Mini battery sensor
I was inspired by the project "Minimal design thoughts" and i made my version, without 32Khz crystal, EPROM and security
The result
I have no experience with write bootloader. Without crystal.
Please help my start my project
I want use Optiboot bootloader
Best regards from MajorDomo project users
You need to set the correct fuses for your board, in order to get it to run at 8Mhz, use the following site to calculate the correct settings:
(I've set the fuse bits that I see as the optimal settings)
Next you need to program your bootloader into the device, find a copy of optiboot, and compile it for atmega328_pro8 profile which should provide a hex file that you can program to your device, using an available ISP programmer, with avrdude (or whatever tool you like to use).
Sensor ready work. (I have not valid binary Optiboot)