Your workshop :)
in america they say "its not the size that matters!"
@BulldogLowell said:
in america they say "its not the size that matters!"
Hmm, but I am pretty sure @hek was talking about 'space' and not 'size'.
I agree, size does not matter but space is really really helpful to keep things organised.
@hek Yes, and this is a corner of our 'hobby room' that is 'only' 70m2
@marceltrapman OMG! That's so clean and organized!
@Yveaux Marcel is a bit swiss like as it appears except for the hanging electricity cables from the roof
@epierre said:
Marcel is a bit swiss like as it appears except for the hanging electricity cables from the roof
Actually I am Dutch living in Germany but you are correct, I like a clean desk (the desk I use for my work no less).
The loose cables irritate me but I have to take the time and figure out how to solve that nicely.
Talking about obsessive, when you look at picture 2 and 3 you will see that the white cable on the floor is clipped to the wall
@marceltrapman I saw it, but alas computer and cables are synonims... my desk is more like @hek one, no room... or plenty of cables...
What kind of watch do you clean thi way ? I've not seen the oscillator measuring tool for automatic watches
@epierre said:
What kind of watch do you clean thi way ? I've not seen the oscillator measuring tool for automatic watches
Wow, how did you recognise it?
It is not only automatic but all mechanical watches btw.
I clean (and if not too difficult I sometimes repair/maintain) all watches but my real interest is with mechanical watches.
I am intrigued by how small things can be and accomplish so complex tasks.I have attended a couple of workshops to get to know hand wound and automatic watches. Next step is watches with more complexities (like stopwatch etc.).
@marceltrapman this is why I called you a swissman
(hint: the UV machine and some other tools) but they speak french in the clock and watch industry in the Juras. I myself have tenth of mecanical ones, but they are not expensive enough to go to official repair... one day maybe when I'll have plenty of time...
I started writing in @Yveaux thread but didnt want to go too far off topic so; here is a small presentation of myself; you guys could write something short about yourselves too!
I've been involved in lots of project here and there, I have done some minor hacking of protocols, programs (softice, olledbg, IDA) and even embedded systems (mostly linux). But it is just for fun for myself. Never 'destroyed' anything. I know a little about many things, but not really good at anything at the same time..
I know electronics too, Not much analog but digital is easy (as long as the frequency doesn't get too high.. Sigh!)
@Yveaux You seam to do a lot of fun stuff too..
@Damme It's my job, dude. I'm a self-employed embedded software engineer/designer with a lot of experience from complete machine control (semicon) to industrial automation and networking components (EtherCAT, yeah baby!)
OK here it is:
I am an entrepreneur (or self employed if you like) in sales training, coaching and (interim) management. Next to that I do something completely different and that is developing Java Plug-ins for the Servoy platform (and a bit of Objective C, Xojo and Python). It is sort of a hobby that I made my job.
The rest is hobby.
I like nice watches and from there I grew into what I described a few posts back.
I started installing a few security cams earlier this year, found that the step into domotica was not too difficult and here I am building a hobby around MySensors and electronics. And soon 3D printing...
My temporary setup until the oldest is moving out :x so rooms of the others can be swapped and i can start build my lair. Not much, but it does the job. Low WAF factor because it now is in the view of the main living. It will eventually be a relax space. The desks are just quick builds and all my stuff are put somewhere else so a LOT of walking around while prototyping etc. is needed. And as you can see of the chair, the cat loves to play parrot on my shoulders.
you guys could write something short about yourselves too!
Dutch, Engaged and stepfather of three and one of my own, have a dog and cat. I've been mostly involved in back-end systems (Navigation company, financial/educational institutions and telecommunications) with system administration, programming and test labs. Always done some electronics but since last year and a half dived deeper into it and started with home automation with my best friend who I know for 16 years now.
I could really use a bookshelf or something to organize things better. Those transparent storage boxes are pretty great though, if I can only get them off the floor. That wonky desk is an old IKEA Jerker (v1 circa 1999-2001). I have a v2 now for the computer setup. Great desks, long since discontinued, even if birch wasn't the smartest color in retrospect.
3x30W 4000K CFL tubes. I use them for photography and as grow lights in the spring (with different fixtures).
Notice the big bag of Ebay envelopes.
What are my chances of winning the man cave competition?
I guess I'm disqualified since I live alone anyway. Haha.
Well in the sport of things, here is my 'work space'. Sorry about the quality, phone camera and all... Also don't know how to imbed pics.
Order, but not here
I enjoyed perusing everyone's work benches.
I have a number of other (non electronic) projects already in the works, but when I complete those I'll be setting up a little area to do my electronic piddling. I'm really looking forward to it.
When I get that set up, I'll post back here.
Here is the corner I share with my wife. Each has a desk, but since I was first to start this and need both a mental (my Mac) and physical workspace , my desk is a little wider
Never mind the distortion, it's a badly made panorama, but gives a good idea of where I spend my free time.
@GertSanders I envy you
I'd like to have a tinker space like that. So that's the place where all to good stuff comes from!
Thanks. It's getting there. I would like a few more things: a solid lab power supply instead of the repurposed PC power supply. Another storage cabinet (big fan of my RAACO cabinets) for small parts. The oscilloscope I saw on @Anticimex work bench. A hot air gun, next to my soldering station and finally a second 5K screen (but I'm spoiled already by my Mac).
I keep my printer on the first floor (this is on the second floor) so I have a barrier to print things (and it keeps me moving a little).
By popular demand (@hek
), my main workplace:
Semi-organized chaos :metal: and some interesting new projects in the making!
Good inspiration here while I'm planning for something better. Atm I only have my 1.1x0,75m family kitchen table, two boxes in a closet and an old (10y) budget laptop behind a pillow in the sofa.
@GertSanders said:
The oscilloscope I saw on @Anticimex work bench.
Is it in the picture in this thread, or somewhere else? Because I don't see an oscilloscope?
What a great thread! Thanks for kicking it back into life, @TRS-80
I don't have a workshop so I use the dinner table. Have bought a few assortment boxes to make it easy to hide away all the parts when I'm not using them.
The mask is from a project I wore at scifiworld today. It is not (yet) MySensorized.
Sorry, you're right. It is marceltrapman's desk I saw it on.
Maybe I should provide a Δ -picture. I mean, the old one is two years old now
It even more crowded nowadays. Can hardly fit the projects I'm working on
I'm impressed by all your soldering gear!
Lot of Wellers
This is mine in the clean state, a decent working size but its not a dedicated area, it has to server as my office too. I'm looking to extend the desk round to the left under the window and have a dedicated electronics area. I will upload a image of the desk in action in the near future.
Some little Ni-Cad cells in the right storage hole as you can see, this is the only electronic piece out at the moment
@Samuel235 and I see some... myprotein ?? yummy
@scalz, Haha! Well spotted my friend, well spotted! My protein, the protein works and optimum nutrition
@Samuel235 aha excellent! I have no more..need to reorder! i like sport too
@scalz, It is nice to be active. Keeps us feeling younger!
I do indulge in "suikerwafel" to keep my brain happy. My wife keeps me young. Running on occasion also helps. Never tried protein, does Rochefort 10 count ?
@GertSanders, If that suikerwafel is those waffles, I really want to try one! Your wife will, indeed, keep you young sir! Ahh running, I like to see you're active, not my style of sports but i appreciate it! Now, I'm English, but i do know how to use google and I recognize 'Rochefot 10' as a ale/beer. No, that is most certainly not protein
I would have sworn it was protein-like :-), oh well, we learn everyday ...
The first of many new tools to reside on my desk/bench!
I think we should get a tooling topic going, what major testing equipment we all have and what we wish to gather in the future (if any) and then recommended tooling for new comers to purchase to help get their hobby off to a good start. Yes, I'm in that later category.
I will get one made within the next week if no one does it before me. Too busy right now unfortunately, so would appreciate if someone else did it but if they don't I will see to it asap!
@Samuel235 I almost feel ashamed. I have a relative cheap soldering iron and a cheap multi-meter. But like I always tell people, when they ask me about the best tools for woodworking. It's not about the tools, it's what you do with it
@TheoL, this is my only 'higher end tool' at the moment. But i'm looking around for a good, but used, oscilloscope so i can start to inspect whats happening on my PCBs electronically. I also need a decent multimeter, i'm currently using a £5 'thing'.
There is no need to be ashamed at all, we all have to start somewhere
@TheoL said:
It's not about the tools, it's what you do with it
That doesn't only hold for woodworking!
@Yveaux said:
@TheoL said:
It's not about the tools, it's what you do with it
That doesn't only hold for woodworking!
Lets not start getting 'saucy' here now boys and girls! There is a time and a place for that talk
@Samuel235 There is a thread on a Dutch forum which is describing the best tool for hobbyists, not the most expensive. You'll have to use google translator. But I've been told it's a good list.
@TheoL, thank you! I will continue to get a topic moving on our community as well though for our new comers
I shall have a read through this at some point tonight though!
@hek Perhaps this applies to your Rigol DSO ?
@m26872 thx for the link
Thanks, interesting!
just grabbed a quick image of the secret den here
and yes, it does need a bit of cleanup, so I have a space for my laptop there, but I have a couple of other higher priority projects.. So cleaning must come later (at least I have space for building pcb's whenever I have time for it..).
The following tools are in use:
- Weller dual digital soldering station
- Old digital multimeter (had it for 15+ years)
- Tektronix 60Mhz oscilloscope
- 30V/5A power supply
- Homemade vices for holding pcb's.
May I ask you guys how you generate 'stock' of components so you don't need to order parts to design and test circuitry ideas? Did you specifically order parts, if so what should i order to generate a 'versatile component library' that i can breadboard anything that pops into my head? or did you just order more than you need for each part and store them for future needs?
I usually always order more than I need. And as soon as I wonder do I need this - I order from ebay or aliexpress
so I am staring to sort out stuff. I bought a box from Biltema for my electronic stuff
Just cleaned...
Street view
Multimeter fetish
Storage for components of my Chinese (and European) friends. I order large amounts ..
Built 35 years ago and still unbeatable..
My latest - a universal component tester 11 Euro... kudo's for the one that designed this
@AWI Are we neighbors?
@bjacobse More like 'all houses in The Netherlands look the same'...
@Samuel235 said:
I think we should get a tooling topic going, what major testing equipment we all have and what we wish to gather in the future (if any) and then recommended tooling for new comers to purchase to help get their hobby off to a good start. Yes, I'm in that later category.
I was actually wondering if there was enough of this type of content to justify a new "Tools" forum?
Then we could have different threads for each tool (multimeter, scope, etc.) as well as this thread of course.
Or perhaps call it Tools and Methods, or Tools and Resources. For instance I just found a really good beginner's guide to the C programming language. I never understood what void main bla bla really meant, but now after only few minutes, I do! So I would like to share that.
But perhaps best to collect all these things in one place, instead of the general forum?
EDIT: I just had a look round and I don't see anything like a wiki either. Has it been decided against for "reasons" lol? Or have I just missed it (I am on mobile at the moment)?
@TRS-80, I too would like the idea of a separate forum category for tools/workshop. The trouble is, this community forum is based around home automation and 'sensoring' our lives, not becoming master electronic engineers. While most of us here are also becoming that, i'm not sure if having a separate forum category for this would be within the interest of the rest of the community, i would like to see it implemented though i must say.
I do feel that having a separate tooling forum would be helpful for us hardware guys, however i just doubt how much content would go there. I support your idea for said discussions regarding separate tools to allow reviews and suggestions. Just wondering how much the hardware category was intended for this when made by the admins.
Maybe a topic to discuss with Hek, we will see
My opinion is that it would be great for community building. I think all men like to talk about tools, look at the success of Garage Journal, an entire forum about garage and tools. lol
Besides that, there are certainly all levels of ability here, but I think to use MySensors require you to be at least minimally into hacking your own things together, otherwise you would be using some other solution. And I think many of us always looking to learn more and thinking about eventually adding, upgrading related tools, methods, knowledge.
Of course it is hek decision, I am just making suggestion to collect all these in one place to keep them more organized. Those who are interested in such discussion can go to that forum, and those who aren't don't have to.
Hello everyone!
It's fun seeing this thread alive again!
Sorry I havn't been here for a long while, in the picture you'll see what have been keeping me occupied.. (the orange lawn mower, I'm reverse-engineering it!) and I also moved over from Arduino, atmega328p to esp8266 devices and more advanced cpu's (arm, cortex etc) and 'real' build enviroments..
If there is any interest in my project,
The picture pretty much explains how my brain works.. I really need to clean up, might add another picture after that. Behind the mower two rigol devices are hiding, a scope and a p-psu.
@Damme, may i ask if you're planning on bringing this mower over to the MySensors world? I'm very interested in this project dude!
@Samuel235 It would be possible, I am planning to implement a GPS, and wireless information would be really nice, 'Hi! I'm stuck at XXXX'
There is a small problem though, not enough IO's, so we probobly need to hack and add one more CPU (atmega?
that uses the 8 io to the keypad and send data serially between the cpu's (decoding keypad in atmega, send seriell, and tada 7 free io's!
Plenty enough for wireless chips!
regarding GPS I think I can use the built in USB in the battery compartment, no major mod required for it.
@Damme, you're the guy with the 'Code Contributor' title. If anyone can allow the program i'm sure you can. You have worked out how to add more IO's, its all down to the software now
I would really like to see GPS implemented into this and get it working with MySensors controllers. This would be an awesome addition! Once you have it all working, who knows, we could get a board made up for it to be housed all in one. I'm following with great interest. Might be worth making a separate thread for this.
For more IO you could use an I2C based I/O extender chip.
There is also MCP23017 (also available in DIL format) which is a 16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface (exists in SPI and I2C versions). This gives an atmega328 an extra 16 digital pins with just SDA and SCL !PCA9685 is also an I2C driven expander which has 16 channels which can be used for PWM (driving servo's) or as normal digital Input or Output pins. Each channel can be set in it's own way, independent from the other channels. There is no DIL version of this chip, but a breakout exists on Aliexpres (quite cheap).
So there are some options if an extra cpu is not desirable.
@Damme, there is also the 74HC238 IC too. I was doing some educational reading this morning and stumbled across this little fella for some reason while looking at 555 timers. I just remembered what it was when Gert mentioned the use of his suggested ICs. However it is only a 3-8 IO decoder.
@Damme Only the chair and Weller iron seem to be identical to your opening picture at the top of this thread
Everything else seems to have changed (including location of your desk)
Good to see you're back man!
And in full swing of prototyping, as promissed:
OK here's mine.
@Matt I like the chainsaw/oscilloscope combo
@Yveaux Thanks I luuurve my 660 although it still scares the begeezus out of me. 7HP in your hands is quite a buzz.
Just got a second hand weather station Im gonna fiddle around with when the mood takes me. And when I get a 433MHZ receiver.
@Yveaux pff, it's clean room ESD class!
@Matt, i generally keep my chainsaw downstairs away from my electronics. I can't have the oil everywhere!
@Samuel235 yeah the Dolmar leaks, I think its a design feature. Problem is I live with three drunken monkeys who are entropy impersonated, as such I cant keep anything inside if I want to find it again.
@Yveaux An updated version ... this one generates PWM, measure frequency and even measures DS18B20 / DHT..
I am especially proud of my 20 years old analog soldering station.
@Jan-Gatzke said in Your workshop
my 20 years old analog soldering station
I have the exact same one!
However, it's not in use anymore
I just bought a new soldering iron for it last year. Had to google for days to find spare parts.
Im thinking about getting this thing, do you think it may be useful ?
@gohan That looks very much like the one that @AWI posted previously in the thread only with a nice case and a color display. The one he posted is quite a bit cheaper. I may get one myself and just 3D print a case for it. I can use your link for the 3D case design.
Just looked on ebay, and here is one a bit cheaper that comes with a basic case.
if you want the case it costs 10$. The one I posted it seems to have pretty much the same specs, but it can detect also IR and probably some more components. It also comes with a lithium battery instead of the classic 9V, color screen and the case looks much better
@gohan You are right. I just ordered the thing. With the case and the builtin battery it looks like a real tool. The price seems to be a promotion. Normal price is >30$.
You shoult by the way fix the link. Makes it easier for others to order it.I am looking for a soldering vise. Has anyone tested this one: ?
Fixed the link; anyway it is a recurring promotion because I have seen that price for quite a while
@gohan Then you can safely lean back and wait for my review.
nice wall decoration for a workshop
I didn't select the wallpaper....
@Jan-Gatzke I have this one:
It's able to hold all kinds of PCB sizes and can rotate easily.
Tip for soldering through-hole components from the back without them falling out:
Place all components on the top of the PCB and put a sponge or scotch-brite on top of them. Fix to the PCB with some rubber bands and swap the PCB to solder!
@Yveaux I saw that thing on Amazon. There was a review saying the brackets would melt easily when using hot air. Did you use this with hot air?
@Jan-Gatzke said in Your workshop
There was a review saying the brackets would melt easily when using hot air.
When you clamp a PCB in it only the edges are held by the plastic brackets.
Unless you are blowing directly on the edge of the PCB where it is held I can imagine this could be a problem, but then, why don't you shift or rotate the PCB to get away from the brackets?Did you use this with hot air?
@gohan Be aware that there are quite a few different versions around. The one I posted has a rotary encoder to select and operate the pwm and frequency functions. The perspex casing fits well with the rest of the nerdy testboxes I own (dummy load, power supply, a few function generators, frequencycounter ) All a lot of functionality for very little..
Aren't these devices basically Arduinos? It's written on the title atmega328. If so if we could get our hands on the code, we could make our own
Nice to see in what environment others spend their time.
There are a lot of electronic hobbyists out there! They have more (and more) stuff than coders.
I hope that bjornhallberg has a nice desk by now..
I noticed the many of you have an oscilloscope on their desk. What exactly do you use these for? There seems to be nothing under 200$ and I wonder if it is worth it.
There is also a cheap portable one under 100$, but it all depends how far you want to push yourself into electronics.
@Jan-Gatzke For MySensor I use it mostly for measuring response times and get a general idea of what is happening timewise. Especially if you have multiple event happening at the same time. Also for getting a grip on low power
it gives a lot of information which would be very hard to measure with any other instrument. (for my other hobby, analog audio design, I couldn't live without it. ;-))
A few considerations:
- It can be rather complicated using a scope in first instance. (a steep learning curve)
- Unless you are just curious and want to educate yourself I would strongly disencourage buying a cheap instrument. Better to study a few manuals of serious > €300 instruments, save a little and buy the thing you need (or can't resist). 10 years ago you had to put down > €1000 for something reasonable.
@AWI Troubleshooting power probolems with the nrf24 is a good example, thx. I think at the beginning it is more a nice to have than a must have. I am always curios for such things. Still I don't want to buy trash. I will read a bit and watch ebay for good offers. Thx for your explanation.
As i'm actually tidying up thing, i can show some pics where i spend some tinkering time.
I'm planning to renovate it, because i'm also missing place for my 3d printer and some others stuff.
There is a lathe and a drill but it's for quick hurry work, there is another room for more dirty mechanical stuff.. but i can't show you, it's dirty
My favorite tools :- my super mini TS100 solder iron. But if you ask me, for tiny SMD like DFN for instance, i prefer my Weller Magnastat with a 0.2mm tip. The tip is thinner even if i've bought the thinnest tip for the TS100.
- hacked Rigol Ds1054Z. Really worth the price!
- hacked T962 reflow oven. Very cool too (better for leaded solder though)
- smd books
- my magnifier of course!
for the rest, there are also great tools like power supply, a spectrum analyzer, generators..
My 1st 3d printer, i like it, works very well. I'm planning to build a new, bigger and enclosed one.Talking about soldering vise, i have this old tool i don't use it often, but when i need it, i'm happy to have it.
I'm pretty sure this is not hard to reproduce with some T-Slots and so onWhen you have a 3d printer, this thingiverse design can be helpful, for debugging stuff, or can be used for soldering but with care else plastic would melt.