Battery button sensor
Great projects!
Do you have a forum user?
Oh YES it is a great project !
Yes I have
Great idea for a compact button sensor such as a snailmail notifier or some such.
Any thoughts on hardware debouncing ICs, such as MAX6816, MAX6817, MAX6818? Not to be a backseat driver here
but something like that would be cool for a dedicated button sensor.
I wanted to make the most cheap device. And not set hardware debouncing.
But set external pull-up resistors to reduce power consumptionSostware debouncing by delay in interrupt
Cool. Are the 6 buttons onboard, I don't think so??? does it need to wire them external?
Is it a reset button on the pic? Maybe I am too curious lol, I can't read your schem (I don't have diptrace). A schematic img could be useful.
anyway, thx for shareI have a more complex actuator in design progress, but your can be useful too and is simple
oki I see
so one onboard button, others are external. cool, can be useful. thx
I see you use CERN OHL but I do not find the required files in the repo.
Where do you store those?
According to the CERN OHL 1.2 howto, you need to provide the following documentation with your project:
CHANGES.TXTPlease check the howto closely for how to use the license, or pick another license.
@Ivan-Z , how much do you expect for battery life (assuming a regular 250mA CR2032, in the scenario of a single button, regular daily usage in house lighting.
- Error. Reversed MISO and MOSI
- Append Capacitor C1 on RESET
- Change diode component size to SOD-123
- Append Pad for external LED
Calculate battery life
Capacity rating of battery (mAh) = 250
Current consumption of device during sleep (mA) = 0.02
Current consumption of device during wake (mA) = 18
Number of wakeups per hour = 1
Duration of wake time (ms) = 20
Estimated battery life is: 440.51 days, or 1.21 years.The device wakes up only when pressed button
This is pretty similar to what I'm currently doing, here. However, mine is just a light switch node, yours is more versatile by the looks of things. Looking pretty nifty though, nice work!
@Ivan-Z Добрый день. Я тут новичек но мне ваше устройство хотелось бы попробовать. Я верно понимаю что тут не хватает документации что бы просто заказать производство плат (или изделий целиком)? Можете ли/хотите ли вы выложить их?
As per the forum user guidelines, point 6 at the following link,, states;
"6. As this is an English-speaking community, we require that posted content be in the English language, so that it can be well received and properly monitored."
Please communicate using English spoken language, if anything it will help you get a response that is relevant.
Sorry. I will write in English.
I want order manufacture this device. But manufacturer said to me that he need gerber and bom files. I want know can I get this files from Ivan? May be I can get this files from design files? What programm need to this?
@zeblong, you can generate these from the board files, however i'm leaving this one for @Ivan-Z to discuss with you as this is his device and he knows all details regarding this.
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