In deep Sleep the cunsumption is below 19µA, but i have to send with PA_MAX. On some Windows the open/close frequency is verry high, so the battery is to fast emty.
The CR2032 is good, but i want more "lifetime"
@NeverDie Yes, you are correct - it is based on ATMega1284P. So not relevant
My point is that I'd rather stick to the datasheet rather than overclock, but that's just me. And yes I realise that Moteino is overclocking, but the size, voltage and flash are really appealing to me.
Hi @tbowmo, do you mind to explain a bit about the design? I'm interested with your design.
I will use these steps for removing voltage regulator,
So the design will be battery > external step up regulator ( - to stabilize 3.3v) > vcc pin ?
with these then I can use my first post design?
Hello Tilman, this is really a very nice design. I have ordered a pack of PCBs from elecrow, based on your gerber files, and have a few questions:
in your BOM you have listed 5 smd-capacitors and 7 smd resistors, but on the PCB i have solderpads for 6 capacitors and 8 resistors. Can you just explain?
is there a uniflächentaster-model for 2 ways?
i think i have to flash the bootloader first, do you have a tutorial for this, and a sample-sketch for the board?
Thank you very much
I also on my last work removed the LG33, it's faster
Well this most likely have been provided as info, but else it's here:
Remember to burn new OPTIBOOT 8MHz into the Arduino Pro Mini
and then I also use avrdude with a usbtinyISP to set the fuse to not check battery voltage monitoring, this is done after I have flashed this with Arduino IDE
avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -U efuse:w:0x07:m```
Could you post your full working sketch please?
I'm revisiting some of my 51822 nodes that have sat collecting dust for a long time and thought i might try to get them working again.