MySensors 2.0.0 Released

  • Great work, thank you!

  • Thank you to all contributors for this fine piece of software!


  • Admin

    @nielsokker documentation about the log messages is WIP and will follow soon.

    In brief:
    TSM refers to the transport state machine, (!) to an error.
    Your error !TSM:CHKID:FAIL indicates that the node didn't receive a (valid) ID, hence !TSM:FAILURE (transport not operational) followed by TSM:PDT which means that the radio was powered-down for a while followed by a re-initialisation.

  • BOOM! Well done guys 😃

  • MySensors Evangelist

    excellent. let me try to find the updates and see what advantages are in it for me.
    great job guys.

  • I have been using rf24 radios before mysensors, and back then everything didn't worked so good as with mysensors.

    Awesome work, I think it's time for a donation at least for some 🍻 for holidays for developers. They deserve it.

  • @tekka

    Thank you for your answer! Does this mean that the hardware is failing? I used the repeater example.

  • Admin

    @nielsokker no, it means that the node was requesting and ID from the controller but didn't get one.

  • What am I doing wrong when I get this when I try to compile?
    I have a new installation of Arduino IDE 1.6.5 (have tried 1.6.7 also, and still the same)and I have put the new files in my arduino sketchbook also deleted all old ones)

    Arduino:1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Kort:"Arduino Nano, ATmega328"

    DustSensor.ino:49:25: fatal error: MySensors.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    Fel vid kompilering.

    This report would have more information with
    "Show verbose output during compilation"
    enabled in File > Preferences.

  • @Lars65

    I had the same error. You have to(instead of what the 1.5 manual says) keep all the files in the mysensors_master folder. This folder needs to be in the libraries folder that already exists.

  • Thank you!!!!!
    That helped a lot.


  • Guess it's a good thing I am just getting started. I am guessing 2.0 should be the default go to now?

  • @Jason-Brunk

    IMHO I would say yes. Keep in mind there are some differences in how the API works. I suggest going through the example scripts from 2.0, and compare that to the ones in 1.5 so you will get an idea of what I mean.

  • @Anticimex said:

    📣 We are happy to announce a major release of the MySensors library to 2.0.0!
    For details, see here.
    Doxygen links on the master github frontpage are not working. These are the correct links:
    master development

    Thanks a lot for that great piece of work!!!

  • Sensebender sketch is not any more in the example folder. Is it "normal" ?

  • Admin

    Yes, this in the new normal... we moved all the examples using external library dependencies into until we can figure out which ones work with auto-dependency-download using the IDE Library Manager.

    We would really appreciate some help doing the verification.

  • Admin

    Actually sensebender sketch is moved to the same repository as the hardware files for the SensebenderMicro.

    Problem is that we do not want to have external dependencies on the examples in the MySensors library, as they are not distributed together anymore. That's why examples with external dependencies have been moved to a new repository. Except the sensebender sketch, which we/I decided to relocate to the SensebenderMicro repository, as it's a bit special, and belongs to that hardware..

  • I have been using the beta for some time now, to use the stable version do i just download the zip from github and replace the mysensors folder in arduino -> libraries ?

  • Admin


    That should do it, until we get online in the arduino library manager..

  • Admin

    And now we are online in the Arduino Library manager..

    So people can "easily" update to the latest and greatest MySensors release..


  • I have just done as said above and works a treat! I was still running on Arduino 1.6.1 but this was enough reason to update!

    One question: my serial gateway is still running on 1.5, do I have to update that to 2.0?
    I have one node running on 2.0b and that talks just fine. New nodes will follow soon (PCBs are being printed now...) so they will be on 2.0 as well.

  • Mod

    @DavidZH See here:

    "It should be fully backward compatible with your controller (serial api hasn't been changed since 1.5).
    We recommend updating both gateway and sensors to the the latest release."

  • not a big deal, but is there something i should do to get the mysensors to show up in my manage library?

  • Mod

    @Jason-Brunk here you can find the official "installation description"!
    It should be that easy 😉

  • running 1.6.7 and not seeing it. oh well. not a biggy

  • updated to 1.6.9 and it's there. oh well. probably needed to update anyway 🙂

  • I did now also update my gateway but I see two messages in the debug panel that I don't understand:

    pm open,type:2 0

    Does anybody have an idea what that means?

  • Contest Winner

    I've read the documentation and I'm really impressed with the great work you've guys have done. Developping sensors with MySensors had never been this easy. You guys rock!

  • I just built my first "sensor network" yesterday and I was lucky to arrive on the 2.0 version - fun times! Congrats hek and contributors.

  • Contest Winner

    I used 2.0dev last month and I'm happy to see this version get stable status. 👍

  • @Yveaux

    I have now recompiled my node that was on 2.0DEV to 2.0Stable and it will not fly. So tomorrow I will recompile my gateway to see if that runs better.

    I really have to get used to the new debug output though. But it give a lot more info!

  • @gloob said:

    I did now also update my gateway but I see two messages in the debug panel that I don't understand:

    pm open,type:2 0

    Does anybody have an idea what that means?

    I have this problem too. What does that mean?

  • Admin

    @kenci said:

    @gloob said:

    I did now also update my gateway but I see two messages in the debug panel that I don't understand:

    pm open,type:2 0

    Does anybody have an idea what that means?

    I have this problem too. What does that mean?

    The TSP:SANCHK:OK is a sanity check of the radio, this time it's OK. But if we fail in talking with the radio (spi failure etc) it will try to initialize the radio, and also write Fail (I believe)

    It's @tekka that is the brain behind this part (and has promised to make some documentation on it :))

  • @tbowmo Thank you for the explanation. But what does that mean pm open,type:2 0

  • Hi there.
    Good work.
    I was using dev ver. - should I recompile all nodes and GW to 2.0.0, to use it?

  • Mod

    @marekd quote from the main site : "We recommend updating both gateway and sensors to the the latest release."

  • Hero Member

    @marekd To add to @Yveaux , if you are using repeaters (or nodes with the repeater functionality switched on) these also should be updated to the latest release.

  • Is there any plans to update the Raspberry gateway? The one where the nrf radio is connected directly to RPI gpio.
    As far as i know it is version 1.4 at the moment.

  • @Tore-André-Rosander

    I think that was someone who contributed it a while back. I remember going though the thread, and at one time someone was looking for anyone to update the 1.5 base for the signing; IIRC.

    Probably best to switch to another Gateway for now.

  • @drock1985
    Is there any pro/cons when choosing the esp gateway or the serial gateway (connected to Raspberry pi)?

  • @Tore-André-Rosander

    Not really; depends on what your controller supports. Personally I have Home-Assistant running the latest MySensors 2.0 Wifi (ESP) gateway no problems.

  • Hardware Contributor

    for pros, I think serial gw is more secure. I mean esp is wifi, serial gw is only connected to controller. Of course controller is connected to network, but esp is just one more door directly connected to mysensors. Cons, not as verstatile as esp 😉

  • And with RFM69, ESP and MySensors 2.0 doesn't work for me. With serial gateway, it's ok. With Ethernet Gateway W5100 and MYS 1.0, I lost lot of packets (NRF radio).

  • Thanks for the response, i tested the esp gateway and it looks good. But i think im going for the serial gateway just to eliminate the need for WiFi in my setup. So if the WiFi is messing up during the night the mysensors network still works.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @Fabien ah weird.. for test, i have a working rfm69, esp mqtt and mysensors 2b gw.. but i don't know for the other esp gw.

  • I like the new setup of the MySensors lib, but after getting some more gray hairs and replacing processors, boards and all the other stuff I noticed, there is something wrong with it.

    Following effect (tried it with Arduino versions 1.6.3 up to 1.6.9 on a Mac with El Capitan):
    I've setup a clean Arduino environment and installed the new MySensors lib. Wrote a program, where I wanted to test some interrupt routines with MySensor and it did not work. ok, seemed to be a bug and watchdog stepped in. Fixed software, rewrote software, created a small test program and always the same issue. I used Node Id 5 for this one.
    Then, after a whole day and changing processors and all other stuff I loaded a file, working with 2.0-beta and using Node Id 7. And what I got where the same messages on the gateway, just with Node Id 7. ???
    In fact I got a presentation of HUM (my tests with Node 5), but with Node 7, although the file never had anything to do with HUM.
    Verseifen with an Arduino Nano board, installed a very small MySensor example script on it and same effect.

    So, some pieces of the initial program were once compiled and resided in the system, regardless what source you are using afterwards.

    Deleted the new 2.0.0 lib, installed my 2.0.0-beta and everything is fine. Switched back to 2.0.0 stable and instantly the old binary was back there.

    Any ideas?

  • @tante-ju
    Jumped onto my ESXi server with a windows VM windows setup and the problem you are describing for the mac went away. I have El Cap on my mac with the same type of problems. Don't have an answers but windows worked fine. Wasted a couple of hours trying to fix also.

  • @tante-ju Some sort of cache problem? I had a similar issue with the beta, i used the clear eeprom sketch on the node and set a different node id manually and fixed it.

    EDIT: Had the same problem now with the v2 release, clear eeprom on the node solved it

  • @Tore-André-Rosander said:

    @tante-ju Some sort of cache problem? I had a similar issue with the beta, i used the clear eeprom sketch on the node and set a different node id manually and fixed it.

    EDIT: Had the same problem now with the v2 release, clear eeprom on the node solved it

    Hi, as the same type of old code is written in a new proc, it could not be the EEPROM. The Arduino environment together with the new MySensors lib seems to build some object files only once and then uploads them all the time.

  • @Lior-Rubin said:

    Hi, when I'm try to upload the sketch GatewayESP8266 I got the following error:

    In file included from /Users/liorrubin/Documents/Arduino/libraries/MySensors-2.0.0/MySensors.h:299:0,
                     from /var/folders/l0/kxrb9wmd6rj651nw4gld5nx00000gn/T/arduino_modified_sketch_982538/GatewayESP8266.ino:137:
    /Users/liorrubin/Documents/Arduino/libraries/MySensors-2.0.0/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:4:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>
     #include “Schedule.h”
    In file included from /Users/liorrubin/Documents/Arduino/libraries/MySensors-2.0.0/MySensors.h:299:0,
                     from /var/folders/l0/kxrb9wmd6rj651nw4gld5nx00000gn/T/arduino_modified_sketch_982538/GatewayESP8266.ino:137:
    /Users/liorrubin/Documents/Arduino/libraries/MySensors-2.0.0/core/MyMainESP8266.cpp:13:26: fatal error: core_version.h: No such file or directory
     #include <core_version.h>
    compilation terminated.
    exit status 1
    Error compiling for board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module).

    Even when i try to comment the "Include Schedule.h" then i got an error about the "core_version.h" file.

    anyone ?

    Just started playing with mysensors - in my case trying to use a WeMos D1R2. I was getting the same errors - although I can happily compile other sketches on the boards so I knew it wasn't me.... well, probably not entirely. I think maybe because I've only recently started using it perhaps I don't have older libraries installed as well as the current ones? Anyhow, horrible hack is as follows:

    1. Go to
    2. Download the core branch
    3. Open the zip file and go to the cores/esp8266 directory (yes you can also download just the files below individually, but I have found in the past you can have issues with corrupted files doing it that way - feel free to give it a go if you want)
    4. Copy the files Schedule.cpp, Schedule.h, and core_version.h and put them into your arduino\libraries\MySensors-master directory

    Compile away and hopefully it will work this time! Did for me...... 😉

    Note - if you decide to use your board for sensors as well you may have to copy over other supporting files.


    Update - for some weird reason errors came back, and I could not trace the cause easily. Decided to do a clean install - backup up my sketches, and removed the Arduino IDE along with the libraries. Note that on my mac there was a library folder both in my documents as well as in username\Library. Anyhow, reinstalled, re-downloaded everything, and my sketches compiled without an issue.

  • What does it mean?
    "Gateway just another sensor node! So now you can have wired ethernet sensors and wireless ESP8266 sensors without any radio attach if you want."

    I have serial gateway with nfr radio, connected to PC with home assistant. How can I add ethernet node without radio to this setup? How it will be talk with gateway?

  • Contest Winner

    @Борис-Башкинцев i believe it is to be interpreted as you set up "many" gateways, but you don't mount radios on them. Instead you connect sensors directly to the gateway and then connect the gateways to your controller. Using WiFi or ethernet. That way, your gateways act as a sort of sensor node network connected using WiFi/ethernet instead of NRF or RFM radios.

  • @hek said:

    Yes, this in the new normal... we moved all the examples using external library dependencies into until we can figure out which ones work with auto-dependency-download using the IDE Library Manager.

    We would really appreciate some help doing the verification.

    How does the auto download work @hek

  • Admin

    @Mark-Swift, you mean the verification of the moved examples?

  • Hi all,

    I'm sorry if this was already answered.

    But how should we manage libraries that were included in the MySensors 1.5.x and are no more in the 2.0.x?
    For example DHT and BH1750.

    Thank you in advance,

  • @Daniel-Oliveira check previous hek's answer

  • @Anticimex Lots of nice features are listed in announcement!

    Where I can find documentation for v2?
    I'd like to try MQTT gateway on W5500 chip and I'd like to test sensors connected directly to gateway but I have no clue how to start.


  • Admin

  • @bomber I'm using a W5500 with locally attached sensors, only thing you have to do is use a customized version of the Ethernet library. Like this one

  • Hi @tekka Some documentation on "pm open,type:2 0" and what it means would be useful.

  • Admin

    @mpp said in MySensors 2.0.0 Released:

    pm open,type:2 0

    This is a message emitted by the ESP8266 core, not MySensors related.

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