Got 3 up just using the built in temp/humidity, making sure all looks ok. Will slowly add motion.
Any suggested motion sensor for these guys?
Got 3 up just using the built in temp/humidity, making sure all looks ok. Will slowly add motion.
Any suggested motion sensor for these guys?
Weird, my sensors all report just fine to Domoticz....
Thanks for the reply, I didn't see any concrete examples and wanted to make sure before beginning my ordering and tinkering.
Is there support for an RGBW LED strip in Domoticz?
Similar to this, which is in Vera:
You can do this right in the sketch. Upload the standard sketch, check your readings, find your delta, and then modify your sketch to accommodate.
Or, use the offset feature in Domoticz, if that is the controller you are using.
And if you really need an accurate measurement, don't forget to check your readings at multiple setpoints. The math for calculating your offset would then become a little more difficult, but any basic calc knowledge and you've got it.
For insurance purposes, you don't want to install anything where "if I forget, burn" could be a factor. Perhaps a fuse to prevent such issues?
Umm, this is awesome! Looks like I have a tinker project coming up!
@AWI said:
@drock1985 I use these. Simple & cheap
A second for these. I purchased from ebay about a year ago, more expensive but same unit. Working in 4 cameras.
Hello, I am looking for some ideas of what others are using for power/sensor connections to their boxes. I have some boxes with long external DHT, Dallas, PIR sensors. Looking for good plug connections, male and female, to use for quick and easy connections to my boxes. Currently I just run the wires in and solder them or screw terminal. Looking for plugs or something which may be a little neater. How are others using?
@Dwalt said:
I have not had problems with enclosures per se, but I have seen temperature differentials due to locations exposed to direct sunlight and up against thermal masses such as a external walls or internal walls with enclosed heating ducts or hot water piping. I have four sensebenders in vented enclosures mounted on interior walls and have no problem with their accuracy. They are also loosely mounted inside their enclosures which may help them avoiding picking up heat from the walls. Overall, they seem much more consistent and accurate than the several DHT or Dallas sensors I have in my system.
Thanks for the reply, perhaps my issue stems from my enclosures being mostly sealed. No venting what so ever. I did a quick test of a few of my sensors, opening the boxes and letting them sit in open air and the differentials came down substantially.
Will look in to adding some venting!
So I have been experimenting, and building multiple temp/humidity/lux/pir sensors and have noticed that any temperature sensors I have in my project enclosures are reading anywhere from 3-8 degrees F higher than those I have in open air(either not yet put into enclosures or some sensors which arent going in enclosures).
How is everyone managing this differential? I have plans for 8-9 different sensors, each serving some different functions, being in different locations, etc, but want temp sensing on each of them. What are people doing for their sensebender boards, which have the sensor integrated? Using DHT22 I suppose I could just pop the face of the sensor out the side of the boxes. But my dallas sensors, those are a little wonky....
I have so far only built always on sensors, powered via wall plugs. I am hoping battery powered will not have this issue? But also, I need to find a way to correct the issue on my wall powered projects.
Any thoughts appreciated.
Created a test sensor with the base humidity sketch on MySensors, using a DHT22. Initially the device is recognized and appears to work, however after a day of use I see that the temperature reading is not being updated. Also, a second sensor on the same node has appeared, with what appears to be incorrect humidity, and temperature that is being translated to F from my already set point of F. This is giving me readings of 160+, when I should be in the 70's. Pictures attached. Not sure where to go from here.
Finally began tinkering with the boards I ordered a couple of months ago. Built 2, using regulated 5V. Both tell me they cannot init radio. I have yet to pull out the multimeter and begin diagnosing, but wanted to post up and see if anyone else has experienced this? I have not actually come across this error before with MySensors. I did solder pin 1 and 2 on the two pads, attached a 5v to 3.3 volt step down, cap in the slot direct above the radio. Blanking on what could be wrong, other than something witht he baords I received.
Been about 6-8 months since I have been active here, busy with other house work and such.
Looking to update/make new sensors, was looking at the Senseboard and its integrated Si7021, I like the accuracy range it provides. Are people using these on their boards? I don't have much use right now for battery powered, are there any other options for low cost, good precision temperature and humidity? I don't like the cost of the DS22's at like 6+ bucks a pop. Are the Si a better choice? Just looking for cost effective, high accuracy.
@blacey Let me know if I can be of any help. Mostly in the use-case testing area probably, as I am no electrical engineer or software genius.
700mm walls? Do you live in a blast shelter?! haha that has got to be infuriating. Although, the sound dampening from room to room between those walls has got to be nice!
Interested in purchasing a few! Would be perfect int he home theater, I think.
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
I have looked at DataYours, installed it last night and have done some tinkering. It looks relatively good.
My hope would be for Domoticz to offer long term storage, but I would like the alternatives in the mean time. I too do not want 100 misc. plugins clogging my Vera, however with the few I currently have, things seem to be running quite well.
I'll check in to, thanks again fellas!
I would like a more robust method of storing my sensor data, and viewing it. I currently use vera, with datamine, but find the graphs and data manipulation to be severely lacking.
I looked in to Domonitz, but it appears that interval data is only kept for 7 days. Beyond that, just min max and average. This is nice, but I would really like to retain a higher resolution of long term data. For instance, hourly or so.
What solutions is everyone else using/
Wait we can(relatively easily?) tie our Vera data to How did I miss that??
@John How did I not know about all of this. That is, I knew PiDome existed, but did not actually know what it was used for. This is a data nerds dream!
Very nice write up! Next add some current sensing ability to see what your load is pulling. Although if used for lighting, mostly negligible I suppose haha.
Very interesting, and not bad longevity at all. How much time can be bough by extending the sleep to 5 minutes? 10? I personally do not need temp/humidity sampling all that frequently.
Very nice, care to post your sketch and parts list? I am looking to add some similar devices in my basement home theater.
Thanks for the update! Will give it a try sometime later this week!
@BulldogLowell What valves did you use? Have you had any issues with a valve not closing all the way, thus, boom goes the dynamite.
Did you mount your PIR behind the rounded screen area on those cases? It works through that?
I have yet to get to integrating PIR's in to my sensors, but do plan to, and was curious how to effectively mount them. Need to offer protection from the circuitry, but visibility to the sensor itself.
@hek said:
The reason is failed transmission. The node (normally) sends its presentation at startup. Introducing a short delay between transmissions could help (allowing your attached capacitor to charge up).
I will try the delay as well, as I have this issue sometimes. Thanks for the good advice.
Just ordered some boards. Look forward to tinkering! Thanks!
Just ordered a 100A sensor, going to look to tackle this sometime early January. Will post details if no one else has by then.
@daulagari Indeed it appears they may be optimal to keeping the lights equal(or similar) brightness. I was hoping to use just one dc converter, perhaps Ill just have to bite it and install a few, all MySensors connected of course.
I have read a couple of different draws for these strips, and current(ly) do not know for sure.
I have seen posted from 0.08 watts per LED, to 0.2 watts per LED.
eBay kits are sold with 5m strands, 300 LEDs, with 5A/12V power supplies though, making the draw 60W, or 0.2w/LED...
Looking to run a few sections of LED strip accent lighting around my bar and home theater. I want to tie a few strands together, hide wiring, and power them from a hidden outlet as a permanent install.
What do you guys suggest in terms of wiring to connect between the strips? Roughly 20 feet of routing between one strip and 8 feet the other.
I plan to tie it to a MySensors relay and turn on/off via my Vera. Probably set to a scene, and tied to zwave led dimmer/switch.
These are the strips.
@axillent I could absolutely make use. Like @axillent, I have not had the time to tackle it myself(remodeling basement first).
Over the past few years, I have been using a dumb meter, Kill-a-watt, to monitor consumption. I check 1 item at a time over a few weeks, taking readings every couple of days, to a spreadsheet. Would really like to be able to just whip up a few smart devices and plug in to MySensors network!
Cannot help you with sensors not auto assigning properly, as I have the same issue on a few of mine. I manually assigned them, and moved on.
@dzairo I am having the same issue, but only with certain of my sensors.
int node_id = X; (X as the node id you have open to assign)
and add
gw.begin(NULL, node_id);
@hek said:
Don't know if there is a "one-and.only" solution for the tinkering people hanging here.
Vera acts as the single point (of failure) in our home. But things like our alarm system is autonomous system and only reports stuff to vera. Same for sound system (sonos). And MySenors of course.
I like to have a HA solution that not completely falls apart if one component fails.. But that might just me me?
That said Vera is not optimal... slow, sometimes long intermittent delays when the unit decides to do garbage collecting (or whatever it does during those 1-5 second hickups). Everything cooks down to what you want to integrate in your HA setup and what plugins/functionality you need on the controller.
Agreed. I don't think there is a "one ring to rule them all" solution. I find Vera as a base controller, supplemented by MySensors to be adequate for my needs.
I am not keen on the idea of MySensors, home built stuff, controlling my line level lights etc. If ever a fire were to occur, even if that sensor were not the cause, I am sure my insurance company would try use it against me. Not worth the potential risk IMO, but that is another story.
@rvendrame I have this issue with my Arduino Pro 5v's, (which I bought from the link in the MySensors store page). The only fix I have found is to manually define to node for those sensors. Annoying, but it works.
I chose Vera, because I enjoy the things that can be done with some of the Z-Wave sensors, though they are definitely pricey.
I got my VeraLite for 105$ new, and pick up various Z-Wave modules when I see them on sale. $25 LED dimmer switches, $27 on/off+current sensing wall plugs, a couple of Schlage deadbolts for $135. Retail prices on it all are insane, but sale prices are not bad. Visit, and set some notifications for keywords like "Z-Wave", thats what I do, and it works really well for finding deals.
I then use mysensors for a growing list of auxiliary sensors like temperature/humidity/presence sensors.
I really prefer the Vera method for use of the automation android apps (imperihome and authomation), as well as the Z-wave modules. MySensors stuff compliments and integrates with it all very well.
I would prefer the low cost of MySensors stuff across the board, but there are some things I simply do not want to, or are not feasible to build, which Z-Wave has stuff for.
@hek Thanks for the reply.
MyConfig.h, "define RF24_PA_LEVEL_GW" from "RF24_PA_LOW" to "RF24_PA_MIN"?
Will then trial the capacitor, and power it separately if necessary. Gateway is a Nano, powered via USB to a wall wort.
@hek Rebooted my ethernet gateway, cleared eeprom on the node which was assigned 0, and reloaded the sketch and it was found and identified, given a proper node number, and it semi-working.
Still will only display/transmit in Metric.
As for the failed transmissions, I had not really paid attention to/noticed that. My home network is one of two total visible in my house. Home network, 2.4GHz is on channel 10, 2.457 GHz. Cannot find info for what frequency RF24 channel 76 is. Perhaps I should try changing this?
My gateway is using the NRF24L01+PA+LNA Antenna version. Currently, all sensors are through 2 walls, 10 feet from gateway.
Thoughts on things to trial?
EDIT: Also, I monitored the device on node 1, and as it sends temperature updates, it noted st=fail, though vera shows the proper updated temps.
@m26872 I am using the 5100, thanks for the info. An unfortunately extensive solution.
Is there somewhere to make a bug report? Or to try to help start debugging this issue?
EDIT: I suppose waiting on MySensors 2.0 will actually be the preferred method, why put time in to a 1.0 issue when something new is coming shortly.
It was assigned Node 0.... I did not manually specify it
I was originally having issues adding a Dallas Temp Sensor node. Though I appear to have multiple problems. I deleted and reloaded the MySensors plugin from Vera, reuploaded the LUUP files from Vera-Master. Readded sensors, after clearing eeprom with "EEPROM.write(i, 0xff);". It added my 2 nodes, however, for one it did not add the actual sensors, for the second it did not add the node info. I added the nodes separately, not at the same time.
Also, the third node I tried adding did not load at all. It is a dallas temp sensor on an Arduino Pro 5v. Issues adding this node are what kicked off reloading MySensors plugin.
Node 0 is a test node on an Uno, Humidity sketch right now. Vera shows node info, but no data. Watching on serial monitor, the sensor is reporting humidity and temp(in Imperial as I want).
sensor started, id 0
send: 0-0-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,st=fail:1.4.1
send: 0-0-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=fail:0
send: 0-0-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=8,st=fail:Humidity
send: 0-0-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:1.0
send: 0-0-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=7,pt=0,l=5,st=fail:1.4.1
send: 0-0-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=fail:1.4.1
send: 0-0-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:68.0
send: 0-0-255-255 s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=0,l=0,st=fail:
T: 68.00
send: 0-0-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=1,pt=7,l=5,st=ok:43.0
H: 43.00
Node 1 is a Dallas node on a Nano. Vera shows sensor data(2 dallas sensors), but not the node info, also the info shown is Metric, and the sketch is set for Imperial.
I have 6 other temp sensor nodes on Pro 5v's which I have yet to gather and reload.
sensor started, id 1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,st=fail:1.4.1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=ok:0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=18,st=fail:Temperature Sensor
send: 1-1-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=fail:1.0
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=6,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 1-1-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:17.8
send: 1-1-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=0,pt=7,l=5,st=fail:18.5
Anyone have any suggestions? Sketches used are unedited(except changing metric) from MySensors library.
Hello, I found this post useful. I had a sensor, 8th on my network, which was not getting the sensor ID from my gateway(ethernet to vera). My other sensors got their ID's no issue.
Is there anything I possibly did wrong, changed, etc? This new sensor was a "stock" "dallas temperature" sketch from mySensors. All I changed was the sleep time, as I don't need the data so frequently.
Assigning it its own ID got it recognized in vera, but I have not had to do that before.
I just get a cycle of the below picture at that address, despite having the plugin installed, and having rebooted. Happens on this PC, and my work PC, both running WIndows 7 and same version of Chrome. Just going to use Firefox for my MySensors stuff, unless anyone else has some suggestions.
Hello, installed Codebender successfully, however any codebender programming boxes keep telling me to install it.
Searched the net and cannot find much info.
Chrome Version 39.0.2171.62 beta-m (64-bit)
Windows 7
Anyone else having issues, or have some suggestions for me?
@tbowmo Amaons 2-day shipping has killed me. When I started with MySensors projects, and the China waiting time of sometimes 2-3 weeks.... Difficult haha.
"Restore from backup" did not alleviate my issue.... Anyone else experiencing this?
I have a node with the same sensors. Currently on a nano, moving to pro when I get step-down's in. Works just fine. It will be auto controlling a second intake fan to my electronics closet at X temperature. For now, I just have it always on, but controllable via Vera, and logging the temp. Motion is there, I want it to trip a second relay for a light, at some point.
@Nicola-Reina Let me know how things go, and if you could use any help. I am sure I could spare some time for it.
Ahh okay. Ill stick with building my stuff out for wall power where possible, and probably test a few of your boards when available.
Woah, wait.... 2 years of power?? Okay, if I could even get, say 18 months, I would go with battery powered over wall worts in a majority of my sensors.
I was assuming battery power may last 3-6 months or so, given the motion detection.
@tbowmo Ahh, understood! I too plan for, somewhere around 20 nodes. However I plan to wall wort power most of mine. The only real exception will be a few outside, and inconvenient to reach places.
I do like the idea of eliminating as much of the "birds nest" as possible... My first couple of, what I am currently calling prototype sensors, are, well inside their boxes, very ugly. haha.
Very interesting, this one board would cover all that I need for the majority of my sensors. Would need a couple of sensors with IR, and a couple of others. Is the reason for this the reduced foot print, a reduced cost over arduino pro's, or something else?
Good write up. I previously purchased the components and did some tinkering with the MySensors version of the relay, would be cool to add in the current sensing ability.
However, I have been reluctant to implement anything as of yet, simply because I did not want to be messing with the higher voltage/current stuff just yet. Would be a cheap alternative to the very expensive Zwave switches!
Interested to see how things go with this, have been looking for something similar. Currently, I am not very interested in battery powering, as most other boards seem to have a focus on. Mostly just interested in temp/humidity/presense/ir for now. Let me know if I can do anything to help!
Also, what is the size of this guy?
No luck. Reloaded one of my simple temp nodes with updated code(though I believe it already was).
@pgo Unfortunately, even reboots/reloads do not fix it for me.
@Zeph Ahh, shorter range as a benefit, guess I had not considered it like that!
@hek haha ohh no denying that
The blutooth sensor could definitely come in useful for any number of situations, so it would definitely be good to have! I just think, specifically for "getting home" detection, WiFi may be more robust. Then again, so long as this sensor is placed at entrance to the driveway, or in the garage, distance should be a non-issue.
I initially had a serial gateway, built with MySensors code from, pretty much when this website first went live. I am sorry I do not recall the exact version. However, on that version, each of my sensor nodes reports their "Last Updated Time" (or something similar). This told me at which time each of my nodes were last updated, all on my vera(UI5) interface. It was actually quite handy to see when/if any of my sensors went down/offline/a cat chewed through a wire(ya, I now catproof). I updated to ethernet gateway and MySensors 1.4, and now the node information is blank. I do get the data from the sensors, but I don't know when each node was last updated.
Am I missing something? Sorry, I have been MIA for about 4 months, for the most past, and am just getting back to things. I may have missed some key info, which I am not finding now.
I think something similar can be achieved with Tasker(android) and wifi.
Tasker detects when it connects to your home network, initiates command telling Vera "Honey, I'm Home!". My home WiFi is much more robust/extensive than any blutooth connection radius would be.
This is quite fantastic, thanks for the write up!I would be interested in the current monitoring tied in with MySensors though, at least in my current state that would come before refrigeration data.
I have been looking for a good whole home current monitoring solution.
@integlikewhoa What are you using on Android? I have autHomation, it is decent.
I did not know one could design and purchase a PCB for relatively cheap like this, awesome! Although, now I have yet another project on my hands, haha.
If anyone with a board plans to put their files public, please let me know. I would definitely be interested in purchasing, rather than teaching myself to design one. At least for now, while I have 5 million other projects going on.
Ohh good god, this is great. I was looking to delve in to something like this soon, for the same use: displaying weather.
Thanks much for info. Where did you put the display(or plan to) if I may ask? I have been considering where to place them so that the light is not a nuisance....
"recalcitrant" hah, nice word.
Solder gun was acting up so I ordered a new one. Should be here tomorrow, at which time ill finish the build and let you know how things go. Planning to use some silicone caulk to hold things together inside. Non-conductive, and can be pulled apart with relative ease if needed.
Awesome info, thanks! I found the same enclosures as you at my radio shack. Going to be rigging multiple of these up for around the house, but with temp and humidity sensors as well.
Only difference is I got 5.5 volt minis. Had not thought about directly powering the presence sensor off of the input voltage, doh.
I like that style wall adapter you got. I got a slightly different looking one, but should still fit.
Quick fix. Thanks so much for the quick response! Stupid mistake.
I have mashed code together to run a temp/humidity sensor as well as distance sensor off of the same Arduino. I have the unit functioning properly, where I am getting temp, distance and humidity readings off of the serial monitor.
I have included the device in my vera, and 3 devices are recognized.
The first 2 are correct, and are reporting correctly. The last one should be distance, but it is not, and is not reporting correctly. Below is the code, as well as a snap of the vera interface. Any assistance would be appreciated!
I think the issue is in how I modified the void setup, adding two gw.sendSketchInfo? If I just add the native distance sensor code, vera reports the correct distance device. However, it still reports that "Arduino Node 1" device.
@BulldogLowell Did you run a USB cable from that wall wort, or disassemble it and solder in wire?
Is it possible to have sensor's (temp, humidity, etc) on the USB/Vera gateway itself?
It would save me a sensor in the server closet if possible!
@hari DOH, that was it. Thanks!
Ahh I see, interesting. Here in Ohio, USA, we do not explicitly exhaust or intake fresh air(at least in most homes). Our HVAC systems recirculate air inside the home, relying on natural losses/door openings etc to supply fresh air.
Created a device using the humidity sensor code (
All appears to be working fine(aside from some wacky temps off by about 10 degrees F), except when I go in to serial monitor to see the units output, all I get is the below gibberish.
ËP+21úÙUÙS,;jôØ"éUÙS)$º«)µÎq¤ÛI¶RSs%[º»q1qÂüÙ÷eÎ|ÌÅÉûI.þÀ!S)Z<ÖT}rùÿº»@ÙSrz ü5}ráÿPµâÂêÙ$þp ü¦¬µq\ÿº»DyÍSsµÿ«üeÎ|ºü
Any ideas?
@hek Had not considered battery longevity. The sensors I am currently building are all wall wart powered.
Can one please help me to understand using a Pro vs using a Nano for a sensor network?
After contemplating it, I see no reason to go with a Pro. If going pro, then you most likely need to step voltage up/down for your wireless card and/or your sensors. The additional cost here pretty much eats up the savings over the cost of the Nano, which has 3.3V and 5V built in.
Is size much different? I did not see a drawing showing board size, for places with intense space constraints.
Are there other considerations that I am missing? Or perhaps it is just me, willing to spend the extra buck or two, so that I don't have to deal with regulators or the USB connection cable.
I guess I am a little confused as to the device which you are actually measuring.
This is a heat exchanger which is taking "heat" in from an outside source, mixing it with "exhaust heat" and producing "heat" for some system?
Are you talking a furnace of some sort? Efficiency is typically measured in terms of raw energy output/raw energy input for such systems.
I had a couple of spare LV electrical enclosures from a home remodel, I plan to see about using them for some cheap enclosures. Had not considered using some cheap thin wall PVC pipe or something... That would be an even cheaper solution, just need to find a clean way to cap the ends off and mount stuff inside.
I got the LV boxes for around 1.5-2.00 a piece, no lids though. Thin wall PVC pipe can be had for like 3 bucks/10' from my local hardware store.
Interested to see what others come up with. I finally got most of my stuff in, looking to begin building this weekend.
Would really like a 3d printer for stuff like this!
rather cool idea. Could also be used for things such as vehicles. Pull in to driveway, and thus in range, and poof, script something to happen.
Nice work! I recently did things the "lazy" way and just bought a small amount of a lot of things, to build up a tinker kit...
Thanks for the reply! Perhaps while I have the basement ceiling open, I will look at putting a simple "bud" network as you described.
Is this the PLEG thing you mentioned? Was unaware of it, looks rather interesting....
I am in the same "slow boat from China" situation as you. I have received bits and pieces of my initial tinker investment, but none of the meat!
Will you be building individual sensors for your rooms, or trying a single one with some long wiring between rooms? I currently have open access to the floor from my basement, while I am remodeling it, and am going to experiment with some long runs for sensors to base Arduino's. This is based off of an idea I saw here:
Also, how do you plan to power your sensors, and locate them? I am contemplating a (once tested and verified to my liking) LV gang box in the wall, with a 2 keystone face plate. Drill out some holes for the sensors in solid keystone plugs ( Then just find a way to power it. I am no fan of batteries, when they can be avoided.
Do you already have your fans rigged in to your Zwave network? I am looking to add mine, but am not sure how to go about it yet. One room has 2 way controls, where each spot has the ability to change fan speed. The other 4 rooms have single switches, but can control fan speed at the switch. Have yet to look in to Zwave options for this. I suppose I could just put a relay style in and be able to control on/off, but not speed.
@hek Will hopefully see some interesting projects from this. Unfortunately, timing will not allow me to get any of my stuff up. Looking forward to future events like this, for my submissions, though.
Interesting! Please keep informed looking forward to watching this.
Has anyone rigged up a unit to sense home power consumption on "dumb" power meters? The old rotary dial systems?
I was thinking I could use the "PulseWatermeter" guide with the barrier line sensor. Would just need to modify the code to calculate power, rather than water.
Awesome site, idea(s), and info! Just ordered a large amount of items from your shop links to start my foray in to all of this. Anxiously awaiting their arrival.
ooooo that would be pretty cool! Thanks for the info, sorry if I missed it somewhere.
Hello, I have ordered parts to begin tinkering with a sensor network, tied to my VeraLite system.
What options do I have for data logging and viewing? It would be really nice to track temperatures/humidity/battery levels (anything really) to a database and read said data in graph form.
I know the data can be sent to my VeraLite, and I currently have "datamine" installed on my vera which is tracking and graphing my thermostat temperatures and set points, but the program leaves a lot to be desired in graph presentation... Are there Vera alternatives I have not found, or perhaps any way to send the data to a PC or something instead? I have a home server which is always on and could serve as a repository for the data..
Any help/suggestions appreciated, thanks.
@hek Doh that easy? haha thank you.
Best way to power an Arduino Pro Mini 5v from the wall?
I am going to be purchasing some components to test connectivity with my Veralite. First will build the (probably ethernet) vera bridge, and a see about building and including a temp/humidity sensor.
If all goes well, I will be adding various sensors and tinkerings around the house.
One thing I hate though, is battery power. Yes, convenient, but I dislike having to swap them out and monitor their level and such. Would much rather just plug something in to the wall and forget about it. What options do I have for doing this? Looking to keep each sensor as cheap as possible obviously, so was looking to go with the Pro Mini 5v's, I am just uncertain of the optimal way to provide them AC(120v, from the USA) power.
End game is a potential 6-7 temp sensors, 2 distance, a couple of motion, and who knows what else.