nRF5 action!
By the way, any update as to when Nordic will be shipping final silicon on the nRF52840? Seems overdue. I just checked Digikey, and still all they have are the ancient PDK's.
@scalz said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
well, you should choose a better module than funky design modules.. just my opinion, for saving?? 2bucks!
Well I was about to complain about my limited choice on Arrow (others ask 75$ shipping
), but after checking (again) I see that Arrow now has the Fanstel modules, so I have no reason to complain anymore
Too bad the BT832F is not in stock, but BT832 at 4.6$ is great, with the XE version in the gateway to compensate the lower range.
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@scalz Well, what do you think he should use instead? Bare chips? That's not as easy to solder.
Frankly, I'm lazy answering to this question, same for technical stuff. sometimes I feel people miss what I'm trying to explain even if they haven't xp, and I keep repeating it... And the same for my designs, I'm wondering if it's worth the effort when i hear people trying to save 2-5bucks (not rewarding for time&money spent, not asking money btw), or want to reinvent cheaper&less quality variants (why not teamworking, not interested in infinite challenge, waste money&time) or complaining it's too hard to solder, did you read my many redondant advice in the forum, I don't handsolder tiny dfn, I reflow them, far far easier&quicker.
So that's settled, this is why I delayed my releases, until i change my mind, and I'm playing with software.
Sorry I don't want to look pedantic, not targeted against you especially, just tired@Nca78 cool
@scalz For comparison, I feel like the nRF24L01 is also pretty much a waste of time, given that better performing alternatives exist, and yet it's the most popular radio on the mysensors forum, possibly because it's so cheap and easy to wire up.
You have unusually high skills. A lot of people on this forum just want a list of throughole parts from Aliexpress that they can connect together using dupont wires. So, there's quite a range of skill levels. The biggest barrier I see is people not wanting to hand solder (let alone reflow) SMD parts onto a custom PCB. I think that's partly why the openhardware thing hasn't gotten much traction.
@scalz said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@scalz Well, what do you think he should use instead? Bare chips? That's not as easy to solder.
Frankly, I'm lazy answering to this question, same for technical stuff. sometimes I feel people miss what I'm trying to explain even if they haven't xp, and I keep repeating it... And the same for my designs, I'm wondering if it's worth the effort when i hear people trying to save 2-5bucks (not rewarding for time&money spent, not asking money btw), or want to reinvent cheaper&less quality variants (why not teamworking, not interested in infinite challenge, waste money&time) or complaining it's too hard to solder, did you read my many redondant advice in the forum, I don't handsolder tiny dfn, I reflow them, far far easier&quicker.
So that's settled, this is why I delayed my releases, until i change my mind, and I'm playing with software.
Sorry I don't want to look pedantic, not targeted against you especially, just tiredReflow is nice and easy when you know how to do it, but not everyone has the space and money for it, and is willing to spend the necessary time to learn how to do it well. You need oven (that you usually need to modify), you need to buy stencils, you need to buy solder paste and keep it fresh in a separate fridge if you don't want to intoxicate your family when putting it in the kitchen fridge, you need to test/tune the process etc etc It's not for everyone. I tried, I have bought a hotplate (oven is too big and too expensive) and hot air gun, I ordered stencils to make some tests, but I can't get decent quality solder paste. Local shops sold me stuff that was way too old, when it comes from AliExpress it's low quality and it spent weeks at 30+ degrees, at Arrows it's either 50-100$ (that will end mostly wasted because I have no space for dedicated fridge), unavailable (maker paste) or "hazmat" so only sent by ground meaning not available for me. Life is hard
About the price I dont think everyone is ready to sacrifice quality to save a few $, I see people buying NModule PCBs at 25$ or more through for example, when they could buy much cheaper when ordering directly. I don't think those people will cry if components on a board cost 15-20$ instead of 10-15 but offer better range or reliability, lower power consumption etc.
About the "funky modules", yes they are not high quality but they still do the job (and way better than atmega + nrf24 clone), and when I first bought them I had no good alternative to get such a compact module, I would have bought them even if more expensive because compact modules on AliExpress or Ebay were either much bigger or with chip antenna, Arrow only had a Rigado module with LGA pins and other reputable shops have rip off shipping costs. Now I see Fanstel modules nearly as small, with better quality, FCC registration, low EMI etc etc at Arrow it would be stupid to continue, so of course I will not buy them anymore and redesign my board for the Fanstel. And if I make it public then I can provide a reliable source for the module, everyone can order from them with no shipping costs and 100% reliability. Way worth the few extra $.
And it's not always about reinventing things, it's about making things yourself and learning, too. I want to learn about ARM processors, bluetooth etc so to avoid having to learn anything at the same time I leave the reflowing, antenna tuning etc aside at the moment and use modules. If in the middle of this process I make a board that people with basic soldering skills can make themselves then how is it negative ? Those who take the MySensors hobby seriously will still favor your board because of the top notch quality and components used, there will also be a bunch of people interested in the complete board, but I think it's also great if people with lower technical skills but thirst for DIY can have something, too, even if "lower quality". Of course that won't be my "22" board, that's why I was thinking about a "33" version with more space to put bigger components (big SMDs or sensor breakout boards) and extension via MySX connector. Not sure if I will ever make it, and I hope it's not part of what is making you lose your motivation to release AEOS, because I'm waiting for it and it would be a good occasion to retry reflow soldering
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
you need to buy solder paste and keep it fresh in a separate fridge if you don't want to intoxicate your family when putting it in the kitchen fridge
Yikes! I didn't know there was a risk of that happening.
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
you need to buy solder paste and keep it fresh in a separate fridge if you don't want to intoxicate your family when putting it in the kitchen fridge
Yikes! I didn't know there was a risk of that happening.
Well it's probably not a real problem, but I don't want to take risks with my 4yo chidren.
I do think a lot of people really underestimate the toxicity of getting solder paste onto their hands. I always use disposable neoprene gloves when handling it, and try to throw away anything that comes into contact with it. You definitely don't want to run the risk of unintentionally ingesting that stuff. AFAIK, the neurotoxicity is permanent damage.
By the way, I never got to the point where reflow was "nice and easy" with tiny pad chips. But that's just me. Operator error, I'm sure. It ended up taking so long to get a good outcome that I just decided it wasn't worth the time. Maybe I'll revisit it at a future date.
Anyway, everyone has their limits. I mean reflowing the gazillion tiny components on a HopeRF module, for instance. That doesn't look easy to me, even if I knew what I was doing.
@scalz Anyway, it's great that you are doing it. You're an inspiration for us all.
Here's the board settings that I use:
Like NeverDie I am also having some trouble getting started with the NRF5 programming.
Here is my setup:
The problem "No valid JTAG Interface Configured":
Did I miss some step to configure the J-Link somewhere?
I've always used the IDC connector. I'm not sure that it works if you don't.
@korttoma I have the same problem with the official jlink drivers. So I drag/drop the hex file from output directory to the Jlink drive at the moment.
that worked! thank you thank you thank you!
My first NFR5 node is ALIVE!
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
I've always used the IDC connector.
i.e. the 10-pin connector.
@neverdie thank you for pointing to the power problem. I had one jumper left for my adapter to connect GND to GND and "as usual" it had a contact problem, I just replaced it and I can see the module in nRFgo Studio, even without external power.
I've been using the Ebyte modules and I'm making progress. But somehow the energy consumption is far too much. 11,7 mA when I use a clean sketch with hwSleep().
When I change to "Normal" Sleep() I get 0.1mA.
which one should be the right one to use, keeping in mind, I would like to wake up from an interrupt.
@omemanti sleep. See for details.
@Mika what is your experience regarding battery consumption on these?
I put together a sketch witch seems to work fine but one CR2032 just lasts a couple of days.
/** * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice. * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes. * * Created by Henrik Ekblad <> * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB * Full contributor list: * * Documentation: * Support Forum: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * ******************************* */ // Enable debug prints to serial monitor //#define MY_DEBUG // Define a static node address, remove if you want auto address assignment //#define MY_NODE_ID 26 // Kök #define MY_NODE_ID 27 // Test device // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB #include <MySensors.h> #define SN "NRF5 Scene" #define SV "1.0" #define CHILD_ID_SCENE 1 // PIN for the buttons byte buttonOne = 28; //Bounce debouncer[NUMBUTTONS]; int buttonOneoldValue; // Pin definitions #define DIGITAL_INPUT_INT 28 // The digital input you attached your interrupt (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!) // Sensor messages MyMessage msgOn(CHILD_ID_SCENE, V_SCENE_ON); // Global settings uint16_t SceneOne = 0; uint16_t SceneTwo = 1; void blinkityBlink(uint8_t repetitions) { for (int x=0;x<repetitions;x++) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); wait(20); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); wait(100); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); wait(20); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); if (x<(repetitions-1)) { //skip waiting at the end of the final repetition wait(500); } } } /**************************************************** * * Setup code * ****************************************************/ void setup() { hwPinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT_D0H1); blinkityBlink(2); //signify power-up and start of operations NRF_CLOCK->INTENSET=B11; //enable interrupts for EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED and EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED NRF_CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTART=1; //start the high frequency crystal oscillator clock while (!(NRF_CLOCK->EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED)) {} //wait until high frequency crystal oscillator clock is up to speed and working hwPinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_INT, INPUT_PULLUP); /// Make input & enable pull-up resistors on switch pins hwPinMode(buttonOne, INPUT_PULLUP); buttonOneoldValue = -1; sendBattLevel(); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); //present the scene controller to gateway wait(10); present(CHILD_ID_SCENE, S_SCENE_CONTROLLER); wait(10); } /*********************************************** * * Main loop function * ***********************************************/ void loop() { // Check for button activity int value = digitalRead(buttonOne); if (value != buttonOneoldValue) { // Send in the new value if (value == LOW) { send(msgOn.set(SceneOne)); wait(20); send(msgOn.set(SceneTwo)); sendBattLevel(); } buttonOneoldValue = value; } sleep(digitalPinToInterrupt(DIGITAL_INPUT_INT), CHANGE, 0); } /******************************************** * * Sends battery information (battery percentage) * * Parameters * - force : Forces transmission of a value * *******************************************/ void sendBattLevel() { long vcc = hwCPUVoltage(); // Calculate percentage vcc = vcc - 1800; // subtract 1.9V from vcc, as this is the lowest voltage we will operate at long percent = vcc / 14.0; sendBatteryLevel(percent); }
I noticed that the chip sais:
1646UUQFAB translates to 16kB RAM, 128kB flash and I can not even select this option in the arduino IDE. Can this be the problem?
@d00616 refer to his document for some high current consumption issue but I'm not sure what to do with the info.
Is there something wrong with my sketch or is there just an old crappy chip on the device??
Same result, battery out within few days, I want to do a check of current consumption, but not yet free time...
I want to try this:
@korttoma have you tried the code @NeverDie put together using the LPCOMP ? With a QFAAH0 (which I believe is the same version than QFABC0, but with 256K flash) he went down to something like 4µA.
From the document you link, anomaly 70, it will be necessary to add an extra wait of 36us after that line, it's strange that @NeverDie never had any problem with it. Or maybe I misunderstand the documentvoid activateLpComp() { ... while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_READY)) {} //wait until ready ... }
Test code from @NeverDie using LPCOMP is here: will try it on my board (using a module with QFAAH0) tomorrow, if power consumption is as low as expected I'll try on the beacon board.
[Edit] Just checked quickly my "beacon" board and it's using a QFAAH1 chip (made in 2017), so the test might not be relevant...
I don't remember. I've lately been using LoRa modules, plus getting distracted by CNC, so my nRF5 work has been on hold. I'm hoping that d00616 continues to work on the software though so that more than one nRF5 interrupt can be active at a time.
@nca78 thanks for the hint.
I tried to merge my sketch with the code provided by @NeverDie but I can not seem to get it to detect my button and I don't quite understand where I should attach my button that is on pin 28 to the interrupt thingie.
Here is my code now:
//This sketch is applicable to Coincell Multisensor nRF51822, version 10 // Define a static node address, remove if you want auto address assignment //#define MY_NODE_ID 26 // Kök #define MY_NODE_ID 27 // Test device // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB #define SN "NRF5 Scene" #define SV "1.0" #define CHILD_ID_SCENE 1 //#define MY_CORE_ONLY #define IS_NRF51 //true iff the target is an nRF51. If an nRF52, then comment this line out! // PIN for the buttons byte buttonOne = 28; //Bounce debouncer[NUMBUTTONS]; int buttonOneoldValue; // Pin definitions //#define DIGITAL_INPUT_INT 28 // The digital input you attached your interrupt (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!) //#define I2C_INTERRUPT_PIN PIN_BUTTON1 //#define LEAK_DETECTION_PIN PIN_BUTTON1 #include <nrf.h> #include <MySensors.h> volatile bool button_pressed=false; // Sensor messages MyMessage msgOn(CHILD_ID_SCENE, V_SCENE_ON); // Global settings uint16_t SceneOne = 0; uint16_t SceneTwo = 1; void blinkityBlink(uint8_t pulses, uint8_t repetitions) { for (int x=0;x<repetitions;x++) { for (int i=0;i<pulses;i++) { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); wait(20); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); wait(100); } wait(500); } } void disableNfc() { //only applied to nRF52 #ifndef IS_NRF51 //Make pins 9 and 10 usable as GPIO pins. NRF_NFCT->TASKS_DISABLE=1; //disable NFC NRF_NVMC->CONFIG=1; // Write enable the UICR NRF_UICR->NFCPINS=0; //Make pins 9 and 10 usable as GPIO pins. NRF_NVMC->CONFIG=0; // Put the UICR back into read-only mode. #endif } void turnOffRadio() { NRF_RADIO->TASKS_DISABLE=1; while (!(NRF_RADIO->EVENTS_DISABLED)) {} //until radio is confirmed disabled } void turnOffUarte0() { #ifndef IS_NRF51 NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_STOPRX = 1; NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_STOPTX = 1; NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_SUSPEND = 1; NRF_UARTE0->ENABLE=0; //disable UART0 while (NRF_UARTE0->ENABLE!=0) {}; //wait until UART0 is confirmed disabled. #endif #ifdef IS_NRF51 NRF_UART0->TASKS_STOPRX = 1; NRF_UART0->TASKS_STOPTX = 1; NRF_UART0->TASKS_SUSPEND = 1; NRF_UART0->ENABLE=0; //disable UART0 while (NRF_UART0->ENABLE!=0) {}; //wait until UART0 is confirmed disabled. #endif } void turnOffAdc() { #ifndef IS_NRF51 if (NRF_SAADC->ENABLE) { //if enabled, then disable the SAADC NRF_SAADC->TASKS_STOP=1; while (NRF_SAADC->EVENTS_STOPPED) {} //wait until stopping of SAADC is confirmed NRF_SAADC->ENABLE=0; //disable the SAADC while (NRF_SAADC->ENABLE) {} //wait until the disable is confirmed } #endif } void turnOffHighFrequencyClock() { NRF_CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTOP = 1; while ((NRF_CLOCK->HFCLKSTAT) & 0x0100) {} //wait as long as HF clock is still running. } void mySleepPrepare() { turnOffHighFrequencyClock(); turnOffRadio(); turnOffUarte0(); } void activateLpComp() { //NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL=1; // monitor AIN1 (pin P0.03 on nRF52832 test board). //while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL==1)) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL=3; // monitor AIN3 (pin P0.02 on nRF51822 for coincell_multisensor_v10) while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL==3)) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->REFSEL=1; // choose 1/4 VDD as the reference voltage while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->REFSEL==1)) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->ANADETECT=1; //detect UP events. while (NRF_LPCOMP->ANADETECT!=1) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->INTENSET=B0100; //Enable interrupt for UP event while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->INTENSET==B0100)) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->ENABLE=1; //Enable LPCOMP while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->ENABLE==1)) {} //wait until confirmed NRF_LPCOMP->TASKS_START=1; //start the LPCOMP while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_READY)) {} //wait until ready NVIC_SetPriority(LPCOMP_IRQn, 15); NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(LPCOMP_IRQn); NVIC_EnableIRQ(LPCOMP_IRQn); } void suspendLpComp() { //suspend getting more interrupts from LPCOMP before the first interrupt can be handled if ((NRF_LPCOMP->ENABLE) && (NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_READY)) { //if LPCOMP is enabled NRF_LPCOMP->INTENCLR=B0100; //disable interrupt from LPCOMP while (NRF_LPCOMP->INTENCLR==B0100) {} //wait until confirmed } } void resumeLpComp() { //suspend getting interrupts from LPCOMP NRF_LPCOMP->INTENSET=B0100; //Enable interrupt for UP event while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->INTENSET==B0100)) {} //wait until confirmed } /**************************************************** * * Setup code * ****************************************************/ void setup() { hwInit(); hwPinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT_D0H1); disableNfc(); turnOffAdc(); activateLpComp(); blinkityBlink(2,1); //Signify end of setup with two quick pulses. mySleepPrepare(); button_pressed=false; //NRF_CLOCK->INTENSET=B11; //enable interrupts for EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED and EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED // NRF_CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTART=1; //start the high frequency crystal oscillator clock // while (!(NRF_CLOCK->EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED)) {} //wait until high frequency crystal oscillator clock is up to speed and working //hwPinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_INT, INPUT_PULLUP); /// Make input & enable pull-up resistors on switch pins hwPinMode(buttonOne, INPUT_PULLUP); //buttonOneoldValue = -1; //sendBattLevel(); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); //present the scene controller to gateway wait(10); present(CHILD_ID_SCENE, S_SCENE_CONTROLLER); wait(10); sendBattLevel(); } void sendBattLevel() { long vcc = hwCPUVoltage(); // Calculate percentage vcc = vcc - 1800; // subtract 1.9V from vcc, as this is the lowest voltage we will operate at long percent = vcc / 14.0; sendBatteryLevel(percent); } void loop() { sleep(10000); //sleep for 5 seconds. mySleepPrepare(); //An ounce of prevention: Turn-off HF clock, etc, ASAP to save power, just in case the library's sleep() routine resumed them. if (button_pressed) { //if a leak is detected suspendLpComp(); //suspend LPCOMP to prevent multiple interrupts //blinkityBlink(10,3); //blink a lot to show that a leak was detected. send(msgOn.set(SceneOne)); wait(20); send(msgOn.set(SceneTwo)); sendBattLevel(); button_pressed=false; //Clear the semaphore NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_UP=0; //Clear the semaphore resumeLpComp(); //operations of LPCOMP were suspended after detecting the LPCOMP iterrupt } else { blinkityBlink(1,1); //otherwise, just one short blink to indicate the wakeup was scheduled by the RTC } } // * Reset events and read back on nRF52 //* #if __CORTEX_M == 0x04 #define NRF5_RESET_EVENT(event) \ event = 0; \ (void)event #else #define NRF5_RESET_EVENT(event) event = 0 #endif // This must be in one line extern "C" { void LPCOMP_IRQHandler(void) {button_pressed=true; NRF5_RESET_EVENT(NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_UP); NRF_LPCOMP->EVENTS_UP=0; MY_HW_RTC->CC[0]=(MY_HW_RTC->COUNTER+2);}}
I thought that I should do it like this:
void activateLpComp() { NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL=28; // monitor AIN3 (pin P0.02 on nRF51822 for coincell_multisensor_v10) while (!(NRF_LPCOMP->PSEL==28)) {} //wait until confirmed
But then it does not seem to run the loop anymore because I do not get the 10s blink.
Guys, help me understand: when do I need to enable DC-DC?
My breakout board consists of Ebyte module and a couple of buttons. Battery is CR2450 directly connected to the module.
Do I need DC-DC?
@toyman With DC-DC, it uses roughly half the current during Tx and Rx. Seems like a no brainer to me, but you don't literally "need" to have it. I'm not aware of any downsides to it.
@neverdie thx. What is needed hardware-wise? Two inductors between dc and dec4? Like in your breakout board?
@toyman Correct. You can review the schematic for this project:
I guess this is why I cant get LPCOMP to work on the device.
Eight input options (AIN0 to AIN7)
I would have to use the analog inputs because pin 28 is just a general purpose I/O pin.
ebyte module is currently on sale at roughly $2.5
Total bargain!
@korttoma using MySensors NRF5 boards you should be able to assign one AINx pin to physical pin 28.
The index you need to put in the code is the AIN index not the pin number.
@nca78 sorry but I cannot figure out how to do this. Should I do it in the MyBoardNRF5.cpp, MyBoardNRF5.h or in the sketch?
@korttoma sorry I said stupid things as I'm a beginner too, you can't reassign analog inputs and LPCOMP to different pins on NRF5 chips.
@nca78 it is ok, I think I will have to set up a test system with a different device with witch I can measure current consumption, attach serial logging and then try to fiddle with the code. I'm flying in the dark with this bluetooth beacon device since I cannot access any pins.
@neverdie thx. Why don't you have a capacitor between DEC4 to GND? I can see only 2 inductors, while Nordic power guidelines prescribe an LC filter between DCC and DEC, ie inductors and a capacitor. nrf52dk also has it.
@toyman I guess I made an error then. Thanks for pointing that out. In general, I haven't gotten much feedback on the PCB's that I've posted, so any feedback is always appreciated.
@neverdie Question is, did the DC/DC still work without the cap?
@omemanti said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@neverdie Question is, did the DC/DC still work without the cap?
I believe it did. If you look at:
which has the inductors soldered on, I believe that is the one that I tested. Enough time has passed though that I can't be 100% sure now. I made a number of different variations, and I didn't post all of them.
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
nough time has passed though that I can't be 100% sure now. I made a number of different variations, and I didn't post all of them
I used your schematic for a PCB I ordered yesterday :), did saw the post about the cap until it was too late
part of the game!Edit: according to your post it did work
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
I will try it on my board (using a module with QFAAH0) tomorrow, if power consumption is as low as expected I'll try on the beacon board.
@NeverDie I have tried the sketch nearly unchanged (only changed to lines because I use pin P0.01 so AIN2) and my current consumption is a bit over 30uA, do you have any idea of what I should check ? (I tried with both versions 0.1 and 0.3 of MySensors NRF5 boards).
At the moment my board only has a led and a DRV5032FB (<<1uA) in addition to the nrf51 module.
Just to close the loop on DC-DC:
Figure 2
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
do you have any idea of what I should check ?
Have you tried disabling serial?
Unsure then.
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@NeverDie I have tried the sketch nearly unchanged (only changed to lines because I use pin P0.01 so AIN2) and my current consumption is a bit over 30uA, do you have any idea of what I should check ? (I tried with both versions 0.1 and 0.3 of MySensors NRF5 boards).
At the moment my board only has a led and a DRV5032FB (<<1uA) in addition to the nrf51 module.Ok, case closed, it was just because the SWD pins were still connected to my NRF52 DK. When I just connect VCC and GND it's down to something a bit below 5uA. I'm using a multimeter and DK is at 2.8V so real consumption will be a bit higher. But it should give me a battery life around 1year for my bedroom doors, so I'll just use my nrf51 modules for that and move to the more interesting nrf52.
@nca78 would you mind sharing your sketch files for your door sensors?
As I'm not a programmer and not so good at programing I usually rely on example code to get anything done. More examples gives me more understanding how things should be done.
@korttoma sure I will when I make them next week, I just tested with LFCOMP script from neverdie at the moment.
@neverdie said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@toyman I guess I made an error then. Thanks for pointing that out.
I actually think you were correct in your design, @NeverDie
A while ago part of the e73-2g4m04s schematic was posted on this forum:
Clearly the inductors to use the DC/DC converter are not connected to DCC. There is however a capacitor C17 from DEC4 to GND.
The Nordic reference schematic shows the missing L2 and L3, but capacitor C10 is actually present in the e73-2g4m04s (the mentioned C17, albeit only 100nF instead of 1.0uF in the reference):
Therefore I think your breakout is correct, as only the inductors between DCC and DEC4 need to be added to match the reference schematic
@korttoma said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@Mika what is your experience regarding battery consumption on these?
I put together a sketch witch seems to work fine but one CR2032 just lasts a couple of days.
I noticed that the chip sais:
1646UUQFAB translates to 16kB RAM, 128kB flash and I can not even select this option in the arduino IDE. Can this be the problem?
@d00616 refer to his document for some high current consumption issue but I'm not sure what to do with the info.
Is there something wrong with my sketch or is there just an old crappy chip on the device??
So I tried your code with a more recent version of the chip and I have a power consumption around 1mA.
This is not surprising because in fact issue 39 seems to not be completely fixed, if I believe this link:"The third revision hardware of the nRF51 has a solution for the GPIOTE OUT tasks, which has very low current consumption (<1uA). The third revision nRF51 hardware will be released in a few days. The third revision hardware still does not have a solution for the GPIOTE IN events, they still consume high current, so for low current applications, use the GPIOTE PORT event instead or the app_button libary."
From what I see it was never fixed.
I'm seeing a special offer for this at 2€ with coupon
Should i go ahead?
@gohan Gee, I don't know. Can you really afford $2.55?
I don't know if it is a good one and I already have a bunch of stuff I bought still in the drawer
@gohan For the price, it's good. I like Fanstel's better, but they have fewer exposed pins and cost more.
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
use the GPIOTE PORT event instead or the app_button libary.
Thanks again for pointing out a possible solution but again I do not know how. I will just have to be patient and wait for someone to post an example of how to use one of the methods you mentioned.
I have started to test a NRF51822
and I can upload to it with Arduino IDE but I want to use vim + platformio. And I think i'm quite close
When I ran platformio upload --target upload
GNU MCU Eclipse 64-bits Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00392-gbe9ef0b0 (2018-01-12-14:56) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read 0x4000 Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD adapter speed: 1000 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 1000 kHz, using 950 kHz Info : clock speed 950 kHz Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v17 API v2 SWIM v4 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748 Info : using stlink api v2 Info : Target voltage: 3.225841 Info : nrf51.cpu: hardware has 4 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0xc1000000 pc: 0x000021a4 msp: 0x20004000 ** Programming Started ** auto erase enabled Warn : Unknown device (HWID 0x000000d1) Warn : using fast async flash loader. This is currently supported Warn : only with ST-Link and CMSIS-DAP. If you have issues, add Warn : "set WORKAREASIZE 0" before sourcing nrf51.cfg/nrf52.cfg to disable it target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000001e msp: 0x20004000 wrote 33792 bytes from file .pioenvs/nrf51_dk/firmware.hex in 1.594509s (20.696 KiB/s) ** Programming Finished ** ** Verify Started ** target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000002e msp: 0x20004000 verified 32960 bytes in 0.236646s (136.015 KiB/s) ** Verified OK ** ** Resetting Target ** shutdown command invoked
and the output in Arduino IDE looks like:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-00254-g696fc0a (2016-04-09-12:07) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read debug_level: 0 0x4000 adapter speed: 1000 kHz nrf51.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0xc1000000 pc: 0x0000251c msp: 0x20004000 ** Programming Started ** auto erase enabled nrf51.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000001e msp: 0x20004000 wrote 31744 bytes from file /tmp/arduino_build_390477/Si7021_TemperatureNode_v007_voltage__version_7_board_.ino.hex in 1.500105s (20.665 KiB/s) ** Programming Finished ** ** Verify Started ** nrf51.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000002e msp: 0x20004000 verified 31580 bytes in 0.234860s (131.312 KiB/s) ** Verified OK ** ** Resetting Target ** shutdown command invoked
and my platfromio.ini looks like:
[env:nrf51_dk] platform = nordicnrf51 framework = arduino board = nrf51_dk upload_protocol = stlink
Should I modify the nrf51_dk.cfg or can anyone see whats the problem is?
What interface do you guys suggest for programming the nrf52832?
@korttoma said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
use the GPIOTE PORT event instead or the app_button libary.
Thanks again for pointing out a possible solution but again I do not know how. I will just have to be patient and wait for someone to post an example of how to use one of the methods you mentioned.
I'm trying to implement it right now, not really useful for me as I will only have one beacon board for which I will need it, but it's a good occasion to learn. I'll post my results here, but probably next week as I'll have short holidays
no hurry
@gohan you mean programmer? Nothing beats DK with jlink.
Other options: jlink EDU, DIY BlackMagicProbe or STLink
ok, I bought 2 of the nrf52 at half the price, now what would be the cheap solution among the programmers? Jlink is on the pricy side.
@gohan said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
ok, I bought 2 of the nrf52 at half the price, now what would be the cheap solution among the programmers? Jlink is on the pricy side.
Cheap jlink clones with 4 wires from AliExpress/Ebay seem to work. So does the ST-Link v2 which is probably the cheapest option.
I got kind of lost with all those jlink clones with so many different versions. The ST-Link V2 I found it on digikey and similar sites for around 18/19€, is it the right one?
@gohan I use both the ST-LinkV2 (2 dollars from eBay) and the NRF52832-DK both work like a charm.
@gohan LOL, i need to stop buying these things, got 12 just waiting to be used.. but at this price, its almost impossible to not buy them
@gohan said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
The ST-Link V2 I found it on digikey and similar sites for around 18/19€, is it the right one?
Don't do that. Either buy $2 clones or invest into DK or:
Is this one ok?
NRF52832-DK is kind of way over budget
@gohan sure, I bought some of those. Works great. One crashed so now I bought a couple, just to be sure..
@nca78 said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
So I tried your code with a more recent version of the chip and I have a power consumption around 1mA.
This is not surprising because in fact issue 39 seems to not be completely fixed, if I believe this link:"The third revision hardware of the nRF51 has a solution for the GPIOTE OUT tasks, which has very low current consumption (<1uA). The third revision nRF51 hardware will be released in a few days. The third revision hardware still does not have a solution for the GPIOTE IN events, they still consume high current, so for low current applications, use the GPIOTE PORT event instead or the app_button libary."
From what I see it was never fixed.
Took time but after failure trying to make a version by myself I decided to include app_gpiote library from SDK in my script and it works, it's using around 1uA more than LPCOMP (I measure 5.5 uA with my multimeter) but it can use any pin and in theory any number of pins without increasing power consumption.
The behavior is similar to pin change interrupt on ATMega328, you have one interrupt for all the pins you are watching, so you have to check which pin generated the interrupt but app_gpiote is preparing the work for you.
I have this consumption with a similar script than @Neverdie for LPCOMP: using MySensors with MY_CORE_ONLY, preparing the interrupt then calling the sleep(ms) function from MySensors library, and it works as expected changing status of led immediately when I change status of pin, and waking up at the end of the interval if I don't.
I'll do more tests tomorrow including a full MySensors script, and post the info here. It needs a bunch of files from SDK and adding a (weak) attribute to GPIOTE_IRQHandler() in sandeepmistry's code so it can be overridden in the script.
@omemanti said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
I bought some of those. Works great
Do you use them with windows?
I tried to get them to program an nrf52832, but openocd in Arduino ide under windows doesn't detect them...
Both stlinks work in Linux.
@yveaux I have used a ST-Link v2 (clone) on Windows 7, didn't run into any problems.
@mfalkvidd from the arduino ide? Did you follow any guide or remember specific settings?
@yveaux yes from the Arduino IDE. I just followed this guide.
I did follow as well (for a non-MySensors use case). Not sure which one I did first.
@mfalkvidd hmmm... No specific mention of any st-link stuff to configure. Must be me then
I just wanted to try some ST-links I ordered.
Ah well, I'll give it another try and otherwise go back to my j-link, which works flawlessly.Thanks anyway!
@yveaux jup, both work on Windows . I had to install the right drivers using zadig.
I only use the Arduino IDE for uploading, just select the st-link and it works.
@omemanti ok, thanks for the feedback. I'll give that a try then
@omemanti yup, installed WinUSB driver with Zadig and worked instantly! Thanks again!
@yveaux I have messed with some SDR dongles and might have installed WinUSB with Zadig earlier to get the SDR to work.
@mfalkvidd yeah, now you tell me
So I made a version of script with MySensors library, it's not a final version and needs some cleaning and improvements but it seems to work well (I didn't test so much yet :)) and shows basic usage. Comments should be enough to understand what to change to adapt to your board. Current script is for my board:
- BUTTON_1 on pin 1, it's a hall sensor for door so no pullup and sensing on up=>down and down=>up changes
- BUTTON_2 on pin 3, push button with pullup and debouncing, sensing only on up=>down when button is pressed. At the moment it just makes some light blinking to show it's detected.
- led on pin 2.
I join the main script file and the MyBoardNRF5 files, for using with MyBoardNRF5 nrf51822. Files to include are described in the main script file, but don't forget to add a weak attribute in the WInterrupt.c file before the GPIOTE_IRQHandler so it can be overridden.
__attribute__ ((weak)) void GPIOTE_IRQHandler()
On my Windows PC this file is in C:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\sandeepmistry\hardware\nRF5\0.5.1\cores\nRF5
Main script file:
// Include app_gpiote and related files from NRF5 SDK 12 extern "C" { #include "app_gpiote.h" #include "nrf_gpio.h" #include "app_error.h" } // Files to include from SDK: // app_error_weak.h + .c // app_gpiote.h + .c // app_util.h // nordic_common.h // nrf_error.h // nrf_gpio.h // sdk_errors.h // app_error.h + .c // for this last one (c file) I decided to stop the endless list of includes so I commented the following includes: // #include "sdk_errors.h", #include "nrf_log.h", #include "nrf_log_ctrl.h" lines #include <nrf.h> #define IS_NRF51 //true if the target is an nRF51. If an nRF52, then comment this line out! #define APP_GPIOTE_MAX_USERS 1 // max users for app_gpiote, we only use one #define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB #define MY_NODE_ID 60 // To avoid getting a new ID at each flashing of the sensors... #include <MySensors.h> // variables for app_gpiote calls uint32_t err_code; static app_gpiote_user_id_t m_gpiote_user_id; uint32_t PIN_BUTTON1_MASK; // Mask for PIN_BUTTON1 input uint32_t PIN_BUTTON2_MASK; // Mask for PIN_BUTTON2 input // defines variables for MySensors #define SN "22Board Door Basic" #define SV "0.2" // Sensor messages #define CHILD_ID_DOOR 1 MyMessage doorMsg(CHILD_ID_DOOR, V_TRIPPED); bool last_sent_value; bool door_status; long last_button2_event = 0; // Cause of interrupt volatile byte interrupt_cause = 0; // Settings to avoid killing coin cell in case of connection problem #define MY_TRANSPORT_WAIT_READY_MS 10000 #define MY_SLEEP_TRANSPORT_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS 5000 // Battery settings #define BATTERY_ALERT_LEVEL 30 // (%) Will triple blink after sending data if battery is equal or below this level // Parameters for VCC measurement #define BATTERY_VCC_MIN 2400 // Minimum expected Vcc level, in milliVolts. #define BATTERY_VCC_MAX 2900 // Maximum expected Vcc level, in milliVolts. // This a a coefficient to fix the imprecision of measurement of the battery voltage #define BATTERY_COEF 1000.0f // (reported voltage / voltage) * 1000 uint16_t currentBatteryPercent; uint16_t lastBatteryPercent = -1; // Enables/disables sleeps between sendings to optimize for CR2032 or similar coin cell #define USE_COIN_CELL // Called before initialization of the library void before() { hwPinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT_D0H1); blinkityBlink(2, 3); } // Setup node void setup(void) { //Configure button pins as inputs nrf_gpio_cfg_input(PIN_BUTTON1, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL); nrf_gpio_cfg_input(PIN_BUTTON2, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP); APP_GPIOTE_INIT(APP_GPIOTE_MAX_USERS); //Only initialize once. Increase value of APP_GPIOTE_MAX_USERS if needed // Initialize value of pin (for DRV5032 hall sensor HIGH = no magnet nearby = door opened); door_status = digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON1); last_sent_value = !door_status; // so we always send value in first loop // Registers user and pins we are "watching" // gpiote_event_handler is handler called by interrupt, see method below PIN_BUTTON1_MASK = 1 << PIN_BUTTON1; // Set mask, will be used for registration and interrupt handler PIN_BUTTON2_MASK = 1 << PIN_BUTTON2; // Set mask, will be used for registration and interrupt handler // app_gpiote_user_register(p_user_id, pins_low_to_high_mask, pins_high_to_low_mask, event_handler) // to have no trigger for high=>low or low=>high change on your button, pass 0 instead // here I check PIN_BUTTON1 on both low=>high and high=>low changes and PIN_BUTTON2 only on high=>low change when someone presses the button err_code = app_gpiote_user_register(&m_gpiote_user_id, PIN_BUTTON1_MASK, PIN_BUTTON1_MASK | PIN_BUTTON2_MASK, gpiote_event_handler); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // will reset if user registration fails // Enable SENSE and interrupt err_code = app_gpiote_user_enable(m_gpiote_user_id); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); // will reset if SENSE enabling fails // initialize last event for button2 debounce last_button2_event = millis(); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo(SN, SV); present(CHILD_ID_DOOR, S_DOOR); } // Sleep between sendings to preserve coin cell // if not using button cell just make sure the #define USE_COIN_CELL is commented at the beginning of the sketch and it will do nothing void sleepForCoinCell() { #ifdef USE_COIN_CELL sleep(400); #endif } // main loop void loop(void) { // for sending battery level at first run if (lastBatteryPercent < 0) { sendBatteryStatus(); sleepForCoinCell(); } if (interrupt_cause == PIN_BUTTON1) { // if door status changed, we send door message if (door_status != last_sent_value) { sendDoorStatus(); } } else if (interrupt_cause == PIN_BUTTON2) { if (millis() < last_button2_event || (millis() - last_button2_event > 100)) { last_button2_event = millis(); blinkityBlink(2, 3); // not so useful, just for testing :) } } else { // end of sleeping period, we send battery level sendBatteryStatus(); } // Low battery warning or confirm status of door if (lastBatteryPercent < BATTERY_ALERT_LEVEL) { blinkityBlink(3, 1); } else { blinkityBlink((last_sent_value == true ? 2 : 1), 1); } // Go to sleep mySleepPrepare(); interrupt_cause = 0; // reset interrupt cause sleep(300000); } void sendDoorStatus() { send(doorMsg.set(door_status)); last_sent_value = door_status; } #define CHILD_ID_VOLT 254 MyMessage voltMsg(CHILD_ID_VOLT, V_VOLTAGE); void sendBatteryStatus() { uint16_t batteryVoltage = hwCPUVoltage(); if (batteryVoltage > BATTERY_VCC_MAX) { currentBatteryPercent = 100; } else if (batteryVoltage < BATTERY_VCC_MIN) { currentBatteryPercent = 0; } else { currentBatteryPercent = (100 * (batteryVoltage - BATTERY_VCC_MIN)) / (BATTERY_VCC_MAX - BATTERY_VCC_MIN); } if (currentBatteryPercent != lastBatteryPercent) { sendBatteryLevel(currentBatteryPercent); lastBatteryPercent = currentBatteryPercent; } } // "Interrupt handler" // not real handler, but call inside handler to void gpiote_event_handler(uint32_t event_pins_low_to_high, uint32_t event_pins_high_to_low) { MY_HW_RTC->CC[0] = (MY_HW_RTC->COUNTER + 2); // Taken from d0016 example code, ends the sleep delay if ((PIN_BUTTON1_MASK & event_pins_low_to_high) || (PIN_BUTTON1_MASK & event_pins_high_to_low)) { interrupt_cause = PIN_BUTTON1; door_status = !door_status; } else if ((PIN_BUTTON2_MASK & event_pins_low_to_high) || (PIN_BUTTON2_MASK & event_pins_high_to_low)) { interrupt_cause = PIN_BUTTON2; } } /** Utility functions for NRF51/52, from nerverdie's code here */ void disableNfc() { //only applied to nRF52 #ifndef IS_NRF51 //Make pins 9 and 10 usable as GPIO pins. NRF_NFCT->TASKS_DISABLE = 1; //disable NFC NRF_NVMC->CONFIG = 1; // Write enable the UICR NRF_UICR->NFCPINS = 0; //Make pins 9 and 10 usable as GPIO pins. NRF_NVMC->CONFIG = 0; // Put the UICR back into read-only mode. #endif } void turnOffRadio() { NRF_RADIO->TASKS_DISABLE = 1; while (!(NRF_RADIO->EVENTS_DISABLED)) {} //until radio is confirmed disabled } void turnOffUarte0() { #ifndef IS_NRF51 NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_STOPRX = 1; NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_STOPTX = 1; NRF_UARTE0->TASKS_SUSPEND = 1; NRF_UARTE0->ENABLE = 0; //disable UART0 while (NRF_UARTE0->ENABLE != 0) {}; //wait until UART0 is confirmed disabled. #endif #ifdef IS_NRF51 NRF_UART0->TASKS_STOPRX = 1; NRF_UART0->TASKS_STOPTX = 1; NRF_UART0->TASKS_SUSPEND = 1; NRF_UART0->ENABLE = 0; //disable UART0 while (NRF_UART0->ENABLE != 0) {}; //wait until UART0 is confirmed disabled. #endif } void turnOffAdc() { #ifndef IS_NRF51 if (NRF_SAADC->ENABLE) { //if enabled, then disable the SAADC NRF_SAADC->TASKS_STOP = 1; while (NRF_SAADC->EVENTS_STOPPED) {} //wait until stopping of SAADC is confirmed NRF_SAADC->ENABLE = 0; //disable the SAADC while (NRF_SAADC->ENABLE) {} //wait until the disable is confirmed } #endif } void turnOffHighFrequencyClock() { NRF_CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTOP = 1; while ((NRF_CLOCK->HFCLKSTAT) & 0x0100) {} //wait as long as HF clock is still running. } void mySleepPrepare() { turnOffHighFrequencyClock(); turnOffRadio(); turnOffUarte0(); } void blinkityBlink(uint8_t pulses, uint8_t repetitions) { for (int x = 0; x < repetitions; x++) { // wait only in case there's been a previous blink if (x > 0) { sleep(500); } for (int i = 0; i < pulses; i++) { // wait only in case there's been a previous blink if (i > 0) { sleep(100); } digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); wait(20); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } } }
/* If you don't use an nRF5 board, you can ignore this file. This file was part of the "My Sensors nRF5 Boards" board repository available at If you have questions, please refer the documentation at first. This file is compatible with ArduinoHwNRF5 >= 0.2.0 This file allows you to change the pins of internal hardware, like the serial port, SPI bus or Wire bus. All pins referenced here are mapped via the "g_ADigitalPinMap" Array defined in "MyBoardNRF5.cpp" to pins of the MCU. As an example, if you have at the third position in "g_ADigitalPinMap" the 12, then all ports referenced in Arduino with 2 are mapped to P0.12. If you don't change the "g_ADigitalPinMap" Array, the Arduino pins 0..31 are translated to P0.00..P0..31. ########################################################################### This file is compatible with ArduinoHwNRF5 > 0.1.0 Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Arduino LLC. All right reserved. Copyright (c) 2016 Sandeep Mistry. All right reserved. Copyright (c) 2017 Sensnology AB. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _MYBOARDNRF5_H_ #define _MYBOARDNRF5_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // __cplusplus // Number of pins defined in PinDescription array #define PINS_COUNT (32u) #define NUM_DIGITAL_PINS (32u) #define NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS (8u) #define NUM_ANALOG_OUTPUTS (8u) /* * LEDs * * This is optional * * With My Sensors, you can use * hwPinMode() instead of pinMode() * hwPinMode() allows to use advanced modes like OUTPUT_H0H1 to drive LEDs. * * */ #define PIN_LED1 (2) // #define PIN_LED2 (25) // #define PIN_LED3 (26) // #define PIN_LED4 (27) // #define PIN_LED5 (12) // #define PIN_LED6 (14) // #define PIN_LED7 (15) // #define PIN_LED8 (16) // #define USER_LED (PIN_LED2) // #define RED_LED (PIN_LED3) // #define GREEN_LED (PIN_LED4) // #define BLUE_LED (PIN_LED1) // #define BLE_LED BLUE_LED #define LED_BUILTIN PIN_LED1 /* * Buttons * * This is optional */ #define PIN_BUTTON1 (1) #define PIN_BUTTON2 (3) // #define PIN_BUTTON3 (5) // #define PIN_BUTTON4 (6) // #define PIN_BUTTON5 (7) // #define PIN_BUTTON6 (8) // #define PIN_BUTTON7 (9) // #define PIN_BUTTON8 (10) /* * Analog ports * * If you change g_APinDescription, replace PIN_AIN0 with * port numbers mapped by the g_APinDescription Array. * You can add PIN_AIN0 to the g_APinDescription Array if * you want provide analog ports MCU independed, you can add * PIN_AIN0..PIN_AIN7 to your custom g_APinDescription Array * defined in MyBoardNRF5.cpp */ /* static const uint8_t A0 = ADC_A0; static const uint8_t A1 = ADC_A1; static const uint8_t A2 = ADC_A2; static const uint8_t A3 = ADC_A3; static const uint8_t A4 = ADC_A4; static const uint8_t A5 = ADC_A5; static const uint8_t A6 = ADC_A6; static const uint8_t A7 = ADC_A7; */ /* * Serial interfaces * * RX and TX are required. * If you have no serial port, use unused pins * CTS and RTS are optional. */ #define PIN_SERIAL_RX (29) #define PIN_SERIAL_TX (28) // #define PIN_SERIAL_CTS (13) // #define PIN_SERIAL_RTS (14) /* * SPI Interfaces * * This is optional * * If SPI is defined MISO, MOSI, SCK are required * SS is optional and can be used in your sketch. */ #define SPI_INTERFACES_COUNT 0 #define PIN_SPI_MISO (6) #define PIN_SPI_MOSI (3) #define PIN_SPI_SCK (4) #define PIN_SPI_SS (5) static const uint8_t SS = PIN_SPI_SS; static const uint8_t MOSI = PIN_SPI_MOSI; static const uint8_t MISO = PIN_SPI_MISO; static const uint8_t SCK = PIN_SPI_SCK; /* * Wire Interfaces * * This is optional */ #define WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT 1 #define PIN_WIRE_SDA (9u) #define PIN_WIRE_SCL (10u) /* #define PIN_WIRE_SDA1 (15u) #define PIN_WIRE_SCL1 (16u) */ static const uint8_t SDA = PIN_WIRE_SDA; static const uint8_t SCL = PIN_WIRE_SCL; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
/* If you don't use an nRF5 board, you can ignore this file. This file was part of the "My Sensors nRF5 Boards" board repository available at If you have questions, please refer the documentation at first. This file is compatible with ArduinoHwNRF5 >= 0.2.0 This file allows you to change the relation between pins referenced in the Arduino IDE (0..31) and pins of the nRF5 MCU (P0.00..P0.31). If you can live with addressing the GPIO pins by using the Arduino pins 0..31 instead of a custom mapping, don't change this file. If you have a lot of Arduino code with fixed pin numbers and you need to map these pins to specific pins of the nRF5 MCU; you need to change this file. If you fill the "g_APinDescription" Array with numbers between 0..31, the Arduino pins 0..31 are assigned to pins P0.00..P0.31 of the MCU. As an example, if you need to change the pin mapping for Arduino pin 5 to P0.12 of the MCU, you have to write the 12 after PORT0 into the sixth position in the "g_APinDescription" Array. The extended attributes only affects the nRF5 variants provided with official Arduino boards. The arduino-nrf5 variant ignores the extended attributes. The pin mapping effects commands like "pinMode()", "digitalWrite()", "analogRead()" and "analogWrite()". If you change the pin mapping, you have to modify the pins in "MyBoardNRF5.h". Especially the analog pin mapping must be replaced with your pin numbers by replacing PIN_AIN0..7 with a number of your mapping array. You can use the constants PIN_AIN0..7 in the "g_APinDescription" Array if you want to reference analog ports MCU independent. You cannot use the pins P0.00 and P0.01 for GPIO, when the 32kHz crystal is connected. ########################################################################### Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Arduino LLC. All right reserved. Copyright (c) 2016 Arduino Srl. All right reserved. Copyright (c) 2017 Sensnology AB. All right reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef MYBOARDNRF5 #include <variant.h> /* * Pins descriptions. Attributes are ignored by arduino-nrf5 variant. * Definition taken from Arduino Primo Core with ordered ports */ const PinDescription g_APinDescription[]= { { PORT0, 0, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM0, NOT_ON_TIMER}, // AREF0 ADC/LPCOMP reference input 0 { PORT0, 1, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A2, PWM1, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 2, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A3, PWM2, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 3, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A4, PWM3, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 4, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A5, PWM4, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 5, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A6, PWM5, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 6, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A7, PWM6, NOT_ON_TIMER}, // AREF1 ADC/LPCOMP reference input 1 { PORT0, 7, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM7, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 8, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM8, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 9, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM9, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 10, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM10, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 11, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, PWM11, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 12, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 13, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 14, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 15, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 16, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 17, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 18, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 19, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 20, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 21, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 22, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 23, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 24, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 25, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 26, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A0, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 27, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), ADC_A1, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 28, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER}, { PORT0, 29, PIO_DIGITAL, (PIN_ATTR_DIGITAL|PIN_ATTR_PWM), No_ADC_Channel, NOT_ON_PWM, NOT_ON_TIMER} }; // Don't remove this line #include <compat_pin_mapping.h> #endif
I'm struggling to get my EByte NRF52 to work. I'm on a mac, so it should be easy..
I installed the two boards in the Arduino IDE. I carefully soldered some wires on it, and connected it to my ST-Link V2:
gnd ->gnd (in the corner)
3.3v -> vcc (in the same corner)
SWDCLK -> SWDCLKDownloaded the example app with three files in one folder (like the post above this one)
- Main file
- MyBoardNRF5.h
- MyBoardNRF5.cpp
In Arduino I set things up:
- Board: "MyBoardNRF5 NRF52832"
- Reset: "don't enable"
- Bootloader/SD: "none"
- Low frequency clock: "RC Oscilator" (tried others too)
- Port: none
- Programmer: ST-Link V2
Then I try "sketch -> upload via programmer"
I tried to 'wipe' the chip by clicking "tools -> burn bootloader"I always get:
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-gdc53227 (2016-04-09-13:45) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read debug_level: 2 0x4000 Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD adapter speed: 10000 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 10000 kHz, using 4000 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 10000 kHz, using 4000 kHz Info : clock speed 4000 kHz Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v19 API v2 SWIM v4 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748 Info : using stlink api v2 Info : Target voltage: 3.242857 Info : nrf52.cpu: hardware has 0 breakpoints, 2 watchpoints Error: timed out while waiting for target halted TARGET: nrf52.cpu - Not halted in procedure 'program' in procedure 'reset' called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 478 in procedure 'ocd_bouncer' embedded:startup.tcl:454: Error: ** Unable to reset target ** in procedure 'program' in procedure 'program_error' called at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 479 at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 454 the selected serial port at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 454 does not exist or your board is not connected
I found loads of things online and in this thread.
- Could it be some kind of security bit that needs to be erased?
- I also suspect I have not connected it properly? Does the board have a power / indicator LED that should light up when its connected to power? Nothing lights up currently..
- Does the STLink V2 not provide enough power?
- I replaced the wires. Same problem.
@alowhum said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
STLink V2
I can't comment on the STLink V2, but if using a JTAG, you want to power the module independently from the programmer, because the programmer is meant to sense the voltage there more than to supply it. Maybe worth a try? Looking back, I've often thought it may be the reason why my early attempts with the STlink V2 failed. At least it's something you can look into while you wait for the cavalry to come rescue you.
Also, not sure as to whether running on a Mac is a good idea.
W00t! Hurray! Nevermind. I just tried my other module, and that one worked fine!
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0-dev-gdc53227 (2016-04-09-13:45) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read debug_level: 2 0x4000 Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD adapter speed: 10000 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 10000 kHz, using 4000 kHz Info : Unable to match requested speed 10000 kHz, using 4000 kHz Info : clock speed 4000 kHz Info : STLINK v2 JTAG v19 API v2 SWIM v4 VID 0x0483 PID 0x3748 Info : using stlink api v2 Info : Target voltage: 3.239128 Info : nrf52.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints nrf52.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0xfffffffe msp: 0xfffffffc ** Programming Started ** auto erase enabled Info : nRF51822-QFN48(build code: B00) 512kB Flash Warn : using fast async flash loader. This is currently supported Warn : only with ST-Link and CMSIS-DAP. If you have issues, add Warn : "set WORKAREASIZE 0" before sourcing nrf51.cfg to disable it nrf52.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000001e msp: 0xfffffffc wrote 4096 bytes from file /var/folders/pg/bjymtmv12dv77vh__zxyvs600000gn/T/arduino_build_362545/MyBoardNRF5.ino.hex in 0.215516s (18.560 KiB/s) ** Programming Finished ** ** Verify Started ** nrf52.cpu: target state: halted target halted due to breakpoint, current mode: Thread xPSR: 0x61000000 pc: 0x2000002e msp: 0xfffffffc verified 2768 bytes in 0.065170s (41.478 KiB/s) ** Verified OK ** ** Resetting Target ** shutdown command invoked
I had to do "burn bootloader" once to remove the security. And then it worked!
Hmm "reset enable" is still turned on. What does that do exactly?
Glad you found the breakout board useful. I hesitated to post it, thinking it might be too "easy," and it never did get many likes.
@neverdie: yes very useful! I was thinking I should buy some, and wanted to explore which ones could be bought without a credit card (Europe..).
Perhaps you can entice some Chinese manuafacturer to put create a lot of them and then sell them on Aliexpress
@neverdie I think these are your design? Bought some when I was ordering some other stuff from Pcbway but haven't gotten around to using them yet.
Yup. Those little boards are really quite handy.
Thanks for the photo!
Nice indeed. I was just about to order some of those breakouts after receiving 4 Ebyte modules (€8 total).
But just to make sure (I didn't read the complete thread...), the capacitors for DEC1, DEC3 and DEC4 are already present on the Ebyte module, so no need to add these on your breakout, @NeverDie ?
No need to add anything not already on the board.
You could add some inductors for dcdc mode
@omemanti Yes I will. This is a long thread to catch up ;-), but I did find that the latest revision of the breakout added room for the inductors to use the DCDC mode.
I guess it takes some more reading & doing to get the firmware loaded on those Ebyte modules, but as others did that already I'm confident that that will be ok!
It will be my first nRF52 application.
I'm working on a gesture sensor connected to a Fanstell BT832 via I2C. It is a Sparkfun APDS9960 breakout I have had lying around for a while. Unfortunately I can't get my sketch to compile. It gives 'Wire' was not declared in this scope.
Wire.h is included in the library and in the sketch. I'm using MyBoardNRF5 for an NRF52832. Using Arduino 1.8.3 on Windows 10.
There is a wire library in:
Which I think is the one that this sketch should be using.
Usually I can sort out the compile errors, but this one has me stumped.
Anyone have any suggestions?
@nagelc if you turn on "show verbose output during compilation+upload" in File->preferences you should get output telling which library the Arduino IDE has chosen.
The following sketch:#define MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB #include <Wire.h> #include <MySensors.h> void setup() { } void loop() { }
Gives this result for me:
Using library Wire at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\Micke\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\sandeepmistry\hardware\nRF5\0.5.1\libraries\Wire Using library MySensors at version 2.3.0-alpha in folder: R:\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors
@mfalkvidd Thanks. The verbose settings show it using the sandeepmistry library.
Wire.h works fine when I include it in my sketch. There is something about the way it is called in the Sparkfun library that fails to compile. I'll keep poking at it.
Duh . . . Found the problem!
I had left WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT defined as 0 in MyBoardNRF5.h
It has to be #defined to 1 or more, or the sandeepmistry library doesn't extern Wire.
I looked at the SDA and SCL pin definitions in MyBoardNRF5.h, but missed setting the define for how many I2C interfaces were to be used.
Change #define WIRE_INTERFACES_COUNT 1. Now it compiles as expected.
This might be a silly question, but: there there a number of NRF5 smart watches available on Aliexpress, like this one. Would it theoretically be possible to turn that into a MySensors smart watch? If you had access to the programming pins, for example?
@alowhum Usurping control of it by uploading code wouldn't be difficult, assuming access to the programming pins. However, taking control of the screen and making good use of it might be difficult
yes it's doable, maybe not for those who are not smd friendly. And once opened it should be less waterproof
@alowhum there is a whole "movement" of people who are trying to reprogram them. Key issue is openability (how hard is to open it)
The last easily openable watches are based on nrf51822, but the good thing is that programming pins are easily accesable and even marked SWD/SCLCK.
Search Ali for ID107HR and google for "roger clark smartwatch"
I am yet to find a watch that would be both nrf52 based AND easily openable
Mark is a fantastic guy
@toyman said in nRF5 Bluetooth action!:
"roger clark smartwatch"
Seems like there is hope then of accessing the screen after all. On it says: "Display: 0.49 inch OLED display (64×32 pixels) which uses the SSD1306 display controller"