@mfalkvidd said:
Yes you can use analog input as digital input if you like (but not as output). A5, A6 and A7 don't have internal pullups though so you might need to solder external pullups. EDIT: The distance sensor doesn't need pullups so you don't need to add any in this case. However, the TRIG signal to the HC-SR04 needs to be an output pin so you can't move that. You can move the moisture sensors, if you add external pullups (or buy sensors with built-in pullups).
Ok sounds reasonable. Have to read more about that pullup/pulldown thing
There is no way you can power everything through the voltage regulator on the Pro Mini. The absolute maximum total power rating for the Pro Mini is 150mA when powering through raw. Also note that most Arduino clones do not survive 12V raw input, and that the nrf radio needs approximately 3.3V.
Ok I'll use one LM2596 in order to power all components directly + another 5V=>3V voltage regulator for the radio. This should work
The relays are controlled by the output pins on the Arduino. The relays control power (12V in your case) that is coming from elsewhere. Relays often consume quite a lot of power (from the Arduino) when switching so make sure you add capacitors. You could also consider using FETs instead of relays. We've seen many threads on relay problems that were caused by power issues.
Is that a problem too, when powering the relay directly from the LM2596? Otherwise i have to learn something about FETs
Probably But the best way to learn is to try
So true the problem is the "lost" time when waiting for another china package
An alternative to getting 8 pumps is to get 1 pump and 8 valves. That will probably be cheaper.
Hmm I did not find any cheap valves. One of the pumps is about $6. And valves cause one problem imho: they need pressure in order to work and this requires to activate the pump some seconds bevor triggering the valve => increased complexity
@dbemowsk said:
Are you aware of this project that is in the build section of the site?
I saw this one, but it's more a "standalone" solution imho. quite complex. I wanted just a stupid "tell me the moisture values and switch a relay"-solution
hmm interesting. I will read something about these components, although I'm a little bit afraid of the required code changes