Nice one! This is a project im working on as well... what kind of IC did you use for the smoke detector? I guess its an optical detector one since you have a smokechamber.
@alexsh1 said:
The only downside is (1) price and (2) it cannot be used with batteries
For these factors alone, the Figaro looks very appetizing.
@yveaux said in Ikea Molgan Hack:
@magpern the instructions on state that the Molgan must be battery powered while programming:
Well, then I can confirm that you don't have to power the Molgan from batteries just for programming. Burning the bootloader works fine with just power from the ISP port and programming it through FTDI works fine if power comes from the FTDI.
What I found wierd is that the atmega328 had power, the radio had power, it wrote debug messages to the FTDI - when powered through the FTDI, it send radio messages etc, but it just did not receive messages.
Messages where not received until I supplied power to the + / - pads (battery pads).
I did read the instructions on, but I didn't follow then to the t.
Hey guys,
I was justing wondering, is there a way to deactivate the motion sensor if not being used? Eg: My motion sensors are connected to Homeseer and they show up as sensors but I was wondering if I could have an ON / OFF control to deactivate or active the motion as needed.