  • Mod

    I got an Uno as ethernet gateway with a DHT sensors and sometimes it hangs too after several days

  • Mod

    @flopp I'll need to look at the watchdog timers and see if it may help

  • it stopped working again, this morning. This time it started to work again just after opening Serial monitoring in Arduino IDE

  • Mod

    That's normal, upon serial connection the Arduino resets. Try adding the watchdog function. You could also try the newer mysensors library that's in the development branch

  • @gohan said in fody weather station, wind sensor:

    Try adding the watchdog function.

    That's something new for me. What is this and how do you add it?
    Anyone with a link?

  • Mod

    Search "Arduino watchdog examples" lots of stuff comes out

  • @gohan said in fody weather station, wind sensor:

    Search "Arduino watchdog examples" lots of stuff comes out

    thanks 👍
    I did some search and I never heard of this function before.
    I will test it in my sketch and see if I get rid of the freezing stuff

  • I read about watchdog now and as normal way, without extra code, it can check that our code is alive less then 8 seconds.
    I want it to send data every 60 seconds so I need to loop watchdog code a couple of times.
    I will look at this later

  • Hi Flopp
    I bought the Fody some time ago with the intention to connect it via Blue Tooth to a RPI for awnings control. The idea was that all the calibrating then should be handled by the indoor unit.

    Whats your opinion about this?

    I'm really new to BLE and Python programming and have so far only been able to make a succesful CONNECT. Is there anybody made something similar? Any help would be appreciated

  • Hello, I have followed your build and are about to to a similar reverse engineering of a weather station but my winddirection look different and Ineed some input on how I can fix it.

    On my there are 8 IR leds on the perimiter and 4 IR sensitiv transistors in the middle. The outer leds are wired 2 and 2 with all the odds having common GND and all the even have common GND. So i have problem on how to turn the led on 1 by 1. Any inputs?

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